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Breezell Miller P.5 Ms. Gurule 03/21/13 Alphas: Lisi Harrison Allie A.

Abbott is a mall model down in anta Ana! "ali#ornia. $e $ad t$e %er#e&t li#e! %er#e&t bo'#riend! and %er#e&t! less attra&ti(e best#riend. )(er't$in* t$at s$e $ad e(er wanted was $ers. Her bo'#riend! +let&$er! $ad met $er at t$e mall w$en t$e' were tra(elin* in di##erent dire&tions on t$e es&olaters. ,$e' were to*et$er #or ele(en mont$s! and $er best #riend! ,rina! went alon* wit$ t$em to -isne'land to &elebrate. .ow! ,rina $ad de(elo%ed t$e talent to s%eed/s0et&$ an' moment! and went alon* to s0et&$ t$e lo(ers in -isne'land. o! w$en t$e t$ree were inside t$e wale to #ind nemo! t$e li*$ts went dar0. 1$en t$e li*$ts #li&0ered ba&0 on! Allie2s &losest &om%anions were &au*$t3 $e lost $er bo'#riend and best #riend on t$e same da'! in -isne'land3 Allie was de(istated. .ow! t$ere is a #amous #ol0/sin*er named Allie 4. Abbott w$o was 5ust in(ited to attend Al%$a A&adem'6 $owe(er! s$e was u% in t$e ar&ti&s somew$ere! and $er a&&e%tan&e letter a&&identall' ended u% at Allie A.2s $ouse. o! Allie did w$at an' irrational $eartbro0en teena*e *irl would do. $e &$an*ed $er a%%earan&e and $o%%ed on t$e %lane to Al%$a 7sland. Allie $ad to d'e $er $air %it&$ bla&0! *et a #a0e mole! and bu' *reen &onta&ts to $ide w$o s$e trul' was! all in t$e name o# #or*ettin* t$e betra'al. 7n t$e be*inin*! it is not reall' establis$ed as to w$' Allie is im%ortant6 but! near t$e end! Allie2s true identit' is re(ealed in #ront o# 88 ot$er al%$a #emales! o$ t$e s$ame3 ,$is! is w$en $er true 5ourne' be*ins. Alphas is t$e stor' o# Al%$a A&adem'9w$i&$ Lisi Harrison a&tuall' #ores$adows in a di##erent series! wit$ 0'e Hamilton bein* a &$ara&ter in bot$ series//an ad(an&ed s&$ool #or #emales w$o will ad(an&e t$e world in t$e *eneration. A#ter all! t$e best dau*$ters o# our world must be nurtured. An'wa's! t$e stor' $as a t$ree &$ara&ter #o&us: 0'e Hamilton! Allie J. Abbott! and "$arlie -eer'. :ri*inall'! 0'e2s a%%li&ation $ad been lost in t$e mail and s$e $adn2t belie(ed t$at s$e would attend. Also! Allie J. Abbott was reall' a $eartbro0en mall model #rom anta Ana! wit$ a di##erent middle initial! w$o stole t$e sin*er2s identit' to run #rom $er %ast. Lastl'! "$arlie was not a&tuall' su%%osed to attend be&ause s$e 0new $ira! t$e international i&on/a&adem' owner! %ersonall'. $ira a&tuall' onl' let $er attend i# "$arlie2s mot$er! $ira2s %ersonal assistant o# 10 'ears! ;uit and i# "$arlie bro0e u% wit$ $ira2s son! -arwin. ,$e t$ree end u% s$arin* a $ouse to*et$er #or t$eir entire sta' at Al%$a A&adem'. ,$e &lasses at Al%$a A&adem' are not li0e &lasses at an' re*ular or %ri(ate s&$ool. +irst o##! t$ere is onl' 100 *irls w$o are allowed to attend! and su&&ess is based on sur(i(al. +or instan&e! i# a *irl is &au*$t #lirtin* wit$ one o# $ira2s sons! s$e is sent $ome and is unable to *raduate #rom Al%$a. :$ 'es! and t$ere &an onl' be one Al%$a. .ow! ea&$ *irl $as a s&$edual o# &lasses ta'lored to t$eir s0ill or talent! in order to nurture t$em and ma0e t$em *row. 1it$in t$e #irst da'! Allie #inds out t$at "$arlie 0nows $ira! and one o# t$eir roommates a&&uses "$arlie o# bein* a <brown/noser= or a snit&$. "$arlie didn2t &onsider $ersel# one. ,$at is! "$arlie wasn2t until $ira &alled $er into $er o##i&e and told $er t$at s$e was to be $ira2s <e'es.= Allie e>%e&ts to be t$e #irst one elliminated w$en "$arlie #inds out t$at s$e met -arwin. Plus! "$arlie is about to tell $ira t$at t$e leader o# t$eir late ni*$t e>&ursions is Allie! until t$e roommate *oes to #ar in insultin* $er. ,$en! t$e (er' #irst ni*$t! t$at *irl is e>%elled. :n $er wa' bein* e>&orted out o# t$e buildin*! s$e 'ells t$at "$arlie is a s%'. o! e(er'one on t$e island belie(es t$at "$arlie is t$e %'. Later on! 0'e is dan&in* in t$e studio in t$e s0'! w$en s$e #alls and s%rains $er an0le. Her mot$er! be#ore s$e le#t #or t$e a&adem'! *a(e 0'e one o# $er old ballet s$oes to write $er HA-s in6 t$at is! $er $o%es and dreams. 1$en 0'e is in l'in* on $er bed! s$e $as $er se&ret HA-s on $er la%! and %asses out be#ore s$e &an %ut t$em awa'. ?n#ortunatel'! 0'2s HA-s aren2t t$e 0indest and are

dis&o(ered. Her ot$er roommates $a(e #ound t$em3 :ne o# t$e HA-s $ad a note! <"rus$ @enee and ,ri%le li0e "$estnuts in t$e .ut&ra&0er.= ,$e #irst e>%elled *irl was named @enee! and t$e *irls saw t$is as a red #la*. ,$e' now belie(ed t$at 0'e was t$e s%'! and told e(er'one in t$e s&$ool t$at it wasn2t "$arlie. 1$en all else is &on#used and $e&ti&! "$arlie s%ends a *reat amount o# time deliberatin* on tellin* t$e two t$e trut$. +inall'! s$e does! and t$e t$ree are in on t$e se&ret. ,$e' brea0 t$e rules ri*$t under $ira2s nose6 $owe(er! in t$e middle o# one o# t$eir ad(entures! $ira #inds out t$at someone is *oin* a*ainst $er wis$es. $e &alls an island meetin*. Also! usuall' an island meetin* is anot$er word #or (otin* someone o## t$e island. And! 5ust as t$e *irls are about to learn o# t$e ne>t <&$o%!= $ira is &alled about an ur5ent messa*e and lea(es t$e *irls on t$e brin0 o# insanit' wit$ t$eir &uriousit'. 7nstead o# bein* le#t to wonder w$at $ira was &alled about! t$e s&ene &$an*es. Allie is brou*$t into $ira2s o##i&e. :n $er wa' in! s$e %asses a *irl w$o s$e loo0s 5ust li0e. ,$e *irl e>&laims t$at t$e' &ould be twins. ,$en! on&e in $ira2s o##i&e! t$ere is an interro*ation. $ira 0nows6 $owe(er! s$e doesn2t &all t$e %oli&e about identit' t$e#t! as Allie belie(ed. 7nstead! s$e *a(e Allie t$e &$an&e to sta'! i# s$e &ould $andle t$e $umiliation o# re(eilin* $ersel# to $er &lassmates as $er true sel#. )nd s&ene.

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