Percentage Increase and Decrease Presentation

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Money off and stuff for free the useful world of percentages

% %

% % %

% %

Aims and objectives

The aim of this session is to give an introduction to percentage increases and decreases. By the end of the session you will be able to:

Recognise when a percentage is increasing or decreasing a number. Calculate any percentage increase or decrease using a calculator. Match percentage sums to their correct answers.

How confident do you feel that you can recognise when a percentage is increasing or decreasing a number?

How confident do you feel that you can calculate a percentage increase or decrease sum?

What are percentages?

% %



!or every

Breaking numbers into 100 parts



"or#ing out percentages

1."or# out the value of 1$% by di"iding by 100: original number & 1 #$Multiply the answer by the percentage '$( you want to find: answer ) $ %$&dd or subtract from the original number: original number *&+ $

,ercentage decrease e)ample

At full price a coat costs 85, it's in a 30% off sale: 1. "or# out the value of 1$: -./ & 1 0 - ../

1. 2ultiply by the number of $ you want to find: - ../ ) 3 0 -1/./ 3. 4ubtract from the original amount: -./ + -1/./ 0 '()$(0

"or#ing out percentages

1."or# out the value of 1$% by di"iding by 100: original number & 1 #$Multiply the answer by the percentage '$( you want to find: answer ) $ %$&dd or subtract from the original number: original number *&+ $

How confident do you feel now when wor#ing out percentage increases and decreases?

*ractice your percentages

+e,t week$$$ 5stimating percentages without a calculator

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