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Universidad de Puerto Rico en Carolina Departamento de Sistemas de Oficina

Applications:26-d1: Create a new document

Crystal O. Gonzlez Lpez 845-13-3458 SOFI 3067 LWV 9:40-10:55 Prof. M. Castro

Applications: 26-d1: Create a New Document 1. In a new document, key your name on the first line and then key 26-d1 on the next line. 2. Key the following sentences. Do not key the letters used to identify the sentences. Tap ENTER after each sentence. a. The default for Heading 1 is Cambria 16-point font. b. I use red font color, yellow highlighting, or purple text effects for emphasis. c. This sentence illustrates bold text, italic text, and underline formats. d. Is H2O the chemical symbol for water? The second formula was a2 + b2. e. He said, Revert back to the previous form. f. Use text formats to emphasize text in documents, but do not overuse them. 3. In sentence a, apply Cambria font and 16-point font size to Heading 1. 4. In sentence b, apply Red font color to the word red, Yellow highlight to the word yellow, and Gradient Fill - Purple, to the word purple. 5. In sentence c, apply bold format to the word bold, italic format to the word italic, and underline format to the word underline. 6. In sentence d, apply subscript format to 2 in H2O and superscript format to 2 in both a2 and b2. 7. In sentence e, apply strikethrough to the word back. 8. In sentence f, apply bold, italic, and Red font color to the words emphasize text. 9. In sentence f, apply use clear formatting to remove all formats from the words emphasize text. 10. Check and close the document. (26-d1) 11. Exit Keyboarding Pro DELUXE 2.

Crystal O. Gonzlez Lpez 26-d1 The default for Heading 1 is Cambria 16-point font. I used red font color, yellow highlighting, or text effects for emphasis.

This sentence illustrates bold text, italic text, and underline formats. Is H2O the chemical symbol for water? The second formula was a2 + b2. He said, Revert back to the previous form. Use text formats to emphasize text in documents, but do not overuse them.

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