2012 06 03 - (00) - Boris Cut-Transcript PDF

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03 Boris (Nightwing)
01:15:45 A guy walked into court for a child support case, and just kept saying "I'm just a natural man." and everyone kept asking what? what do you mean? The guy replied: "I'm like a deer, does a deer pay

anyone ever ask: " Where is the controversy involving me?" (i.e. do you have a claim against me?) last thing NW did in court: asked that question and nobody has answered to this day. then it

child support?" case dismissed, discharged... wife got all paid up and getting her checks regularly. we are just like one of god's creatures. do they pay for anything? do they pay for their place to live, for anything? Take any application for ANYTHING and sticky note it with ONE question: "When did I surrender my allegiance to nature (and nature's god) for this? exactly when did it happen?" (like to the BC, etc)
01:16:40 -

must not involve him, because he is not involved in the controversy. .

... it is all the same thing. exactly when did I surrender my allegiance to nature? right out of law of nations... god created heaven above, gave earth to mankind for their advantage (both rich and poor)... those resources are for their use and god put no tax on it. so what are they doing putting a tax on it? what do you mean by "pay"? exactly when did I surrender my allegiance to nature? if they can't provide that, then you have no liability to man's laws under their own law of nations. you are a stranger, sojourner upon the earth... not to be of this planet, but a walker upon this land.
01:22:10 -

all boils down to this: once you can demonstrate you are not a PERSON, because you are questioning when you surrendered your allegiance. because you
01:17:05 -

had to do a conscience act of doing it.

doesn't matter if you got the DL, work for FRNs, filled out tax forms, have social security cards, voter registration, etc....
WHEN did I actually surrender my allegiance to nature. WHY? because here in U.S. there is an actual procedure for doing this. There are 3 things you have to do. you have to physically and consciously renounce all allegiances to any prince, principality, any 'higher power'. when did you do that? its all presumptions, because you have a D.L. (no, I just use it to keep the peace. when did I agree to surrender my allegiance? ) how do you know if you belong to a club, if you never asked? in any matter... even in your foreclosures, did
01:19:39 -

the only duty you have is to help prevent piracy, rape and plunder by asking these questions of their agents. :-) The statutes are not bad or good, they just are. do they apply to you?? or apply to them? do the rules apply to you,
01:23:30 -

or the one who swore an oath to them? That is what I mean by surrendering my allegiance to nature, because i can't serve two nations. so which one is going to be? the original of nature, or of the IMAGENATION? they use 'non-resident alien' in their laws to determine man. if man is anything in their codes and statutes then it would be a non-resident alien.
01:24:48 -

your alien to this jurisdiction. it all comes under law of nations, lieber code, and the military manuals. when you come out of the birth canal, it is of water and blood (as was christ), and the spirit is truth, the spirit is just your awakening the fact that the little baby is there, because it is self evident and there is a spirit inside of him. if they claim authority of the baby, let them claim it but once they do that they also claim duties of god with it and are not allowed to alter that being, because they are then usufruct of that being and you are not allowed to alter the thing subject to the usufruct. so if someone makes a claim, they are automatically a usufruct because that claim is what they are existing off of. And as long as they are profiting, benefiting from it, and that claim exists and they have the ownership of it? what was man given ownership of? only usufruct (i.e. dominion of it) so anyone making a claim is claiming the usufruct. that is why don't care if they make a claim because, you are claiming it? alright fine, you want a claim, here ya go: take the bill... you get it all. like the Pope, who claimed
01:26:42 -

right tool (word) to communicate the best intent. zippy went into bank with questions: 1. is xyz bank a public bank? 2. is ___ bank providing a public service? 3. what exactly are your duties as a public servant? those questions really 'worked on' lady at the bank. Question 4. are you aware of any breaches of public trust? and penalties for breaching the public trust as a public servant?
01:54:50 -

C02Man story about fellows who successfully turned away bailiffs from an eviction thru accepting their oath of office to protect the people, as long as they don't claim to be occupants/residents.
01:56:38 -

--this is the castle I am using, that god provided me, who are you to go against the will of god?
03:15:08 -

everything, fine then he gets the bill for everything because what part of everything
does he not understand? they know the difference between a dude and a PERSON, but it is our job to make sure they know the difference. all you really need to do pin prick your finger and hold up a piece of paper and go: " until your client can do this" (put one drop on a piece of paper) ... " because god is no respecter of PERSONS, so neither should you. can a corporation bleed?
01:30:03 -

possession case up in minn/mich? guy walks into court, judge said: blah,blah,blah, and guy asked: "well, god made this good green earth, and i'm just using it, what part of what jurisidiction do you claim?" and he walked out. Once you know what they are bound to, then you just ask them questions about what they are bound to. if they can't enter a man's castle without his permission, then this castle was provided to me by god, so who are you to move against the will of god?

what's the advantage of replacing "I" with "one"? because it gets rid of the possessiveness. because now you are just asking, "How does one do it?" and "if you can't show it, then we need to talk" - like Batman would say, "How does one own such a thing?" not "I" but "one" use the
01;31:58 -

(Transcribed By: Konig)

------- Notes from call chat window: -CO2man iLOVEyou (WATerian): The Attorney General for England and Wales is similarly the chief law officer of the Crown in England and Wales, and advises and represents the Crown and government departments in court. In practice, the Treasury Solicitor (who also has the title of Procurator General) normally provides the lawyers or briefs Treasury Counsel to appear in court, although the Attorney General may appear in person. The person appointed to this role provides legal advice to the Government, acts as the representative of the public interest and resolves issues between government departments. The Attorney General has supervisory powers over the prosecution of criminal offences, but is not personally involved with prosecutions; however, some prosecutions (e.g. Riot) cannot be commenced without his/her consent, and he/she has the power to halt prosecutions generally. Criminal prosecutions are the responsibility of the Crown Prosecution Service, headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions. The Attorney General may appeal cases to the higher courts where, although the particular case is settled, there may be a point of law of public importance at issue. The Attorney General's deputy is the Solicitor General for England and Wales. -Postmaster Larry "LuvLox": LAW OF NATIONS, BOOK II, OF A NATION CONSIDERED IN ITS RELATION TO OTHERS, CHAP. X., HOW A NATION IS TO USE HER RIGHT OF DOMAIN, IN ORDER TO DISCHARGE HER DUTIES TOWARDS OTHER NATIONS, WITH RESPECT TO THE INNOCENT USE OF THINGS. 132. Innocent passage. (121) "God," said he, "has created heaven for himself and his saints, and has given the earth to mankind, intending it for the advantage of the poor as well as of the rich. The roads are for their use, and God has not subjected them to any taxes." -CO2man iLOVEyou (WATerian): origi-nation or imagi-nation?

-Nightwing: Calvins Case, Hobb 877 CO 14 (the Brohams case) all acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are in our laws and must be in the nature of things considered as void. The law of nature are the laws of God whose authority can be superceded by no power on earth. That means even the pope. a legislature must not obstruct our obedience to Him and from Whose punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict His laws, we are in conscience bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of justice: -?Mark : "all acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and justice are..." from: Reports of cases determined in the General Court of Virginia: From 1730, to ... By Virginia. General Court, Thomas Jefferson: http://books.google.com/books?id=YipEAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA114&lpg=PA114&dq=%22all+act s+of+legislature+apparently+contrary+to+natural+right+and+justice+are+in+our+laws+and +must+be+in+the+nature+of+things+considered+as+void.%22&source=bl&ots=7s75cblySJ &sig=c02nr7coyCPBRS7IMdy-k3NZNJA&hl=en&sa=X&ei=etTLT-

axHefg2QX9ydSRBg&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=%22all%20acts%20of%20legisl&f =false -dadoo: "Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The exact quote is: Their's not to reason why, Their's but to do and die" -...---...: http://www.royal.gov.uk/MonarchUK/QueenandChurch/QueenandtheChurchofEngland.as px - The Sovereign holds the title 'Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England'. http://www.royal.gov.uk/historyofthemonarchy/kingsandqueensofengland/thetudors/hen ryviii.aspx "...in 1521 Henry was given the title 'Defender of the Faith' by the Pope. -CO2man iLOVEyou (WATerian): Police oath (England/Wales) - do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law [the Oath] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police_oath#England_and_Wales -?Mark : The maxim that 'An Englishman's home (or occasionally, house) is his castle' is most often cited these days in articles in the British right-wing press that bemoan the apparent undermining of the perceived principle that a man can do as he pleases in his own house, which they hold up as an ancient right. The grumbles centre about the feminist response 'what about Englishwomen?' and the public disquiet about the smacking of children, attacking of intruders etc. The proverb was used in almost all of the articles about the court case of Tony Martin in 2000. Martin was convicted by jury trial of murder, after shooting and killing a 16-year old who had broken into his house in Norfolk, UK. An Englishman's home is his castle. Did Englishmen actually ever have a unique right to act as they pleased within the walls of their own home? Well, yes and no. Yes, in the sense that it has been a legal precept in England, since at least the 17th century, that no one may enter a home, which would typically then have been in male ownership, unless by invitation. This was established as common law by the lawyer and politician Sir Edward Coke (pronounced Cook), in The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628: "For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium [and each man's home is his safest refuge]." can I help you? http://pradeepmacharla.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/can-i-helpyou.jpg?w=640

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