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Part 6 Chapter 8-13

Sam Hafften & Chayla Badger

Chapter 8: Tromped: Verb: To tramp or trample Ex) The boy tromped to his room after getting grounded. Chapter 9: Exalted: Adj: Raised or elevated, as in rank or character Ex) The bidding escalated as the auction reached its exalted end. Chapter 10: Meager: Adj: Lacking fullness or richness OR having little flesh; lean; thin ex) The meager boys were hungry after getting lost in the woods.

Chapter 11: Flivver:Noun: small, inexpensive automobile ex) The flivver broke down. Chapter 12: Filched: Verb:steal something of small value ex)The customer accidently filched a pen she was borrowing. Chapter 13: Mangled:Verb: Injure severely, disfigure ex) After going for a hike barefoot, our feet were sore and mangled.

Chapter 8
After the guards were finished rehearsing John Coffey's execution, Paul met with John in his cell. John had said, "I'm rightly tired of the pain I hear and feel, boss." Meaning that John Coffey wants to die. Paul was relieved to hear John say that, for he would have felt terrible if he would have executed an innocent man.

Chapter 8 Cont.
John then starts to show Paul what happened to the twin girls, and how he remembered that Wharton was the murderer. John forgot that he had seen Wharton leave the girls; he remembered when Wharton had touched him through the cell bars. John then showed Paul why the twins did not scream. Wharton had threatened, "If you make noise, it's your sister I kill, not you.";they did not scream because of their love for one another. As Paul leaves, he realizes that he can hear Brutal's thoughts Although it was faint, he could hear Brutal trying to spell r-e-c-e-i-v-e

Chapter 9
This chapter is the night of John's execution. Hal Moores is going to leave before the execution occurs. Moores wonders how so much good and evil can be in one man; Coffey murdered the twins, or so Moores thought, but also cured his wife. now is the time for the execution and John states that he had a dream earlier that day. He dreamt that Mr. Jingles had made to MouseVille and the Detterick twins and other children were there laughing at his tricks.

Chapter 9 Cont.
Paul then prays with John and as he finishes, John decided he wants to say a prayer of his own that he learned, but does not remember who taught him. His Prayer, "Baby Jesus, meek and mild,pray for me, an orphan child. Be my strength, be my friend, be with me until the end. Amen" John then helps Paul up to his feet.

Chapter 10
There was about 14 witnesses for John's execution. Klaus and Marjorie Detterick were sitting in the front row. As john made his way to "Old Sparky", he could feel the hate from the witnesses. Marjorie Detterick started yelling nasty comments; this obviously hurt John. When it came turn for John to speak he said, " I'm sorry for what I am." and to this Mrs. Detterick replied, "You Ought to be!" Then as Brutal started to put the mask on, John cried about being scared of the dark and asked to not put it on. Paul nodded at Brutal, to say it was okay to keep it off. After the sponge was on, Paul waited for Brutal to speak, but it was obvious he was not going to. Paul then finished by saying, "Roll on two."

Chapter 10 Cont.
as John was being electrocuted, three hanging lights had blown out, which made Mrs. Detterick faint.
In March Mr. Detterick had a stroke and died. Brutal died of a heart attack 25 years later; according to his sister he was eating a fish sandwich and watching wrestling. Harry had died in 1982 around the age of 80 from some sort of intestinal cancer. Dean Stanton transferred to C block and a prisoner stabbed him in the throat with a shank. Mrs. Detterick died in Memphis 18 years later in a trolleycar accident.

Chapter 11
When Paul arrives home, he is walking up the stairs and grief washes over him. He remember the first night John spent at the prison and how he asked if they could leave a light on at night. Paul then sits down and weeps. Janice comes out and comforts Paul. She then helps him up and offers him coffee, this reminds him of when John helped him up after they prayed.

Chapter 12
Elaine Connelly, Paul's friend in Georgia Pines, has finished reading most of Paul's book and it has brought tears to her eyes. She then takes the ending of the book and finishes reading. She finds out that Paul is 104 by reading the book and realizing he has 2 children. they then meet up at the croquet court at four. Before they meet up, Paul sees Brad Dolan leave.

Chapter 12 cont.
When Elaine and Paul eventually meet up, Elaine asks what happened to Melly, Hal Moores wife. Melly died of a heart attack and lived about 2 years longer than Hal. Hal had died of a stroke around Pearl Harbor Day. Elaine asks about Janice, but Paul is not ready to answer that question. He is never able to tell Elaine about Janice because she died quietly in her sleep of a heart attack.

Chapter 12 cont.
Paul then takes Elaine to a little shed. inside the shed was a cigar box, which Mr.Jingles has been living. Paul states that one day he found Mr. Jingles on the kitchen steps. Paul then takes out the spool of thread to show Elaine his tricks. Brad Dolan comes in and finds them and Paul thinks he is going to squish Mr. Jingles. Paul then turns around and finds Mr.Jingles has stopped breathing. Paul and Elaine bury Mr.Jingles

Chapter 13
In 1956 Paul and Jan's third grandchild, Tessa, was graduating from the University of Florida. Jan was complaining about her old camera while they were in Birmingham, Alabama in a bus on there way to see Tessa graduate. It was raining when the bus went sideways and then was hit broadside by a truck that was hauling fertilizer. The bus split into two and the part with the diesel tank exploded. There were 73 people on the bus, but only

Chapter 13
After the accident, Paul cannot find Jan. He finally finds her and she is still alive, but she is trembling all over. Paul starts to scream for help and then he thinks he sees John Coffey, so he starts to scream his name. It turned out to be shadows that Paul was seeing, not John. Jan then died in Pauls arms, she was only 59. Paul wonders why John was there to save everybody else, but not his wife. He realized that John had saved him too.

Chapter 13
Paul has never gotten sick again after John cured his urinary infection. The only thing that ever happened was in 1956, when Paul passed a gallstone. Paul then claims that John had electrocuted him with life in 1932.Paul does suffer from something, insomnia. Paul is unable to fall asleep and this is the time he thinks of the past and everything he has gone through.

1) What did John dream about on the day of his execution?
2) How many witnesses were at Johns execution? 3)What were John's final words? 4)How many lights burned out as John was being executed? 5)What was Brutal doing when he died of a heart attack? 6) How did Dean Stanton die? 7)How old is Paul? 8)who was in the shed that Paul takes Elaine to? 9)What was Jan complaining about before the accident? 10)Paul states that he has been healthy since John cured his urinary infection, but what is the one thing that Paul suffers from?

1) Mr. Jingles was at MouseVille and the Detterick twins and other children were there laughing at his tricks.
2)About 14 3)I'm sorry for what I am. 4)three 5)eating and watching wrestling 6)He was stabbed in the throat by a prisoner 7)104 8)Mr. Jingles

9) Her camera

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