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Highlights of NetBeans IDE 7.

1 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code

Finding, Searching, and Replacing Ctrl-F3 F3/Shift-F3 Ctrl-F/H Alt-F7 Ctrl-Shift-F/H Alt-ShiftAlt-Shift-H Ctrl-R Ctrl- # then Ctrl- # then $ Ctrl- # then S Ctrl-Shift-% Ctrl-' Search word at insert point Find next/previous in file Find/Replace in file Find usages Find/replace in projects Find usages results !urn off search result highlights Rena"e Convert selection to uppercase Convert selection to lowercase !oggle case of selection &aste for"atted (u"p to )uic* search field Coding in Java Alt-'nsert Ctrl-Shift-' Alt-Shift-' Alt-Shift-F Alt-Shift $eft/ Right/ p/7own Ctrl-Shift- p/7 Ctrl/Alt-F23 Ctrl-/ Ctrl-9 Coding in C/C++ Alt-Shift-C Ctrl-F: F: F22 Shift-F22 Ctrl-6 Ctrl-ShiftCtrl-F</Alt-F< F</Shift-F< Ctrl-!a0 =Ctrl->? Shift-9scape Ctrl-FA/Ctrl-B Ctrl-Shift-FA Shift-F2C Alt-Shift-7 ,o to declaration 9valuate expression Co"pile pac*age/ file .uild "ain project Clean ; 0uild "ain project Set re)uest para"eters Create ( nit test Run ( nit test on file/project Run "ain project/file !oggle 0etween open docu"ents /axi"i@e window =toggle? Close currentl- selected window Close all windows +pen contextual "enu ndoc* window ,enerate code Fix all class i"ports Fix selected class8s i"port For"at selection Shift lines left/right/up/down Cop- lines up/down 'nspect "e"0ers/hierarchAdd/re"ove co""ent lines 7elete current line !ebugging Ctrl-FD Ctrl-Shift-FD Ctrl-Shift-F< Shift-FD/FD FA F7/FE Ctrl-F7 Ctrl-Alt- p Ctrl-Alt-7own Ctrl-F: Ctrl-FE Ctrl-Shift-FE Ctrl-Shift-F7


Navigating through Source Code Ctrl-+/Alt-Shift-+ ,o to t-pe/file Ctrl-Shift-! ,o to ( nit test Alt-+ ,o to source Ctrl-. ,o to declaration Ctrl-, ,o to line Ctrl-Shift-/ !oggle add/re"ove 0oo*"ar* Ctrl-Shift1ext/previous 0oo*"ar* &eriod/Co""a Ctrl-&eriod/Co""a 1ext/previous usage/co"pile error Ctrl-Shift-2/3/3 Select in &rojects/Files/Favorites Ctrl-4 /ove caret to "atching 0rac*et Ctrl-5/Ctrl-Shift 5 1ext/previous word "atch Alt-$eft/Alt,o 0ac*ward/forward/to last Right/Ctrl-6 edit Alt p/7own 1ext/previous "ar*ed occurrence

Start de0ugging "ain project Start de0ugging current file Start de0ugging test for file =( nit? Stop/Continue de0ugging session Run to cursor location in file Step into/over Step out ,o to called "ethod ,o to calling "ethod 9valuate expression !oggle 0rea*point 1ew 0rea*point 1ew watch

Compiling, Testing, and Running

Bhen t-ping in the Source 9ditor# generate the text in the right-colu"n 0elow 0- t-ping the a00reviation that is listed in the left-colu"n and then pressing !a0F Java "ditor Code Templates 9n 9x +0 &sf &sf0 &sfi &sfs St a0 as 0co" 0o 0r ca cl cn d0 df 9nu"eration 9xception +0ject pu0lic static final pu0lic static final 0oolean pu0lic static final int pu0lic static final String String a0stract assert trueG /HH/ 0oolean 0rea*G catch = class continue dou0le defaultI

Opening and Toggling between iews

Highlights of NetBeans IDE 7.1 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code

dowhile e) ex fa fco" fi fl forc do J K while =condition?G e)uals extends false // Leditor-foldML/editor-foldM final float for ='terator it N collectionFiterator=?G itFhas1ext=?G? J Object elem N =Object? itFnext=?G K for =Object elem I itera0le? J K for =int i N CG i L arrFlengthG iOO? JK for =int i N CG i L lstFsi@e=?G iOO? J +0ject o0ject N lstFget=i?G K for =String!o*eni@er st N new String!o*eni@er=PP?G stFhas/ore!o*ens=?G? K for =int i N CG i L vctFsi@e=?G iOO? J Object o0ject N vctFele"entAt=i?GK finall-J QK interface if =condition?JKelse J K if =exp? JK i"ple"ents if =exp instanceof Object? J Object o0j N =Object? expG instanceof i"port length native Object name N new Object=args?G protected private private static final private static final 0oolean private static final int private static final String printStac*!race=?G psv" pu0lic static void "ain=String4R args?J K pu pu0lic re return runn Runna0le runna0le N new Runna0le=? J pu0lic void run=? JKKG serr S-ste"FerrFprintln =PQP?G sh short sout S-ste"FoutFprintln =PQP?G soutv S-ste"FoutFprintln=PObject N P O Object?G st static su super sw switch =var? J case valI 0rea*G defaultI throw new Assertion9rror=?GK ss-nchroni@ed tds !hreadFdu"pStac*=?G th throws tr transient tr-catch tr- JK catch =9xception e? JK tw throw twn throw new vo volatile wh while = whileit while =it.has1ext=?? J Object elem N =Object? itFnext=?GK whilen whilexp while =enFhas/ore9le"ents=?? J Object elem N =Object? enFnext9le"ent=?GK while =exp? JK ag ap ar cfgi jspf jspg jspi jspp jsps jspu oup oupl pcg pcgn pcgs pcr pcs pg pga pg0 pgc pgerr pgex pgie pgi" pgin pgit pgl pgs rg sg sp sr tgl0


JS# "ditor Code Templates applicationFgetAttri0ute=PQP? applicationFputAttri0ute=PQP#? applicationFre"oveAttri0ute=PQP? configFget'nit&ara"eter=PQP? LjspIforward pageNPQP/M LjspIget&ropert- na"eNPQP propert-NPP /M LjspIinclude pageNPQP/M LjspIplugin t-peNPQP codeNPP code0aseNPPML/jspIpluginM LjspIset&ropert- na"eNPQP propert-NPP/M LjspIuse.ean idNP'P t-peNPP/M outFprint=PQP? outFprintln=PQP? pageContextFgetAttri0ute=PQP? pageContextFgetAttri0ute1a"es'nScope=PQP? pageContextFgetAttri0utesScope=PQP? pageContextFre"oveAttri0ute=PQP? pageContextFsetAttri0ute=PQP#? LSTpage QSM LSTpage autoFlushNPfalsePSM LSTpage 0ufferNPQ*0PSM LSTpage content!-peNPQPSM LSTpage error&ageNPQPSM LSTpage extendsNPQPSM LSTpage is9rror&ageNPtruePSM LSTpage i"portNPQPSM LSTpage infoNPQPSM LSTpage is!hreadSafeNPfalsePSM LSTpage languageNPjavaPSM LSTpage sessionNPfalsePSM re)uestFget&ara"eter=PQP? sessionFgetAttri0ute=PQP? sessionFsetAttri0ute=PQP# ? sessionFre"oveAttri0ute=PQP? LSTtagli0 uriNPQPSM

fore fori forl forst forv fie ifelse iff i" inst iof ir le na newo pe pr psf psf0 psfi psfs pst

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