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1. Light up the bulb in the big box to get 40C. 2. Pour 200ml of ice water in each cup. 3.

Place the cups in the boxes. 4. Measure the initial temperature of ice water in each box.

. !ecor" the "ata in the table. #. Place the boxes in the big box. $. %tart the stop watch. &. 'hen the time reaches 2 minutes( ta)e the rea"ings of all thermometers. *. !ecor" the rea"ings in the table 1.0.

10. !epeat the step & an" *( when the time reaches 4 minutes( # minutes( & minutes an" 10 minutes.* 11. !epeat all the steps an" recor" the "ata in the table !epeat 1.1( !epeat 1.2( !epeat 1.3 an" !epeat 1.4.

12. Calculate the a+erage temperature of ice water in each box b, the time an" recor" the "ata in table -+erage 1.0.

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