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his recipe is from one of the books I have which is also an eggless recipe Ingredients Milkmaid-400gms(used Nestle) Maida-22

gms !utter-"2 gms #ocoa powder-$ to 4 tbsps %erated cola drink-200ml(used &epsi) !aking powder-"tsp 'oda-bi-carb-"tsp (or decoration (resh cream-"cup(used %mul) )inned cherries-" small tin(*a+tis) #hocolate bar,cooking chocolate-min ,as re-uired(used #adbur+) .hile the cake is cooling keep the following read+

.hip the cream to spreading,piping consistenc+ and keep in the fridge(do not overwhip as it would curdle) Make sugar s+rup with "00ml water and "00gms sugar/not ver+ thin and not thick consistenc+ 0rate the chocolate either with knife or a big grater and refrigerate 'eperate the cherries from the s+rup and deseed them

Method 1ightl+ grease and flour the baking tin &reheat oven at " 0 # Melt butter in a double boiler and allow to cool %dd milkmaid to it and mi2 'ift together maida/baking powder/soda and cocoa powder Mi2 maida with milkmaid-butter mi2ture alternating with cola till maida and cola are over Immediatel+ pour into the prepared tin and bake for $0-40 mins at " 0 # or till done #ool and slit hori3ontall+ into two 'prinkle the s+rup liberall+ on the two halves of the cake 4se also the s+rup in the cherr+ tin on the cakes 'pread the whipped cream on the lower part of the cake 5eseed the cherries and arrange them liberall+ on the cream &lace the other part on top 'pread the cream liberall+ on the sides and top 'prinkle the grated chocolate on the sides and top and arrange some more cherries on top 6efrigerate and serve it cool

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