Book Talk Instructions: Directions For Written Portion (Notes) of "Book Talk": Using The Attached

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Book Talk Instructions

The purpose of a Book Talk is to sell a book. A Book Talk provides a summary of the plot and explains its appeal. When giving a Book Talk, you want to give enough of the plot to interest the listeners, but you certainly dont want to give away the ending. You want to highlight the interesting points. The main purpose of a Book Talk is to grab the audiences interest and make them want to read the book. Its always a good idea to end the Book Talk with a cliffhanger, or to leave the listeners up in the air so they will want to read the book. You will present your Book Talk orally to the class. Directions for written portion (notes) of Book Talk: Using the attached sheet as a guide, you will write this important information about your book. Your information can be neatly handwritten or typed. This is the information you will share orally with the class.
Directions for visual portion of the Book Talk: Please select one of the following. Feel free to create an original visual. Be sure to discuss your original visual with your teacher ahead of time.
*Create a story necklace. Include charms to represent characters, setting, conflict, and other items that tell about the story. *Make a poster to advertise the book, depicting favorite scenes and characters. *Make a diorama. *Illustrate the settings of the book as a map, travel brochure, photo album etc. *create a power point presentation

Rubric The rubric that will be used to grade the Book Talk is attached. Please look it over to make sure that you have included all requirements.

Tyrone M. Jefferson

Written Portion-Book Talk Title and Author: ______________________________________________________________________________ Setting: ______________________________________________________________________________ Characters: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Summary: (Who, what when, where; the most important events in order) Interesting Hook Ex. Are you ready to be scared out of your seats? If so, then Goosebumps is for you.______________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The story is about ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What happened? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ When and Where did it happen? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Favorite Part: My favorite part of the book was (***Remember dont give away the ending) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Recommendation: I would recommend this book ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Tyrone M. Jefferson

Booktalk Rubric
Student Name: Category
Appropriate book

Student chose a book that s/he has read many times before or which is far below the appropriate reading level. The student has trouble recalling the book. Although details are included, they are vague. No connection to the text is shared.

Student chose a book s/he has read once before that is close to his/her reading level.

Student Lexile: 3
Student chose a book that s/he has never read before and which is slightly below his/her reading level. The information shared is interesting and accurate. There are several specific details included. An appropriate connection is made. The booktalk begins with a hook and then retells one or two parts of the text. The booktalk concludes with a restatement of the title, author, genre and a reason for reading the book.

Student chose a book that s/he has not read before, which is at appropriate reading level.


The information shared is accurate. There are some specific details included. A connection to the text is shared.

The information shared is engaging and accurate. There are many specific details included. A connection is shared that will entice the audience.


The booktalk retells the entire text.

The booktalk begins by retelling one or two details of the text. The booktalk concludes with a restatement of the title, author and genre.

The booktalk begins with an interesting hook and then retells an exciting part of the text. The booktalk concludes with a restatement of the title, author, genre and a compelling reason for reading the book.


The booktalker reads the notes and appears uncomfortable. The booktalker does not look at or try to involve the audience.

The booktalker relies heavily on notes. The speaker appears uncomfortable at times. The booktalker looks at and speaks to a few people in the audience.

The booktalker has practiced. The speaker is relatively confident. The speaker speaks to many members of the audience.

The booktalker has obviously practiced several times. The speaker speaks with confidence. The speaker speaks to all members of the audience.

Total Points:____________ A= 13-16 points B= 12-9 points

C= 5-8 points

Students scoring below 8 points will be offered an opportunity to redeliver to the teacher.

Tyrone M. Jefferson

Student Name____________________________________________Date:___________

Booktalk Student Checklist

Guiding Questions Yes? No? Am I prepared to explain why this book is at my appropriate level? Did I remember to include the title, author and genre? Did I include several specific details about the book? Did I make a connection to share with my peers? Have I prepared a hook to begin the talk? Am I ready to retell an exciting part of the text? Am I prepared to restate the title, author and genre in my conclusion? Am I prepared to share a strong reason for the audience to read the book? Have I practiced at least 3 times (at least once in front of someone else)?

Student Name____________________________________________Date:___________

Booktalk Student Checklist

Guiding Questions Yes? No? Am I prepared to explain why this book is at my appropriate level? Did I remember to include the title, author and genre? Did I include several specific details about the book? Did I make a connection to share with my peers? Have I prepared a hook to begin the talk? Am I ready to retell an exciting part of the text? Am I prepared to restate the title, author and genre in my conclusion? Am I prepared to share a strong reason for the audience to read the book? Have I practiced at least 3 times (at least once in front of someone else)?

Tyrone M. Jefferson

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