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Educational Leader Professional Growth Plan for Jake Schroeder

Goal Statement & Implementation Relationship of Goal to Strategies/Action ISSL Steps/Timeline

I will work to see problems as opportunities for growth and development. (Selfactualizing) I need to a make a point to do the things I enjoy. Find ways to make even the most mundane or unpleasant tasks fun


Specific Outcomes/Achievements

Techniques for Gathering Evidence

Constant selfassessment is needed. Need to ask myself if I am truly enjoying what I am doing.

Involve others Attend Professional development conferences related to interests perhaps Social Studies

Look for opportunities where I can use my skills to the greatest potential. I need to not be as hard on myself and begin to recognize the strengths that others see in me. Develop an interest in something that is not work-related. New hobbies or activities

I will work to not become impatient and irritable when things dont go my way. (Power)

Diaphragmatic Mentor, spouse breathing exercise 2 and peer / 3 times per week. feedback. Delegate and allow others to share ownership of projects Book: Anger Kills: Seventeen Strategies for Controlling the Hostility That Can Harm Your Health.

My actions, related to power, might be causing others to perceive me differently than I see myself. I know this gap exists because I can become impatient and irritable when things dont go my way. I need to involve and trust others. I need to delegate more tasks to others and not try to take on all of the work to prevent myself from being let down.

Self-assessment Monitor heath Ask others / listen more Record myself & tape conversations for objective review

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