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Personal Pronouns (Pronomes Pessoais Sujeito)


Personal Pronouns (Pronomes Pessoais Sujeito)


Substitua as palavras em destaque por um Personal Pronoun.

Veja o modelo:
The car belongs to my brother.

It belongs to my brother.

Substitua as palavras em destaque por um Personal Pronoun.

Veja o modelo:
The car belongs to my brother.

It belongs to my brother.

1. Paul invited Sheila to go to the movies.

1. Paul invited Sheila to go to the movies.



2. Margaret knows those boys very well.

2. Margaret knows those boys very well.



3. Charles and I met Robert last night.

3. Charles and I met Robert last night.



4. That bird sings beautifully.

4. That bird sings beautifully.



5. Don't blame Mary. Mary didn't break those glasses.

5. Don't blame Mary. Mary didn't break those glasses.



6. Diana and Bill invited me and my wife to their wedding.

6. Diana and Bill invited me and my wife to their wedding.



7. William and Monica want to visit their grandfathers.

7. William and Monica want to visit their grandfathers.



8. The TV set and the Stereo are broken!

8. The TV set and the Stereo are broken!



9. Mrs. Bauer always drives the children to school.

9. Mrs. Bauer always drives the children to school.



10. That boy and I study Journalism at the same college.

10. That boy and I study Journalism at the same college.



11. Jims books are on the library

11. Jims books are on the library



12. Sheilas parents have a small farm in Texas.

12. Sheilas parents have a small farm in Texas.



Teacher Cristina Soares

Teacher Cristina Soares

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