Classroom Issue

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Tiffani Rath Classroom Issue

October 23, 2013

I think an issue I might face in the classroom when I become a teacher is failing a student even though the have tried their hardest! I think I will be disa""ointed in m self more than the student because I am the one in charge of their education! I know I can onl do so much and I ma have to live b a #I tried m best$ rule! %s most teachers do, I onl ho"e to be successful in the classroom! I love to teach and I ho"e to make a difference but when the time comes, am I reall going to be "roud of m self if the ma&orit of m students have failing grades' (o teacher would be! I fear I will be letting my students down. If time "ermits, I ma decide to re)teach a lesson es"eciall if most of the class fails the assessment on that lesson! One wa to re)teach would be to have the class "air u" with another classmate and give them a blank test! I would have them look back through the book and rewrite the answers! %fter the com"lete it, we could discuss the answers together and relearn the lesson! There are man other wa s to re)a""roach a lesson! I &ust need to find a wa to have the children relate to it, rather than throw it at them! I could also give them a more hands)on e*"erience! +e"ending on the school,s re) teach "olic I would be able to better decide which one of these would be most effective!

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