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6SS Consultancy is a subsidiary of 6 Square Systems, a pioneer in providing job opportunities in RIG as well in Domestic RIG JOBS RIG

Its clear: Working offshore in a remote part of the world on a multi-million dollar rig or ship that is drilling three miles underwater, in sometimes adverse conditions, is not a traditional 9-to-5 job Its more of a lifest!le "ut if !ou like the idea of working in a high-growth industr! in a highl! skilled job with rich rewards and a bit of adventure, !ou will be interested in a career at #I$ %oda!s market for talent on high-specification rigs and drillships is competitive %he e&pense and risk related to this increasingl! comple& e'uipment means that we are in search of the best people to join our team (nd at #I$ we reward top performers - on land and at sea with competitive compensation, good benefits, and a world of opportunities With new rigs coming online through )*+5, #I$ is looking for both e&perienced crew members and e&ceptional people new to the industr! We are looking for recent grads as well as mid-career professionals looking for a change ,ur growth has created positions offshore and onshore throughout our worldwide operations



Permanent staffing is attaining great importance in the human resource industrial stratagem of every company in todays trend. Rightly so, as an organization that is equipped with quality and dedicated permanent staff has a greater chance of surviving and succeeding in the long run.


6SS C !S"#$%!C& contract'to'hire staffing module is the made'to'order solution wherein the companies loo(ing for its e)pansion plans can ta(e this ris( less staffing module. Contract' to' *ire module is a safe alternative to permanent hiring.


+)ecutive search ,informally headhunting- is the process of recruiting individuals to fill e)ecutive positions in organizations. +)ecutive search may .e performed .y an organization/s .oard of directors, .y e)ecutives in the organization, or .y an outside e)ecutive search organization. %nother way to identify potential candidates involves search firm 0research0, which is contacting targeted people in specific companies who appear to fit the 1o. profile in some logical manner. 2e, 6SS Consultancy have great e)pertise in Senior and $op level talent search.

2e help in recruiting the .est talent to close the critical positions of our client. 4. JOB FAIR %t 6SS Consultancy, we connect talented people with respected companies. +very day, leading employers as( us to present them with talented candidates for their most in'demand positions. 6SS Consultancy offers them a unique access to these employment opportunities, matching your s(ills with intriguing pro1ects and cutting'edge technologies3 we are organizing this 4 56%7R event in colleges 8 universities.

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