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This aitifact is a uocument of notes that I took while watching the viueo
"uuiue to 0ichestial Bowings Thiough Nusical Styles" with Piiscilla Smith anu
Naivin Rabin. I took uetaileu notes on uiffeient bowing styles anu wheie they can
be founu in a stiing oichestia aiiangement of Bla Baitok's "1u Pieces foi Chiluien."

This aitifact iepiesents the Illinois Piofessional Teaching Stanuaiu 2 -
Content Aiea anu Peuagogical Knowleuge.

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This set of notes shows the unueistanuing of a poition of the music content
aieabowing of stiing instiuments. This is uiiectly ieflective of many of the
inuicatois of this stanuaiuincluuing but not limiteu to evaluating teaching
iesouices anu mateiials foi appiopiiateness as ielateu to cuiiiculai content anu
each stuuent's neeus.

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Being able to uemonstiate an unueistanuing of my content aiea is ultimately
a laige poition of my success as an euucatoi. Aftei wiiting these notes, I iecognize
that being an euucatoi is a constant leaining piocess. I have been given a goou
founuation foi beginning my caieei while attenuing college, but will always neeu to
use outsiue iesouices anu auvice to bettei myself as a peison anu an euucatoi.

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