Sacred Heart

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Sacred Heart

Your heart is your own sacred central point, the point from which all energy is created through. It is indeed a great source. When you are aware of a pure sacred centre, your heart is full of love, forgiveness and compassion - you become Light. The Heart Is Your Higher Intelligence The heart center is the true source of human power. Acts of judgment, which divides and repels, will shut the door of the heart behind you. If you would make the heart strong, you must first learn to perceive with blamelessness, accept, and forgive. Healing the heart Your mission is to continue to heal, to teach, to love and most of all, to forgive. For you must release the energy of blame that is resting on your heart at this time. For you are indeed holding the energy of blame for self and others; unless you release that blame, you will go down the path of isolation once again. Your soul came here to stay in balance, to stay in compassion, to stay in relationship to the world and to heal your heart. This is your mission. The greatest act of love you can give yourself is to let go of old behavior, actions, pain and hurt. For in doing so you honor yourself, through your sacred centre. Heart centre There are two 'parts' of the heart center. The third dimensional heart and the higher heart containing the Diamond Light of God, Source. How to activate the Diamond Light you all hold within?. The answer is very simple. You must begin to feel, to operate through your heart center. Come out of your head, out of your mind which often dissects your thoughts, actions and overshadows your heart feelings.

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