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Story This is a story about Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Sister frog, rother frog, a!d aby frog" It #as hot$%ery, %ery hot, a!d Daddy frog #e!t &um', &um', &um' a!d sat o! a (eaf i! the 'o!d" Mummy frog #as hot$%ery, %ery hot"
A*tio!s -oi!t to the 'i*tures as you !ame the frogs

.i'e your forehead, a!d ma/e )hot, gestures" -oi!t to the 'i*tures of Daddy frog a!d s0uat do#! beside the 'o!d" 1um' three times a!d sit o! the (eaf i! the 'o!d"

-oi!t to Mummy frog, s0uat by the 'o!d a!d ma/e )hot, gestures" -oi!t to Daddy frog, retur! to the (eaf, a!d be*/o! to Mummy frog" -oi!t to Mummy frog, s0uat by the 'o!d, a!d &um' three times to sit o! the (eaf by Daddy frog" -oi!t to Sister frog, s0uat by the 'o!d a!d ma/e )hot, gestures" -oi!t to Mummy frog, retur! to the (eaf, a!d be*/o! to Sister frog" -oi!t to Sister frog, s0uat by the 'o!d, a!d &um' three times to sit o! the (eaf by Mummy frog" -oi!t to rother frog, s0uat by the 'o!d a!d ma/e )hot, gestures" -oi!t to Sister frog, retur! to the (eaf, a!d be*/o! to rother frog" -oi!t to rother frog, s0uat by the 'o!d, a!d &um' three times to sit o! the (eaf by Sister frog" -oi!t to aby frog, s0uat by the 'o!d a!d ma/e )hot, gestures" -oi!t to rother frog, retur! to the (eaf, a!d be*/o! to aby frog" -oi!t to aby frog, s0uat by the 'o!d, a!d &um' three times to sit o! the (eaf by rother frog" Start to mo%e ba*/#ards a!d for#ards as if you #ere (osi!g your ba(a!*e a!d fa(( i!to the 'o!d"

So Daddy frog said )*ome here+, Mummy frog #e!t &um', &um', &um', a!d sat o! the (eaf i! the 'o!d" Sister frog #as hot$%ery, %ery hot" So Mummy frog said )*ome here+,

Sister frog #e!t &um', &um', &um', a!d sat o! the (eaf i! the 'o!d" rother frog #as hot$%ery, %ery hot" So Sister frog said )*ome here+, rother frog #e!t &um', &um', &um', a!d sat o! the (eaf i! the 'o!d" aby frog #as hot$%ery, %ery hot"

So rother frog said )*ome here+, aby frog #e!t &um', &um', &um', a!d sat o! the (eaf i! the 'o!d" A!d the!$S-LASH$they a(( fe(( i!to the #ater+

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