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Holly Tumbarello

3 hour


Write articles, books, essays, etc. about the chosen topic Inform the audience through writings Entertain the reader
Pros: o You can work at home o Get to be creative
Cons: o Low physical activity o Salary normally isn't as high as some other jobs

What do they Do?

Research about the topic of writing Inform the audience

Present a message to the reader

Type out the work Use imagination!

Skills & Abilities

Know how to type Great Imagination Good research skills

Remember to always be willing to work and open-minded!

Where do Authors work?

Authors work indoors

Normally work in small businesses or just at your house. (All you really need is a computer so
you dont really have to go anywhere.)

Employment Growth
Employment, for authors, is expected to grow about as fast as average.
Competition is expected for writing and editing jobs as many people are attracted to this occupation.

Educational Preparation
Although anyone can become an author regardless of education, taking college creative writing courses will be very useful. Bachelor's degrees in English, Communications, and journalism are considered to be the standard requirement for writers

Salary Range & Hours you work

Depending on what you write, and how good it is, you may get between

$15,387 - $136,846
Also depending on what you are working on, the hours may change. An average writer works 40 hours per week, but it does change.
22.22% (0-20 Hours) 9.37% (21-34 Hours) 6.61% (35-39 Hours) 39.06% (40 Hours) 6.63% (41-49 Hours) 16.11% (Over 50 Hours)

If I want to become an Author, how should I start?

Read a lot! Read other books and learn from them Start off with some entry level jobs. Many newspapers and magazines are looking for journalists and article writers Learn how to type! WRITE

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