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In nternat tional Institute of f Mana ageme ent, En nginee ering echno ology, Jaipur J r & Te

IIMET/ /EXAM/13/134 Thu ursday, 7th Nov. 2013


Filli ing Exam m. Form and a depos siting the e fee of B.Tech V and a VII Se emester (MAIN & BACK) B Ex xam Dec. . 2013 Batches: 2011-15 & 2010-14 4 (Main) a and 2008 8-12, 2009 9-13 & 201 10-14 (Ba ack)
All the e students of Batch: 2010-14 2 & 2011-2015 2 are informed to deposit their RT TU examination fees t th to the e Account Office O on or r before 16 Nov. 201 13 (Saturday). An am mount of Rs s.30/- (Late Fine) per th th day would w be charged, afte er 16 Nov v. 2013 (Saturday) till 18 Nov. 2013 2 (Mond day). The la ate fine for n 19th & 20th Nov. 2013 is double d of exam e fee a and on 22nd Nov. 201 13 it is trip ple of exam m fee. No n nd reque est would be e entertaine ed after 22 Nov. 2013. Stu udents are advised to go through h following process for r filling the e examination n form:1. Co ollect the ex xamination form from your y Branch HOD by showing s co ollege ID Ca ard. 2. Ch heck your own o photog graph & all entries e of e exam. forms s like Name e, Roll No., , Subject Name N with co odes, Mobile e No. & Add dress etc. for f any wrong entries college c wou uld not be responsible r e. 3. De eposit the necessary n fe ee BACK : @ Rs. 300/- for one subject, @ Rs. 600/- for f two sub bjects and three t or mo ore theory subjects of o Rs. 850/ /-. MAIN : @Rs. @ 850/- to t accounts s deptt. 4. Fill the Challan No. (i.e e. Receipt No. N of fee s slip), Date of paymen nt receipt and a Amount paid in the e examination form be efore submi itting the sa ame. 5. Su ubmit the ex xam form to o Exam Ce ell after dep positing the fee by showing your College C ID Card. FOR SESSIONA AL IMPROV VEMENT 1. Th he sessiona al improvem ment test (M MTT) will b be conducte ed on the s same day of RTU Ex xam. From 2.0 00pm to 3.0 00pm. 2. Aft ter the subm mission of fees f at acc counts office e, the stude ents are req quired to re eport the ex xamination cell for registration, failing which he/she wo on't be allow wed to app pear in ses ssional imp provement ex xams. 3. Th he fee of am mount Rs. 60/6 per sub bject is to b be deposite ed for sessional improv vement exa ams. Upto nd 22 2 Nov. 2013 (Friday) ). 4. Fo or sessiona al improvem ments, a la ate fine of Rs. 30/- per day will be charge ed after las st date till 26 6.11.2013. No N fee will be b entertain ned after 26 6.11.2013. Contro oller of Exa aminations

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