Combustible Gas Controller

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Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

CA-2100 Combustible Gas Ccontroller (BUS-Type)


1. Ad>anced 3-+ technolog0 2. 3ax. ca acit0 of s0ste.4 12( channels ,. 1or2 in atrol t0 e '. =our $+S signal out uts4 -ositi>e 8er.inal, Fegati>e 8er.inal, Co..unication Line LA, Co..unication Line L$ ). &eal-ti.e gas concentration dis la0 E. $right LC7 dis la0, touch ad 2e0!oard #. &eal-ti.e cloc2, wor2s continuousl0 e>en out of ower (. 8he function of G $lac2 $oxH can store old alar. re orts. *t can 2ee wor2ing e>en no ower B. 3ain source and !ac2-u ower exchange auto.aticall0 to su ort ower to !ac2-u !atter0 10. Accidental alar. re ort is in reference to de>ice fault0 indicator

11. Should use with our fixed ro!e "CA-21#A-$% 12. &S'() *ndustrial field $+S with lightning rotection 1,. -rinter out ut can rint out alar. / fault infor.ation of s0ste. 1'. CA-2100 -L+S is the enhanced .odel of CA-2100

1or2ing 3ethod4 Auto.atic -atrol 5ut ut 6oltage4 7C2'6)A "Su l0 -ower to 8he -ro!e 9CA-21#A-$% Co..unication *nterface4 &S'() 1or2ing 6oltage4 AC2206/)0:; 8rans.ission 7istance4 <1000 . =unction4 3ulti-le>el Alar. Sa. le &ate4 <( Channels/Second 3ax. Ca acit0 of S0ste.4 12( Channels 7is la0 3ethod4 Concentration 7is la0, S ecific -assage 7is la0 -assage 8a2es -riorit0 7is la0 Error4 <?-)@ 1or2ing En>iron.ent4 8e.-10@A?)0@ &: ,0@-B)@ 7is la0 =unction4 LC7 7is la0 -rinting 5ut ut4 5 tional $ac2-u -ower S0ste.4 2 7C1262.,A: Controller 5ut ut4 Switch Signal "$inar0 Signal% 1eight4 A!out 102g Controller Si;e4 )00.."Length%C,)0.."1idth%C110"8hic2ness%.. -erfor.ance Standards4 D$1E(0(-1BB#/D$1E(0(-200(

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

CA-21!A-B Fi"e# Combustible Gas $etector% &robe

1. Ado t ad>anced i. orted catal0tic co.!ustion sensor 2. &elia!le, sensiti>e and long erfor.ance life ,. :igh resistance to oison, good distur!- roof against te. erature and hu.idit0 '. Auto.atic ;ero cali!ration can a>oid long-ter. ;ero drift caused !0 .easure.ent error ). Concentration signal out ut E. 5>er-current rotection, Anti- olarit0 rotection #. &S'() co..unication interface can use with our CA-2100 series of controllers (. Sco e of wor2ing >oltage4 7C106A7C,06 B. CA-21#A -L+S is the enhanced .odel of CA-21#A-$


7etection -rinci le4 Catal0tic Co.!ustion 7etection 3ethod4 7iffused A lica!le Das4 Co.!usti!le Dases 1or2ing 3ethod4 Continuous 1or2ing 7etection Sco e4 0A100@LEL &es ond 8i.e4 <I1)S 7etection Error4 <?-,@LEL En>iron.ent 8e. erature4 -'0A?#0 &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@-B)@ 5ut ut Signal4 Concentration 7igital Signal 1or2ing 6oltage4 7C106A7C,06 Sensor Life S an4 , Jears 8rans.ission 7istance4 <1000. 5 eration -ressure4 "(E-10E% 2-a Features 7etector Si;e4 1)(C1,0CB,.. 3-+ technolog0 Ex losion- roof Le>el4 1. Ad>anced Exd ** C8E 2. 3ax. ca acit0 of s0ste.4 ' channels Connection 8hread 4 1/2D *nner 8hread ,. 1or2 in atrol t0 e 1eight4 12g $+S signal out uts4 '. =our Co..unication4 &S'() -ositi>e8er.inal,Fegati>e8er.inal, -erfor.ance Standards4 Co..unication D$,(,E.1-2000 Line LA, D$,(,E.2-2000 Co..unication D$1),22.1-200, Line L$


). =our- assage concentration real-ti.e disla0 E. $right LC7 dis la0 #. &eal-ti.e cloc2, wor2s continuousl0 e>en out of ower (. Accidental alar. re ort is in reference to de>ice fault0 indicator B. Should use with our fixed ro!e "CA-21#A-$% Combustible Gas Controller (BUS-Type) 10. &S'() *ndustrial field $+S with lightning rotection

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.


1or2ing 3ethod4 Auto.atic -atrol 7C2'6K1A "Su l0 -ower to 8he -ro!e 9CA-21#A-$% 5ut ut 6oltage4 Co..unication *nterface4 &S'() 1or2ing 6oltage4 AC2206/)0:; 8rans.ission 7istance4 <1000 . =unction4 2 Le>el 5ut ut Sa. le &ate4 <' Channels/Second 3ax. Ca acit0 of S0ste.4 ' Channels 7is la0 3ethod4 =our- assage Concentration &eal-ti.e 7isla0 7is la0 Error4 <?-)@ 1or2ing En>iron.ent4 8e.-10@A?)0@ &: ,0@-B)@ 1eight4 A!out ,2g Controller Si;e4 ,)0.."Length%C2,0.."1idth%C(0"8hic2ness%.. -erfor.ance Standards4 D$1E(0(-1BB#/D$1E(0(-200( Features
1. Ad>anced 3-+ technolog0 2. 3ax. ca acit0 of s0ste.4 1E channels ,. 1or2 in atrol t0 e '. =our $+S signal out uts4 -ositi>e8er.inal,Fegati>e8er.inal, Co..unication Line LA, Co..unication Line L$ ). &eal-ti.e concentration disla0 circularl0 E. $right LC7 dis la0, touch ad 2e0!oard #. &eal-ti.e cloc2, wor2s continuousl0 e>en out of ower (. Accidental alar. re ort is in reference to de>ice fault0 indicator B. Should use with our fixed ro!e "CA-21#A-$% Combustible Gas Ccontroller (BUS-Type) 10. &S'() *ndustrial field $+S with lightning rotection


Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.


1or2ing 3ethod4 Auto.atic -atrol 7C2'6K,A "Su l0 -ower to 8he -ro!e 9CA-21#A-$% 5ut ut 6oltage4 Co..unication *nterface4 &S'() 1or2ing 6oltage4 AC2206/)0:; 8rans.ission 7istance4 <1000 . =unction4 2 Le>el 5ut ut Sa. le &ate4 <( Channels/Second 3ax. Ca acit0 of S0ste.4 1E Channels Concentration 7is la0, S ecific -assage 7is la0 7is la0 3ethod4 -assage 8a2es -riorit0

7is la0 Error4 1or2ing En>iron.ent4 7is la0 =unction4 1eight4 Controller Si;e4

<?-)@ 8e.-10@A?)0@ &: ,0@-B)@ LC7 7is la0 A!out ,2g ,)0.."Length%C2,0.."1idth%C(0"8hic2ness%..

-erfor.ance Standards4 D$1E(0(-1BB#/D$1E(0(-200(

CA-2100A Combustible Gas Ccontroller (Sub-(inear Type)

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

1. Ad>anced 3-+ technolog0 2. 3ax. ca acit0 of s0ste.4 2 channels ,. 1or2 in atrol t0 e '.Standard trans.ission signal of '-20.A4 -ositi>e8er.inal,Fegati>e8er.inal, Signal Line *5 ). 8hree digitals dis la0 gas concentration L four digitals dis la0 ti.e. E. Alar. =unction4 2 le>el out utL Low Alar.4 10@-2)@LEL "adMusta!le% L :igh Alar.4 2E@-BB@LEL "adMusta!le% #. &eal-ti.e cloc2, wor2s continuousl0 e>en out of ower (. Zero adMusta!le function B. Should use with our fixed ro!e "CA-21#A-7%


1or2ing 3ethod4 Auto.atic -atrol 7C2'6K)00.A "Su l0 -ower to 8he -ro!e 9CA-21#A-$% 5ut ut 6oltage4 Co..unication *nterface4 '-20.A Standard Signal 1or2ing 6oltage4 AC2206/)0:; 8rans.ission 7istance4 <I1000 . =unction4 2 Le>el 5ut ut Sa. le &ate4 <' Channels/Second 3ax. Ca acit0 of S0ste.4 2 Channels 7is la0 3ethod4 7igital 8u!e 7is la0 rotationall0 7is la0 Error4 <?-)@ 1or2ing En>iron.ent4 8e.-10@A?)0@ &: ,0@-B)@ 7is la0 =unction4 LC7 7is la0 1eight4 A!out 2.)2g Features Controller Si;e4 2B0..C210..C().. 1. Ado t ad>anced i. orted catal0tic co.!ustion sensor Connection 8hread 4 1/2D *nner 8hread and long erfor.ance life 2. &elia!le, sensiti>e :igh resistance to good distur!roof against -erfor.ance Standards4,. D$1E(0(-1BB# /oison, D$1E(0(-200( te. erature and hu.idit0 '. Auto.atic ;ero cali!ration can a>oid long-ter. ;ero drift caused !0 .easure.ent error ). Concentration signal out ut E. 5>er-current rotection, Anti- olarit0 rotection #. '-20.A co..unication interface can use with our CA-21!A-$ Fi"e# Combustible Gas $etector% &robe CA-2100A or CA-2100= controllers (. Sco e of wor2ing >oltage4 7C206A7C,06

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.


7etection -rinci le4 Catal0tic Co.!ustion 7etection 3ethod4 7iffused A lica!le Das4 Co.!usti!le Dases 1or2ing 3ethod4 Continuous 1or2ing 7etection Sco e4 0A100@LEL &es ond 8i.e4 <I,0S 7etection Error4 <?-,@LEL En>iron.ent 8e. erature4 -'0A?#0 &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@-B)@ 5ut ut Signal4 Concentration 7igital Signal 1or2ing 6oltage4 7C206A7C,06 Sensor Life S an4 , Jears 8rans.ission 7istance4 <I1000. 5 eration -ressure4 "(E-10E% 2-a 7etector Si;e4 1)(C1,0CB,.. Ex losion- roof Le>el4 Exd ** C8E Connection 8hread 4 1/2D *nner 8hread 1eight4 12g Co..unication4 '-20.A Standard Current -erfor.ance Standards4 D$,(,E.1-2000D$,(,E.2-2000D$1),22.1-200,

Controller (Tray)ounte# 2. 3ax. ca acit0 of s0ste.4 2 channels Type) CA-2100C Combustible Gas Alarm
,. 1or2 in atrol t0 e '.Standard trans.ission signal of '-20.A4 -ositi>e8er.inal,Fegati>e8er.inal, Signal Line *5 ). =our grou s of (-seg.ent LC7 dis la0 the gas concentration 1. Ad>anced 3-+ technolog0

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

CA-2100C E. 8wo le>els alar.ing4 8he first le>el4 1)@LEL "adMusta!le 10@-2)@%L the second le>el4 )0 @LEL " adMusta!le 2E@-BB@ #. Each le>el out ut rela0 switch signal de endentl0 (. E>er0 out ut 7C2'6 ulse signal B. A!le to return to ;ero, 10. Should use with our fixed ro!e "CA-21#A-7%

1or2ing 3ethod4 Auto.atic -atrol 7C126K)00.A "Su l0 -ower to 8he -ro!e 9CA-21#A-$% 5ut ut 6oltage4 Co..unication *nterface4 '-20.A Standard Signal 1or2ing 6oltage4 AC2206/)0:; 8rans.ission 7istance4 <I1000 . =unction4 2 Le>el 5ut ut Sa. le &ate4 <' Channels/Second 3ax. Ca acit0 of S0ste.4 2 Channels 7is la0 3ethod4 7igital 8u!e 7is la0 rotationall0 7is la0 Error4 <?-)@ Features 1or2ing En>iron.ent4 8e.-10@A?)0@ &: ,0@-B)@ 1. Ad>anced 3-+ technolog0 1eight4 A!out 1.)2g 2. Low ower consu. tion Controller Si;e4 2E0..C(0..C1E0.. ,. Sensiti>e and a!le to reture to ;ero -erfor.ance Standards4 D$1E(0(-1BB# /D$1E(0(-200( self-re air '. =ull-function self-test and ). $atter0 >oltage low alar. E. Alar. oint is adMusta!le 1@-)0@LEL

#.Zero auto.atic adMust function, Nuic2 and con>enient

(. *ntrinsicall0 safe a


CA-2100* &ortable Combustible Gas $etector

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

7etection Sco e4 -rotection Le>el44 7is la0 3old4 1or2 En>iron.ent 0@A100@LEL *-)' 7igital 8e.4-20 A?E0 :u.<B) @

&:"Fon-condensing% -ower Su 1eight &e-Charge 8i.e 7etector 7i.ension 1or2ing 8i.e l0 7C'.(6 Fi-3: $atter0 2,00 .Ah A!out ,)0g (hA10h 1. Ado t i. orted catal0tic co.!ustion sensor )20..O(0..O,(.. Features
2. A!le to detect co.!usti!le gases under high te. erature condition

,.&elia!le, sensiti>e and long erfor.ance life

'. Excellent anti- oison erfor.ance and owerful anti-

(h-12h "su!Mect to the ca change interference a!ilit0.of freNuenc0%

CA-21!A-+($G,) *i-.-temperature Fi"e#

). Auto.atic ;ero cali!ration can a>oid long-ter. ;ero drift caused !0 .easure.ent error E. Concentration signal out ut #. 5>er-current Gas rotection, anti- olarit0 rotection Combustible $etector% &robe (. '-20.A standard AC or concentration digital out ut , a!le to wor2 with our gas controller CA-2100A or CA- 2100= B. -ower su l0 range4 7C206A7C,06

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.


7etection -rinci le4 Catal0tic Co.!ustion 7etection 3ethod4 7iffused A lica!le Das4 Co.!usti!le Dases 1or2ing 3ethod4 Continuous 1or2ing 7etection Sco e4 0A100@LEL &es ond 8i.e4 <I,0S 7etection Error4 <?-,@LEL En>iron.ent 8e. erature4 -,0A?220 "Sensor% &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@-B)@ Concentration 7igital Signal / Electric Current Loo Signal 5ut ut Signal4 1or2ing 6oltage4 7C206A7C,06 Sensor Life S an4 2 Jears "under circu.stances% 8rans.ission 7istance4 <I1000. 5 eration -ressure4 "(E-10E% 2-a 7etector Si;e4 1)(C1,0CB,.. Ex losion- roof Le>el4 Exd ** C8E Connection 8hread 4 1/2D *nner 8hread 1eight4 12g Co..unication4 '-20.A StandardFeatures Current 1.7etection Das4 .anufactured gas "h0drogen%, -erfor.ance Standards4 D$,(,E.1-2000 D$,(,E.2-2000 D$1),22.1-200,

CA-/01$-$22 Combustible

natural gas, liNuefied etroleu. gas "L-D% 2. Excellent sensor, sta!le and long-life, excellent oil s.o2e resistant erfor.ance Gas $etector ,it. 3obot *an# ,. Alar. 5ut ut4 sound light alar., net-wor2 signal , ro!ot hand signal out ut '. Strong torsional force, ca a!le of switching off solenoid >al>e auto.aticall0 or .anuall0 ). Suita!le for 7F1) 7F20 -i eline-gas glo!e >al>e E. 3aterial of Shell4 A$S, electrostatic resistance surface

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.


Alar. Concentration4 :0drogen412)A#)0C10 -EFatural Das41-2)@LEL LiNuefied -etroleu. Das41A2)@LEL -ower Su l04 AC2206/)0:; R)1

-ower 3onitoring4

5 eration Condition4 8e. erature4-100CA?)00C &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@AB) @" Fon-condensing% &es ond 8i.e4 &eco>er0 8i.e4 R20 S R20 S

8i.e of ShutSoff the 6al>e 4< I1)S 8orNue4 7i.ension4 ,02g.c. 8he 7etector4 1')O(0O)0 .. 8he 6al>e4 110O110O() ..

,all )ounte# Combustible Gas $etector CA-/01$-B 4et5or6in-Features

1. 7etection Das4 .anufactured gas "h0drogen%, natural gas, liNuefied etroleu. gas "L-D% 2. Excellent sensor, sta!le and long-life, excellent oil s.o2e resistant erfor.ance ,. Alar. 5ut ut4 >isual light and audio alar., solenoid >al>e signal, net-wor2 signal out ut '. 3aterial of Shell4 A$S, electrostatic resistance surface

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.


CA-/01$-C 4et5or6in- Ceilin- Combustible Gas $etector

1.7etection Das4 .anufactured gas "h0drogen%, natural gas 2.Excellent sensor, sta!le and long-life, excellent oil s.o2e resistant erfor.ance ,. Alar. 5ut ut4 >isual light and audio alar., solenoid >al>e signal, net-wor2 signal out ut '. 3aterial of Shell4 A$S, electrostatic resistance surface


)o#el Alar. Concentration4 -ower Su l04 -ower 3onitoring4 5 eration Condition4 &es ond 8i.e4 &eco>er0 8i.e4 7etector Si;e CA-/01$-B CA-/01$-C :0drogen412)A#)0C10-EFatural Das41-2)@LEL LiNuefied -etroleu. Das41A2)@LEL 7C126-7C2'6 7C126-7C2'6 R11 R11 8e. erature4-100CA?)00C &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@AB) @ R20 S R20 S B0C)EC1(.. T100C)0..

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

CA-/01$-$2%CA-/01$ 7n#epen#ent Combustible Gas $etector

1. 7etection Das4 .anufactured gas "h0drogen%, natural gas, liNuefied etroleu. gas "L-D% 2. Excellent sensor, sta!le and long-life, excellent oil s.o2e resistant erfor.ance ,. Alar. 5ut ut4 >isual light and audio alar., solenoid >al>e signal, net-wor2 signal out ut '. 3aterial of Shell4 A$S, electrostatic resistance surface

)o#el Alar. Concentration4 -ower Su l04 -ower 3onitoring4 5 eration Condition4 &es ond 8i.e4 &eco>er0 8i.e4 7etector Si;e CA-/01$ :0drogen412)A#)0C10-EFatural Das41-2)@LEL LiNuefied -etroleu. Das41A2)@LEL AC2206/)0:; R'1 8e. erature4-100CA?)00C &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@AB) @" Fon-condensing% R20 S R20 S 1,0O(0O)0 "..%

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

CA-/08A 7n#epen#ent Gas $etector 5it. ('$ $isplay


1. 7etection Das4 .anufactured gas "h0drogen%, natural gas, liNuefied etroleu. gas "L-D% 2. Excellent *. orted sensor, sta!le and long-life, excellent oil s.o2e resistant erfor.ance ,. Alar. 5ut ut4 Led 7is la0 >isual light and audio alar., solenoid >al>e signal, net-wor2 signal out ut '. 3aterial of Shell4 A$S, electrostatic resistance surface

)o#el Alar. Concentration4 -ower Su l04 -ower 3onitoring4 5 eration Condition4 7is la0 &ange CA-/08A :0drogen412)A#)0C10-EFatural Das41-2)@LEL LiNuefied -etroleu. Das41A2)@LEL AC2206/)0:;"AdMusta!le% R'1 8e. erature4-100CA?)00C &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@AB) @" Fon-condensing% 1@LEL---100@LEL

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

&es ond 8i.e4 &eco>er0 8i.e4 7etector Si;e R20 S R20 S 1,0O(0O)0 "..%

CA-C*1000 Carbon )ono"i#e $etector


1.+se i. orted, relia!le,sensiti>e and long erfor.ance life electroche.ical sensor. 2.Su er!right LE7 7is la0 ,.=our le>el su!-alar.. '.Audi!le and 6isual alar. ).-orta!ilit0,Safet0,&elia!le E.Eas0 installation and .aintenancel"1all .ounted% #.Low-!atter0 warning

1.7etection -rinci le4 Electroche.ical cell 2.7is la04 Su er!right LE7 7is la0 ,.-ower light4 Dreen LE7 flashes once e>er0 ,0 seconds ,.Low-!atter0 warning '. Alar. 7ensit04 +nderE) ., Alar.s Fot Acti>ate #0 .-1)0 ., Alar.s 1ithin E0A1(B .inutes 1)0-'00 ., Alar.s 1ithin 10A)0 .inutes '00 .-#00 .,Alar.s 1ithin 'A1) .inutes #00 .-(00 .,Alar.s 1ithin 2AE .inutes

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

(00 .,Alar.s *..ediatel0 ).5 erating 6oltage4 B6 $atter0 E.$u;;er out ut4 U() 7$ at ,. #.5 eration Condition4 8e. erature4-10A?)0 &elati>e :u.idit04 ,0@AB) @ (.&es onse 8ti.e4 R ,0s B.Stand!0 Current4 <20 V A 10.Alar. Current4 <20 .A 11.C5 sensiti>it0 .eets4 +L20,' 12.8est facilit04 Jes 1,.Self Chec2 =unction4 Jes 1'.7i.ensions4 1,0O(0O'E "..% 1).1eight40.')2g

Solenoi# 9al:e % 'lectronicma-netic 9al:e

A lica!le Das4 Fatural Das, L-D, 3anufactured Das $rass Allo0/ Alu.iniu. F$& &u!!er -100CA?)00C 1a0 of Switch off 7C -ulse 7ri>e/ 3anual 7ri>ing 6oltage 7ri>e Current 8i.e off 6al>e 7CB6A7C126 "-ulse% 1A " ulse% <1S

3aterial of 6al>e Sealing 3aterial A.!ient

Zhuhai Chuangan Electronic Co., Ltd.

8e. erature 3ax 1or2ing -ressure Connection )0 2-a GD 1/2 G1/2D -i e 8hread Connection in line with *S5# / 1 Standard Ex losion--roof Ex. ** 8E 3ar24 1a0 of Switch on 3anual

Address4 Fo.1-',2 2nd =loor Fo. B, ZiQin &oad, Oiang;hou 7istrict, Zhuhai, Duangdong -ro>ince, China

8el4 0#)E-21#2,() 0#)E-21#2,() =ax 40#)E-21#2,(E 1e! Site4 htt 4//caat..en.ali!a! htt 4// E-.ail4

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