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Appendix 13

Appendix 13
Periodic monitoring by CLG
Scheme operators should maintain records in a form that allow DCLG or its appointed agent to monitor the operation of the scheme against these functional outcomes The AS attends meetings with DCLG at regular intervals that would not be any more frequent than quarterly at which a report on the achievement (or otherwise of customer service and performance standards and targets and other related matters relating to the certification scheme will be made The AS affords reasonable access and co!operation to enable the S of S to monitor the wor" underta"en by the AS The AS publishes# within $ months of the end of each financial year# an annual report and accounts in respect of that year# including a report on the achievement (or otherwise of customer service and performance standards and targets relating to the AS The scheme operators should% Co!operate with any authorised officer of an enforcement authority ma"ing enquiries of the scheme for the purposes of carrying out the authority&s duties under the legislation' demonstrate commitment to publicising the scheme and its rules' manage the avoidance of conflicts between the commercial interests of the scheme operator and any sponsoring or member organisations involved with the scheme# and the scheme&s responsibilities under the terms of its approval' provide advice to the public see"ing to engage energy assessors

Method Statement The Scheme will maintain records that will be easily accessible by CLG or its appointed agents to monitor the scheme' The use of (T and internet based systems will facilitate ease of access from remote places at any time for audit purposes' )egular reports can be generated and provided at short notice' Senior management will be available to attend meetings with CLG periodically with reports on customer service and performance indicators that may be required' Senior members of the Scheme are prepared to give appropriate underta"ings' Advice will be provided to the public with periodic publication that will be freely available as well as information on the Scheme internet site'

*abian (Certification Limited

Application for Approval of Certification Scheme

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