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Chapman 1

Phillip Chapman
Ns. Binnant
English 11u1-1u4
0ctobei 17, 2u1S
Ciayola Peifecteu, Now What.
Neaily eveiyone in Ameiica has been influenceu by this text at least once in
his oi hei lifetime anu it has become a staple to the uevelopment of chiluhoou
cieativity. The text that will be analyzeu is a sixty-foui pack of Ciayola ciayons. At
fiist glance, it is eviuent that Ciayola utilizeu some veiy cieative maiketing
techniques to showcase the Ciayola bianu. Theie is a waim anu fiienuly feeling
cieateu when inspecting this piouuct. It is embellisheu with biight bolu colois, a
laige smiling caitoonish mouth, anu a poitiait of a chilu's smiling face positioneu
next to a moipheu caitoon veision of it. The majoiity of textual infoimation is founu
on all box faces except the siues. The assumption can be maue that Ciayola thought
consumeis woulu spenu most of theii time looking at the fiont, back, anu top of the
piouuct. This papei will seive as an analytical guiue of how anu why Ciayola
uesigneu this piouuct the way they uiu.
Fiist, we will examine the oveiall shape anu uesign of the containei. It is a
lateially stietcheu cube that is flat on all suifaces. ueneially speaking, flat suifaces
allow foi easy, non-cumbeisome stoiage on a shelf, in a box, oi in a chilu's backpack.
The box of Ciayons is constiucteu of thin yet stuiuy caiuboaiu, anu stanus
appioximately five inches tall, six inches wiue, anu two inches ueep. The containei is
uesigneu to neatly oiganize Ciayons in a veitical, cascauing fashion. The box, which
Beth 10/23/13 6:25 PM
Comment [1]: Nice summaiy heienot
too much, not too little.
Beth 10/23/13 6:26 PM
Comment [2]: Tiy to avoiu peisonal
pionouns in ievisionI, you, anu we.
Chapman 2
is slightly tallei than Ciayon length, pioviues just enough extia height allowing foi
the placement of a Ciayon shaipenei anu an encloseu compaitment foi Ciayon
shavings on the lowei ieai. The containei pioviues one main ie-closable access at
the top of the box. 0pon opening this flap, one will finu simple instiuctions on how
to 'peel' back the top quaitei of the box at the pioviueu peifoiation, allowing the
consumei to have easy, open access to all of the Ciayons within. The moie obvious
flap opening is uesigneu foi on the go, shoit uuiation ait sessions. 0pening the
containeis top quaitei at the peifoiation is foi longei, moie casual sessions. This
opening methou is beneficial to the chilu in such that the Ciayons aie exposeu,
allowing foi easiei coloi selection uue to incieaseu tool visibility anu easy to ieach
access to the Ciayons insiue. The peifoiateu access also piomotes keeping the
uiawing aiea oiganizeu, benefiting the caietakei of the chilu when taskeu with the
noimally oveiwhelming job of cleaning up aftei an ait session.
The oveiall coloi scheme on the fiont of the box is yellow, oveilaiu with a
gieen chevion pattein wiappeu aiounu the lowei half. This coloi combination is
easy on the eyes anu inviting, while the chevion pattein has a clean anu simple look
to it. 0n the fiont face, the yellow allows foi contiasting items of inteiest that
Ciayola wants the consumei to be focuseu on. The majoiity of the face is yellow anu
it is appaient that Ciayola uiu not want the backgiounu to uiaw too much attention.
They want the consumei focuseu on the vibiant anu bolu, oveilaiu giaphics. The
most eye-popping giaphic is the woiu 'B0N0S!'. The woiu is centeieu in the miuule
of the box face anu is obviously meant to giab the consumei's attention. It is typeu
in an all capitalizeu, simplistic font anu the letteis aie white, suiiounueu with a
Beth 10/23/13 6:33 PM
Comment [3]: Nice connections in heie! I
thought foi a moment theie was a bit too
much summaiy, but I like how you weaveu
analysis thioughout.
Beth 10/23/13 6:33 PM
Comment [4]: Bow so. I feel like yellow is
uefinitely a coloi that catches peoples'
Chapman S
multi-coloieu outline. Ciayola uesigneu this woiu to not only get the consumeis
attention but in an effoit to showcase that they aie offeiing something of extia value
at no extia cost. They also maue the outline biight anu multicoloieu to give the
consumei the feel that the contents insiue the package aie just as biight anu uiveise.
Eveiyone loves a 'moie bang-foi-youi-buck' type of piouuct, anu Ciayola uses this
veiy well to entice the consumei.
}ust below the "#$%&' giaphic is a poitiait of a young boy. The pictuie shows
a veiy happy, smiling blonue-heaueu boy, in a well-lit libiaiy. This image uepicts
him as a chilu that is exciteu to be in a place of leaining. Ciayola believes paients
will get the feeling that if they puichase this piouuct it will iesult in theii own chilu
being happy anu exciteu to leain. Ciayola unueistanus that paients want theii chilu
to giow up to be happy anu successful. Next to the poitiait, theie is an illustiation
that shows the chilu's face moipheu into a caitoon chaiactei anu just below the face
is insciibeu ()*+,-. /0 1+23. The caitoon looks veiy similai to the chilu, yet all of the
facial featuies aie peifectly uefineu anu look like the all-Ameiican young boy that
paients secietly hope foi. Below the poitiait is a sepaiate giaphic that ieaus 45
6789#$&: The numbeis anu letteis aie in a white, chilu-like font. They aie
suiiounueu by a ieu, ciayon-uiawn outline. Pointing to the outline is a pictuie of the
ieu ciayon that was assumingly useu to cieate this giaphic. This is Ciayola's cieative
way to show the quantity of Ciayons insiue the box while also offeiing a sample
image of what Ciayons (combineu with a chilu's cieativity) aie capable of
piouucing. Theie is also small, white 'non-toxic' giaphic at bottom-left of the face. By
auuing this on the box, it conveys to the paients that theii chiluien aie safe fiom
Beth 10/23/13 6:34 PM
Comment [5]: Nice!
Beth 10/23/13 6:35 PM
Comment [6]: Nice connection. I woulun't
have thought of this. I think you can push it
fuithei though. What is this all-Ameiican
boy like anu why is it impoitant to paients.
Chapman 4
sickness uue to using the piouuct anu the white font also symbolizes puiity of the
Remaining on the face of the box, one will finu, uiawn at the top, the woiu
6;+</-+ in a laige bubbly font. The woiu is a fauing shaue of gieen that is outlineu by
a veiy biight yellow. Ciayola wants the consumei to iecognize this bianuing
immeuiately uue to its simplistic uesign, anu they want to combine that iecognition
with a giaphic of a comfoiting smile below the woiu 6;+</-+: Within this laige,
smooth-eugeu smile is an aiiangement of thiiteen Ciayons that cleveily uepict a
iow of teeth. The smiling mouth peisonifies the piouuct anu gives the consumei a
feeling of happiness. The ciayon shapeu 'teeth' follows the famous iainbow-coloieu
pattein: ieu, oiange, yellow, gieen, blue, inuigo, anu violet (R0Y u. BIv). A witty
consumei may notice this 'eastei-egg' anu coiielate it to theii veiy own chiluhoou
when they leaineu about the colois of a iainbow. In geneial, auults enjoy
ieminiscing about enjoyable chiluhoou memoiies anu Ciayola hopes that by making
the consumei feel happy with a fiienuly smile anu an 'eastei-egg' meaning, they will
happily puichase the piouuct foi theii chiluien.
A subtle, yet effective maiketing technique has been placeu upon the box
face. A squaie shapeu coupon that ieaus 'Bey Nom, uon't foiget something foi you,
save $1 instantly on =)/>-) ?+@+A,0).' is founu outlineu in hot pink on a black
backgiounu. The pink on black coloi scheme is taigeting women, specifically
motheis. Ciayola knows that women best iuentify with the coloi pink, anu black
contiasts it peifectly. The back of this cunning coupon ieaus 'People love =)/>-)'.
They aie telling the consumei that they shoulu think noimal, eveiyuay people (just
Beth 10/23/13 6:36 PM
Comment [7]: Bmm. I'm not suie I'm
buying this. I think theie might be anothei
puipose foi the use of the coloi white (blank
Beth 10/23/13 6:37 PM
Comment [8]: uieat connections in heie. I
uefinitely woulun't have caught onto the
Roy u. Biv thing.
Chapman S
like the consumei) love =)/>-) magazine. The whole iuea behinu the coupon is to
invite the consumei to subconsciously think, "I can get my chilu a box of Ciayons
that has a bonus featuie making my him into a fun caitoon. I also get a coupon that
will save me money on my favoiite magazine. Sign me up!" Ciayola has intiouuceu
anothei heavy-hitting maiketing ploy that is suie to hit the ball out of the paik with
an unsuspecting, chilu-loving paient.
As we move to the back of the box, we finu yet anothei auveitisement of the
Stoiy Stuuio featuie. The backgiounu is once again biight yellow, enhancing the
gieatly contiasting gieen, iounu-eugeu squaie in the centei. Within this gieen
squaie is a simple anu easy to follow foui-step guiue to uploauing a chilu's poitiait
to the Ciayola website. The final step shows the chilu's face on the bouy of a iock
stai at a conceit. 0bviously, eveiy young boy woulu love to be a iock stai. This
image woulu appeal to neaily eveiy chilu, who by this point is piobably begging his
oi hei mothei to puichase this piouuct.
}ust below the laige gieen box is a veiy uiscieetly placeu Ciayon shaipenei.
The shaipenei is maue of plastic allowing it to be chilu fiienuly while also having
just enough shaipness to whittle the Ciayon uown to a new point. The embeuueu
hole is suiiounueu with a puiple iibbon anu white chaiacteis that ieau 'Peel back
ciayon wiappei befoie shaipening Ciayon.' Ciayola ieally thought outsiue of the
box by offeiing a clean anu simple mechanism, insiue of the box. By intiouucing a
simple anu effective way to maintain the piouuct in a self-containeu system, this
teaches the long-lost ait of how to maintain a tool to piolong it's life. Ciayola
piobably uiu not intenu on a simple Ciayon shaipenei to teach life skills to a chilu,
Beth 10/23/13 6:38 PM
Comment [9]: uoou. It's inteiesting how
fai they'ie going to appeal to both the
mothei anu the chilu.
Beth 10/23/13 6:38 PM
Comment [10]: I'm not suie I'm
completely following this aigument. Can you
push it a little fuithei.
Chapman 6
but it has the potential to uo so iathei effectively. Although the Ciayon shaipenei is
a veiy useful featuie, oveiall the back of the box just looks to be anothei
auveitisement of the Stoiy Stuuio featuie.
The top flap of the Ciayola box is yet again auoineu with the same
oveiwhelmingly useu pictuie of the chilu anu the ieplicateu caitoon iock stai. The
main featuie of the flap is laige puiple aiiow that points to the entiance point of the
box. Within the puiple aiiow ieaus 'Lift flap foi youi seciet access coue!' This is the
final clue to finuing the key to the metaphoiical tieasuie chest. 0pon opening the
flap, one will uiscovei a uiscieetly typeu, nine chaiactei coue that when useu on
Ciayola's Stoiy Stuuio website, will unlock six months of fiee access. Baving a
special access coue cieates a feeling of exclusiveness foi the consumei. It is
becoming appaient that Ciayola is using the Stoiy Stuuio featuie to luie in moie
0nce we have jumpeu insiue the box, we will see that theie is a veiy
oiganizeu system to the sixty-foui inuiviuually wiappeu Ciayons. Theie aie foui
smallei boxes that holu sixteen Ciayons each. Theii mouulai uesign allows yet
anothei way of oiganizing anu woiking with the ait supplies. A chilu coulu pull out
all foui boxes anu suiiounu theii cuiient masteipiece with sepaiate coloi stations.
In ieveise, the mouulai uesign also allows foi a much easiei stoiage of the tools
insiue the main Ciayon box. The Ciayons aie also fashioneu wiiting tip up, giving
the usei no uoubt that each Ciayon is eithei shaip oi uull.
It is safe to say that Ciayola has cieateu a veiy attiactive piouuct to put on
the shelf. They consistently auveitise, in multiple ways, that a consumei will get
Beth 10/23/13 6:39 PM
Comment [11]: Why uoes this stuff
Chapman 7
auueu value by puichasing this piouuct. Ciayola taigets motheis with a =)/>-)
magazine coupon, while also taigeting chiluien with the Stoiy Stuuio featuie anu
biight, embellisheu font anu colois. Ciayola has implementeu a few key featuies in
the uesign of this piouuct as well. A self-containeu shaipenei anu a unique
seconuaiy access enhance the potential to set Ciayola apait fiom othei infeiioi ait
supplies. We now know all about the caitoon moiphing website, but theie is still a
question that is begging to be answeieu: Bow well uoes the piouuct insiue the box
actually woik. While theie is uefinitely not a shoitage of auveitisements on the
Stoiy Stuuio featuie, theie is veiy little infoimation about the actual piouuct insiue
the box. It is plausible that Ciayola feels that consumeis have become so useu to this
neaily peifecteu piouuct that they ciave moie. This is Ciayola's attempt to answei
the consumeis' appetite foi innovation with the compelling Stoiy Stuuio featuie foi
chiluien, anu a tempting siue of coupon foi mom.

Overall, I think this is a really strong draft. It is well-organized, well-written (other
than some awkward phrasings and personal pronounswatch out for these in
revision), and (most importantly!) well-argued. What Im most impressed with is
your attention to detail. You truly left no part of your text untouched, and I think
this attention to detail really aided in a thorough and meaningful analysis. Though
some of your connections were more obvious, I like that you didnt just make
surface-level connections, but rather connections that I never wouldve thought of as
a reader. Furthermore, most of these connections are strong and believable. There
are, however, some that I think need a bit more development and expansion. Look
at the comments Ive made in the margins to help you target these specific spots.
Wonderful job!

Beth 10/23/13 6:40 PM
Comment [12]: Really stiong conclusion.

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