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The Caesar Rodney Institute is a member of the State Policy Network (SPN), an umbrella group of right-wing think tanks

in every state. Other SPN members and associate members include national right-wing organizations such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans for Prosperity Foundation, the Cato Institute, Freedom Works, and the Heritage Foundation. CRI's agenda often reflects its national right-wing partners and funders, instead of issues that matter to the people of Delaware.

Defund and privative Delaware's public schools with vouchers and charter schools Oppose prevailing and minimum wage laws

Block access to affordable healthcare for Delaware families Oppose efforts to lower tobacco use

Oppose renewable energy and repeal pollution protections

Support the "Ryan budget" which would privatize Medicare and Social Security

Oppose workers' collective bargaining rights, and push anti-worker legislation such as so-called right to work and paycheck deception Lower corporate taxes

Caesar Rodney Institute, accessed 9/17/2013

CRI is not required to disclose its donors to the public, and does not do so voluntarily. The two known CRI donors, though, are both secretive right-wing organizations based in Virginia. In just the two years of 2009 and 2010, CRI received $352,500 from the Koch-funded Donors Capital Fund - representing 61% of CRI's total funding in those two years. Donors Capital Fund, known as the "dark money ATM of the conservative movement," keeps its own funders anonymous, therefore adding another layer of secrecy. The only other known CRI funder is the State Policy Network, which funneled $66,000 to the institute between 2008 and 2010.
[American Bridge Conservative Transparency; Caesar Rodney Institute IRS 990s, 2009-2011]

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