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Kenneth Daniel October 13 2013

3rd Period AP Lang & Comp

Minority Violence The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people. ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Minority youth face more violence among themselves today than 50 years ago. It is true that many minority youth of have been through a lot of violence during the 1960s (Fifty years ago). Racism was the cause of this violence especially for African Americans that lived in the south. The violence was through hangings, murders, false imprisonment and public beatings. Despite this, fifty years later minorities are Equal to those who beat, murdered and hung their ancestors, but now minority youth are now fighting and killing each other. These actions are immoral however you look at it. Whether a European male is beating an African American or if a African American is fighting with a Latin American. However it is looked at it is wrong but, it is worse when so many of our ancestors died for us to be Free .Minority youth hurt each other because they are bored, in gangs or ignorant. Minority youth have no true purpose in fighting one other they just do. Therefore, minority youth today (2013) face more violence than minority youth fifty years ago (1963). The major reason why is because of the purpose of the violence. Fifty years ago minority youths were not hurting each other but, instead helping each other. During this era (especially in the south) racism was big and minority youth were the victims of hatred and ignorance of the people of the era. Now fifty years in the future (2013) minority youths are hurting each other knowing and understanding the pain their ancestors have been through. This is why minority youth face more violence now than fifty years ago.

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