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Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Excuse me! ______ * How * What * When * Where

is the post office, please?

2. Could you tell me _________ *How * What * When *where

to get to the History Museum, please?

3. Can you tell me where __________, please? * is the bank * the bank * the bank is *there a bank 4. Would you mind _____________ *explaining *giving *helping *offering me some directions, please?

Choose the correct answer according to the map

1. What's between the bank and the public library? Supermarket School Korean restaurant 2. Whats opposite the Art gallery? Pub Town Hell Vet 3. What is next to the Museum? Hotel Post office Music Shop

Fill in the words below correctly

Continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right, second, Continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right, second, straight on, thank, turn, straight on, thank, turn, welcome

1. __________________me, how do I __________________to the club? 2. Go _______________________ 3. Turn _________________________ at the corner. 4. Then take the _____________ road on your _______________. 5. ____________ to the ________________of the road. 6.___________________ left there. 7. The cinema is on your, the castle. 8. ___________________ you very much. 9. You are ____________________.

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