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Pasadena City College DANCE 21A Dance History: Cultural and Social Heritage Fall 2013 PCC @ Rosemead

d Instructor: Rebecca Pappas Email: Please reac me t roug Can!as "##ice $ours: %& 'ppointment CATALOG DESC !PT!ON (ance 21' is a c ronological sur!e& o# dance including anal&sis o# st&les) #orms and roles o# dance in di!erse cultures #rom earliest rituals to contemporar& de!elopments in education and t erap&* in#luences o# geograp &) #olklore) cultural aest etics and social !alues on t e de!elopment o# #olk and nationalistic #orms. "# DESC !PT!ON + is class is an introduction to dancing cultures around t e ,orld. + e ope is t at ,e ,ill learn o, to ,atc and appreciate dance in a !ariet& o# cultural conte-ts* o, to anal&.e dances #or meaning and #unction* and o, to discuss dance in bot oral and ,ritten te-ts. + e course dra,s #rom t e #ields o# dance ant ropolog&) dance istor& and dance studies and &ou are encouraged to consider course material #rom all o# t ese perspecti!es. $ecause dance is a %isual art &or' t(at is )racticed in co''unity* +(at you see* say and (ear in class +ill ,e as i')ortant as +(at you read- /e ,ill use ,ritten te-ts) class discussions) audio0!isual materials) li!e per#ormance) and participator& e-periences to e-plore t e #orm. (ance1t e mo!ement o# t e uman bod& in space) time) and energ&1is its o,n language. 's in learning an& ne, language) t ere ma& be moments t at #eel uncom#ortable) strange) or con#using. Please be read& to engage ent usiasticall& and uncriticall& ,it t e language o# dance. In dance) timing) communication) and team,ork are critical. I imagine our class as a dance ensemble , ere e!er& person must engage #ull& in order #or t e , ole to t ri!e. + e e-periences) ideas and energ& t at &ou bring to t e classroom ,ill become t e substance o# t e course. I especiall& ,ant to encourage &ou to suspend 2udgment) o# one anot er) and o# t e dances ,e ,ill be ,atc ing. For t e duration o# t e semester I ,ill pus t e class ne!er to sa& , et er t e& like or dislike somet ing. Instead ,e need to #ind speci#ic and descripti!e language to discuss t e aest etic and cultural practices ,e are learning about.



234 0 Class Participation5'ttendance5"nline (iscussion 6ou are e-pected to be a t oug t#ul and engaged participant in class at all times. 6ou s ould be contributing to discussions) asking 7uestions about readings) listening and responding to &our #ello, students and instructor. + is grade ,ill also include &our participation in occasional online assignments. Eac class &ou ,ill recei!e a 3) 2) 1 or 0 #or &our participation) , ic ) includes &our in0class participation and an& in class ,ork. 8ore t an one absence #or an& reason ,ill ad!ersel& a##ect &our grade. A&ter t+o a,sences you can ,e dro))ed &ro' t(e course93: is t oroug l& prepared) t oug t#ull& engaged) listening and participating) mo!ing class discussion #or,ard. 92: is o#ten engaged) o#ten listening and participating) mostl& prepared) sometimes distracted or not contributing. 91: is unprepared) unt inking) inattenti!e or participating in a destructi!e or distracting ,a&. 90: is late to class) lea!ing earl&) egregiousl& distracting or destructi!e in class) or entirel& unprepared. E-: use o# cell p one) looking at unrelated material on internet or paper) sleeping) talking to ot ers) etc. 234 0 Reading 'ssignment RR;s E!er& ,eek t ere ,ill be at least t,o articles or c apters assigned on a !ariet& o# dance istor& topics. 6ou ,ill be e-pected to read t ese articles and to ,rite up &our notes based on an RR; #ormat taug t to &ou in class. Eac set o# reading notes ,ill be ,ort 20 pts and t ese reading notes ,ill constitute 234 o# &our grade. 304 0 Et nograp ic Process + e ma2or assignment #or t e semester ,ill be an et nograp & paper e-ploring a communit& o# practice in t e Rosemead5Pasadena area. 6ou ,ill ,ork ,it a partner to stud& t e communit& o# practice and eac ,eek a portion o# t is pro2ect ,ill be due in class on /ednesda& and on Can!as b& + ursda& e!ening:

"ct 30 < Researc Proposal =o! > < ?roup Contract and Researc @c edule =o! 13 < @ource Port#olio =o! 20 < Field =otes =o! 2A < /rite up o# Field =otes (ec B < Researc Conclusions 134 0 Et nograp & Paper Eac o# t ese process assignments ,ill lead &ou to a #inal et nograp ic paper to be turned in 8onda&) (ecember C. + is paper ,ill be a summation o# &our et nograp ic researc o!er t e course o# t e semester and &our conclusions about t e communit& o# practice t at &ou c oose to stud&. + is paper ,ill be at least 3 pages ,it 12 pt #ont) 1D margins and a bibliograp & o# ,orks sited and people inter!ie,ed. 34 0 Et nograp & Presentation %et,een 115200125C all groups ,ill do a s ort presentation on t eir et nograp ic researc letting us kno, , at communit& t e& are stud&ing and , at t eir #indings a!e been so #ar. (etails on t is assignment ,ill #ollo,. CO. SE EAD!NGS

'll Course Readings ,ill be a!ailable t roug Can!as. 6ou are e-pected to a!e read and submit notes t roug Can!as b& midnig t on t e nig t be#ore readings are due. 6ou must bring readings and notes to class eit er as print0outs or as documents on computers or tablets. P ones are not acceptable #or reading during class. ACADE"!C !NTEG !T# 0COLLEGE POL!C#1 Eac student s ould be #amiliar ,it t e standards o# student conduct and ,it regulations o# t e college. @tudents attending t e college are e-pected to maintain satis#actor& standards o# citi.ens ip at all times on t e campus and in t e communit&. @atis#actor& citi.ens ip includes conduct) , ic respects t e rig ts o# indi!iduals) , ic a!oids actions disrupti!e to t e ongoing education program and , ic does not !iolate speci#ic pro ibitions outlined in t e educational code. / en it is indicated t at citi.ens ip is unsatis#actor&) t e student ma& be sub2ect to t e #ollo,ing reprimand) disciplinar& probation) administrati!e class ,it dra,al) suspension or e-pulsion) as conditions ,arrant. Ensatis#actor& citi.ens ip includes) among ot er t ings) c eating) plagiarism) and conduct disrupti!e to t e teac er0learning process. 'n& student #ound to be be a!ing in an inappropriate manner ,ill recei!e a #ailing grade #or t e semester and ma& be remo!ed #rom t e F6E program.

I especiall& ,ant to turn &our attention to t e problem o# plagiarism. '=6 use o# someone elseFs ,ords ,it out crediting t em is plagiarism) an o##ense #or , ic &ou can be e-pelledGGGG Please be !igilant in using 7uotations and crediting all sources 0 people must be onored #or t e ideas t e& create. SPEC!AL NEEDS I# &ou are a student ,it a documented disabilit& and re7uire accommodations #or t is course) please make an appointment to see me to discuss &our needs as soon as possible. %e sure to contact t e department o# (isabled @tudent Program and @er!ices) in (20C 9>2>53H30A12A:) to re7uest o##icial documents #or &our accommodations. Please bring t ese documents ,it &ou to &our sc eduled appointment time. For more in#ormation) please go to00 ,,,.pasadena.edu5studentser!ices5dsps. TOLE ANCE In a class like ours) , ere eac person is asked to s are t eir ,riting) opinions) and ideas) it is essential t at ,e all create and maintain an atmosp ere o# tolerance and respect. Eac student s ould be able to speak) ,it respect and attention gi!en b& is5 er classmates. / ile I in!ite and encourage debate and di##erences o# opinion) ,e cannot tolerate ate#ul or malicious commentar&) spoken or ,ritten. PLEASE NOTE ALL SECT!ONS O2 TH!S S#LLA$.S A E S.$3ECT TO CHANGE 4!TH 4 !TTEN O O AL NOT!CECO. SE SCHED.LE 4ee5 1: $odies are al+ays tal5ing 10521 /EIC"8EG RE'( 10523: C&rus) /ol.. J+ roug /orld E&esD in The Dance Experience @klar) (eidre. JFi!e Premises #or a Culturall& @ensiti!e 'pproac to (anceD in Moving History/Dancing Cultures: A Dance History Reader 4ee5 2: T(e Glo,al Ci)(er RE'( 1052H: Ia%oske&) @ara. ?etting "##: Portra&als o# 8asculinit& in $ip $op (ance in Film.

(ance Researc ;ournal) Kol. 33) =o. 2) @ocial and Popular (ance 9/inter) 2001:) pp.1120120 "sumare) $ali#u. ?lobal %reakdancing and t e Intercultural %od&. (ance Researc ;ournal) Kol. 3B) =o. 2 9/inter) 2002:) pp. 300B3 (EE 10530: Researc Proposal 4ee5 6: Traditions in "otion RE'( 115B: Caulker) Ferne 6ang&eite. '#rican (ance: (i!ine 8otion in The Dance Experience. (ouglas) ?ilbert) et al. Ender Fire: (e#ining a contemporar& '#rican dance aest etic < can it be doneL (EE 115>: ?roup Contract and Researc @c edule 4ee5 7: 4e are Still Dancing 11811 NO CLASS RE'( 11513: (oolitle) Iisa and $eat er Elton. 8edicine o# t e %ra!e: ' Iook at t e C anging Role o# (ance in =ati!e Culture #rom t e %u##alo (a&s to t e 8odern Po,,o, in 8o!ing $istories5(ancing Cultures: ' (ance $istor& Reader Edall) @ ar&n R. + e Irresistible "t er: $opi Ritual (rama and Euro0 'merican 'udiences in 8o!ing $istories5(ancing Cultures: ' (ance $istor& Reader. (EE 11513: Iist o# @ources 4ee5 9 Hot (ot (ott 2get(er RE'( 1151H: =adel) 8&ron $o,ard. @ocial (ance: ' portra&al o# People at Pla& in + e (ance E-perience 8c8ains) ;uliet. Realit& C eck: (ancing ,it t e @tars and t e 'merican (ream in + e Routledge (ance @tudies Reader (EE 11520: Field =otes 2 ?roups Present #indings

4ee5 : T$A RE'( 11523 +%' (EE 1152A: /rite up o# Field =otes 2 ?roups Present #indings 4EE; < = Dancing State RE'( 1252: ?uerrero) Rosa. Folk (ance: Fat er 8usic) 8ot er (ance in + e (ance E-perience. Ramire.) "lga =a2era. @ocial and Political (imensions o# Folklorico (ance: + e %inational (ialectic o# Residual and Emergent Culture. /estern Folklore) Kol. BH) =o. 1 9;an.) 1CHC:) pp. 13032 (EE 125B: Researc Conclusions B ?roups Present Findings 4ee5 > Dancing Ho'e (EE 125C: Final Et nograp ic 'nal&sis


A community of practice is an aggregate of people ho come together around mutual engagement in some common endeavor! "ays of doing things# ays of tal$ing# %eliefs# values# po er relations & in short# practices & emerge in the course of their 'oint activity around that endeavor! A community of practice is different as a social construct from the traditional notion of community# primarily %ecause it is defined simultaneously %y its mem%ership and %y the practice in hich that mem%ership engages! And this practice involves the construction of a shared orientation to the orld around them & a tacit definition of themselves in relation to each other# and in relation to other communities of practice! The individual constructs an identity & a sense of place in the social

orld & through participation in a variety of communities of practice# and in forms of participation in each of those communities! And $ey to this entire process of construction is stylistic practice! + is de#inition o# a Jcommunit& o# practice)D is #rom a ,ebsite b& Penelope Eckert) a @tan#ord Pro#essor o# Iinguistics. + is semester ,e ,ill be undertaking an et nograp & o# a communit& o# bodil& practice) e-amining a group o# people , o mo!e toget er and assessing o, t eir bodies be a!e) , at t e& gi!e eac ot er) and , at t e& gain #rom participation in t is communit&. + is pro2ect ,ill be broken into > steps) eac due t roug out t e semester: 1. 2. 3. B. 3. >. 1Researc Proposal < "ct 30 Pre0obser!ation and Researc @c edule < =o! > @ource Port#olio 0 =o! 13 Field =otes 0 =o! 20 /rite up o# Field =otes 0 =o! 2A Researc Conclusions 0 (ec B

esearc( Pro)osal

6our Researc Proposal ,ill include one paragrap describing in detail t e communit& o# practice &ou ,ill be stud&ing) one paragrap on , & t is communit& is attracti!e to &ou) one paragrap t at discusses &our anticipated #indings) and a lists o# 3 researc 7uestions t at ,ill #ocus &our researc as &ou go. ' researc 7uestion mig t begin I am ,onderingMor I am curious aboutM.. 3 3 3 3 3 pts pts pts pts pts (escription o# Communit& / & &ou are interested in group 'nticipated #indings Researc Nuestions Proposal in Class esearc( Sc(edule

2- Pre=O,ser%ation and

6ou ,ill begin &our researc b& spending O our scoping &our #ield site and gat ering t e in#ormation needed to conduct &our researc . + is section o# t e assignment ,ill include &our contact person ,it in t e group) t e time) date and place &ou plan to carr& out &our > ours o# obser!ational researc ) a list o# possible inter!ie, sub2ects ,it 10 inter!ie, 7uestions) and a list o# 3010 researc goals and met ods t at &ou plan to emplo& in &our et nograp &. E-amples mig t include) I ,ant to dance as a student in a Pumba class and compare t at ,it t e e-perience o# teac ing. "r I ,ant to determine o, men and

,omen use t e g&m di##erentl& so I ,ill track one man and one ,oman eac o!er t ree trips to t e g&m. "r I ,ill spend time at t e club anging out and #ilming people dancing ,it t eir permission. 3 3 3 3 3 pts pts pts pts pts O our pre0obser!ation @peci#ic "bser!ation @c edule and Contact Person Iist o# inter!ie,ees and 7uestions Iist o# 3010 researc goals and met ods Proposal in Class

6- Source Port&olio ' port#olio o# t,o peer0re!ie,ed articles t at &ou and &our researc partner a!e re!ie,ed in anticipation o# &our #ield0,ork in a communit& o# practice. /orking ,it a librarian &ou ,ill identi#& t,o sources t at in some ,a& illuminate &our communit& o# practice and #rame &our researc . For eac source &ou ,ill ans,er t e #ollo,ing si7uestions. /$" ,rote t is article 9or aut ored5 created t is source) i# it is not te-t:L Is t ere an& in#ormation a!ailable about t e aut orL / at do &ou kno, or guess about is or er perspecti!eL 9(onQt be a#raid to ?oogle an aut orQs name to #ind out more.: /$ERE ,as t is source publis edL 9/ at maga.ine or 2ournal or ne,spaper or online #ormat:L 's #ar as &ou can tell) did t e source go t roug a process o# being peer0re!ie,edL /$E= ,as t is source publis edL I# it is not particularl& current) , & do &ou #eel it is still rele!antL /$'+ is t is article 9or ot er kind o# source: aboutL @ummari.e , at t e te-t sa&s I= 6"ER "/= /"R(@. =ote: + is s ould take &ou at least a paragrap or t,o. Please (" ="+ cop& t e abstract or paragrap s #rom t e source* rat er) RtranslateR t e source into &our o,n ,ords so t at &ou a!e o,ners ip o# t e material. + is is practice #or being about to speak kno,ledgeabl& #rom &our o,n perspecti!e at &our poster session. /$6 did &ou decide to use t is articleL E-plain , & &ou c ose t is source to elp &ou ans,er &our researc 7uestion. 9/ at) speci#icall&) do &ou ,ant to #ind outL $o, does t is source elp &ouL: For eac source) c oose at least one Rgolden lineR00 an

interesting or important 7uotation #rom t e te-t. 10 pts Eac Nuestion ans,ered #or #irst article 10 pts Eac Nuestion ans,ered #or second article 3 pts 'ssignment in Class 7- 2ield Notes 6our #ield notes are t e cornerstone o# t is process and include all obser!ations made and considered during &our si- ours o# #ield obser!ation. + ese notes must be t&ped) and KER6 detailed. Include t e date) t e place and time o# t e obser!ation as ,ell as all people inter!ie,ed) all 7uestions asked) all ans,ers) all obser!ations made) and all anal&sis and re#lection done. '#ter eac obser!ation section) students s ould a!e ,ritten at least one #ull page o# re#lections) t oug ts and conclusions about t eir #ield obser!ations. 3 pts @i- ours o# obser!ation 3 pts (etailed notes #rom eac obser!ation including obser!ations and anal&sis 3 pts "ne clear page o# re#lection a#ter eac #ield session 3 pts "rgani.ation o# t oug ts and materials 3 pts 'ssignment in Class 9- 4rite u) o& 2ield Notes + is #ormal ,rite up o# &our #ield notes ,ill be at least 2 double spaced pages. It ,ill use our tec ni7ues #or obser!ing and ,riting about dance to !i!idl& to paint a picture o# t e communit& o# practice t at &ou are stud&ing. ?rammar and spelling ,ill count. 3 3 3 3 3 pts pts pts pts pts :8inimum 2 page ,rite up Ki!idness o# description Clarit& o# t oug t and e-pression @pelling and ?rammar 'ssignment in Class esearc( Conclusions

+ is #ormal ,rite up o# t e #indings #rom &our et nograp ic researc ,ill be at least 1 page in lengt . It ,ill use &our #raming researc ) &our #ield note ,rite ups) and kno,ledge gained in class to dra, conclusions about t e communit& o# practice &ou ,ere stud&ing. It ,ill a!e a clear t esis statement ,it supporting e!idence #rom &our #ield notes and #raming researc . @pelling and grammar counts) do not #orget to cite sources.

3 3 3 3 3

pts pts pts pts pts

8inimum o# one page @trong) clear) t esis Ese o# e!idence to support t esis Clarit& o# e-pression) spelling and grammar 'ssignment in Class

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