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Your Regiment has been sent to destroy the ruins of a chaos Monolith, which has been radiating with the fickle powers of chaos as of late. Sadly you are no the only ones to be dispatched to the area.

OBJECTIVES The Warring Regiments objective is to desecrate the Ruins. The Regiment of Renown with the most wounds caused to the ruins may claim victory . This must be done quickly, before the end of Turn 8, when the monolith grows too powerful to destroy. If the ruins survive the game is a loss for both sides, if destroyed the player with the most wounds caused is the victor. DEPLOYMENT Players will roll off for first deployment, the player that wins may choose any 2 of the board edges to deploy up to 8" in. Once the edges have been chosen , deploy your entire force . The second player now deploys there entire force on the remaining 2 board edges. WHO GOES FIRST? Players will roll off to determine who goes first,

BATTLEFIELD A 36 x 36 area is needed to play. Place the Ruins in the very center of the table. As for the rest of the board, place a scattering of rocky areas and twisted trees to represent the Chaos Wastes.

SPECIAL RULES No Routing! - Both sides involved in this battle are fanatically devoted to the completion of their goals and will fight to the absolute death before giving up and running away. Neither side is subject to Rout Tests in this scenario. Desecrating The Ruins - The ruins of chaos have a total of 11 wounds. To deface the ruins A Chaos Model must move into base- to-base contact with the Ruins without charging or marching . Roll a 1 D6 for each attack the model has. D6 RESULT 1: MASS OF FLESH: the Ruins attempt to transform your model into a Spawn! Make a toughness test , if passed everything is fine, however if failed the model is instantly transformed into a spawn! This model is controlled by your opponent and has the following stat line. SPAWN WS 3

BS 0

S 4

T 4

A D6

I 2

W 2

LD 10

Equipment : Fear, Unbreakable, Random Movement 2D6 2-3: This cannot be destroyed!: Nothing Happens 4-5: I found a weak spot! Cause 1 Wound to the ruins. 6: Desecration! Cause 2 Wounds to the ruins

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