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Superhero Scenarios

What would you do in the following situations as: a) yourself b) Superman c) Lex Luthor You are sitting on the bus on the way home from school when you over-hear the two men sitting on the seat in front of you plotting what sounds like a bank robbery. They are talking in whispers and you dont hear everything they say, but it sounds like they will be executing their plan tonight in London.

The phone rings and you pick it up at the same time as your mum. You dont recognise the voice on the other end of the line, but they seem to be talking about a bomb set to go off in your home town next week in the middle of morning rush hour. You cant believe that your own mother would be involved in such a thing and think you must be mistaken, but stay listening in on the conversation to find out more. uddenly, she realises that you are listening in on what is being said and starts coming up the stairs towards your bedroom.

Your !eadteacher accuses your best friend of bullying some students and asks you to be a witness against him. You know that your friend has been guilty of forcing a group of Year "s to give him their lunch money recently, but they are students that have tried to bully you in the past themselves.

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