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History of the Panama Canal: BBC Documentary

1) 17 years passed until another man decided to take on the canal. oose!elt picked the railroad en"ineer _______. a. #ohn $mith %. #ohn $te!ens c. $te!en #ohnson

&) 'hen inspectin" the (ork the )rench had done it (as determined that ___________ could %e sal!a"ed. a. *ittle %. $ome c. + lot

,) President oose!elt (anted to %uild the canal so that the -.$. _________ could dominate the oceans. a. .o!ernment %. Businesses c. Na!y

/) #ohn $te!ens %uild a ___________ system to act as a con!eyor %elt to remo!e rock and dirt 0uickly. a. ailroad %. 1onetary c. *e"al

2) 1o!in" the dirt out 0uickly (ith steam po(ered machines sped up the (ork and reduces the risk of ______. a. Disease %. 1ud slides c. )ire

3) 4he +mericans (ere e5ca!atin" more in a day then the )rench did in a _____________. a. 6ear %. Decade c. 1onth

7) 4he disease7 _________________7 caused many to flee. a. 1alaria %. Polio c. 6ello( fe!er

8) .or"as7 an e5pert in tropical diseases thou"ht they (ere spread throu"h ____________. a. 4he air %. 1os0uitos c. Do"s

9) *eaders in 'ashin"ton refused to di!ert resources to com%at the spread of disease. .or"as %elie!ed that ____________ (as makin" thin"s (orse %y actin" as an incu%ator. a. 4he (ater %. 4he e5ca!ation site c. 4he hospital

1:) 4he use of ____________ (ould stop the spread of disease. a. Poisons %. ;solation ca"es c. Bu" spray 11) #ohn $te!ens used hundreds of pounds of _______________ per month to di" throu"h the rock in Panama. a. Dynamite %. Brick c. $teel

1&) 'hat happened to stop pro"ress in Panama7 killin" the dream to di" do(n to sea le!el< a. 4he pro=ect ran out of money %. 4here (ere not enou"h (orkers7 they (ere dyin" too 0uickly c. 4he rainy season came and the ri!ers %e"an to flood.

1,) $te!ens had a ne( plan to dam the ri!er and use its po(er to____________. 4his (ould create the lar"est man> made lake in the center of a "iant lock system. a. Carry ships throu"h the mountain %. Carry ships o!er the mountain c. Carry ships under the mountain

1/) 'hat (as one of the risks in Panama that some %elie!ed (ould destroy any structures that (ere %uilt< a. Panama (as a hotspot for earth0uakes %. Panama (as a hotspot for forest fires c. Panama (as a hotspot for sno(

12) 'ho came to Panama to "i!e support to $te!ens? idea to %uild a lock system< a. 'illiam 4aft %. +ndre( Carne"ie c. 4eddy oose!elt

13) 'hen $te!ens left in 19:77 oose!elt replaced him (ith .eor"e .oethals. 4he effort in Panama is pro%a%ly one of the "reatest _____________ feats the (orld has e!er seen. a. @n"ineerin" %. 1edical c. Political

17) 4he cut in Panama %ecame kno(n as ______________. a. Hell?s Aitchen %. Hell?s .or"e c. Hell?s .ra!e

18) 'hen the medical %ud"et (as cut7 Dr. .or"as (orried there (ould %e an epidemic. 'ho told .oethals that he had to continue fi"htin" the threat of the mos0uito< a. 1edical e5perts %. + -.$. "eneral c. 4he president B oose!elt)

19) @ach lock cham%er (ould %e %i""er than the __________________. a. 4he 4itanic %. 4he $tatue of *i%erty c. 4he .rand Canyon

&:) 'hat type of %oat (as chosen for the first !oya"e throu"h the canal< a. + cruise ship %. + na!y !essel c. + tu" %oat

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