WP #8 Final

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Taylor Reardon Mrs.

Raymond English 1103 3 November 2013

25-34 years 14.2% 45+ years 1.7%

11-17 years 29.9%

Age at time of first completed rape Victimization. As you can read from this ra!h" most fema#e ra!e $ictims %ere first ra!ed &efore the a e of 25 '(#ac)*.

35-44 years 4.5%

10 years & under 12.3%

18-24 years 37.4%

Lifetime and 12 month Prevalence of Rape, Physical Violence, and/or Stalking Victimization by an ntimate Partner! "S #omen$%lack&'

L ()* +) #eighted / Rape Physical Violence Stalking Rape, Physical violence, and/or stalking #ith PV9related impact2,6,2 1'2 62'1 14'7 68'3 )stimated -0mber of #ighted / Victims 11132444 61137444 12753444 22224444 4'3 2 2'5 8'1

12 +,-*. )stimated -0mber of Victims 353444 2721444 6686444 3152444



*his chart sho:s the percentages of :omen victims :ho have been victims of violence their :hole life and victims :ho

have been victims for the period of appro;imately t:elve months' *hro0gh this data :e can come to the concl0sion that the ma<ority of victims are victimized for their entire lifetime'

IPV Survey responses for who was doing the abusing in their life (V.Tsui). From this graph we can conclude that individuals are more likely to get abused from their intimate partners over other people in their lives.
60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Friends Family Members Themselves Intimate Partner Number of Peo le

Works Cited Black, Michele C. National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. 2010 Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Nov. 2011. Web. 31 Oct 2013. (Black).

V., Tsui, Cheung M., and Leung P. "Help-seeking among male victims of partner abuse: Mens hard times." J. Community Psychology. 38.6 (2010): 769-780. Web. 3 Nov. 2013. (V.Tsui).

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