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Another FAQ written exclusively for GameFAQs <> !!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!! "! !" "!

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.arvest /oon: %ac0 to *ature 1trategy Gui2e 3 (ype 3 .arvest /oon: %(* FAQ/4al0through 3 Game 5ersion 3 *orth American 3 ,evision .istory 3 5ersion 6.7 3 8latform 3 1ony 8lay1tation 3 Author 3 1cott )ng 3 -3mail A22ress 3 0angning9m:ox; 3 FAQ <ocations 3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 <<< =isclaimer >>> 3 8lease rea2 this> (his FAQ is meant for personal usage only. (his FAQ can only :e repro2uce2 electronically. ?t must not :e altere2 without the author@s consent. (his FAQ is not meant for profita:le purposes. (his FAQ is owne2 an2 ma2e :y meA 1cott )ng <0angning9m:ox;>. (his FAQ is copyright of 1cott )ng 6BBB3C777. (his FAQ is not meant for profita:le purposes. .arvest /oon: %(* is copyright of *atsume C777 an2 1ony 8laystation is copyright of 1ony. 8lease rea2 the frequently as0e2 questions section :efore you start to post a question the author. Dou can print out the FAQ for personal usage :ut you must retain the printe2 copy for your own use. !!! / ? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,evision .istory 5ersion 6.7 E=ate: Fe:ruary 6Fth C776 G (his mar0s the initial release of the FAQ. ? have a22e2 a 2etaile2 list of items an2 recipes to this strategy gui2e. ? have a22e2 a @complete@ list of Gameshar0 /o2ifier co2es. (he wal0through an2 2ating gui2e are incomplete. (his FAQ is )*<D availa:le at the following a22resses: GameFAQs <> (his FAQ is always free for personal use. Anyone can post this FAQ on their we:site as long as the FAQ remains unaltere2. ?f you foun2 this

FAQ on another we:siteA please refer :ac0 to GameFAQs as that is only source. $ ,emem:er: Always chec0 GameFAQs for its latest revision history $ (his FAQ is :est3viewe2 using 4in2ows@ 4or238a2. ?f you have any pro:lems in printing/viewing itA please 0in2ly contact the authorA so that he coul2 ma0e the a2Hustments. ?f you have pro:lem in printing the FAQA change the font siIe to B. !!!! / ?? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?ntro2uction to .arvest /oon: %ac0 to *ature First of allA ? will give you a :rief intro2uction of .arvest /oon: %ac0 (o *ature. Dou play a role of a character E? woul2 calle2 him @.ero@ or @you@ :y 2efaultG. .ero is a little :oy who is suppose2 to go on a vacation with his father. %efore they go for a vacationA his father has :een as0e2 to go on a :usiness trip an2 left .ero at their gran2 father@s farm at /ineral 5illage. .ero thin0s that it@s going to :e :oring there as there isn@t any for him to 2o. .is gran2father even tells him that there won@t :e much to 2o since he is going to :e to :usy wor0ing on the farm. J(hat explains why you got those cut3scenes of .ero :eing chase2 :y the farm animalsK 4hile his stay at thereA .ero has met a girl an2 :ecome fast frien2s with her. .e spen2s hours with her an2 :oth of them enHoye2 each other@s company. 4hen it comes time for .ero to return :ac0 homeA he has promise2 the girl that he will come :ac0 some 2ay to pay her a visit again... J67 years have passe2...K *ow .ero is :ac0 his gran2father@s farmA he fin2 out that his gran2father has passe2 away. (he mayor comes in an2 tells you he will give you three years to fix up his gran2father@s farm. .e 2eci2e2 to try to fix up the farm an2 perhaps he may get the chance to meet the girl once again... !!!!! / ??? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Author@s *ote 4ellA it has :een a while since ? have :een typing new FAQJsK. (his is my eleventh an2 it is may:e my last FAQ. ? will still :e ma0ing up2ates to my other FAQJsK an2 try to correct all the errors. E5ersion 6.7G 3 6F3Fe:3C776 1eeing this game is un2er the top requestsA ? was more 2etermine2 to ma0e this FAQ a :etter one. .opefullyA ? 2on@t really get e3mails li0e the one that ? have gotten for FFL.

%esi2es playing %rigan2ine 3 <egen2 of Forsena Ewhich ? playe2 three years agoGA this is the thir2 gameA which ma0es me feel so o:sesse2 with the game3play. ?t is really fun to play where you can 2o some farming. J-rr... ? never thought that farming was so fun.K ?/)A it is a great game. %(4A ? have hear2 that there is a version of this game for *FM an2 Game3:oy :ut ? 2on@t own it. (here are a lot of cut3scenesA which ? have misse2 throughout my game3play an2 hopefully :y intro2ucing this FAQA ? get the chance to learn more a:out the game. ?t ta0es you a while to master the :asics of .arvest /oon: %(*. 8lease rea2 the @&ontact the Author 3 -3mail 8olicy@ sectionA otherwise 2on@t :lame me if ? 2i2 not reply your e3mail. %(4A even if you follow my e3mail policyA there are chances that ? woul2 not replyA as ? am still schooling. ? will try my :est to reply 2uring wee0en2s. %(4A if you 2on@t get my responseA ? woul2 recommen2 you to visit GameFAQs message :oar2. %(4A 2on@t expect an up2ate from me every wee0. ?t may ta0e at least N wee0s for a secon2 up2ate as ? am starte2 to having my examinations soon. )h yesA ? forget to tell you that ? 2i2 not use a spell3chec0erA hence you may fin2 some funny sentence structures... E1cottG !!!! / ?5 #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a:le of &ontents ? ,evision .istory ?? ?ntro2uction to .arvest /oon: %ac0 to *ature$ ??? Author@s *ote ?5 (a:le of &ontents 5 Game %asics 5.6 J(he %eginning of a *ew OourneyK$ 5.C J%asic &onfigurationK$ 5.N JFarming %asicsK$ 5.M J(he Five %asic Farming (oolsK$ 5.; J1pecial (ools from the %lac0smithK$ 5.F J(he 77 /a0ersK$ 5.P J(he &rops Gui2eK$ 5.L J(he (ownK$ 5.B J/enu -xplanationsK$ 5.67 J(he &alen2arK 5? Game 8lay (ips 5?? 4al0through 5??? ?tem %estiary an2 ,ecipes L.6 J?tem %estiaryK$ L.C J,ecipe <istK ?Q Game 1har0 &o2es Q &heats an2 1ecrets$ Q? &ontact the Author 3 -3mail 8olicy$ <3 please rea2 this> Q?? &re2its

$ (hese are the sections that are complete2 :ut may :e ammen2e2 if there are any errors. @ &orrecte2 from the previous up2ate. !!! / 5 #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game %asics For those who are first time playing .arvest /oon: %(*A :efore you Humpe2 onto the wal0through please rea2 the game :asics. Dou nee2 to 0now a lot of :asics :efore you can really get starte2 on the game. J(hroughout the entire FAQA ? woul2 calle2 the main lea2 as @.ero@ or @you@K 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.6G (he %eginning of a *ew Oourney 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 At the :eginningA you will nee2 to start to enter your nameA your :irth2ayA your farm@s name an2 2og@s name. Oust simply enter any names that you preferre2. ? suppose2 it woul2 :e :etter if ? warne2 you a:out the RclashingR of the :irth2ays of the girls who you wishe2 to go 2ating with. ?f you got the same :irth2ay as the girlA the :irth2ays of the girl will :e change2. AnywayA ? will tal0 more a:out at the start of the wal0throughS therefore 2on@t worry a:out it. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.CG %asic &onfiguration 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 %efore ? Humpe2 towar2s the :asics a:out farming in .arvest /oon: %(*A ? woul2 give you a 2e:rief on the :asic controls: 3T %asic &onfiguration T3 %utton 4hat it 2oesU =38a2 7 it allows you to move .ero aroun2 the terrain. 7 it allows you to ma0e selections on the menus an2 prompts 7 it allows you to push a livestoc0 :y hol2ing 2own. Q 7 it allows .ero 2o :asic RactionsR 7 it wor0s li0e the action :utton on the menus. &ircle 7 it allows you to run an2 cancel selections. 7 .ol2ing it while using =38a2 allows .ero to run. 1quare 7 it allows you to use the selecte2 tool 7 .ol2 2own it allows you to execute the @special action@ 7 4hile hol2ing 2own an itemA it allows .ero to eat the @?tem@ if it is possi:le. (riangle 7 it allows you to view the ruc0sac0. 7 in :etween :uying menusA it :rings up the @tips@ ,6 7 it allow you to switch :etween @tools@ ,C 7 it allow you to switch :etween @items@ 7 4hile hol2 an itemA it allows .ero to 0eep the item. <6 7 it allows you to whistle at your 2og. <C 7 it allows you to whistle at your horse. 1tart 7 it will :ring up the status screen an2 pause the game. 7 J=uring a mini3gameK 1elect 7 it will activate the town map.

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.NG Farming %asics 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 %efore ? :egin this sectionA ? assume2 that you have :riefly un2erstoo2 the :asic configuration/controls of .arvest /oon: %(* an2 rea2 a :it from your manual. /a0e sure that you have fully un2erstoo2 the game@s :asic controls: 3E,uc0sac0G3 ?n the gameA you will fin2 .ero carrying a ruc0sac0 on his :ac0. ?f you hit the (riangle :uttonA you will :e a:le to view the ruc0sac0 screen. (he ruc0sac0 allows .ero to carry tools an2 items. .ero can only carry an item on han2 regar2less whether it is a tool or item. 4hile hol2ing an itemA you cannot use a tool. J?n the gameA there are three types of ruc0sac0K ,uc0sac0 3 Dou will start the game with this. Dou can hol2 a maximum of C tools an2 C items. 8lease note that ? have exclu2e2 the items on han2. /e2ium ,uc0sac0 3 Dou can :uy this from the 1upermar0et for N777 G. ?t expan2s the carrying capacity of the ruc0sac0 to M tools an2 M items. <arge ,uc0sac0 3 Dou can :uy this from the 1upermar0et for ;777 G. ?t will :e applica:le after you have :ought the /e2ium ,uc0sac0. ?t expan2s the carrying capacity of the ruc0sac0 to L tools an2 L items. (o switch tools without using the shortcut 0ey J(riangle :uttonKA you Hust nee2 to tap ,6 to switch :etween tools an2 ,C to switch :etween items. ?f you operate the ruc0sac0 from the menuA you can switch the items :y using =38a2A Q an2 &ircle :utton. Dou can also view the status of the item that is currently insi2e the ruc0sac0. 3E8ic0 +p itemsG3 8ic0ing up items is the most :asic metho2s of getting items. Dou 2o not nee2 tools an2 Hust :are han2s will 2o the tric0. Oust procee2 to the item that is on the groun2 an2 hit the Q :utton to pic0 it up. *extA you shoul2 have the following possi:ilities: E6G (hrow the item Dou can throw the item away :y hit the Q :utton once the item is on .ero@s han2. ?/)A 0nowing a:out this is very important. ?t allows you to 2eposit items into the :in an2 throw gar:age away. ?f you throw @sella:le items@ onto the groun2A they will :e 2estroye2 an2 you can@t recover them. .enceA ma0e sure you aime2 it properly> ?t wor0s while ta0ing out fo22er or chic0en fee2 from the fee2 she2s insi2e the :arn or the henhouse. ECG @1pring &leaning@ J=umping of gar:age from the farmK (his is a farm3relate2 technique. (he items that are involve2 are @log@A @stone@A @lum:er@ an2 @wee2@. Dou can fin2 all of them insi2e the farm. <og J?t is represente2 :y an orange :ranchK 1tone J?t is represente2 :y a small stoneK

<um:er J?t is represente2 :y a vertical woo2 logK 4ee2 J?t is represente2 :y a patch of grassK <og 3 (his item will :e 2amage2 if you throw it outsi2e the tille2 soil Jsan2y areaK of the farm. .oweverA it will still remain intact when :eing thrown on the tille2 soil. Dou can@t count that as a22itional to lum:er unless you have choppe2 it 2own with an Ax. 1tone 3 (his item will :e 2amage2 if you throw it outsi2e the tille2 soil of the farm. .oweverA it will remain intact on the tille2 soil. Dou can only eliminate it using the a:ove metho2 or using the hammer. <um:er 3 (his item can :e gotten from the woo2 she2 foun2 in :etween the :arn an2 the sta:le. ?t will remain intact if you throw it on the tille2 soilA hence allow you to form a @fence@ when multiple lum:ers are :eing place2 a2Hacent to each other. 4ee2 3 ?t is Hust useless grass. ?t will :e remove2 automatically when you throw it away from the ruc0sac0. Dou can also remove it using the sic0le. ENG (o give the item as a gift 4ith the item on the han2sA you Hust nee2 to hol2 2own =38a2 against the person an2 hit Q to give to the other person. 1ome of itemsA such as 8in0 &at FlowerA cannot :e sol2. %ut it can :e offere2 as @gifts@/ @presents@ to fellow villagers. %(4A 2on@t :other to offer precious ore to la2iesA as most of them may not li0e it. EMG &onsumption ?f you hit 1quare :uttonA .ero will consume the item if it is possi:le. For example if .ero has an egg on han2A you hit the 1quare :utton. Dou shoul2 see .ero consuming the egg. ?f the item on han2 is a stoneA you will get no options. %(4A 2on@t consume to all itemsA as some of them are not e2i:le an2 poisonous. -xamples inclu2e the ,e2 Grass. E;G 'eep it insi2e the ,uc0sac0 ? suppose2 the hea2ing is quite clear. ?f you hit the ,C :uttonA .ero will 0eep the item insi2e his ruc0sac0 if possi:le. 8lease note that the 0ept item will :e :rought to last position upon retrieving items. (o retrieve an itemA you Hust nee2 to hit ,C :utton again or ma0e use of the ruc0sac0 menu. For more 2etailsA 8<-A1- refer to the 5.B @/enu -xplanations@ section. 3E/ining %asicsG3 ?n the game Jor /ineral 5illageKA you will fin2 two mines to mine. (he mines are pretty har2 to locate for a :egineer J? only 2iscover the first one on Pth of spring on my first game3playK. %elow is a 2escription of the location. /ine V6 3 :ehin2 the @Go22ess 8on2@ 4aterfall. At the hot spring areaA you will fin2 a hot spring along with a stream an2 waterfall. Dou can go :ehin2 the hot spring an2 there is a small pe::le pathA which lea2s to the mine.

)res foun2 in this mine: Oun0 )reS &opper )reS 1ilver )reS Gol2 )re an2 /ystrile )re. Dou can also fin2 a 8ower :erry here upon mining. /ine VC 3 the 4inter /ine (his mine &A* )*<D :e accesse2 in the winter. Dou nee2 to go to the /other@s .ill where you can fin2 a la0e. (he la0e will :e froIen into ice that you will :e a:le to cross it to reach the mine. (he mine locate2 in the mi22le of the la0e. ?f you go 2own 67 levelsA you will :e a:le to fin2 a fishing pon2 in the un2ergroun2 where you can catch a legen2ary fish... )res foun2 in this mine: Oun0 )reS /ystrile )reS )richalcum )re an2 A2amantite )re. Dou can also fin2 a 8ower %erry here upon mining. 8urpose of /ining: %efore ? :eginA you may nee2 to 0now something a:out mining... /ining is very important as it provi2es important ores to upgra2e your tools. (he ores can :e sol2 for money. (he rare ores are inten2 to ma0e the )) /a0ers or the accessory Jgirl@s presentK. (hroughout miningA you will :e a:le to fin2 useless ore JHun0 ore 3 which loo0s li0e a pile of stone to me...K in all mines. (hey are useless an2 sol2 for a cheap price of 6 gol2. %(4A there is also money to :e mine2 in the game> Dou will fin2 @:ags of gol2@ J.ero will pic0 an2 0eep in his ruc0sac0K that causes 67G each. Dou may fin2 manholesA which lea2 to the next level of the mine. (he general tip is to get as 2eep as possi:leA as it increase the rate of you getting more ores for sale. /ining 2oes not really earn much :ut if you have a :as0et J:ought from 1upermar0et for ;777GK where you can collect a maximum of NL ores per trip to the mine. General (ips 3 Japplica:le to :oth mines>K *)(-: (he tool use2 for mining is the .oe. (he special actions of hoe have no effect while mining. As you enter the mineA your o:Hective is to fin2 a manhole that lea2s to the next level of the mine. For the first mineA the level is en2less> =ig five times at 2ifferent spots: the northeast spotA northwest spotA southeast spotA the mi22le spot an2 southwest spot. ?f you get Hun0 oreA throw it away an2 start to 2ig in a row until you fin2 the manhole. ?f you fin2 a @:ag of gol2@A there is a high possi:ility that the manhole is somewhere near:y. )nce you have locate2 the manholeA use =38a2 to move towar2s it. Dou will get a message prompte2 whether to go 2own the manhole pic0 @Des@. (o exit the mine from this point onwar2sA all you nee2 to 2o is procee2 to the la22er an2 answer @yes@ on the prompt. AnywayA ? got another mining tip... <et@s say if the la22er is locate2 on the leftA you can fin2 the next manhole somewhere on right han2 si2e of the mine. (he manhole is $normally$ locate2 on the opposite si2e of the la22er. Dour o:Hective to locate a manhole A1A8 for the first ; levels an2 start to 2ig intensively from the Fth level onwar2s. %(4A the location of the manholes are at ran2om. +se @money :ags@ as a source to get rare ores

or manholes. (he extreme en2s of the mines contains no ore at all> %(4A you Hust nee2 to 2ig once per patch of lan2. 1tamina ?n2icator... 8lease note: ?f your stamina starts to fa2e off to the extreme that .ero pants an2 sat on the groun2 Jhis eyes will turn @2ar0@KA exit the mine an2 procee2 to the hot spring for a hour. ?t is crucially important as to prevent sic0ness. ?t will :e goo2 to a2opt a ha:it of visiting the hot spring after every mining session when you have less than F power :erries. %est stillA get a me2icine from the =octor an2 :ring it along with you to the mine. %ut ? woul2 prefer the first alternative as it is free> 1hipping %as0et 4oes... *)(- C: ?f you :ring the shipping :as0et to the mineA it is very important that you :ring it along with you when you go 2own to the next manhole. ?f you left it at the mine thereA you nee2 to restart from the entrance an2 2ig until the level of the mine where you have left the :as0et. +nfortunately in the gameA it 2oes not allow you to select the 2esire2 level to mine. -ven if you fainte2A you will still :e a:le to fin2 the shipping :as0et at the level where you have left it previously. %e caution. ?f it happens that the :as0et was Hust :eing place2 over the manhole. =on@t not move to close to the manhole an2 hit Q to pic0 it. ?f .ero is close enoughA there isn@t a nee2 to use =38a2 to move forwar2. 4hen you see a promptA pic0 @*o@ if you haven@t pic0 the :as0et. E&ost per item in mineG Oun0 )re 6G &opper )re 6;G 1ilver )re C7G Gol2 )re C;G /ystrile )re N7G )richalcum )re ;7G A2amantite )re ;7G 3EFishing %asicsG3 Dou can@t start fishing at the start of the game... Dou nee2 to get a fishing ro2 Jma0e sure you have an empty slot un2er equip sectionK. (o get this equipmentA you must go to the 2oc0s 2uring Pam to 67am or Ppm to 67pm on either Fri2ayA 1atur2ay or 1un2ay. Dou will :e a:le to meet Greg the fisherman. (al0 to him an2 pic0 that you li0e fishing. (o fishA Hust simply equip the fishing ro2 on han2 an2 hit 1quare on a water fille2 area. After the cast has reache2 the waterA 2o not release the 1quare :utton. .ol2 2own the :utton an2 wait for it to vi:rate. )nce it starts to vi:rateA release the square :utton. Dou will catch a fish/ hoo0e2 up a gar:age item or nothing> (here are several places where you can fish. ? will ela:orate more a:out them later. Dou can :ree2 fishes. Ei.e. ma0e a small fish to grow to large fish an2 giving a new small fish when the existing small fish reaches the a2ult stageG. (o 2o thisA you nee2 to catch some fish Jrefer to the steps that are mentione2 in the paragraph a:oveK an2 2eposit them into the fish pon2. *ext you nee2 to get fish foo2 through purchase only from the 1upermar0et for ;7G. Dou Hust nee2 to 2eposit one fish foo2 insi2e

the fish pon2 every2ay. J(he quantity of fishes in the pon2 2oes not have any impactK Dou can only have BB fishes in the fish pon2. ?f you have more than ;7 fishesA you will see Greg visiting your pon2 an2 give you a :etter fishing equipment. JDou nee2 to have an empty slot in the equip portion :efore exiting the house in or2er to get the equipmentK (he fishing pole is a :etter equipment compare2 to fishing ro2. ?t is not necessary that you nee2 to use the fishing pole in or2er to catch legen2ary fish. %ut some of legen2ary fishes requires a fishing pole. (here are several places where you can catch fish. (hey are the seaA the la0eA the waterfallA winter mine@s pon2 an2 river streams. 4eir2 fishing spots inclu2e the hot3pot 2uring .arvest Festival in Fall an2 the fishing pon2 W!WSK Dou can only catch large fish from the ocean. (he la0e is fairly clean as :eing compare2 to other spots. (he sea is very 2irty an2 you will get gar:age most of time. %ut there is a tipA which ? myself also got from the li:rary :esi2es a fellow FAQ writer: (he :oo0s says something li0e the sentence :elow: R(he fish population in the sea has 2ecrease2 greatly 2ue to the 2umping of trash into the rivers an2 seaR Ja.0.a water populationK Dou can @increase@ the fish population Jeasier to catch fish from the oceanK :y 2epositing the gar:age into the trash :in foun2 in the ,ose 1quare ),... Get the :as0et J:ought from 1upermar0et for ;777GK to the har:or. 8lace the :as0et :ehin2 .ero. As you get a gar:age item Je.g. fish :oneA trash can an2 :ootKA Hust aim an2 throw in the :as0et. Dou will fin2 the :as0et sha0es a :it :ut there is no crops for sale> For my caseA it 2i2 helps to improve my chances of catching fish 2uring winter. E&ost per fishG E+nsella:le ?temsG 1mall Fish 677G +nuse2 &an /e2ium Fish C77G %oots <arge Fish$ N77G Fish %one $ Dou can only catches large fish in the sea/ocean. Dou can@t sell legen2ary fishes for money. After they are caughtA you will fin2 .ero releasing them. %ut you will fin2 @a mar0/icon@ place2 in the menu as proof that you have caught the legen2ary fish. 3EA2vance2 1hipping -quipment: (he %as0et an2 .orse@s 1a22le %agG3 (here are two sets of equipment. (hey are the :as0et J:ought from 1upermar0et for ;777GK an2 the sa22le Jo:tain when you are allowe2 to 0eep the horseK. E(he %as0etG (his is perhaps the :est tool that you nee2 to ship your pro2uce. (he :as0et can contain a maximum of N7 crops. E(he term @crop@ here refers to pro2uce li0e her:sS mountain forage items such as mushroomsA ore an2 2iary pro2ucts JwoolA mil0 an2 eggsKG (he :as0et is pretty useful item an2 it is in2ispensa:le. (he :as0et cannot :e 2amage2 :y weather haIar2s even if you left the item outsi2e of the house. (he :as0et cannot :e stolen :y fellow villager. -ven if you leave in a part of the

mineA you will still :e a:le to retrieve :y returning :ac0 to the mine. (o 2eposit an item Jwhich cannot :e ta0en out afterwar2sKA Hust simply position .ero in front of the :as0et Ji.e. facing itK an2 hit Q to 2eposit the item on han2. ?f you 2rop a N6st itemA it will :e as goo2 as lost. (o 0now how much the :as0et containA ma0e use of the -quip menu to rea2. .it (riangle :utton an2 move the cursor to the :as0et. %(4A ? woul2 li0e to remin2 you that you can@t ta0e out items that you have 2eposit. %ut 2epositing in the :as0et 2oesn@t mean that it has @:een shippe2@. J?n the gameA the pro2uce is consi2ere2 only shippe2 when you have 2eposit it in the :inK. .ence ta0e the :as0et facing the :in an2 hit 1quare. Dou will see an animation of .ero tilting the :as0et. (here will :e no lost of items if you hit 1quare without ma0ing contact with the :in. *ormallyA ? woul2 use the :as0et to collect eggs from my chic0ensA :arn animalsA etc. E1a22leG 4hat is the point of ta0ing care of the pony that you have gotten 1ai:ara. (here are typically three reasons an2 they are: 6K -very hearts the horse has gaine2A it accounts for 6X for your farm. CK (he horse allows you to participate in the <ocal .orse ,ace. NK (he horse is a goo2 shipping help in the farm. Dou nee2 to ta0e goo2 care of your horse for 6 year with a minimum of eight hearts. Dou can :uil2 up the horse@s hearts :y tal0ing an2 :rushing Jwith the :rush :ought from 1ai:ara for L77GK. .aving it :eing place2 outsi2eA helps to increase the hearts faster. After the yearA you can get the horse if it has L eight hearts or more. ?f it 2oesn@tA you nee2 to plant another N7 patches of grassA so that %arley will give you a secon2 pony. 4hile the horse is at its pony stageA it is very har2 to han2le it. %are with it for the M hearts. +pon the ;th heartA you can ma0e use of whistle Ehit ,CG to call for your pony. 4ith the horseA it helps you to move aroun2 your farm a lot more quic0er. Dou can ri2e on it aroun2 the farm faster than you are running. Dou can 2eposit unwante2 items such :ranchesA stonesA wee2sA flowers an2 even crops into the sa22le. ?f you 2eposit a pro2uceA it will :e accounte2 as :eing 2eposit in the :in. (he horse is a goo2 transport tool :ut it is very har2 to ma0e the horse stay put at one place... 3EGiving Gifts an2 /a0ing Frien2sG3 Gifts are typically any item that you can fin2 the game. Dou can give wee2A :ranchesA lum:er an2 even ores to villagersA although the :asic reason is that they will not li0e it. ?f you give an average item to /anna of AHa 4ineryA she will give you some tips on ma0ing frien2s. As for the invi2ual@s li0es listA please refer to the town gui2e for more 2etails. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.MG (he Five %asic Farming (ools 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 At the start of the gameA you will fin2 a .ammerA a 4atering &anA an AxA a .oe an2 a 1ic0le insi2e the tool:ox. ?f you hit the start :utton to activate the status menuA you will fin2 the status of these tools. (he status screen is very important as it means whether you can perform

an upgra2e on the tool. (he status screen shoul2 something similar to the one that is foun2 :elow: 3T Figure 5.6.Ca: 1tatus 1creen of (ools T3 J<egen2K J?con of (oolK """"""""""""""""""""""" E&G J&opper )reK E&GE1GEGGE/G EXG E1G J1ilver )reK EGG JGol2 )reK E/G J/ystrile )reK (he R"""R sign represents the experience :ar. Dou will fin2 the :ars@ color changes as you upgra2e your tool. (o see whether the tool is applica:le for an upgra2eA chec0 out the type of @ores@ availa:le. (he percentage of the meter is another way of rea2ing the meter. %elow are some interesting statistics for you to 0now: 776X to 7BBX J=efault (oolK E*/AG 677X to 6BBX J&opper version of toolK E6777GG C77X to CBBX J1ilver version of toolK EC777GG N77X to NBBX JGol2 version of toolK EN777GG M77X J/ystrile version of toolK E;777GG ?t is not necessary to upgra2e from a copper mo2el to a silver mo2elA along the metallic range. ?nstea2A a mo2el@s meter ratings an2 the num:er of availa:le @ore@ icons that the tool has gaine2 are the criteria for the upgra2e. For exampleA it is possi:le to upgra2e a 2efault .oe to /ystrile .oe 2irectly provi2e2 you have gaine2 M77X on the meter. (he fees will not :e accumulate2 :y the way. .ow to upgra2eU Dou nee2 to go to a mine to o:tain a certain ore that is require2 for the upgra2e. (here are two mines in the game. Dou can get more 2etails regar2ing the location of the mines in the next section or the wal0through. *ext you nee2 to :ring that oreS equippe2 the tool on han2 Jthat@s the separate2 :ox of ruc0sac0 screenK an2 procee2 to the %lac0smith to perform an upgra2e. )f courseA you must have sufficient cash on han2. ? have place2 an asteris0 mar0 next the minimum requirements for you to survive in the game. (he more asteris0s that the mo2el hasA the more important that you nee2 to get them. (o :uil2 up the meterA you nee2 to use the items frequently. %elow is the @-ffects &hart@ of each tool: T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T (ool /o2el -ffect &ost T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T .ammer 33333333 EDou can only :rea0 small stonesG E*/AG J&opperK EN hits 3 large stoneS not roc0sG E6777GG J1ilverK EC hits 3 large stoneS ; hits 3 roc0sG EC777GG JGol2K E6 hit 3 large stoneS N hits 3 roc0sG EN777GG $$ J/ystrileK E6 hit 3 large stoneS C hits 3 roc0sG E;777GG

4atering &an 3333333 E4ater 6 tille2 soilG J&opperK E4ater 6 x N tille2 soilG J1ilverK E4ater C x N tille2 soilG $ JGol2K E4ater N x N tille2 soilG J/ystrileK E4ater N x ; tille2 soilG .oe 333333 E(ills 6 tille2 soilG J&opperK E(ills C x 6 tille2 soilG J1ilverK E(ills N x 6 tille2 soilG $ JGol2K E(ills M x 6 tille2 soilG J/ystrileK E(ills F x 6 tille2 soilG 333333 E&uts 6 tille2 soilG J&opperK E&uts 6 x N tille2 soilG J1ilverK E&uts C x N tille2 soilG $ JGol2K E&uts N x N tille2 soilG J/ystrileK E&uts N x ; tille2 soilG

E*/AG E6777GG EC777GG EN777GG E;777GG E*/AG E6777GG EC777GG EN777GG E;777GG E*/AG E6777GG EC777GG EN777GG E;777GG



333333 E&hop only :ranches/logsG E*/AG J&opperK E&hop logsS F hits to a tree stumpG E6777GG J1ilverK E&hop logsS N hits to a tree stumpG EC777GG JGol2K E&hop logsS C hits to a tree stumpG EN777GG $$ J/ystrileK E&hop logsS 6 hits to a tree stumpG E;777GG

(o perform the effectA you nee2 to hol2 2own the 1quare :utton while the tool is :eing equippe2. (he longer you hol2A the more powerful the effect will :e. %(4A tools with higher upgra2es can 2o those in the lower levels. JFacial expressions on using toolsK .ow 2o you 0now when you are executing the effectU As mentione2 earlier to execute an effectA you nee2 to hol2 2own the 1quare :utton. (he longer you hol2A the higher level of effect you will execute. %(4A a higher level tool can perform effects of it with a lower level tool. For example with a 1ilver AxA you can perform the normal cutA copper level cut an2 the silver level cut. 4ith the /ystrile AxA you can perform the normal cutA copper level cutA silver level cutA gol2 level cut an2 the /ystrile level cut> &opper <evel 3 .el2 onto the tool for a while 1ilver <evel 3 hel2 onto the tool for a longer perio2 Gol2 <evel 3 the face turns re2 /ystrile level 3 the face turns re2 an2 stressing mar0 on the hea2... For exampleA it will ta0e many hits to :rea0 a large stone with a %ronIe .ammer. .owever if you use the @special@ hit Ehol2 2own 1quare :uttonGA you can eliminate the large stone in N hits. ?t 2oes not only save time :ut also .ero@s stamina. .A//-, ?/)A the hammer is the least important :ut not a useless tool. Dou can ma0e use of it to remove stones an2 roc0s from the farmA which in2irectly helps to facilitate movement in the farm. Dou can also use it to 2estroye2 :ro0en @lum:er3type fences@. <um:er will :e greatly

wea0ene2 when it is :eing expose2 to rain for a long time. (o remove themA you nee2 to use the hammer. (he hammer also allows removing of tille2 soils. %(4A 2o not use this on cowsA horse an2 sheep. 4A(-,?*G &A* (his is the most important tool after the hoe. 4ithout the 4atering &anA you can@t water your plants an2 harvest fruits/pro2uce from it. (he 4atering &an has a capacity of 677 shots. Dou nee2 to go near a river/water source an2 hit 1quare to refill the 4atering &an. ?/)A you nee2 only a Gol2 4atering &an. +pgra2ing the 4atering &an 2uring winter is pretty a goo2 choice as you 2o not nee2 to water any plants until you have gotten a hothouse. 4hen you are quite close to your houseA ma0e use of the pon2 to refill your watering can. .)(his is the most important tool for it allows you to till the soil for planting :ut it can :e use2 in the mines. (he special feature can@t :e use2 in the mine unfortunately. %(4A ? will recommen2 that you shoul2 avoi2 upgra2ing your .oe 2uring a 4inter season as you nee2 it for mining. Oust hit the 1quare :utton to till a patch of soil. 1?&'<(his is use2 to remove wee2s or gar:age from your farm. (he 1ic0le is also use2 to get fo22er from grass. Dou will see that grass fiel2s get a :it 2ar0er an2 you can swipe off the grass for fo22er. Fo22er is essential for cows an2 sheep. (he 1ic0le removes plants too> .enceA avoi2 using it while you are :etween wee2s an2 fiel2s. AQ (he Ax is extremely important as it allows you to get lum:er from tree stumps. Dou nee2 to have lum:er in or2er to upgra2e your :uil2ing. Dou nee2 to ma0e use of the Rspecial actionR :y hol2ing 2own the 1quare :utton. ?f you 2o notA you will ta0e ages to hac0 2own a tree... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.;G 1pecial (ools from the %lac0smith 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (hese a22itional tools can only :e :ought from the %lac0smith@s house for a pretty huge sum of money... Dou can get the following tools from the :lac0smith if you have met the following requirements. %elow you can also fin2 a short :rea02own of each every tool. %,+1. L77G E,equirementsG3 Dou must get the horse JponyK from %arley. (he :rush allows you to :rush any livestoc0 that inclu2es cowA sheep Y the horse. %rushing them regularly ma0es the livestoc0 happy as they loves it. /a0ing your livestoc0 happy is importantA as it prevents them from falling ill easily. ?t also improves the quality of pro2ucts that you can get from the animals. /?<'-, C777G E,equirementsG3 Dou must get the horse JponyK from %arley Dou nee2 to use this tool to mil0 cows an2 get mil0 from them. Oust simply move your character near the cow an2 hit 1quare :utton to mil0 the cow. ?f you 2o it successfullyA you will get a :ottle of /il0. %(4A

you cannot get mil0 from a young cow :ut only from an a2ult cow. &<?88-,1 6L77G E,equirementsG3 Dou must get the horse JponyK from %arleyK (he clippers are actually a pair of scissors. Dou nee2 to use this get wool from your sheep. Oust move your character against the sheep an2 hit 1quare :utton. ?f it is 2one successfullyA you will fin2 a :all of wool appearing on top of the character@s han2s. %(4A wool ta0es a long time to re3grow compare2 to cows. Dou nee2 to fee2 the sheep with fo22er. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.FG (he 77 /a0ers 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ?n .arvest /oon: %ac0 (o *atureA you will get these ma0ers from 1ai:ara the %lac0smith after you have upgra2e your henhouse an2 :arn. (hese machines may cost a lot :ut they are consi2ere2 a worthy investment. (o get the A2amantite )reA you nee2 to get it from the 4inter mine 2uring winter Jthat mine is locate2 in the mi22le of the froIen la0eK. (al0 to 1ai:ara without hol2ing the oreA otherwise you will :e given it to him> ?f you 2on@t have sufficient cash 2uring winterA store at least ; of them insi2e your cup:oar2 that comes with the 0itchen upgra2e. /AD)**A?1- /A'-, C7777G Z A2amantine )re E,equirementsG3 Dou nee2 to get the 0itchen upgra2e for your house :efore you can @create@ this from the :lac0smith. Oust tal0 to the :lac0smith an2 you will :e given the option to ma0e it. ?t ta0es five 2ays to :e manufacture2 ?t allows you to ma0e mayonnaise. (he mayonnaise ma0er is foun2 insi2e the hen house. (o ma0e mayonnaiseA you nee2 to ta0e an egg an2 2ump it insi2e the ma0er as you 2o for the :in. Dou will get a mayonnaiseA which sells for a higher price. (he mayonnaise ma0er requires an oreA which can only :e o:taine2 from the mine foun2 in the huge la0e in /other@s .ill 2uring winter. .enceA ma0e sure that you have store2 some of this ore insi2e the ca:inet. &.--1- /A'-, C7777G Z A2amantine )re E,equirementsG3 Dou nee2 get the 0itchen upgra2eS the :arn upgra2e an2 you must have at least 6 cow to ma0e this. Dou nee2 to ma0e the /ayonnaise /a0er :efore you can ma0e this. ?t ta0es five 2ays to :e manufacture2. ?t allows you to ma0e cheese. (he cheese ma0er is foun2 insi2e the :arn. (o ma0e cheeseA you nee2 to have mil0. Oust simply ta0e a :ottle of mil0 an2 2ump it insi2e the ma0er. Dou will get cheese as the pro2uct. 8lease refer to the /ayonnaise /a0er on how to get A2amantine )re. DA,= %A<< /A'-, C7777G Z A2amantine )re E,equirementsG3 Dou nee2 get the 0itchen upgra2eS the :arn upgra2e an2 you must have at least 6 sheep to ma0e this. Dou nee2 to ma0e the &heese /a0er :efore you can ma0e this. ?t ta0es five 2ays to :e manufacture2

?t allows you to ma0e yar2 :alls. (he yar2 :all ma0er is foun2 insi2e the :arn. (o ma0e a yar2 :allA you nee2 to 2ump a :all of wool insi2e the ma0er. 8lease refer to the /ayonnaise /a0er for the acquisition of the A2amantine )re. ? suppose2 that ? am finally 2one with the tools... ?t is time to procee2 onto the crops. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.PG (he &rops Gui2e 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 &rops are most important stuffs that you nee2 to 0now a:out farming. (o plant cropsA ma0e sure that you have see2sA which can :e :ought from sellerA 4on or the 1upermar0et. 1ee2s pac0ets containe2 nine see2s an2 you nee2 to ma0e use of the hoe an2 watering can to grow crops. E+tiliIe the usage of growing lan2G J/a0e sure you rea2 a:out the toolA .oe un2er R(he Five %asic Farming (oolsR optionK %efore you get a gol2 watering canA you nee2 to soil the lan2 in this format: EQG EQG EQG EQG E!G EQG Jwhere EQG is the tille2 soilK EQG EQG EQG Jwhere E!G is the un3tille2 soilK At first ? thought that this metho2 is perhaps the :est :efore you manage2 to upgra2e your 4atering &an to silverA :ut ? foun2 out a :etter metho2: EQG E!G EQG EQGEQGEQG EQGEQGEQG EQGEQGEQG EQG EQG EQG or EQGEQGE G or EQGEQGEQG or E!GEQGEQG EQG EQG EQG EQGEQGEQG EQGE!GEQG EQGEQGEQG %y 2oing thisA you can also water all crops even without a silver watering can an2 avoi2 the pro:lems face2 when a wee2 poppe2 out in the mi22le of the crops W!WSK ?t is :ecause the pac0et ha2 nine see2s an2 this format is the :est format for planting crops if you want to have the maximum harvest. .owever after you have gotten a 1ilver or Gol2 4atering &anA you can ma0e use of the format :elow: ?t applies to plants that grows only once if notA you nee2 to see0 the ai2 of the .arvest 1prites to collect the crop that is foun2 in the mi22le. J?t also applies to watering too>K EQG EQG EQG E::GE::GE::G EQG EQG EQG 33> E::GE::GE::G EQG EQG EQG Jsee2s scattere2K E::GE::GE::G

4here you scatter your see2sA place the see2 pac0et in the -quip area. *owA you nee2 to move towar2s the center of the NxN area an2 scatter the see2s over the area. (he patch will loo0 the one on the right. ?f you scattere2 a summer type see2 Je.g. pineappleK 2uring spring timeA you will the a:ove layout :ut on the next 2ayA the see2s will 2isappear. %ut if you plant summer see2s on the last of springA the see2s will remain on the next 2ay Jwhich will :e summer>K. %(4A it will wor0 if you have a hothouseA which will entitle you to :uy see2s from any season at any point of time> JJJA22itional *otesKKK (he next few paragraphs will feature on the 2etaile2 crops :estiary. ? spent several 2ays to compile the list an2 hopefully that you will fin2 it useful. %efore ? :eginA there are some points that ? want you to ta0e note of: )nce you have gotten the hothouseA you can :uy any of see2s Jfrom the 1upermar0etK at any point of time. ?f you 2on@t have a hothouseA you are only entitle2 to :uy see2s availa:le for that season. 3T 8rofit &alculation Formula T3 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (he crops profit margin is :eing calculate2 :y this formula: J*um:er of crops x 1elling 8rice of -ach &rop x *um:er of 1ows 3 &ost of the 1ee2sK @*um:er of 1ows@ is calculate2 with the formula :elow: N7 2ays 3 *um:er of 2ays for plant to grow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Z 6 *um:er of 2ays to harvest J?t only applies to multiple3growing crops li0e &ucum:ers an2 8ineapplesK @/aximum .arvest@ is calculate2 :y: JN7 2ays 3 Growth perio2 K / Growth 8erio2 Assumptions ma2e :y me: (he see2s are :eing plante2 on the tille2 lan2 on the 6st 2ay of each season. (he maximum harvest in2icates that you re3use that same patch of fiel2 for its existing crops. Ji.e. if you grown an2 harveste2 the patch of carrotsA you re3plant them on the same timeK All the numeric 2igits will :e roun2e2 2own. For example if the calculate2 @num:er of sows@ is equal to F.;A ? woul2 recor2 it as F. ? will replace @*um:er of 1ows@ with 6 if the crop@s type is single. J?.e. you can only harvest onceK ? have also inclu2e2 the color of the see2s pac0aging for your information. &ertain see2s li0e straw:erries are only availa:le for sale if you have met a requirement.

(ype EAG formula will :e applica:le if you have grown L crops on the BxB fiel2 an2 (ype E%G formula will :e applica:le if you have grown B crops on the BxB fiel2. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT (he @&olor@ in2icates the color of the see2 pac0age. -ach see2 pac0age contains B see2s. (he EcostG is the cost of each pac0et not the see2s. ?f you fin2 @requirements@ un2er that plant 2ataA you must meet that requirement in or2er to purchase the see2s. J8lease refer to the crops :estiary for more 2etails.K %elow is a 2etaile2 list of see2s that you can :uy from the village: (+,*?81 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: 4hite 3 Quest Feature 3 Dou nee2 to get three turnips for the /ayor (homas for the @1pring &oo0ing Festival@ 2uring your first year. E1easonG 1pring /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG 6C7G EB see2sG E1ellG F7G each EGrowth 8erio2G ; 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E/aximum .arvestG ; times E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E8rofitsG EAG L x F7G 3 6C7G NF7G per pac0et of see2s E%G B x F7G 3 6C7G MC7G per pac0et of see2s &+&+/%-, T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: =ar0 Green 3T Quest Feature T3 Dou can get a special power :erry from 'appa if you 2eposit three &ucum:ers at the la0e of /other@s .ill. )n the Nr2 year of game3playA the /ayor will request you to :ring three of these for the coo0ing festival. E1easonG 1pring /.othouse E(ypeG /ultiple E&ostG C77G EB see2sG E1ellG 677G each EGrowth 8erio2G 67 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G ; 2ays E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x 677G x ;K 3 C77G NL77G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x 677G x ;K 3 C77G MN77G per pac0et of see2s &A%%AGT3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: Dellow3Green

3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG 1pring /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG ;77G EB see2sG E1ellG C;7G each EGrowth 8erio2G 6; 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E/aximum .arvestG C times E8laceG 4onA the &hinese /erchant J6pm to NpmA =oug@s 8laceK E8rofitG EAG JL x C;7GK 3 ;77G 6;77G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x C;7GK 3 ;77G 6P;7G per pac0et of see2s 8)(A() T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: Dellowish3%rown 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG 1pring /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG 6;7G JB see2sK E1ellG L7G each EGrowth 8erio2G L 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E/aximum .arvestG N times E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG L x L7G 3 6;7G MB7G per pac0et of see2s E%G B x L7G 3 6;7G ;P7G per pac0et of see2s 1(,A4%-,,D T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: 8in0 3T ,equirements T3 Dou nee2 to sell 677 or more &a::agesA &ucum:ersA 8otatoes an2 (urnips. 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG 1pring /.othouse E(ypeG /ultiple E&ostG 6;7G JB see2sK E1ellG ;7G each EGrowth 8erio2G L 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G F 2ays E8laceG 1upermar0et JBam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x ;7G x MK 3 6;7G 6M;7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x ;7G x MK 3 6;7G 6F;7G per pac0et of see2s &),* T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: Dellowish 4hite 3T Quest Feature T3 Dou nee2 to sell one corn to 'ai Jfrom ;7G to C77GK 2uring summer for every year of game3play. ?n the secon2 yearA you nee2 to :ring N corns

to the /ayor for the &oo0ing Festival. Dou can also turn the corns into chic0en fee2 :y throwing them into the win2mill foun2 in your farm. E1easonG 1ummer /.othouse E(ypeG /ultiple E&ostG N77G JB see2sK E1ellG 677G each EGrowth 8erio2G 6; 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G N 2ays E8laceG 1upermar0et JBam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x 677G x FK 3 N77G M;77G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x 677G x FK 3 N77G ;M77G per pac0et of see2s )*?)* T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: %rown 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG 1ummer /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG 6;7G JB see2sK E1ellG L7G each EGrowth 8erio2G L 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E/aximum .arvestG N times E8laceG 1upermar0et JBam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG L x L7G 3 6;7G MB7G per pac0et of see2s E%G B x L7G 3 6;7G ;P7G per pac0et of see2s ()/A() T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: ,e2 3T Quest Feature T3 4ellA you 2on@t really nee2 to grow them for the (omato Festival... E1easonG 1ummer /.othouse E(ypeG /ultiple E&ostG C77G JB see2sK E1ellG F7G each EGrowth 8erio2G 67 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G N 2ays E8laceG 1upermar0et JBam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x F7G x PK 3 C77G N6F7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x F7G x PK 3 C77G N;L7G per pac0et of see2s 8?*-A88<T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: Dellow 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG E(ypeG 1ummer /.othouse /ultiple

E&ostG 6777G JB see2sK E1ellG ;77G each EGrowth 8erio2G C6 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G ; 2ays E8laceG 4on at =oug@s 8lace J6pm to NpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x ;77G x CK 3 6777G P777G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x ;77G x CK 3 6777G L777G per pac0et of see2s 8+/8'?* T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: )range %rown 3T ,equirements T3 Dou nee2 to sell 677x 8ineapplesS 677x &ornS 677x (omatoesS 677x )nions an2 rea2 the mail from the 1upermar0et to :uy these see2s. 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG 1ummer /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG ;77G JB see2sK E1ellG C;7G each EGrowth 8erio2G 6; 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E/aximum .arvestG C times E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG JB x C;7GK 3 ;77G 6P;7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JL x C;7GK 3 ;77G 6;77G per pac0et of see2s &A,,)( T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: )range 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG Fall /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG N77G JB see2sK E1ellG 6C7G each EGrowth 8erio2G L 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E/aximum .arvestG N times E8rofitG EAG JB x 6C7GK 3 N77G PL7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JL x 6C7GK 3 N77G FF7G per pac0et of see2s -GG8<A*( T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: 8urple 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG E(ypeG E&ostG E1ellG Fall /.othouse /ultiple 6C7G JB see2sK L7G each

EGrowth 8erio2G 67 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G N 2ays E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x L7G x PK 3 6C7G MNF7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x L7G x PK 3 6C7G MBC7G per pac0et of see2s 14--( 8)(A()-1 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: 5iolet ,e2 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG Fall /.othouse E(ypeG /ultiple E&ostG N77G JB see2sK E1ellG 6C7G each EGrowth 8erio2G F 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G N 2ays E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x 6C7G x BK 3 N77G LNM7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x 6C7G x BK 3 N77G BMC7G per pac0et of see2s G,--* 8-88-, T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: =ull Green 3T Quest Feature T3 ? woul2 recommen2 you to get this for the .arvest FestivalA otherwise the hot pot will turn :a2 normally if you 2rop anything else. E1easonG Fall /.othouse E(ypeG /ultiple E&ostG 6;7G JB see2sK E1ellG M7G each EGrowth 8erio2G L 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G C 2ays E8laceG 4onA the &hinese merchant J=oug@s 8lace 6pm to NpmK E8rofitG EAG JL x M7G x 6CK 3 6;7G NFB7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x M7G x 6CK 3 6;7G M6P7G per pac0et of see2s 18?*A&. T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: Green 3T ,equirements T3 Dou nee2 to sell 677x Green 8eppersS 677x &arrotsS 677x -ggplants an2 677x 1weet 8otatoes. Dou nee2 to rea2 the mail from your mail:ox first :efore you can :uy it. 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG Fall /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG ;77G JB see2sK E1ellG L7G each EGrowth 8erio2G F 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A

E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmK E/aximum .arvestG M times E8rofitG EAG JB x L7GK 3 ;77G CC7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JL x L7GK 3 ;77G 6M7G per pac0et of see2s 3T Flowers Gui2e T3 Dou can )*<D :uy flower see2s from 4onA the &hinese merchant at =oug@s 8lace from 6pm to Npm. Flowers seems to :e a :it important for those who are having -lli as your wife... %esi2es you manage2 to plant over B7 flowers in a seasonA you will get a 8ower %erry from Anna in the afternoon. (ips on Flowers: Flowers can help you to restore fatigue> %ut first of all you nee2 to get a vase from 4on Efor ;777GG. *ext put a flower for that appropriate season in the vase. Dou will recover your healthA as you are 2rin0ing %o2igiIer every night> %ut if you put a flower for any seasonA the flower will wither an2 gone on the next 2ay. /ost of villagers love flowers> (he acceptations are 1ai:araA GrayA [ac0A GregA =oug an2 =u0e. .enceA use them as your gifts to please the villagers as they are free> Jyou can pic0 them from /other@s .illK ?n FallA when you plant /agic3,e2 FlowersA you will fin2 occasionally within the patch you can fin2 one or two ,e2 /agic3,e2 Flowers. (he re2 version of /agic3,e2 Flowers JnormallyA you can only fin2 :lue colore2 ones at /other@s .ill or the area at GotI@s place 2uring fallK can :e sol2 for C77G each> %ut they are pretty har2 to get as the ratio of getting 6 re2 /agic3re2 flower in a patch is aroun2 6 : CP. JDou will get only 6 re2 /agic3,e2 flower for every N patchesK ),A*G- &+8 F<)4-,1 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: Dellow Jflower pac0etK 3T ,equirements T3 Dou can only plant such see2s insi2e the hothouse. 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG *one J)nly A( .othouseK E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG ;77G JB see2sK E1ellG F7G each EGrowth 8erio2G B 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E8laceG 4onA the &hinese /erchant J=oug@s 8laceS 6pm to NpmK E/aximum .arvestG */A E8rofitG EAG JL x F7K 3 ;77G 3C7G per pac0et of see2s E%G JB x F7K 3 ;77G M7G per pac0et of see2s /))* =,)8 F<)4-,1 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: <ight Dellow Jflower pac0etK

3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG 1pring /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG ;77G JB see2sK E1ellG */A EGrowth 8erio2G F 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E8laceG 4onA the &hinese /erchant J=oug@s 8laceS 6pm to NpmK E/aximum .arvestG ; E8rofitG EAG */A E%G */A ()D F<)4-,1 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: 4hite Jflower pac0etK 3T Quest Feature T3 */A E1easonG 1pring /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG N77G JB see2sK E1ellG */A EGrowth 8erio2G 6C 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E8laceG 4onA the &hinese /erchant J=oug@s 8laceS 6pm to NpmK E/aximum .arvestG C E8rofitG EAG */A E%G */A 8?*' &A( F<)4-,1 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: 8in0 Jflower pac0etK 3T Quest Feature T3 ?t will allow you to attract :ees to get honey in2irectly. Dou must plant a NxN patch of pin0 cat flowers for :ees to come... E1easonG 1ummer /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG N77G JB see2sK E1ellG */A EGrowth 8erio2G F 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E8laceG 4onA the &hinese /erchant J=oug@s 8laceS 6pm to NpmK E/aximum .arvestG ; E8rofitG EAG */A E%G */A /AG?& ,-= F<)4-,1 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: %lue Jflower pac0etK 3T Quest Feature T3 */A

E1easonG Fall /.othouse E(ypeG 1ingle E&ostG F77G JB see2sK E1ellG C77G J)nly ,e2 /agic ,e2 FlowersK EGrowth 8erio2G 67 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G */A E8laceG 4onA the &hinese /erchant J=oug@s 8laceS 6pm to NpmK E/aximum .arvestG N E8rofitG EAG */A E%G */A G,A11 T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T3T &olor: =efault Green 3T Quest Feature T3 ?f you haven@t ta0ing care of your horse :y the en2 of year 6 Ji.e. ?t has less than L heartsKA you nee2 to plant N7 patches of these to get a secon2 pony. E1easonG 1pring /1ummer /Fall E(ypeG /ultiple E&ostG ;77G JB see2sK E1ellG */A EGrowth 8erio2G N7 2ays E.arvest 8erio2G 67 2ays E8laceG 1upermar0et JLam to FpmA /onA 4e231atK E8rofitG EAG */A E%G */A $ (o get fo22er from thic0 grass Jthe color of the grass will :e a :it 2ar0er an2 @soli2@KA you nee2 to use your sic0le. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.LG (he (own 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (he setting of game ta0es place at the /ineral 5illage. First of allA you will :e meeting with the mayor of the villageA (homas. .e will say that the village will give you N years an2 2eci2e2 where you can stay in the village 2epen2s on your management of the farm. At the start of the gameA he will tell you whether you want to go for a short trip aroun2 the village. ?f you 2o soA it seems that you get along with the people there much :etter. J(o save some misery space...K Figure 5.6.6 3 (he 5illage@s <ayout: ENG 333 ECG 333 E6G333EPG3333ELG!! " " " EMG " EBG " E;G " "!!!!JQK E66G3E67G " " "

EFG33 E6MG!!E6CG " E6NG (here are thirteen spots of attractions in /ineral 5illage. *ow ? got into the in2ivi2ual :rea02own of each attraction... JG stan2s for Gol2 an2 < stan2s for <um:erK E6G 3T (he Farm T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1pot on the /ap: E6G %efore ? ta0e you a short @tour@ aroun2 /ineral 5illageA ? woul2 say some stuff a:out the farm. (he farm is currently in a huge mess :ut ? can assure that un2er your 2iligence an2 ten2er careA the farm will :e :ac0 in the shape. (he farm comprises of the following main :uil2ings: 3E.ouseG3 Dou can save your game here. Dou will get four options if you examine the 2iary near the :e2. Dou will get the following options: J?n the gameA 2iary entries are 0nown as RsavingRK . 1leep without 2iary entry 3 typically allows your characters to sleep . 1leep with 2iary entry 3 sleeps an2 allows you to save . ,ea2 =iary 3 allows you to loa2 another save2 file . -xchange Animals 3 allows you to exchange animals :efore save2 files. 3 (he (5 8rograms 3 %elow is the sche2ule of programs :eing telecaste2 on the television: E+pG 4eather Forecast$ E,ightG *ews$ E<eftG (he Fairy an2 /e J/on2aysK (he =elicious .our J(ues2aysK$ (he 1ong .our J4e2nes2aysK 1tar )ne 1ports J(hurs2aysK /echa:ot +ltror JFri2aysK (5 1hopping J1atur2aysK$ 1hogi .our J1un2aysK *otes: For the first wee0 of the gameA you will :e a:le to view the R*ew Dear =ay 1pecial (5R instea2 of the shows a:ove. E=ownG <ife on the Farm$ 4henever you switch on the (5 JHust go in front of it an2 hit the Q :uttonK an2 you will :e to view the shows. ?f you hit Q after the message :ox is goneA you will view the 4eather Forecast 2irectly. (hose programs that are mar0e2 in asteris0s are very important an2 ma0e sure you watch them every2ay. 8lease refer to the (5 Gui2e for more 2etails. (he <ife on the Farm typically gives you a :riefing of certain tips li0e upgra2ing an2 some of the game@s secrets too. After you have :ought all the items from (5 1hopping *etwor0A you will get to see a new show calle2 R4hat@s your 8assionUR. =uring weather haIar2s such as :liIIar2s an2 snowstormsA the (5 will *)( wor0. %(4A you will fin2 (5 not wor0ing after 6Cam.

3333 %asic Form 3333 J=efault layoutK &ost to +pgra2e: */A &on2ition: Dou start the game with the house in this setting. Features: (his is locate2 in the top left han23corner of the farm. Dou can fin2 a (5 set Jview it regularly to chec0 for the weather forecast an2 the (5 1hopping *etwor0 for :uying utensils for your 0itchenKA a (ool:ox JDou can store your farming toolsA see2s an2 0ey items.KA a :e2 JDou can save your game :y examining the 2iaryK. (he (ool:ox is represente2 with a huge treasure chest foun2 in the corner of the room. Oust hit Q :utton when you are near the chest an2 you will :e a:le to retrieve the items to your ruc0sac0. For more 2etails on ruc0sac0A please rea2 the R,uc0sac0R for more 2etails. 3333 First -xtension 3333 E'itchen +pgra2eG J4ith the 0itchenK &ost to +pgra2e: Dou nee2 MAP77 G an2 NP7 < &on2itions: Dou must have upgra2e2 your hen house :efore you choose to upgra2e your house with a 0itchen. (o upgra2e a :uil2ingA go to GotI@s Jthe woo2cutterK house an2 tal0 to GotI. Features: (his setting is typically an enlarge2 version of house. Dou will get C a22itional pieces of storing equipments: ?ce:ox an2 &a:inet. (he ?ce:ox allows you to store foo2 an2 sella:le items Jit also inclu2es poisonous items>K. (he ?ce:ox is represente2 with a refrigerator. (he &a:inet is an a22itional piece of immo:ile equipmentA which is represente2 :y a cup:oar2 near the fri2ge. Dou can store your ores there when you want to perform upgra2es for your tools. For more 2etails regar2ing toolsA please rea2 the @(ools@ section. 3333 1econ2 -xtension 3333 E%e2room +pgra2eG J4ith an a22itional :e2roomK &ost +pgra2e: Dou will nee2 67A777 G an2 P;7 < &on2itions: Dou must have upgra2e2 the hen houseA the 0itchen an2 the :arn in or2er for you perform this upgra2e. (he metho2 to upgra2e is the same for performing the first upgra2e. Features: ?t typically features an a22itional roomA which require2 for you to get in or2er to marry with your love2 one. After you have :ought the secon2 upgra2eA you will have a cut3scene with 4onA offering you to :uy a vase for ;777G. (he vase allows you to put flower to regenerate fatigue faster than normal> 3E=og .ouseG3 (his 2oghouse :elongs to the 2og. +nfortunatelyA the 2og can@t stay insi2e the 2oghouse. Dou can fin2 a %in an2 an Apple tree near the main house. ?f you want to get shelter for your 2ogA ma0e sure you :ring it insi2e the house. ?f you allow the 2og to run over the fiel2sA you can

increase the 2og@s affection. (o win the 4inter =og ,aceA ma0e sure you practice regularly with the %allA which can :ought from 4on for 677G 2uring Autumn or early 4inter. =uring fallA you can forage for N Apples from the Apple (ree. ?f you plant 8in0 &at Flower in summer an2 ta0e a sample of the honey to <ouisA you can forage for honey every season> 3E8on2G3 (he pon2 supports your fishes an2 fish foo2. Dou nee2 to get a fishing ro2 in or2er to catch fishes. Dou can :uy the fish foo2 from the supermar0et in the town. For more 2etails on fishingA please refer to RFishingR for more 2etails. (o get your fishing ro2A you nee2 to visit the /ineral %each from P am an2 67 am an2 you will meet an ol2 man. /a0e sure that you have a22itional slot in your ruc0sac0 so that you can get the ro2. .e will only :e there 2uring Fri2aysA 1atur2ays an2 1un2ays. ?f you caught ;7 fishes Jor :y :ree2ing themKA you will have a cut3scene with Greg giving you a fishing pole. (he fish foo2 is nee2 to :e use2 once an2 it is meant for :ree2ing. -ven if you 2on@t fee2 the fishA the fish won@t 2ie. 3E.en .ouseG3 Dou can fin2 your chic0ens an2 chic0en fee2 in this she2. Dou can also fin2 another :in insi2e the henhouse. Dou can collect your chic0en fee2 from the orange 1pout insi2e the :uil2ing. Oust simply position .ero in front of the :ox an2 hit JQK. *ext you can 2eposit the fee2 onto the fee2 she2. Dou nee2 to 2o this regularly if you want your hens to lay eggs. (here is an incu:ator insi2e the hen house. Oust place an egg there an2 wait for aroun2 ; 2ays for the egg to hatch. Dou can perform an upgra2e of the hen house :y see0ing the woo2cutter@s ai2 after you have gotten sufficient lum:er. Dou can also 2eposit other pro2uce insi2e the %in. )nce you have gotten the upgra2eA you will :e entitle2 to as0 1ai:ara to ma0e the /ayonnaise /a0erA which costs C7777G an2 a A2amantite )re. (o ma0e a mayonnaiseA you Hust nee2 to 2eposit an egg into the mayonnaise ma0er. J-xtensionK 3 E.enhouse +pgra2eG Dou will get ; a22itional fee2 she2s an2 an incu:ator for the extension. (he extension of the henhouse costs ;A777 G an2 MC7 <. Dou can :uy the chic0en fee2 from the 8oultry Farm for 67 G per fee2. ?f you grow corn in the summerA you can throw the corn at the win2mill to get 67x chic0en fee2s. 3E1ta:leG3 ?t is a mini3sta:le where you can fin2 your horse. ?n this gameA you 2o not nee2 to fee2 the horse :ut you nee2 to tal0 to itA whistle to it an2 :rush it with a :rush. (he :rush can :e :rought from the %lac0smith@s house for L77G. Dou will want to improve the affection with the horseA ? woul2 recommen2 to let it stay out2oors when the weather is fine. Dou can get the horse free of charge on a fine 2ay from Do2el Farm in the first year of spring. %ut you nee2 to ta0e care of itA or the ownerA %arley will ta0e the horse :ac0. 8lease refer to the game3play tips for more 2etails. )nce the horse has fully grownA you can use it to participate in the <ocal .orse ,ace 2uring 1pring. 3E%arnG3

+n2er this :arnA you will fin2 your her2s of cows an2 sheep. (he :arn can support a maximum of 67 livestoc0. Dou can fin2 a similar orange :oxA which will give you Rfo22erRA which is foo2 for the livestoc0. <i0e the chic0ensA ma0e sure you give them fo22er regularly. )therwiseA you will experience no pro2uction from the cows an2 sheep. (here is also a :in for 2eposit. Dou can :uy your cows an2 sheep from Do2el Farm in the village. %(4A they are pretty expensive. ?f you want to get the pro2uce from themA ma0e sure you purchase the mil0er EC777 GG an2 &lipper E6L77 GG from the %lac0smith in the village. %(4A the sheep an2 cows love2 to :e :rushe2. /a0e sure that you have tal0e2 to them every2ay to :uil2 up the affection. Dou can also get fo22er from %arley in Do2el Farm for C7 G each or you can choose to grow grass for fo22er. For 2etails regar2ing fo22erA please refer to RFarming %asicsR for more 2etails. )nce you got the :arn upgra2eA you will :e entitle2 to ma0e the &heese /a0er after you have gotten the /ayonnaise /a0er. ?t costs C7777G an2 requires an A2amantite )re. %(4 after you have upgra2e2 the &heese /a0erA you will get to ma0e a Dar2 %all /a0er for the same cost an2 ore. J-xtensionK E%arn +pgra2eG Dou will get extra 67 spaces for a22itional livestoc0. Dou will also get an a22itional fee2 :ox. Dou nee2 to pay FL77 G an2 ;77 <. Dou can only 2o this after you have performe2 the first upgra2e for the house. 3E.ot .ouseG3 (his is the last upgra2e that you nee2 to get for your farm. Dou can :uil2 the hothouse once you have gotten the secon2 upgra2e for your house. (he hothouse is li0e the greenhouse. Dou can fin2 a :in an2 a water tan0 insi2e the house. (he house has only a maximum area of P x P an2 that coul2 only limit you to plant only M types of crops within the hot house. Another 2isa2vantage of the hot house is that you still nee2 to water the crops there even if it is a rainy 2ay. Dou nee2 to pay N7A777G an2 ;L7 <> (he hothouse is :rea0a:le an2 easily 2amage2 :y weather haIar2sA hence ta0e note> 4ee2s will not grow insi2e the hot house> ECG 3T .ot 1pring Area T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ?n this areaA you will fin2 a hot spring area where you can rest .ero to restore his fatigue. Dou nee2 to stay there for Hust aroun2 a hour. Dou Hust nee2 to enter the hot spring an2 2o not hit Q :utton until a hour has passe2. %ehin2 the spring is a small waterfall. (he mine is locate2 :ehin2 the waterfall. Dou can mine there with your hoe an2 :as0et for ore to upgra2e your tools. For more 2etails regar2ing miningA please refer to RGame3play (ipsR. ?f you o:serve2 carefully the roc0s that surroun2 the hot springA you will notice that one of the areas is flat. Dou can step on it an2 throw an egg to get spa3:oile2 eggs... 1pa3:oile2 eggs sells for a higher price compare2 to normal eggs. EL7G eachG %(4A the items that you can fin2 within this area are: 3 1pring 3 JNx %am:oo 1hootsS 6x %lue .er:K

3 1ummer 3 J6x ,e2 .er:K 3 Autumn 3 J6x Green .er:S 6x /ushroomK 3 4inter 3 J*othing>K )ccasionallyA you can fin2 a mon0ey or a squirrel there. ENG 3T /other@s .ill T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (he /other@s .ill is a huge area where you can fin2 numerous trees3 stumps an2 items. Autumn is a goo2 time to visit here. (he /other@s .ill comprises of three main areas. 6st Area: Dou will fin2 a huge waterfall an2 a tree stump. (here is a path lea2ing towar2s rightA which is :loc0e2 off from the la0e :y the trees. Dou will fin2 a :ri2geA which lea2s to the next area. =uring winterA the la0e will freeIe up an2 you will :e a:le to gain access to the islan2 that is locate2 in the mi22le of the la0e. ?nsi2e that mineA you can fin2 a lot of /ystrilesA )richalcum an2 A2amantiteA which are rare an2 they fetch quite a goo2 price when you have the :as0et> %(4A you can easily catch fish there as compare2 to riversA the waterfall an2 even the ocean. %(4A the items that you can fin2 within this area are: 3 1pring 3 J*othing>K 3 1ummer 3 J*othing>K 3 Autumn 3 JCx 4il2 GrapesS 6x (ruffleS 6x /ushroomK 3 4inter 3 J*othing>K (he (ruffle loo0s li0e a mushroom except that it has a 2ar0er cap an2 a longer stem. ?t is locate2 :ehin2 the two trees that are stan2ing close to each other. Dou nee2 wal0 up the pathA which lea2s to the stone le2ge in or2er to retrieve it. (he /ushroom is locate2 on the stone le2ge after you have crosse2 the woo2en :ri2ge. )ccasionallyA you can fin2 a fox within this area. Dou can catch small an2 me2ium fish from the la0e. Cn2 Area: Dou will fin2 a win2ing path that curves upwar2s an2 that lea2s to the pea0 of /other@s .ill. ):serve carefully an2 you will fin2 a @split@ on the path which lea2s the area where you can fin2 numerous flowers> J?t is really G))= for those who inten2 to woo -lli or 8opuri>K )ccasionallyA you can fin2 :ugs li0e grasshoppersA :eetlesA cica2asA cric0etsA la2y:ir2sA Atlas :eetle an2 1tag :eetle. J81: (hey are pretty small an2 it is very har2 to spot them.K 3 1pring 3 J6Nx /oon =rop FlowerS Cx (oy FlowerK 3 1ummer 3 J6;x 8in0 &at FlowerK 3 Autumn 3 J6;x /agic ,e2 FlowerK 3 4inter 3 J*othing> Nr2 Area: ?t is the pea0 of the /other@s .ill. ?f you go here 2uring certain 1eason festivalsA you will have several cut3scenes. ?t is Hust a plain

area... EMG 3T GotI (he 4oo2cutter Area T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ?n this areaA you will fin2 GotI@s house. 1taying insi2e the houseA you will fin2 GotI Jof course>K an2 <ouis. *ear the houseA you can fin2 M tree stumps an2 some flowers within the area. %ehin2 the houseA you will fin2 many fallen tree trun0. 3 1pring 3 Cx /oon =rop FlowerS 6x %lue .er: 3 1ummer 3 Cx 8in0 &at FlowerS 6x ,e2 .er: 3 Autumn 3 Cx /agic ,e2 FlowerS Cx /ushroomS 6x Green .er:S 6x 8oisonous /ushroom 3 4inter 3 *othing> ?f you have plant the 8in0 &at Flower Jthe flower see2s can :e :ought from 4onKA you will lure :ees to ma0e a :eehive near your apple tree. (a0e the honey from the tree. ?t wor0s li0e foraging except you Hust nee2 to stan2 near the tree an2 hit Q :utton. Go an2 collect a :ottle of honey. %ring the honey to <ouis. (he next 2ayA you will get a cut3scene with <ouis an2 your honey@s price will raise from ;7G to F7G GotI: .e has a thic0 :ear2A wears a white t3shirt along with :lue pants. .e is har2 wor0ing fellow in my opinion. .e loves his Ho: an2 woul2 go up to the /other@s .ills even 2uring 4inter. (al0 to him an2 you will get the following options: E)perating .ours: 66 am to ; pmS &lose2 on 1un2aysG %uy lum:er J;7 gol2 eachK 6K +pgra2e hen house$ J;777 gol2 an2 MC7 lum:erK CK +pgra2e house \V6\$ JMP77 gol2 an2 NP7 lum:erK NK +pgra2e :arn$ JFL77 gol2 an2 ;77 lum:erK MK +pgra2e house \VC\$ J67A777 gol2 an2 P;7 lum:erK ;K .ot house$ JN7A777 gol2 an2 ;L7 lum:erK $ Dou will :e only a:le to get the later upgra2es provi2e2 that you have gotten the initial upgra2e. (he list is state2 in chronological or2er. E8lacesG /other@s .illA .is .ouseA 1upermar0et E,ecipeG 5eggie 8anca0e EGiftG 8in0 &at FlowerS <um:erS %oile2 -ggS %o2igiIerS Apple E%3=ateG Fall Cn2 <ouis: .e is the guy who wears glasses an2 a green hi0ing outfit. <ouis is loo0ing for a rare :ee. .e is also the house0eeper for the houseA ? suppose2. As for his relationship with GotIA ? 2on@t really 0now... ?f you give him a honey from your farm 2uring summer 6st yearA you can upgra2e the price of the honey from ;7G to F7G. E8lacesG /other@s .illA GotI@s .ouse

E,ecipeG Apple Oam EGiftG 8in0 &at FlowerS .oney E%3=ateG 1pring Cn2 E;G 3T &hic0en <il@s T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (his is the place where you can :uy chic0ens. (he farm is owne2 :y <illiaA ,ic0 an2 J8opuriK. <illia is the mother of the two chil2ren. .er hus:an2 has left the farm to loo0 for a rare flower to cure <illia. )perating hours: 6Cpm 3 M pm Jevery 2ays except for 1un2aysK <illia: 1he is a 0in23hearte2 la2y with a pin0 hairstyle li0e 8opuriA except her face is a :it more mature ?/). <illia is easy to get along with as she loves the same flower that her 2aughter 2oes. (al0 to her 2uring the operating hours: &hic0en Fee2 67G Jmax. BBx per tal0K %uy &hic0en 6;77G 1ell &hic0en 33333\ Animal /e2icine 6777G$ \ ?f you pic0 this optionA you will :e :rought to the list of chic0ensA Hust select the chic0en that you wish to sell. $ Dou are only entitle2 to :uy this once. )nce it is :eing use2A you will fin2 it availa:le for purchase. E8lacesG 8oultry FarmS /ineral &linicS %asil@s .ouse EGiftG ](oy Flower^S ]8in0 &at Flower^S ]/oon =rop Flower^S ]/agic ,e2 Flower^S ](ruffle^S 4il2 GrapesS %o2igiIerS ],e2 /agic ,e2 Flower^ E%3=ateG 1pring 6Bth E,ecipeG 1cram:le2 -ggs 8opuri: 1he is one of the girls that you can opt to marry in the game. 8opuri is a cry:a:y an2 loves eggs3relate2 stuffs along with flowers. 1he hates animals. <i0e her motherA she has pin0 hair. J? presume2 it is 2ye2 or perhaps natural...K 1he a2mires you a lot when you get to 0now her well. E8lacesG .ot 1pring AreaS 8oultry FarmS &hurchS /ineral %each EGiftG ](oy Flower^S ]8in0 &at Flower^S ]1pa3:oile2 -gg^S )meletS ,ice )meletS %oil -ggS Fry -ggS Fry -gg ,iceS 1an2wichS .oneyS &hocolateS &oo0ieS &hocolate &oo0ieS &a0eS Apple 8ieS Apple OamS .ot /il0S Fruit OuiceS ,elaxation (eaS ?ce3&ream. E%3=ateG 1ummer Nr2 or 1ummer 67th Jif your %32ay falls on Nr2K E,ivalG 'ai ,ic0: ,ic0 wears glasses an2 loo0 li0e a young farmer. .is :lon2 hair has touche2 his shoul2er. .e .A(-1 'ai 2ue to the latter@s popularity with

girls. .e li0es to get along with 'aren. ,ic0 hosts the annual &hic0en Festival an2 lea2s the &hic0en (eam for the (omato Festival 2uring 1ummer. E8lacesG .uge /ail:ox AreaS 8oultry FarmS )utsi2e 8oultry FarmS %lac0smith 1hop EGiftG %o2igiIerS 4ineS 1pa3:oile2 -ggsS /ushroomsS 4il2 Grapes E%3=ateG Fall CPth E,ecipeG ? can get it from him... EFG 3T Do2el ,anch T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (his is the place where you can :uy cows an2 sheep for your :arn. ?t is owne2 :y the ol2 manA %arley who loves to visit the hot spring 2uring /on2ays J%(4A he gets really fe2 up when it rains on /on2aysK an2 his gran22aughterA /ay. /ay@s mother has left her there un2er the care of %arley. Dou can get your horse here upon your first visit. ?nsi2e the horseA you will fin2 a female 2ogS .ana3chan. After the matingA you will fin2 Done of the puppies here... J)perating hours: Bam to NpmS &lose2 on /on2aysK %arley: .e is the ol2 man who wears a green outfitA glasses an2 a long :ear. %(4A he is :al2. .e loves flowersA vegeta:les an2 foo2 manufacture2 from livestoc0. ?f you get on goo2 terms with himA you can go upstairs of his house. %(4A he woul2 even mate your 2og with his female 2ogA .ana3chan in the spring of your Cn2 year. (al0 him 2uring wor0ing hours an2 you will get the following options: Fo22er EC7GG Jmax. BBBK &./ 8otion$ EN777GG 1./ 8otion$ EN777GG %uy &ow EF777GG %uy 1heep EM777GG 1ell &ow\ 33333 1ell 1heep\ 33333 %ell@ E;77GG Animal /e2icine$ E6777GG $After you use2 the itemA you will :e a:le to :uy this item again. \Dou will :e :rought to the list of cows or sheep. @Dou can only :uy it once. E8lacesG Do2el ,anchS .ot 1pring AreaS (homas@ .ouse EGiftG Green 8epperS 8in0 &at FlowerS /oon 2rop FlowerS 1pa3:oile2 -ggsS %am:oo 1hootS /ushroom E%3=ayG 1pring 6Pth E,ecipeG ?ce3cream /ay: /ay is a cheerful little girlA who wears a re2 2ress. 1he woul2 show the gift that you have given to her gran2fatherA %arley. 1he loves

company if you get into goo2 terms with themA you will get to 0now more a:out her past... E8lacesG 1ame as %arley JAfter you have 0nown her past an2 ta0e her to the church...K )utsi2e &hurchS ?nsi2e &hurchS Do2el ,anch EGiftG Gar:age Jexcept Fish %oneKS ?ce3cream E%3=ayG 4inter CFth E,ecipeG ? 2ou:t she can give you any... EPG 3T 1ai:ara@s %lac0smith T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (his is one of the most important shops that you must 0now in .arvest /oon: %(*. (he %lac0smith 1hop owne2 :y the ol2 :lac0smithA 1ai:ara an2 his gran2son JapprenticeKA Gray. %oth of them love mining3relate2 stuffs an2 mountainous vegeta:les. J)perating .ours: Bam to MpmA close2 on (hurs2aysK 1ai:ara: .e is an ol2 fellow who is an expert in remo2eling your tools with the ore that you have mine in the game. 1ai:ara often visits festivals an2 ta0es a long time in upgra2e your toolsA ma0ing accessories an2 certain ma0ers such as /ayonnaise /a0erA &heese /a0er an2 Dar2 %all /a0er. (al0 him 2uring wor0ing hours an2 you will get the following options: <eveling ups a tool 3 Dou must equip the tool an2 ore on the han2. Girl@s present J76777GKS )richalcum )re N =ays /ayonnaise /a0er$ JC7777GKS A2amantite )re ; =ays &heese /a0er$ JC7777GKS A2amantite )re ; =ays Dar2 %all /a0er$ JC7777GKS A2amantite )re ; =ays %uy (ool %rush\ EL77GG &lippers\ E6L77GG /il0er\ EC777GG ?t is rather complex in the :eginning :ut you will get use2 to it. (o upgra2e a toolA you must earn the require2 experience points :efore you can perform an upgra2e. (he experience points chart is the one that is shown :elow: &lass &opper 1ilver Gol2 /ystrile )re &olor -xperience Amount of =ays &ost J&opperK E677XG ENG J6777GK J1ilverK EC77XG ENG JC777GK JGol2K EN77XG ENG JN777GK J=ar0 %lueK EM77XG ENG J;777GK

*)(-: ?t is not necessary to go from the levels. )nce you have reache2 the require2 experience pointsA you can upgra2e it automatically. Oust simply equip your ore an2 tool to :e upgra2e2 on the han2. (al0 to 1ai:ara an2 you will given the following three prompts:

<evel up tool Give the ore as gift *othing 4hile ma0ing /ayonnaise /a0erA &heese /a0erA Dar2 %all /a0er an2 any accessoryA there isn@t any nee2 to equippe2 the ore on the han2. /a0e sure that you put the ore in ruc0sac0 or it 4?<< :e consi2ere2 that you are giving the ore to 1ai:ara as a gift. =uring the 2ays where he is performing the upgra2eA you 4?<< *)( :e entitle2 to enter the shop. Dou can 1(?<< enter the shop on certain festivals when the tool/accessory rea2y for collection. 4hen collecting a toolA ma0e sure you have an a22itional slot in -quip column. 4hen collecting an accessoryA ma0e sure that you are not hol2ing anything on your han2. E8lacesG %lac0smith@s 1hopS 1upermar0et EGiftG /ushroomA Any )reS %am:oo 1hootS (urnipsS &a::age E%3=ayG 1pring 66th E,ecipeG 8ic0le (urnips Gray: .e feels extremely :oring :y staying the village. +ntil... he has met a girl calle2 /ary at the ,ose 1quare. Gray wears a :lue cap an2 a light :rown coat. .e often visits the li:rary an2 stays in the %lac0smith@s 1hop in the mornings. E8lacesG %lac0smith 1hopS <i:raryS ?nnS /ary@s .ouse EGiftG Any )reS 4ine E%3=ayG 1pring Fth E,ecipeG ? can@t get one from him... ELG 3T AHa 4inery T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Dou can fin2 /anna an2 her hus:an2A =u0e. (he 4inery has a fiel2 of wil2 grapes to :e harveste2 in Fall. /anna is an ultra tal0ative person :ut she is very frien2ly an2 gives you hints on how to ma0e frien2s with the villagers. J)perating .ours: Bam to 6CpmA close2 on 1atur2aysK Oust tal0 to /anna an2 you will :e given the following options: 4ine N77G Grape Ouice C77G ?f you have some cash to spareA you can get 4ine for the .arvest 1prites when the 1upermar0et is close2 on (ues2ays an2 1un2ays. /anna: /anna wears an apronA :lac0 top an2 :lue s0irt. /anna is very frien2ly an2 tal0ative when you meet her outsi2e wor0ing hours. 1he is the one who tells you a:out how to ma0e frien2s with the people in village. 1he is a gossiper ?/) :ut she coul2 tell you more

a:out the people@s past :esi2es hers... E8lacesG AHa 4ineryS %asil@s .ouseS 1upermar0etS ,ose 1quareS =oug@s 8lace EGiftG /oon 2rop FlowerS (oy FlowerS 8in0 &at FlowerS FlourS )ilS Oewelry E%3=ayG Fall 66th Jevery funny sequenceK E,ecipeG Greens =u0e: =u0e 2resse2 li0e a :arten2er an2 has a :lac0 hair. =u0eA on the han2A is a loner3loo0ing person perhaps 2ue to the 2eparture of her 2aughterA AHa... .e loves 4?*- :ut /anna always 0eep trac0 of the wine :ottles in the store near the grapes fiel2. .e will :e offering you a Ho: at the 4inery Jyou can :ring &liffK on the first year of game3play. E8lacesG AHa 4ineryS =oug@s 8lace EGiftG 4ineS &heeseS 1pa3:oile2 -ggsS %oile2 -ggs E%3=ayG 4inter 6;th E,ecipeG ? got trou:le in getting his recipe... EBG 3T 4estern Area of /ineral 5illage T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ?n this areaA you will fin2 three houses along with the <i:rary. (he house next to the li:rary is actually connecte2 :y the 2oor on top of the li:rary. (he two houses that you can fin2 are -llen@s along with the /ayor@s .ouse. <i:rary J)perating .ours: 67am to MpmA close2 on /on2aysK (he li:rary contains goo2 information a:out .arvest /oon: %(*A which inclu2es a 2etail list a:out fishingA harvest spritesA forageA etc. Dou will fin2 /ary there 2uring her wor0ing hours. (he li:rary consists of two floors. )n the secon2 floorA you will :e a:le to fin2 a 2oor lea2ing to the secon2 floor of the house of %asilA Anna an2 /ary. %asil: .e 2resse2 a :it li0e <ouis except he is a :it younger. %asil is a personA who :elieves that people an2 plants have telepathyA he enHoys writing :oo0s a:out plants an2 other things a:out /other@s .ill. Although there are very people going to rea2 the :oo0sA he seems never give any hopes an2 yearns to see the 4hite Flower of 4inter... E8lacesG /other@s .illS .is .ouseS .is .ouse Cn23Floor EGiftG Green .er:S %lue .er:S ,e2 .er:S 8oisonous /ushroomS /ushroomS (ruffleS Jany vegeta:le cropsKS %am:oo 1hoot E%3=ayG 1ummer 66th E,ecipeG Fruit <atte Anna: 1he wears a white s0irt with green lining. 1he is very upset if you attempt to go upstairs without her permission. Dou nee2 to give her a lot of flowers for a:out C straight seasons in

or2er to ma0e frien2s with her. 1he is a housewife an2 often accompany her family to the /other@s .ill on /on2ays. E8lacesG .er .ouseS /other@s .illS ,ose 1quareS 1upermar0et EGiftG Any FlowersS .oneyS FlourS )ilS (urnipsS &a::age E%3=ayG Fall CNr2 E,ecipeG ? still can@t get one from her... $ (ips: =on@t attempt to enter the Cn2 floor from the house. ?nstea2 try to enter from <i:rary as this will prevent the fall in ratings :etween you an2 her> /ary: 1he wears spectacles an2 2resse2 li0e a stu2ent ?/). 1he is not pretty as other girls that you can woo :ut she is very frien2ly an2 easy to approach. ?/)A she loo0s li0e a wor0aholic an2 ten2s to stay in the li:rary or her house. 1he is easy to approach an2 very easy to woo as she loves most things that other girls 2on@t li0e> E8lacesG .er houseS <i:raryS /other@s .illS 1upermar0et EGiftG )res Eexcept A2amantiteGS .er:sS /ushroomsS (ruffleS %am:oo 1hootS 8oisonous /ushroom E%3=ayG 4inter C7th E<overG Gray -llen@s .ouse ?nsi2e this houseA you will fin2 -lli JoccasionallyKA 1tu an2 -llen. -llen is the ol2 la2y who you have met earlier on the tour aroun2 /ineral 5illage. 1he is pretty frien2ly an2 loves all seasons :esi2es 4inter. 1tu is the :oy who loves to play pran0s an2 enHoy company. .e seems to :e on 5-,D goo2 terms with /ay of Do2el ,anch. Dou can give him the puppy if you li0e. As for -lliA ? will tal0 more a:out her un2er the &linic. -llen: -llen is an ol2 la2y an2 a very goo2 frien2 of the /ayor. -llen has two gran2chil2renA 1tu an2 -lli. -llen yearns to see the flower of happiness 2uring winter. Ea tale which she will tell you if you ma0e frien2s with her in 6st yearG E8lacesG .er house EGiftG -ggS AppleS Apple 8ie E%3=ayG 4inter 6Nth E,ecipeG 1an2wich 1tu: 1urprisinglyA he is the )*<D ; year ol2Z 0i2 in the game> 1tu is a :it naughty an2 loves company. .e feel lonely :ecause her sisterA -lli has :een wor0ing throughout at the &linic. E8lacesG -llen@s .ouseS &hurch EGiftG %rea2S ,ice %allS Dar2 %allS 4oolS AppleS ?ce3cream E%3=ayG Fall ;th E,ecipeG ? 2ou:t so...

/ayor@s .ouse ?nsi2e this houseA you will fin2 the /ayor along with his sonA 'anoA the chief photographer of /ineral 5illage. (he /ayor seems to li0e -llen Jcorrect me if ? am wrongK from his :ehavior an2 woul2 2eliver apple pie to -llen 2uring 1un2ays... /ayor: .e wears a re2 suit Jpretty weir2 huhUK (he mayor loo0s a :it funny in my opinion. .e is the man3in3charge an2 seems to :e goo2 frien2s with -llen. .e is a frien2ly person :ut is terrifie2 of animals>>> E8lacesG .is .ouseS ,ose 1quareS =oug@s 8laceS -llen@s .ouse EGiftG 4ineS -ggS (urnipsS &ucum:ersS &orn E%3=ayG 1ummer C;th E,ecipeG 1till can@t get a recipe from his mouth... 'ano: .e 2resse2 accor2ing to the western culture an2 has a :lac0 apron. 'ano plays a minor role in the game. .e is the photographer of the village an2 loves mountain Enon3poisonousG pro2uce. .e a2ores his father Ethe /ayorG an2 ta0es photograph for your victory at the horse race. E8lacesG /ayor@s .ouse EGiftG 4ineS /ushroomS 4il2 GrapesS Any farm pro2uceS (ruffle E%3=ayG Cn2 4inter E,ecipeG ? still can@t get it... .arris: .e 2resse2 li0e a police officer in 2ar0 :lue uniform. .arris is the police officer in the game. Dou will fin2 him solving funny cases an2 normally mistoo0 an animal for :eing a theft. .e is a pretty easy going la2. E8lacesG %lac0smith@s .ouseS /ayor@s .ouseS =oug@s 8laceS Do2el ,anch EGiftG 4ineS Flowers E%3=ayG Mth 1ummer E,ecipeG Frie2 ,ice E67G 3T &entral Area of /ineral 5illage T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (his is an area that you /+1( not miss> Dou will fin2 a 1upermar0et an2 a &linic here. Oeff an2 1asha own the 1upermar0et. (he &linic is owne2 :y the =octor an2 -lli is wor0ing there as a nurse. 1upermar0et J)perating .ours: Bam to FpmA close2 on (ues an2 1un2aysK (he 1upermar0et is a shopper@s para2ise in .arvest /oon: %(*. Dou can fin2 several items that :e :ought here along with OeffA 1asha an2 'aren. Dou nee2 to examine the see2s pac0age in the mi22le in or2er to :uy

the see2s. -ach pac0et containe2 nine see2s. E1pring 8lantingG E1ummer 8lantingG EFall 8lantingG Grass E;77GG "Grass E;77GG "Grass E;77GG (urnip E6C7GG ")nion E6;7GG "&arrot EN77GG 8otato E6;7GG "(omato EC77GG "-gg 8lant E6C7GG &ucum:er EC77GG "&orn EN77GG "1weet 8otato EN77GG 1traw:erry$ E6;7GG "8ump0in$ E;77GG "1pinach$ EC77GG Dou will fin2 the pac0et of see2s appearing on the time that you can plant the see2s. 4hen you have a hothouse insi2e your farmA you will :e a:le to :uy all see2s at any point of time. (he see2s mar0e2 in @$@ is only availa:le when you have met a requirement. (he requirements are liste2 :elow. ?f you have gotten the requirement Echec0 the @Amount of 8ro2uce 1hippe2@ /enuGA chec0 your mail:ox the next 2ayA you will fin2 a message that see2s are availa:le for sale. &rops that are mar0e2 with ]^ are see2s that can :e :ought from 4onA the &hinese merchant who you can meet insi2e =oug@s 8lace after Nr2 of spring in your first year. 1traw:erry 3 1ell 677 0in2s of (urnipsA 8otatoesA &ucum:ers an2 ]&a::ages^ 8ump0in 3 1ell 677 0in2s of )nionsA (omatoesA &orn an2 ]8ineapples^. 1pinach 3 1ell 677 0in2s of &arrotsA -ggplantsS 1weet 8otatoes an2 ]Green 8eppers^ Dou can also :uy the following items :y pic0ing them up Jthey are foun2 on the left an2 right corners of the shopsK: E&oo0ing &ornerG E4rapper &ornerG %rea2 677G Fish Foo2 EC7G per pac0etG ,ice %alls 677G %as0et E;777GG &urry 8ow2er ;7G ,uc0sac0 J/K EN777GA ,uc0sac0 J<K\ ;777GG Flour ;7G 4rapping 8aperV E677GG )il ;7G %lue Feather@ E6777GG \ (his is only availa:le after you :ought ,uc0sac0 J/K V Dou can wrap any 0in2 of item :esi2es animals J2ogA chic0 or chic0enKA Hust equip the item an2 hel2 it on han2A next examine the wrapper to wrap as a gift. 4hen the gift is 0ept insi2e a wrapperA you can@t store it insi2e the &up:oar2 or ?ce:ox. @ (he %lue Feather is availa:le A1A8 once you have ma2e a girl@s love rating to orange Ji.e. you are rea2y to proposeK. ?f you faile2A you will fin2 a new one at the 1upermar0etA of course you nee2 to pay for it again. ? suppose2 that is enough for the shopping list otherwise ? woul2 forget a:out the people living there... Oeff: .e 2resse2 in western culture except he has a small goatee an2 chil23li0e loo0ing face. Oeff loo0s a :it cute ?/). .e always give his fellow villages on cre2it

an2 sel2om chases after them. .is wifeA 1asha is very 2isplease2 with that :ehavior... .e is the owner of the 1upermar0et. E8lacesG 1upermar0etS &linicS =oug@s 8lace EGiftsG .oneyS &heeseS /il0S -ggS Any me2icine JtonicK from &linic E%3=ayG CBth 4inter E,ecipeG ? still can@t get one from him... 1asha: 1he has :lon2 hair an2 resem:les a typical housewife... 1he is the mother of 'aren an2 wife of Oeff. 1he will normally go to the ,ose 1quare an2 chat with /anna or Anna. 1he is pretty frien2ly an2 easy get along with everyone in the village. E8lacesG Anna@s .ouseS Do2el ,anchS &hic0en <il@sS 1upermar0et EGiftsG .oneyS FlourS )ilS %rea2S ,ice %all E%3=ayG N7th 1pring E,ecipeG &hocolate &oo0ies 'aren: 1he 2resse2 a :it westerniIe2 an2 has :lon2 hair. 1he is rather mature as compare2 to other @woo@ girls. %ut she seems to 2isli0e what her parents li0e. 1he loves mature guys an2 is the song:ir2 of the village. E8lacesG 1upermar0etA =oug@s 8laceS GotI@s 8laceS .ot 1pring AreaS /ineral %each EGiftsG 4ineS .oneyS Oewelry E%3=ayG 6;th Fall Eit will :e on CNr2 fallA if your :32ay falls on 6;thG E,ivalG ,ic0 /ineral &linic J)perating .ours: Bam to FpmA close2 on 4e2nes2aysK ?f you step in the clinic automatically without going there yourselfA ? suppose2 that it is really :a2. (he &linic cures sic0 an2 you can fin2 the lone =octor along with -lli. Dou can fin2 -lli there most of time compare2 when she stays insi2e her house. (al0 to =octor an2 you will :e a:le to get the following options: -xamination 3 67G Eyou will get recommen2ations too>G Get /e2icine ,equirements 3 %o2igiIer ;77G */A 3 (ur:oHolt 6777G */A 3 %o2igiIer Q< 6777G after you have gotten 0itchen upgra2e 3 (ur:oHolt Q< C777G after you have gotten :e2room upgra2e =octor: JDou shoul2 0now the :asic 2ressing of a 2octor...K (he 2octor loo0s a :it ... gloomy> .e sel2om smile an2 ten2s to hi2e his feelings. .e wor0s in the village to continue with his research. E8lacesG /other@s .illS &linic EGiftsG ,e2 .er:sS %lue .er:s

E%3=ayG 6Pth Fall E,ecipeG /ixe2 Ouice -lli: 1he wears a :lue an2 white uniform of a nurse :ut loo0s more li0e a flower girl to me... -lli wor0s at the clinic as a nurse. 1he is el2er sister of 1tu an2 gran22aughter of -llen. 1he visits her home on 4e2nes2ays. 1he loves flowers an2 :a:ies... E8lacesG &linicS .er .ouseS 1upermar0et EGiftsG Any flower E%3=ayG 6Fth 1pring Eit will :e on C7th if your :32ay falls on 6FthG E,ivalG =octor E66G 3T =oug@s 8lace T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 =oug@s 8lace is an inn in the morning an2 a :ar at night. Dou can fin2 a lot of townsfol0 staying here. Ann an2 =oug lives here. Dou can or2er foo2 at the counter where you fin2 =oug. Ann spen2s most of her time in the ?nn an2 occasionally ta0es a wal0 to /other@s .ill. Dou can fin2 Gray an2 cliff 1taying here too> J)perating .ours: Lam to BpmK 1et /eal ;77G 1ala2 N77G Apple 8ie N77G &heeseca0e C;7G &oo0ie C77G 4ater 7G =oug: =oug has :rownish orange hair an2 2ress li0e a :arten2er. =oug is an expert in coo0ing an2 win the &oo0ing Festival most of time. .e loves coo0ing relate2 stuffs an2 yearn to RhelpR her 2aughter to get marrie2. .is wife passe2 away early... E8lacesG =oug@s 8lace EGiftsG FlourS )ilS %rea2S ,ice %allS &heeseS /il0S -gg E%3=ayG 66th 4inter E,ecipeG &heese Fon2ue Ann: Ann 2resse2 li0e a tom3:oy an2 has orange :rownish hair Jtie2 upK. Ann is really cute an2 tom3:oyish at the same time. 1he loves clean rooms an2 coo0e2 foo2. %esi2es her father winning the &oo0ing FestivalA occasionally you may see her winning the competition. 1he is pretty mo2est an2 loves animals. E8lacesG =oug@s 8laceS .ot 1pring Area EGiftsG 1pa3:oile2 -ggsS &hocolateS Grille2 Fish E%3=ayG 1ummer 6Pth E?f your :32ay falls on 6PthA it will :e CCn2G E,ivalG &liff

&liff: .e wears a :rown outfit Jwhich is in2ee2 very rare in the game...K &liff comes to the village alone an2 feel lonely. .e got no Ho:s offere2 to him :efore Fall where you can as0 him to help out in the vineyar2. &liff loves coo0e2 foo2. ?f you 2on@t offer him the Ho:A he will leave the village in 4inter. E8lacesG =oug@s 8laceS &hurchS AHa 4inery EGiftsG %rea2S ,ice %allS 1pa3:oile2 -ggs E%3=ayG Fth 1ummer E,ecipeG ? still can@t get one from him... 3 4on@s see2s store 3 %e careful of long speeches if you 2on@t have an empty slot... &a::age 1ee2s ;77G 8ineapple 1ee2s 6777G Green 8epper 1ee2s 6;7G /oon =rop Flower 1ee2s ;77G (oy Flower 1ee2s N77G 8in0 &at Flower 1ee2s C77G /agic ,e2 1ee2s F77G )range &up 1ee2s ;77G J)perating .ours: 6pm to NpmK 4on: .e wears an ancient &hinese hat an2 spectacles. .e wears a :right yellow outfit. 4on 2resse2 a :it exotic an2 was a merchant. .e was foun2 suspiciously an2 was :eing chase2 after :y .arris. .e sells exotic see2s an2 vegeta:le see2s that you can@t :uy from the 1upermar0et. .e is a cheater too... for a few times only. 1+G=4 Apple 3 he will sell one to you for ;77G in 1pring 6st year. =og %all 3 he will sell one to you for 677G in Fall 6st year. ?f you lost the 2og :allA you can :uy it again unless he pays a visit to your farm. 5ase 3 .e will sell one to you for ;777G after the :e2room extension upgra2e %lue Feather 3 .e will sell one to you for N7A777G if you 2i2 not :uy the %lue Feather after rea2ing a mail from the mail:ox. E8lacesG =oug@s 8lace EGiftsG 4ineS Oewelry E%3=ayG 6Bth 4inter E,ecipeG ? still can@t get one from him... E6CG 3T /ineral &hurch an2 (he .arvest 1prites T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ?n this areaA you will fin2 a churchA a graveyar2 Jwhere you can fin2 graves of the previous mayorsK an2 a small hut at the :ac0yar2 of the church. ? 2on@t 0now a lot of people has gotten the pro:lem in fin2ing

the harvest sprites@ hut. AnywayA :elow is a simple A1&?? map to help those who got pro:lems in fin2ing the house: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!! " " " " .1 " .1 stan2s for the .arvest " JGraveyar2K " E&hurchG " "!!!!" 1prites@ house. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT "!!!!!!!!!!!" T T T TTTTTT TTTTTT TT 8astor &arter: .e is a gentle loo0ing guy who never got angry easily. .e loves people giving him thingsA ma0ing him the easiest person to ma0e frien2s with. E8lacesG &hurch EGiftsG FlourS )ilS %rea2S &urryS ,ice %allsS any cropsS 4ine E%3=ayG C7th Fall E,ecipeG 1traw:erry /il0 .arvest 1prites: (he harvest sprites are actually elves or 2warfs. (hey are small an2 tiny. Dou can fin2 the icons of them un2er the .elp 1creen. (here are a total of P sprites an2 you can fin2 facts a:out them in the li:rary. E8lacesG .arvest 1prites@ .ouse EGiftsG ]Flour^S ]%rea2^S ],ice %all^S ]4ine^S FlowersS &ucum:er E%3=ayG %ol2 Jpurple spriteK 3 Mth 1pring 1tai2 J:lue spriteK 3 6;th 1pring Aqua Jlight :lue spriteK 3 CFth 1pring (imi2 Jgreen spriteK 3 6Fth 1ummer .oggy Jyellow spriteK 3 67th Fall *appy Jorange spriteK 3 CCn2 4inter E,ecipesG &hef3 ,oaste2 8otatoes E6NG 3T /ineral %each T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ? myself is pretty surprise2 that ? coul2 have so much to say a:out this part of the village. (he sea is :eing infeste2 with gar:age :ut contains large fish. ?/)A it woul2 :e :etter to get a :as0et E:ought for ;777G from the 1upermar0etG along with you while fishing. Dou can 2eposit the trash an2 fish into the :in at the same time. AnywayA the seasi2e is pretty quiet for most of times. J1easi2e <o2ge: 1ummer )nly /on2ays 3 1un2ays 6Cpm to ;pmK Foo2 sol2 from 1easi2e <o2ge Jno ta0e3away W!WSK 1now &one N77G ,oaste2 &orn C;7G 8asta N77G 8iIIa C77G 4ater 7G 'ai:

'ai wears a purple :an2ana an2 is a terrific swimmer. .e will always come an2 visit the village in 1ummer. E(hat also explain why ,ic0 is so unplease2 with himG 'ai is on very goo2 terms with the girls> E8lacesG =oug@s 8laceS 1easi2e <o2ge EGiftsG %rea2S )ilS FlourS &orn E%3=ayG CCn2 1ummer E,ecipeG 8opcorn Greg: Greg is the fisherman in the village. .e seems somewhat associate2 with [ac0 the 2elivery man. .e sel2om appears on the streets an2 even festivals. Dou can only fin2 him at the 2oc0s from Pam to 67am an2 Ppm to 67pm 2uring Fri2aysA 1atur2ays an2 1un2ays. .e has 2ar0 s0in an2 white hair. .e always carries a straw hat on his :ac0. E8laceG =oc0 EGiftsG <arge FishS 4ine E%3=ayG CBth 1pring E,ecipeG ? still can@t get one from him... [ac0: [ac0 is a muscular 2eliveryman an2 has a pun03li0e hairstyle. [ac0 is pretty frien2ly an2 loves 2ogs. [ac0 is the person who comes to your farm an2 2eliver your pro2uce from the :in at ;pm. .e will come at that time every2ay :esi2es festivals. .e also helps to 2eliver the utensils that you can :uy from the 1upermar0et. E8laceG Dour Farm at ;pmS 1upermar0etS 1ai:ara@s %lac0smithS =oc0 EGiftsG <arge FishS %o2igiIerS (ur:oHoltS %rea2S .oneyS ,ice %allS 4ine E%3=ayG CBth 1ummer E,ecipeG Frie2 *oo2les E6MG 3T ,ose 1quare T3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (his is the place for gatherings an2 festival. Dou can fin2 the trio of housewives J/annaA 1asha an2 AnnaK gathering there an2 chat a:out the village from 6pm to N:N7pm on a fine 2ay. (he rose square has a notice :oar2 where you can rea2 a:out the latest festival that is coming. Dou can also fin2 a trash :in where you can 2eposit unwante2 stuff there. *orth path 3 =oug@s 8lace 1outh path 3 /ineral %each -ast path 3 /ineral &hurch 4est path 3 Do2el ,anch 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.BG /enu -xplanations 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 &urrentlyA ? am still wor0ing towar2s on getting 677X for my farm. ? have foun2 out :y 2oing the following it helps to increase the percentage Jit may :e wrongA hence please correct me if you 0now itK:

3 Get 67 hearts for your 2ogA horseA wife an2 chil2. JM7XK 3 Get 67 cows J6X for each cowK J67XK 3 Get 67 sheep J6X for each sheepK J67XK 3 Get 67 hearts for every harvest sprites 3 &atch all the six legen2ary fishes J67XK$ 3 1ell more than 677 for every pro2uce un2er your 8ro2uce sheet 3 +pgra2e all your tools to the /ystrile <evel. J;XK$ 3 .ave all house upgra2es Jhenhouse upgra2eA house upgra2e 6A :arn upgra2eA house upgra2e C an2 the hothouseK J;XK$ 3 +ncover more than F7 recipes J6X for every 67 recipeK J;XK$ 3 /a0e frien2s with everyone in the village. J6;XK$ (hose mar0e2 with @$@ are assumptions ma2e :y meA i.e. they are not confirme2 yet. (o activate the main menu :esi2es the equip menu Jwhich ? will 2iscuss in further 2etails laterKA Hust hit the 1(A,( :utton on your 81Q controller: T3 /ain /enu 3T 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ?/)A the main menu is very easy to navigate an2 interactive as the creators of the game has ma2e use of icons of their characters to illustrate the menu. J?t woul2 :e :oring to see only wor2s rightUK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!" "!!!!!! " " E*ame of FarmG JQQQXK " " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " J<egen2K " " EDouG J?con of @you@K " EDouG J/oneyK JQQQQQQQQQQK " $$$ J8ower %erriesK " $$$$$$$$$$ " E.G J-xtensions <5<K " E.G 677X J&hic0K EQG J&. Fee2KEQQQG" E,G JAmt of recipesK " E,G ;F " E4ifeG J?con of @wife@K " J&owK EQG JFo22erK EQQQG" ))) JV of heartsK " E4ifeG " E'i2G J?con of @0i2@K " )))))))))) J1heepK EQG " E=ogG J?con of @2og@K " E'i2G " E.orseGJ?con of horseK " )))))))))) JFishK EQG JF. Fee2KEQQQG" EFsG J<egen2ary FishK " E=ogG " " )))))))))) J.aloK EQG J<um:erK EQQQG" J&. Fee2K stan2s for " E.orseG " &hic0en Fee2 " )))))))))) EFsGEFsGEFsGEFsGEFsGEFsG " JF. Fee2K stan2s for "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Fish Foo2

*ow ? will go into a step further on how to get the icon mar0s for the /enu Jit may ta0e a while...K: 3T $$$ J8ower %erriesK T3 ?n the gameA your character Jor ? woul2 call @.ero@K will have limite2 strength an2 stamina. ?f he wears out 2ue to exhaustionA he will faint an2 :e sent to the clinic. (o avoi2 thisA you can 2o the following:

J6K -at> ?n springA you can fin2 %am:oo 1hoots an2 %lue .er:s Jgreat restorative items>K near the hot spring JCK ?f you have moneyA go to the &linic an2 :uy me2icine from the =octor. JNK 1tay insi2e the hot spring for an hour... (o withstan2 longerA you nee2 to get 8ower :erries. (hey are :erries that can :e foun2 :y miningA fishing an2 questing. 8lease refer to the tips section for the list of quests in getting them. %ut it 2oesn@t mean with all the power :erriesA you can wor0 CMhrs a 2ay without tiring out yourself out. Dou still nee2 to rest or you can get the special :erry from the 'appa in the la0e of /other@s .ill :y 2ropping N cucum:ers Jyou nee2 to grow this yourself 2uring springK. 3T E.G -xtensions <evel an2 J<um:erK T3 At the start of the gameA you will :egin with 7X. Dou nee2 to chop <um:er using your ax on :ranches Jthose orange logsK an2 tree stumps when your Ax has upgra2e to a :ronIe Ax. For tips on upgra2ingA please see @Farming (ools@ for more 2etails. As you accumulate lum:erA you will fin2 the quantity 2igits next to the lum:er increase. Dou can have the maximum of BBB lum:er. After you have gotten lum:er an2 a lot of moneyA you can procee2 to the woo2cutter@s house an2 loo0 for GotI. Dou will :e given options to :uil2 the following extensions: .enhouse +pgra2e E&ost: MC7 lum:er an2 ;A777GG Dour henhouse can house 67 chic0ens an2 has an extra incu:ator an2 Fee2 1pout. (his is the first upgra2e an2 you /+1( upgra2e your henhouse first :efore you can upgra2e your house to get a 0itchen> .ouse 3 'itchen E&ost: NP7 lum:er an2 MAP77GG 4ith this upgra2eA you have a 0itchen to coo0A a ice:ox Jto store foo2 an2 ingre2ients for coo0ingK an2 cup:oar2 for o:Hects. J1uch as HewelryA oresA etcK %arn +pgra2e E&ost: ;77 lum:er an2 FAL77GG (he upgra2e2 :arn allows you to :uil2 the &heese /a0ers an2 Dar2 %all /a0er. Dou will fin2 two fee2 spouts an2 CC fee2 :oxes. (hose two a22itional fee2 :oxes are pregnancy livestoc0. Dou can only the maximum of C7 livestoc0. .ouse 3 %e2room E&ost: P;7 lum:er an2 67A777GG Dou will get an extra :e2room Jfor your future wifeK. Dou nee2 to get this upgra2e ?* ),=-, for marriage. .othouse E&ost: ;L7 lum:er an2 N7A777GG 1urprisinglyA ? won2er how GotI got glass from those pieces of lum:er that you have given to him for this @greenhouse@. (he greenhouse has a siIe of PxP fiel2 for you to grow crops all year aroun2. )nce you have :uil2 the hothouseA every seasonal see2s will :e availa:le. E(here are exceptions for see2s :ought from 4on an2 those see2s that nee2s requirements Je.g. straw:erriesA refer to &rops Gui2e for more 2etailsKG

3T E,GJ,ecipesK T3 4ellA here comes the interesting part a:out .arvest /oon: %(*. Dou nee2 to ma0e use of the cropsA coo0ing utensils an2 seasonings to create a homema2e 2ish. (he 2ish can also :e use2 for coo0ing competition an2 gifts. (he la2ies will normally preferre2 2ishes than plain raw crops. %ut there is a pro:lemA as you nee2 to stoc0 up crops insi2e your ?ce:ox an2 get utensils Jalong with seasoningsK. Dou nee2 to have the 'itchen in or2er to coo0 along with the utensils. Dou can :uy the utensils an2 the seasonings from the 1hopping *etwor0 every 1atur2ay in (5. ,efer to the (ips or wal0through for more 2etails. Dou can get recipes Jin wor2sK from villagers when you ma0e frien2s with them :ut they will not :e a22e2 to the recipes list. ? myself :elieve that there are a total of L7 recipes Jthere are L7 slots for themK :ut ? have only gotten F7 recipes for my game3play currently. ,efer to the recipe gui2e for more 2etails. ?t is foun2 un2er the ?tem :estiary section. 3T E4ifeG Y ))) T3 After you are marrie2A you will fin2 your wife@s icon un2er this main menu. (here is a heart in2icator on the num:er of hearts that your wife has. -ach heart accounts for 6X of the farm rating hence ta0e goo2 care of your wife :y giving her presents every 2ay even after you are marrie2> 3T E'i2G T3 ?f you have :een giving your wife presents for a seasonA she will get pregnant. /a0e sure you ma0e a trip to the &linic when she is starting to show symptoms of vomiting or nauseous. 4ait for another two seasons an2 the :a:y will :e :orn. After the :a:y is :ornA continue to give presents to your wife in or2er to maintain the heart. (he :a:y will :e in its cra2le form for C seasons. )nce it is a:le to crawlA remem:er to give him Jit is always a maleK presents too an2 2o not neglect your wife. .e loves .)( /?<'> As for the 2ou:t whether the 0i2 will grow upA ? myself ,-A<<D =)*@( 0now hence please 2o not :other me a:out this. 3T E=ogG T3 Dou will fin2 your 2og insi2e your farm along with his 2oghouse. Dou can ta0e your 2og outsi2e an2 showing it to the villagers. 1ome of them may not li0e though. Dour 2og will :e in the puppy stage for C seasons. )n the first fall of your game playS the 2og will grow to an a2ult stage. *ext you can :uy a 2og :all from 4on Jhe will come to your farmK an2 use it to train your 2og> %e carefulA as the 2og :all gets lost easily> )therwiseA you have to wait for 4on to sell another one for you. &arrying it every2ay will :oost its affection for you :ut not preparing it for the 2og race. .ence the :etter metho2 is to use the 2og :all to train your 2og. /y 2og runs last 2espite having eight hearts :ecause ? 2i2 not use the 2og :all to train> 3T E.orseG T3 ?/)A the horse is a very important livestoc0 for your farm. Dou nee2 to collect it on your first visit to Do2el Farm Jnot on /on2aysK. (al0 to it every 2ay an2 :rush it with the :rush JL77GK :ought from 1ai:ara the %lac0smith. 'eep it in an enclose2 area an2 :ring it :ac0 to the sta:le

when it rains. (he horse is very uncooperative at the :eginning E? ha2 to spen2 several game hours in moving it :ac0 to the sta:le.G (he tip is to :uil2 an enclose2 fence in front of the sta:le an2 push the horse while hol2ing 2own &ircle :utton. After it has gotten M heartsA ma0e use of the whistle J,CK :ut it woul2 still cause some pro:lems though. Oust %A,- it for a year an2 ma0e sure your horse has o:taine2 at <-A1( -?G.( hearts. At the en2 of the first yearA %arley will visit your farm an2 attempt to ta0e the horse :ac0. ?f the horse 2oesn@t neighsA you nee2 to grow more than N7 patches of grass for a secon2 horse... ?f it 2oesA you will have an a2ult horse at the en2 of the first year> (he a2ult horse allows you to ri2e on it :ut not :eyon2 the farms. Dou will have no pro:lems in ta0ing care of it. (he sa22le wor0s mova:le :in li0e the one you fin2 near your house. ?t is a goo2 asset for the farm. .ence ta0e care of the horse> 3T J&hic0K Y J&. Fee2K T3 At the start of the gameA you 2on@t have any chic0ens. Dou nee2 to get one from &hic0en <ili@s Jthe poultry farm of the villageK :y :uying one for 6777G. *ext you nee2 to fee2 them regularly with a chic0en fee2 per chic0en. (he chic0en fee2 can :e o:taine2 in two metho2s: J6K :uy one at 67G per fee2 from the poultry farm an2 JCK throw a corn against the win2mill to get 67 fee2s> (o get extra chic0ens without :uying one from the poultry farmA use the incu:ator foun2 next to the fee2 spout J(hat is also the place where you collect the fee2sK. Oust position yourself hol2ing an egg facing the incu:ator an2 hit Q :utton. 4ait for three 2ays an2 the egg will hatch. After the eggs are hatche2A continue fee2 the chic0ens/chic0 with chic0en fee2s. ?t ta0es aroun2 F T P 2ays for a chic0 to grow into an a2ult hen. ?f a chic0en wins the &hic0en FestivalA it will lay gol2en eggsA which fetch for a higher price> Dou will get Gol2en 4ool an2 /il0 if your sheep an2 cows win their festivals respectively. 3T JFo22erK T3 Fo22er is actually foo2 for your :arn animals. Fo22er can :e o:taine2 via two metho2s: J6K &ut from thic0 layer of grass or JCK :uy from 1ai:ara for C7G each. Fo22er is essentially if you want your cows to pro2uce mil0 an2 maintain the hearts for the :arn animals. (o get fo22er from grassA you nee2 to ma0e use of your sic0le. 3T J&owK T3 1imilar to the chic0enA you nee2 to :uy one from Do2el Farm :y tal0ing to %arley. &ows are expensive :ut their mil0 can fetch a han2y price. Dou nee2 to get fo22er through the following metho2s J6K :uy from Do2el Farm for 67G an2 JCK grew grass an2 use sic0le to collect fo22er. (hat@s not all> Dou nee2 :uy a mil0er from 1ai:ara the %lac0smith. %(4 you can only get mil0 from A=+<( cows )*<D. (he cows that you :ought from 1ai:ara are only in the calf stage. ?f you 2i2 not fee2 them without fo22erA they woul2 not pro2uce mil0 an2 their hearts will not grow> (al0 an2 :rush them frequently helps to :uil2 up the heart meter. ?f you 2on@t want to :ring fo22er from the fee2 spoutA :uil2 an enclose2 area where grass are grown an2 they will :e fee2 automatically> Dou can get cows :y :uying Jrecommen2e2K or using a &./ 8otion. %elow is the life cycle of a cow... %a:y &alf 33> &alf 33> A2ult &ow

?f you use a &./ potionA you will fin2 a re2 heart next to the &ow@s thum:nail on &ows <ist screen. (his in2icates that the cow is pregnant. %(4A only a2ult cows can get pregnant an2 they woul2 not :e a:le to pro2uce mil0 until they give :irth. ?t ta0es N wee0s for a cow to give :irth. Dou can@t participate a pregnant cow into the &ow Festival. After the cow has give :irthA you will :e a:le to name it. ,emem:er to ta0e goo2 care of it. 8lant a new patch of grass to support the new livestoc0. ?t ta0es C wee0s for the :a:y calf to mature into a calf. ?t ta0es aroun2 C wee0s for the calf to mature into a cow. ?f you :uy a cow from Do2el ,anchA it will start off with the calf stage. .enceA :uying a new cow seems to :e a more worthy investment. *)(-: Dou can@t get mil0 from the :a:y calf or calf. (he A2ult &ow loo0s a lot more :igger than .ero in siIe. 3T J1heepK T3 For those who inten2 to sell 677 wool or yar2 :allsA ma0e sure that you get a sheep A1A8. 1heep are easier to ta0e care off. (he sheep ta0es only C wee0s to :ecome an a2ult. EAlthough there aren@t any siIe 2ifference :etween a young sheep an2 a2ult sheep.G (o :uil2 up its affectionA tal0 an2 :rush it every2ay. (he sheep@s wool sells much compare2 to other pro2uce. %ut it ta0es a wee0 for the sheep to pro2uce wool. Dou nee2 to use a clipper to get the wool off from the sheepA which can :ought from the %lac0smith. Dou can :uy new sheep from Do2el ,anch or use a 1./ 8otion on the sheep. (he pregnancy perio2 is N wee0s. (o ma0e a sheep pregnantA it must :e an a2ult sheep an2 must not have its wool sheare2. Dou can@t sheare2 the wool from the sheep 2uring the pregnancy perio2. (o get yar2 :allsA you nee2 to get A2amantite )re J from the winter mineK an2 pay C7A777G to 1ai:ara to :uil2 a Dar2 %all /a0er. (al0 to 1ai:ara when the yar2 :all ma0er is rea2y. Oust simply position .ero in front of the yar2 :all ma0er with the wool in han2. Aim an2 hit Q to convert the wool into yar2 :all. Dar2 %all fetches a higher price :y the way... 3T JFishK T3 Dou can@t start fishing at the start of the game... Dou nee2 to get a fishing ro2 Jma0e sure you have an empty slot un2er equip sectionK. (o get this equipmentA you must go to the 2oc0s 2uring Pam to 67am or Ppm to 67pm on either Fri2ayA 1atur2ay or 1un2ay. Dou will :e a:le to meet Greg the fisherman. (al0 to him an2 pic0 that you li0e fishing. (o fishA Hust simply equip the fishing ro2 on han2 an2 hit 1quare on a water fille2 area. After the cast has reache2 the waterA 2o not release the 1quare :utton. 4ait for it to vi:rate an2 release. Dou will catch a fish/ hoo0e2 up a gar:age item or nothing> (here are several places where you can fish. ? will ela:orate more a:out them later. Dou can :ree2 fishes. Ei.e. ma0e a small fish to grow to large fish an2 giving a new small fish when the existing small fish reaches the a2ult stageG. (o 2o thisA you nee2 to catch some fish Jrefer to the steps that are mentione2 in the paragraph a:oveK an2 2eposit them into the fish pon2. *ext you nee2 to get fish foo2 through purchase only from the 1upermar0et for ;7G. Dou Hust nee2 to 2eposit one fish foo2 insi2e the fish pon2 every2ay. J(he quantity of fishes in the pon2 2oes not

have any impactK Dou can only have BB fishes in the fish pon2. ?f you have more than ;7 fishesA you will see Greg visiting your pon2 an2 give you a :etter fishing equipment. JDou nee2 to have an empty slot in the equip portion :efore exiting the house in or2er to get the equipmentK (he fishing pole is a :etter equipment compare2 to fishing ro2. ?t is not necessary that you nee2 to use the fishing pole in or2er to catch legen2ary fish. %ut some of legen2ary fishes requires a fishing pole. (here are several places where you can catch fish. (hey are the seaA the la0eA the waterfallA winter mine@s pon2 an2 river streams. 4eir2 fishing spots inclu2e the hot3pot 2uring .arvest Festival in Fall an2 the fishing pon2 W!WSK Dou can only catch large fish from the ocean. (he la0e is fairly clean as :eing compare2 to other spots. (he sea is very 2irty an2 you will get gar:age most of time. %ut there is a tipA which ? myself also got from the li:rary :esi2es a fellow FAQ writer: (he :oo0s says something li0e the sentence :elow: R(he fish population in the sea has 2ecrease2 greatly 2ue to the 2umping of trash into the rivers an2 seaR Ja.0.a water populationK Dou can @increase@ the fish population Jeasier to catch fish from the oceanK :y 2epositing the gar:age into the trash :in foun2 in the ,ose 1quare ),... Get the :as0et J:ought from 1upermar0et for ;777GK to the har:or. 8lace the :as0et :ehin2 .ero. As you get a gar:age item Je.g. fish :oneA trash can an2 :ootKA Hust aim an2 throw in the :as0et. Dou will fin2 the :as0et sha0es a :it :ut there is no crops for sale> For my caseA it 2i2 helps to improve my chances of catching fish 2uring winter. 3T J.aloK T3 ?f you got a @6@ un2er this sectionA you are really a :a2 Ho: in ta0ing care of your animals. (here are certain in2ications of chic0ensA cow an2 sheep 2ying... ? 0now that if you 2on@t fee2 your chic0en for a monthA it start to turns :rown in color. ?f you left your chic0ens outsi2e the farm 2uring a weather haIar2A you nee2 to 2o the following: ,aise your han2A waive an2 say @:ye@> J(he chic0ens are :lown off>K 3T EF1G T3 (hese will represent the legen2ary fishes that you have caught. (here are a total of six legen2ary fishes. (hey are the &arpA AnglerA 1ea %reamA &atfish an2 1qui2. For the requirementsA please refer to the wal0through or the tips section. 3T Amount 1hippe2 T3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ? suppose2 that the 2iagram :elow spells out everything that ? nee2 to explain W!WSK ?t is a pity that the ma0ers 2oes not use a help :ar :elow to ai2 users to un2erstan2 what the crop is. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!" Amount "!!!!!!!!! " " E*ame of FarmG 1hippe2 " " " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "

" " " E(urnipG E8otatoG E&ucum:erG " " E1traw:erryG$ E&a::ageG E(omatoG " " E&ornG E)nionG E8ump0inG$ " " E8ineappleG E-ggplantG E&arrotG " " E1weet 8otatoG E1pinachG$ EGreen 8epperG " " E-ggG E/il0G E4oolG " " E/ayonnaiseG\ E&heeseG\ EDar2 %allG\ " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" %ut there are a few things that ? nee2 to explain first :efore ? procee2 onto the next section... &rops that are mar0e2 with @$@ can :e o:taine2 :y selling 677 of the seasonal crops to :uy the see2s from the 1upermar0et. E1pring 8lantingG (urnip see2sA 8otato see2s an2 &ucum:er see2s can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et. (o get &a::age see2sA you nee2 to go an2 loo0 for 4on at =oug@s 8lace. Grow 677 0in2s of the see2s mentione2 a:ove an2 you will :e a:le to :uy 1traw:erry see2s. E1ummer 8lantingG (omato see2sA )nion see2s an2 &orn see2s can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et. (o get 8ineapple see2sA you nee2 to go an2 loo0 for 4on at =oug@s 8lace. Grow 677 0in2s of the see2s mentione2 a:ove an2 you will :e a:le to :uy 8ump0in see2s. EFall 8lantingG 1weet 8otato see2sA -ggplant see2s an2 &arrot see2s can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et. (o get Green 8epper see2sA you nee2 to go an2 loo0 for 4on at =oug@s 8lace. Grow 677 0in2s of the see2s mentione2 a:ove an2 you will :e a:le to :uy 1pinach see2s. &rops that are mar0e2 with @\@ are stuff that can :e @manufacture2@ :y the )) /a0ers. (o get a ma0erA you must meet the prequisite such as the essential ore an2 a han2ful sum of money. )nce you got a ma0erA you Hust nee2 to 2eposit the @prequisite crop@ into the ma0er to get @manfacture2 crop@. %elow are the transfer chart through )) /a0ers: 1tarting 8ro2uce /anfacture2 8ro2uce via )) /a0ers -gg J*ormalK /ayonnaise 1 -gg JGoo2K /ayonnaise / -gg J-xcellentK /ayonnaise < -gg JGol2enK /ayonnaise G /il0 1 &heese 1 /il0 / &heese / /il0 < &heese < /il0 G &heese G 4ool 1 Dar2 %all J1K 4ool / Dar2 %all J/K 4ool < Dar2 %all J<K 4ool G Dar2 %all JGK

(here is an alternative way of getting mayonnaise. Dou nee2 to have eggs an2 a mixer J:ought from the shopping networ0 in 1atA refer to ,ecipe Gui2e for more 2etailsK. (he siIe of mayonnaise 2iffers as it :ase2 on the quality of the egg. 3T &hic0en <istA &ow <ist an2 1heep <ist T3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 For every chic0enA cow an2 sheep you ownA you will get 6X for your farm. (o :uil2 up the heartsA refer to the /ain menu explanation for more 2etails. (he list typically illustrate the icon of animalA the amount of hearts it has an2 its :irth2ay. 4hen a cow/ a sheep is pregnant Jwhen you use a &./ /1./ potion on a cow / sheep respectivelyKA you will fin2 a small heart next to the icon. %elow is an A1&?? illustrate how the :asic layout of a single animal: E?conG *ame E1G =ate / Age )))))))))) <egen2: )) .earts E?conG ?con of the chic0/chic0en/sheep/cow E1G 1eason ? suppose2 the animals have infinite lifespan as long you ta0e goo2 care of them... Jsoun2s a :it ri2iculous huhUK 3T .elp T3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 (he help section features the .arvest 1prites@s affection for you. ?f you are @goo2 frien2s@ Ji.e. :y ma0ing them happy :y giving them flourK with themA they will :e more willing to help> (here are seven harvest sprites as shown in the help section. (here is a heart in2icator for every sprite. (he more hearts the sprites haveA they will :e more willing to help your farm out. (he names of the sprites are: &hef Jre2KS *appy JorangeKS .oggy JyellowKS (imi2 JgreenKS %ol2 JpurpleKS Aqua Jlight :lueK an2 1tai2 J:lueK. Dou can locate them in a small hut foun2 :esi2e/ :ehin2 the church. ?mportance of heart in2icator ?f you tal0 to them several timesA you will :e a:le to @employ@ them for a maximum of P 2ays. (hey will :e very unwilling to help 2uring spring :ecause of their spring tea party. Dou may en2 up tal0ing to them F times if their heart ratings are CZ. (he heart in2icator 2oes not only focus on their willingness to wor0 :ut also their efforts on the farm. ?f their heart ratings are lowA they will wor0 with less effort compare2 to high heart ratings. (o :uil2 up the heart ratingA you can give them F<)+,> ?f the 2ay happene2 to fall on 1un2ay or (ues2ayA give them 4?*-. Flour can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et for ;7G an2 4ine can :e :ought from AHa 4inery Jopposite the %lac0smith shopK for N77G. Dou will fin2 them resting all over your farm when they have finishe2 the wor0. (he flour

is wor0s li0e wages. 1ome tips in hiring: =o not hire them all at once. Dou will fin2 out one 2ay that you 2on@t have any help an2 you will :e so :usy that you will forget to hire them. 8lan your 2ays wisely. Give them flour when they start to slow 2own in their wor0. ?f you hire them when their heart ratings are :etween C to NA you may nee2 to 2o some spot chec0ing on your farm. Dou will :oun2 to fin2 incomplete wor0. 4hen their heart ratings are L to 67 Jin terms of hearts :twKA they will wor0 an2 finish the Ho:> A:out &hef: ?f you give &hef gifts li0e flowersA cucum:ers or turnipsA he will tell something a:out 'appa in the la0e foun2 at /other@s .ill. (hat lea2s to the gaining of a secret power :erry. 8<-A1- refer to the @Game3play (ips@ section for more 2etails. 3T -arnings an2 -xpenses T3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 8ersonallyA you will fin2 two important num:ers foun2 at the top right han2 corner of the menu. (he top figure states the earnings Jor revenueK an2 the lower figure states the expenses. -arnings will increase when you 2rop a pro2uce that can :e sol2. -xpenses are the cash that you spen2 on items such as see2sA HewelryA upgra2ingA etc. %(4A coul2 someone explain to me a:out those :ar charts foun2 :elow the screenU ? really 2on@t un2erstan2 it at all> 3T <evel T3 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 Dou will fin2 the five tools that can :e upgra2e2 with an ore :y the 1ai:ara. +pgra2e2 (ools are important as they allow you to have a special effect li0e watering an area of NxNA chopping tree stumpsA etc. Dou will see the list of tools. 677X an2 a:ove 3 Allows you to upgra2e the tool to &opper. C77X an2 a:ove 3 Allows you to upgra2e the tool to 1ilver. N77X an2 a:ove 3 Allows you to upgra2e the tool to Gol2 M77X Jor maxK 3 Allows you to upgra2e the tool to /ystrile. ?f your tool are availa:le for upgra2eA you can fin2 an icon of the ore to upgra2e the tool. 8<-A1- refer to 5.M @(he Five %asic Farming (ools@ for more 2etails. T3 -quip /enu 3T 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 At firstA ? was thin0ing whether to a22 this section to this FAQ. %ut ? have foun2 that it is very important as ? have often refer to this 2uring the FAQ. .ence to re2uce the amount of questionsA ? have 2eci2e to a22 this section in the FAQ. J(o activate the -quip /enuA Hust hit (riange :uttonK %efore ? :eginA :elow is an A1&?? art to illustrate the menu:

Dou will shoul2 see a similar layout as :eing illustrate2 on the A1&?? art :elow. Dou will fin2 F availa:le slots. ? suppose2 separating the sections into two portions will ma0e my explanations more clearer. 3E-quipG3 6 illustrates the tool on han2. ?f you hit 1quareA you will :e a:le to use this tool. C an2 N are tools that you can hel2 on without using it. )ur hero can only use one tool at one time W!WSK. (o switch from (ool 6 to (ool CA you Hust nee2 to hit the ,6 :utton. Dou will have an animation of .ero raising that tool. %(4A Dou can only switch in a cloc0wise motion. Dou can arrange the tools manually :y using Q :utton an2 =38a2. 3E,uc0sac0G3 AA % an2 & are slots for the ruc0sac0. 4ith the 2efault ruc0sac0A .ero can only carries the maximum of N items Eother tool itemsA please refer to the ?tem %estiary for the list of tool items an2 non3tool itemsG. A will :e a22resse2 as @item on han2@A ?f there is an item is e2i:leA hitting 1quare :utton will cause .ero to consume it. J,egar2less where it is poisonous or not>K ?f the item is not e2i:leA there will :e no actions. (al0ing an item Jusing Q :uttonK while hol2ing an item will cause you to give the item to the villager. ?f .ero is not tal0ingA he will @throw@ the item. ?f there is a :inA he will 2eposit the item instea2 of throwing it on the groun2. 4hen hol2ing an item on han2A you can@t use your tool an2 rotate your tools. .it ,C to 0eep the item J? calle2 it @?tem 6@K into the ruc0sac0 as it will :e place2 in 1lot %. ?f you got another item J?tem CK in 1lot AA hit ,C will result ?tem C place2 in % an2 ?tem 6 place2 in &. 4hen you have three items for a ruc0sac0 Ji.e. all slots are occupie2KA you will not :e a:le to switch :etween items using ,C :utton. 6. =efault ,uc0sac0 " C. <arge ,uc0sac0 -quip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " -quip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! " " " !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "" 6 " " C " N " " " "" 6 "" C " N " M " ; " " ""!!!!!" "!!!!!"!!!!!" " " ""!!!!!""!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!" " ",uc0sac0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " " " F " P " L " B "" " !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! " " " "!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!" " "" A " " % " & " " " ",uc0sac0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ""!!!!!" "!!!!!"!!!!!" " " " !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " "" A "" % " & " = " - " " ,uc0sac0s =ata " ""!!!!!""!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!" " =efault 3 F slots " " " F " G " . " ? "" /e2ium 3 67 slots " " "!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!" " <arge 3 6L slots " "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *)(-: =ue to the author@s laIinessA the A1&?? 2iagram of the me2ium ruc0sac0 is not a22e2 to the FAQ. (o upgra2e your ruc0sac0A you nee2 to visit the 1upermar0et. Dou nee2 to upgra2e your ruc0sac0 from small J2efaultK to me2ium an2 me2ium to large. ?n other wor2sA you nee2 to 2o C upgra2es.

(o upgra2e to the me2ium ruc0sac0A it cost you N777G. (o upgra2e to the large ruc0sac0A it cost you ;777G. (he large ruc0sac0 will :e availa:le after you have :ought the me2ium ruc0sac0. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 E5.66G (he &alen2ar 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4ellA my metho2 of expressing the games calen2ar is a :it 2ifferentA as compare2 to other FAQs that you foun2 at GameFAQs. ? will :e showing you guys the actual calen2ar layout for the N years of game3play. ?t will :e too unnecessary for me to list 2own the 2ates for year M an2 :eyon2. (his section will contain on the 2ate triggering events an2 it exclu2es the @2ate varia:le@ events. Jthese will :e ela:orate2 in the wal0throughK Dear 6A 1pring 1un 6 L 6; CC CB /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at C N M ; F P B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CN CM C; CF CP CL N7

$?f your heart in2icator with every harvest sprite is aroun2 FZ... Go to the harvest sprite@s house on 1un Eevery sprite must :e presentA i.e. you must not have given them any Ho: assignmentsG at Npm 3 Mpm. Give everyone flour an2 you will :e a:le to get a ,elax (ea <eaves. -vents for Dear 6A 1pring: Dou will :egin the game at the Cn2 of spring. Cn2 : /ayor@s welcome to village an2 <ouis@ :irth2ayA ? woul2 recommen2 you to give him a /oon =rop or (oy Flower. Dou will get a cut3 scene upon your first visits to: &linicS 1upermar0etS &hic0en <il@sS ,ose 1quare an2 =oug@s 8lace. ,emem:er to purchase your see2s too> Epreferre2 M turnips see2sG Nr2 : (he mysterious merchant@s search quest from .arris. Go to the following places in this or2er: ,ose 1quareA GotI@s .ouse an2 =oug@s 8lace. Dou will :e a:le to collect a pony from Do2el ,anch. Mth : ?t is %ol2@s J.arvest 1priteK :irth2ay. %uy flour from 1upermar0et an2 give it to him. Dour turnips are rea2y for harvest. 1ave at least 67 turnips. EpurpleG Fth : (his is the 2ay where you can meet the Go22ess from the Go22ess 8on2. (a0e the turnips an2 position yourself :ehin2 the waterfall an2 2rop the turnips insi2e the @pon2@. (he go22ess will give you a power :erry on the fifth succession throw an2 a special meeting with your girl on the 67th crop. 5isit the /ineral :each at Pam to 67am or Ppm to 67pm with an empty slot. Dou will get to meet Greg the fisherman. (al0 to him an2 you will get a fishing ro2> E/a0e sure you have an empty slot>G Pth : %uy see2s an2 try to 2ate your girl. (hey will go with you with the heart in2icator is a :ig purple heart or :lue heart. Dou will :e on a goo2 stea2 if you manage2 to get an invitation. For tips on

how to get invite2 for the first yearA please refer to the wal0through. Lth : (his is the first festival of your game3play. Dou will fin2 the invite2 girl coming to your home in her Go22ess clothing... Dou are suppose2 to finish your stuff :efore you tal0 to the girl. At the festival... watch yourself. *othing will happen if you faile2 to invite the girl. Oust visit the festival an2 you will :e :ac0 home :y F8/. 66th: ?t is 1ai:ara the %lac0smith@s :irth2ay. 5isit him an2 give him an )re from the mine or a turnip/cucum:er. if you give him the oreA choose your options wisely when you visit the %lac0smith 2uring wor0ing hours EBam to MpmG. 6Mth: ?t is 1pring (han0sgiving =ay> Dou are suppose2 to :a0e @coo0ies@ from your 0itchen. ?f you 2o have a chic0enA you must have the ingre2ients too. =on@t :other to give the girls anything or you can choose to compensate it with flowers. 6;th: (he supermar0et is close2 an2 you can@t get a flour for 1tai2... ?f you have moneyA go to the 4inery EBam to 6CpmG an2 get 4ine as a present> )r you can give the sprite a flower. AnywayA (homas will come to your farm an2 request for three turnips an2 as0 you to give it to him :y C6st of spring. ? woul2 recommen2 you to get a me2ium ruc0sac0 along with N turnips an2 tal0 to him 4?(.)+( hol2ing the turnips. E2ar0 :lueG 6Fth: ?t is the flower la2yA -lli@s :irth2ay. Give her flowers an2 she will love you more... ?f your :irth2ay falls on this 2ateA chec0 the mail:ox. Trefer to C7th 6Pth: ?t is %arley@s Ethe ol2 man at Do2el ,anchG :irth2ay. Dou can give him turnipsA ca::ages or even :am:oo shoots. 6Lth: (his is a time for :etting horses> Dou will not :e a:le to participate as your horse is still a pony. %ut seiIe the opportunity accumulate me2als. Dou will nee2 to get the 8ower %erry. E?t too0 me really long time to get this power :erry...G 6Bth: ?t is <illia@s J8opuri@s an2 ,ic0@s momK :irth2ay. Get a toy flower an2 offer it as a :irth2ay present. C7th: ?f your :irth2ay falls on 6Fth of 1pringA -lli@s :irth2ay will fall on this 2ate instea2. C6st: (his is the last 2ay for giving the /ayor the three turnips. CCn2: (his is the &oo0ing Festival where you will meet the Gourmet. (al0 to the /ayor while hol2ing a 2ish in han2. /ost of timeA you will not :e a:le to participate/win 2ue to incomplete set of utensils an2 ingre2ients or your house has not :een upgra2e2. CFth: (his is Aqua@s Jharvest spriteK :irth2ay. Go to the 1upermar0et an2 :uy a flour for Aqua. Elight :lueG CBth: (his is Greg@s :irth2ay Jthe fishermanK. Get a wine an2 give it to him while he was at the 2oc0s from Pam to 67am or Ppm to 67pm. N7th: (his is 1asha@s :irth2ay J'aren@s momK. ?f you got a chic0enA give an egg for her or :uy a :rea2/flour/oil from the 1upermar0et. Dear 6A 1ummer 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF





$ Dou will fin2 that you will :e a:le to visit the 1easi2e <o2ge at /ineral %each. $ )n the 6st 2ay of your corn harvestA you will fin2 'ai coming to your farm. Get one corn an2 sell it for ;7G. 6st: Dou will :egin this season with a swimming festival. (he controls are :eing explaine2 :efore the start of race. 8ress Q to a2vance forwar2 an2 (riangle to rest. (he winning metho2 is 0eep on switching :etween Q an2 (riangle. =on@t try to stop as 'ai is a worthy competitor. Go to the :each :efore ;pm. (al0 to the /ayor to :egin the swimming festival. Cn2: 4ell you nee2 to go an2 get see2s for 1ummer from the 1upermar0et. %(4A please visit the =oug@s 8lace from 6pm to Npm an2 :uy a pac0et of 8in0 &at Flowers from 4on. 8lant the patch of flowers. Nr2: ?t will :e 8opuri@s :irth2ay. Get a spa3:oile2 egg for her. T 8lease refer to 67th of summer for more 2etails. Mth: ?t will :e .arris@ :irth2ay. .e is pretty easy to please as you can give him a 8in0 &at Flower/%rea2 /,ice %all. (he pro:lem lies in fin2ing him. Dou can fin2 him at =oug@s 8lace from 6pm to Npm. Fth: ?t will :e &liff@s :irth2ay. Dou can fin2 him at church. Give him a spa3:oile2 egg /:rea2 /rice :all as his :irth2ay present. Pth: 4hen you are 2one with most of your stuffA get a chic0en from your hen house Jprefer the one with the most hearts 3 L an2 a:oveK. &arry the chic0en an2 go to ,ose 1quare :efore ;pm. Dou will have the &hic0en Festival> ?t is a tournament. /ore 2etails will :e covere2 un2er the wal0through. 66th: ?t is %asil@s :irth2ay. Give him a ,e2 .er:A which can :e foun2 at the hot spring area or the area near GotI@s place. 6Cth: ?t is the (omato Festival. Go to ,ose 1quare :efore ;pm. Dou will have a tomato3fighting festival. (al0 to either AnnA 8opuriA =u0eA -lli to form a party. /ore 2etails will :e covere2 un2er the wal0through. 6Fth: ?t is (imi2@s Jharvest spriteK :irth2ay. Go to the 1upermar0et an2 get a pac0et of flour for him. EgreenG ,emem:er to tal0 to Ann at =oug@s place after 66pm. 6Pth: ?f your heart in2icator with Ann is purple an2 a:oveA chec0 your mail:ox. Dou will fin2 an invitation letter. Get a spa3:oile2 egg. %ring :oth items to =oug@s 8lace an2 you will have a :irth2ay party> T refer to CCn2 of 1ummer. 6Bth: Dou will meet %arley from Do2el ,anch in morning. .e will as0 you whether you want to participate a cow in the cow festival. 8ic0 the cow with the most hearts. C7th: (his is the &ow Festival. Go to Do2el ,anch :efore ;pm. (al0 to everyone an2 %arley to :egin the festival. Dou will lose if your cow has less than L hearts. C6st: ,emem:er to tal0 to Ann on this 2ay if your :irth2ay falls on the 6Pth. CCn2: ?t is 'ai@s :irth2ay. ?2eal :irth2ay presents are :rea2/ rice :alls/ corn/ tomato. Dou can fin2 him at his 1easi2e <o2ge at /ineral %each. ?f your :irth2ay falls on 6Pth of 1ummerA 2o the steps to get an invitation letter Jrefer to 6Pth on this listK an2 give Ann a :irth2ay present. C;th: ?t is /ayor@s %irth2ay> Give him a :ottle of wine or a pin0 cat

flower. CFth: Dou will fin2 the /ayor ma0ing a visit to your farm. .e will say that he is going for a :usiness trip to another village an2 as0 you to 2eliver an apple pie from =oug@s 8lace to -llen the next 2ay. (a0e the Ho:. CPth: Go to =oug@s 8lace at 6Cpm an2 get the apple pie. (a0e the pie to -llen@s house. -llen will offer you a tipA 2on@t accept it. Dou will meet -lli has gotten an apple pie too. 1he will give it to you. CLth: (he /ayor will than0 you with a cheeseca0e from =oug@s 8lace> CBth: ?t is [ac0@s :irth2ay. Get a :ottle of wine from AHa 4inery. Give it to him. Dear 6A Fall 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 $Dou will fin2 more forage items compare2 to other seasons in the game. ?/)A Fall is one of the most :usiest seasons in the game. 6st: ?t is another see2 :uying 2ay. %uy lots of sweet potatoes Jfrom the supermar0etK an2 get a patch of green pepper from 4on. Cn2: ?t is GotI@s :irth2ay. Give him a :rea2/ rice :all/ honey/ mushroom as his :irth2ay present. Dou will have a meeting with &arter as he will as0 you whether you want to participate in the /usic Festival at Fpm on the next 2ay. 8ic0 yes. Nr2: =on@t :e late for the /usic Festival. -nter the church at Fpm 1.A,8 otherwise... %(4A if you chec0 your mail:oxA you will fin2 a message from =oug... ;th: ?t is 1tu@s :irth2ay. Get an egg/ :rea2/ rice :all/ spa3:oile2 egg as his :irth2ay present. 5isit the /other@s .ill after FpmA you will fin2 =oug there... F3P: 1ave a Green 8epper or a 1weet 8otato. Lth: ?t is .arvest Festival. Dou can fish at the pot J2uhK an2 get trash> (al0 to the /ayor an2 2rop the Green 8epper or 1weet 8otato into the pot. (he villagers will :e unhappy with the hot3pot if you 2rop fishA oil or any gar:age... even your 2og... 67th: ?t was .oggy@s :irth2ay Jorange harvest spriteK. Get a pac0et of flour from the supermar0et an2 give it to him. 66th: ?t will :e /anna@s :irth2ay Ethe la2y :oss in the 4ineryGA tal0 to her an2 give her a /agic ,e2 Flower Jcan :e forage2 from the area near =oug@s 8laceK 33> very funny sequence> 6Nth: ?t is the /oon35iewing =ay. Get everything :y Fpm. Go to /other@s .ill pea0 an2 you will fin2 the person who love you most at the pea0... 1he will treat you some foo2 J/oon3view 2umplingsK :y the way... 6Mth: ?t is &hef@s :irth2ay> Give him a flour as his :irth2ay present. Dou will get a cut3scene of =u0e as0ing you to collect grapes from his winery. .e will as0 you to fin2 someone. Go an2 loo0 for &liff> Dou can fin2 him most of times at the church or =oug@s

8lace. ?f you 2on@tA &liff is going leave the village.. 6;th: ?t is 'aren@s :irth2ay. Get a :ottle of wine from AHa 4inery Ethe (ruffle will cost more than a :ottle of wineG an2 give it to her at the 1upermar0et from 6pm to Fpm. T refer to CNr2 of Fall 6Pth: ?t is the =octor@s :irth2ay. (he appropiate gift woul2 :e Green .er:. ?t woul2 :e :etter if you can get a ,e2 .er: or %lue .er:. J(he a:ove steps can :e 2oneA provi2e2 that you have the 0itchen.K C7th: %arley will come to your farm an2 as0 whether you want to participate a sheep in the festival. /a0e sure that your sheep has wool un3sheare22A is at least C wee0s ol2 an2 not pregnant. (his 2ay happens to :e &arter@s :irth2ay. .e is very flexi:le. Give him a :ottle of wine as his gift. %(4A &arter won@t min2 receiving gifts li0e mushroomA truffle or wil2 grapes. C6st: (his is the 1heep Festival. Oust go to the Do2el ,anch Jeven if you 2i2 not have a sheep to participateKA an2 enHoy the festival. (he villagers will li0e you more. CNr2: ?t will :e Anna@s :irth2ay J%asil@s wifeK. ? woul2 recommen2 you to get a flower for her. CPth: ?t will :e ,ic0@s :irth2ay. Go to the 4inery an2 get a :ottle of wine for him. .e loves %o2giIer too J:ut it cost C77G more...K Dear 6A 4inter 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 Cn2: ?t will :e 'ano@s :irth2ay. .e loves wine an2 items from the mountain. J8rovi2e2 that you got an ?ce:ox...K Fth: ?t will :e Gray@s :irth2ay. Get him an )richalcum )re or A2mantite )re. Bth: [ac0 will come to your farm whether you are participating the =og race. &hoose @Des@ 67th: ?t is annual =og ,ace. ,un as fast as you coul2. .opefully that you can :een using the =og :all... 66th: ?t is =oug@s :irth2ay. Get him flourA oil or curry Jif you got an ?ce:ox an2 store the items :efore3han2K. ?f you 2on@tA go an2 visit the AHa 4inery an2 get a :ottle of flour. 6Nth: ?t will :e -llen@s :irth2ay. Give her an animal pro2uce Je.g. eggA mil0A woolA mayonnaiseA cheese or yar2 :allK. 6Mth: ?t is the 4inter@s (han0sgiving =ay. Girls with purple heart in2icator will give you chocolate. 4hile girls with :lue hearts rating an2 a:oveA will give you chocolate ca0e. 1tay outsi2e your farm from the morning till Npm. ?t is a goo2 opportunity to fixe2 your :ro0en fences W!WSK 6;th: ?t will :e =u0e@s :irth2ay. Get him spa3:oile2 eggs or :oile2 egg. 6Bth: Get a :ottle of wine or :o2giIer an2 procee2 to the ?nn from 6pm to Npm. Dou will meet 4on there. (al0 to himA it is his :irth2ay> C7th: ?t will :e /ary@s :irth2ay. .opefullyA you have store some mushroomsS :am:oo shoots or mountain pro2uce insi2e your ?ce:ox.

%etter stillA you can give her Hewelry if you have request 1ai:ara to ma0e one for you N 2ays in a2vance J8ay 6777G an2 )richalcum )reK 3> refer to C;th CNth: Go an2 loo0 for your @girl@. (hey will invite you to their house if they li0e you. CMth: Get everything 2one in the morning an2 procee2 to the girl@s house. ,efer to =ating a Girl wal0through for more 2etails. C;th: ?t will :e /ay@s :irth2ay if your :irth2ay falls on 4inter C7th. CFth: ?t will :e /ary@s :irth2ay. 1he li0es gar:age. Jempty can or :oots that can o:taine2 from the seaK. Give one to her. CBth: ?t will :e Oeff@s :irth2ay. Get a :ottle of honey or me2icine Jas ? often meet him at the &linic W!WSK as his present. Dou can fin2 him at the 1upermar0et. N7th: ?t is *ew Dear -ve Festival. Go to the pea0 of /other@s .ill at mi2night. (al0 to everyone an2 tal0 to 1ai:ara last an2 watch the sun3set... 4ellA ? am a :it tire2. (he later gui2es are to :e complete2 on version 6.6 W!WSK AnywayA ? have place2 the calen2ar in a2vance for your convenience. Dear CA 1pring 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 Dear CA 1ummer 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 Dear CA Fall 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 Dear CA 4inter 1un 6 L 6; /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at C N M ; F P B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6








Dear NA 1pring 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 Dear NA 1ummer 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 Dear NA Fall 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 Dear NA 4inter 1un /on (ue 4e2 (hu Fri 1at 6 C N M ; F P L B 67 66 6C 6N 6M 6; 6F 6P 6L 6B C7 C6 CC CN CM C; CF CP CL CB N7 !!!! / 5? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game3play (ips +n2er this sectionA ? will post some tips in playing .arvest /oon: %(*. ?f you got any tipsA you sent to me via my e3mail a22ress. J(ip 6: Go to the .ot 1pring once .ero sat on the groun2K ?/)A the hot spring is the 0ey to maintain goo2 health an2 stamina. ?t also prevent .ero from overslept till L am or 6C noon. 1pen2 an hour there after a warm3up exercise on the farm. ? suppose2 .ero himself nee2s to :ath too. W!WSK

J(ip C: Get on very goo2 terms with the .arvest 1pritesK (he .arvest 1prites are foun2 in a house that is locate2 :ehin2 the &hurch. (hey are &hefA *appyA .oggyA (imi2 an2 %ol2A AquaA 1tai2. (hey are extremely easily to ma0e frien2s with an2 will a22ress .ero as R:u2umR. Give them F<)+,A which can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et for ;7G to :oost up their relationship. Dou may nee2 to wrappe2 up a flour using a wrapping paper for %ol2A who is the only sprite that 2oes not li0e flour to ta0e extremely. (hey love 4?*- an2 %ol2 loves Grape Ouice> )therwiseA you nee2 to tal0 to them many times in or2er to persua2e them to wor0 for you: (al0 to them an2 you will get the following options: .arvest the fiel2s 4ater the plants (a0e care of animals *othing *ext you will :e given the amount of 2ays that you can assign the tas0 to: All 2ay tomorrow (hree 2ays starting from tomorrow )ne wee0 starting from tomorrow *othing 4hen assigning Ho:s for themA ma0e sure that it is not too much for them. 8lease :e more consi2erate as they are very small compare2 to the fiel2s. (o ma0e them more effective assign them in groups of N an2 M for 2ifferent wee0s. /a0e sure that you give them flour as their payment for wor0 EMx;7G C77GG in or2er to maintain goo2 relationship. (hey 4?<< :e more willing an2 pro2uctive if you 2o this. (he more hearts they haveA the more pro2uctive they will :e> AnywayA :elow are some factsA which ? have gathere2 from my research in the <i:rary. J?t is the li:rary in the game>K <ong time agoA they live apart :ecause of the clash in their personalities. -ventuallyA they foun2 out that they have no company an2 they have 2eci2e to live together with *appyA who is offere2 a house :y the resi2ents staying in the village. (he har2wor0ing meter is my Hu2gment on their personalityA not their actual performance> 3 &hef 3 E.ar2wor0ing /eter: /e2iumG .e is the re2 .arvest 1prite an2 he loves to coo0. .is :irth2ay falls on Fall 6Mth. .is i2eal :irth2ay present will 2efinitely :e flour that is :eing wrappe2 with wrapping paper. W!WSK AnywayA it wor0s for all harvest sprites. 3 *appy 3 E.ar2wor0ing /eter: .ighG .e is the orange .arvest 1prite who 2oes not have any :a2 ha:its unli0e

others. .is :irth2ay falls on winter CCn2. 3 .oggy 3 E.ar2wor0ing /eter: <owG .e is the yellow .arvest 1prite who loves to sleep an2 is a :it laIy to wor0 unwillingly. .is :irth2ay falls on Fall 67th. 3 (imi2 3 E.ar2wor0ing /eter: /e2iumG .e is the green .arvest 1prite who is easily to :e scare2. ? suppose2 that he wears green so that he can hi2e in the forests W!WSK .is :irth2ay falls on 1ummer 6Fth. 3 1tai2 3 E.ar2wor0ing /eter: .ighG .e is the :lue .arvest 1prite who stan2s near the entrance of the .arvest 1prites@ house. .is :irth2ay falls on 1pring 6;th. 3 Aqua 3 E.ar2wor0ing /eter: <owG .e is the light :lue harvest sprite who loves light :lue color. .e li0es to 2ress @nicely@. J-ven though that there isn@t any 2ifference in their clothing W!WSK .is :irth2ay falls on 1pring CMth. 3 %ol2 3 E.ar2wor0ing /eter: .ighG .e is the purple harvest sprite. .e is consi2ere2 @:rave@ as he can hi2e in the woo2s an2 ma0e use of his :attle cry to scare off others. .is :irth2ay falls on 1pring Mth. Dou really nee2 them to ta0e of your animals Ethey will collect eggsA mil0 an2 wool tooG on :a2 weather 2ays li0e snowstorm or hurricane. J(ip N: 8ower %erriesK ?n .arvest /oon: %(*A you can fin2 a couple of :erries who gives your character power an2 increase their hit points :y 67. E(hat@s accor2ing to the (5 1hopping *etwor0G. ? suppose2 that 8ower %erries increases .ero@s stamina an2 allowing him to 2o more wor0 than :efore. %ut there is a point to ta0e note of an2 that is they are very har2 to get an2 expensive. (here are a total of 67 :erries for you to carry: E6G Dou will get one through fishing in the ocean. ECG Dou will get one through mining in the mine foun2 :ehin2 the 4aterfall J?t is foun2 near the hot spring areaK. ENG Dou will get one through mining in the mine foun2 in the islan2 2uring 4inter season. ?t is the mine that is surroun2e2 :y la0e. EMG Go to the mine foun2 on the islan2 surroun2e2 :y the froIen la0e in 4inter. Go :ehin2 the mine an2 hit Q :utton to examine it. Dou shoul2 fin2 one. E;G Go to the tree stump nears the :ri2ge in Area VC of /other@s .ill. JDour Ax must :e &opper Ax or :etterK Dou will get a prompt from the tree not to chop it 2own. 8ic0 R=o not chopR an2 you will get a 8ower %erry. EFG 4in the 1ummer 1wimming ,ace. (he winning formula is ta0ing ; 2eep :reaths Jhit Q :utton ; timesK an2 ta0e a rest of N secon2s. EPG Get 6776 me2als an2 you will :e a:le to :uy the 8ower %erry. ELG %uy it from (5 1hopping *etwor0 for ;767G. J?nclusive of telephone charges at =oug@s 8laceK %(4A you must watch the entire show> EBG Get five harveste2 crops li0e (omatoes an2 )nions. Dou can only 2o

this 2uring 1un2ays nighttime. Oust simply 2rop one of the crops with positioning .ero :ehin2 the waterfall. Dou will meet the Go22ess. =o this M more times an2 she will give you a 8ower %erry after the fifth crop has :een 2eposite2 in the pon2. E67G Dou nee2 to plant more than B7 flowers J>K an2 Anna will visit your farm aroun2 6pm to N:N7pm. ? have manage2 to get a 8ower %erry in 1ummer :y planting BB 8in0 &at Flowers. J(ip M: 1pecial %erry from 'appaK Eit is trueS hear2 from &hef of the .arvest 1pritesG (his is *)( a power :erry. ?t is a special :erryA which 2ou:les the stamina of .ero. First of allA you nee2 to get N cucum:ers. Dou can :uy a pac0et of cucum:er see2s for C77G. %ring the M cucum:ers Jin case you miss one W!WSK an2 go up to the la0e of /other@s .ill. *ext go to la0esi2e an2 approach near the la0e. Dou will fin2 C trees on the extreme left of la0e. 8osition .ero in front of the trees an2 2roppe2 Nx cucum:ers on the la0e. Dou will meet 'appa an2 he will awar2 you a :erryA which halves the energy consumption> J(ip ;: 4atch the (5 every2ay>K ?t is very easy to get a whole of information from the R*ewsR an2 R4eather ForecastR. (he weather forecast will reveal information regar2ing the next 2ay@s weather. (he news will reveal a:out the upcoming festivals. (he television channels will :e availa:le until 6Cam. (he programA @<ife in the Farm@ is a show that :eginners to .arvest /oon show not misse2> )f courseA ma0e sure you watch the following programs too after the first wee0 in your game play> =elicious .our E(uesG (he hostA *aru will intro2uce you a new recipe every new session. ?t also inclu2es 2uring festival seasons. Dou can also 0now what are the variations that you can ma0e to the recipes. (5 1hopping E1atG A lot of people may as0 the following question: R.ow 2o ? get utensils for my 0itchenUR (he answer is to view the entire program. Dou must rea2 the entire message. =uring the programA you will 0now the pro2uct an2 the price of the utensils. (hey cost rather a lot as a simple 'itchen 'nife can :e sol2 for N777G> After you rea2 the programA ma0e a trip to =oug@s 8lace in the village J?t is really goo2 for those who are wooing Ann.K an2 examine the :lac0 o:Hect near the counter where =oug is stan2ing. (hat@s the telephone> -xamine it an2 pay 67G. *ext you will :e prompte2 whether to :uy the item or not. /a0e sure you watche2 finish the entire program or else you can@t ma0e the phone call. For your informationA :elow is the flow of utensils availa:le for sale: +tensils/8ro2ucts 'itchen 'nife Frying 8an 8rice N777G C;77G

&oo0ing 8ot /ixer 4his0 ,olling 8in )ven 1easoning 1et 8ower %erry

N777G C777G C777G C777G ;777G ;777G ;777G

)f courseA you won@t :e a:le to receive the goo2s imme2iately. (he goo2s will only :e 2elivere2 to your 2oorstep on three 2ays later after you have ma2e the purchase. ?f in the case of :a2 weather li0e .urricaneA you will receive the goo2 on the next fine 2ay. (he 8ower %erry seems to :e 2elivere2 a little :it later... J(ip F: /a0e frien2s>K Frien2s are importantA as they will try to help you when you are in nee2 of help. (he villagers of /ineral village are frien2ly an2 easy to ma0e frien2s with. %esi2es if you visit them oftenA you will get to 0now more a:out them... (hey will :e more willing to tal0 to your character an2 they will give you recipes> J)f courseA you nee2 to coo0 a 2ish in or2er to a22 to the total num:er of recipes. Dou nee2 to have the 0itchenA utensils an2 seasoning set along with the ingre2ients.K J(ip P: %uil2 fences>K %uil2ing fences are really a huge pro:lem at the :eginning of game. (his is 2ue to the mess that you nee2 to clear up> &lear a small area in front of the :arn an2 the sta:le. (his is :ecause it saves you the trou:le of getting the cowsA pony an2 sheep :ac0 to the :arn... (he main material for the fence is lum:er :loc0s o:taine2 from the lum:er spout foun2 in :etween the :arn an2 sta:le. (a0e as many :loc0s as possi:le an2 2eposit them on the :rown soil. ?f you 2eposit on the green grassA they will :e 2estroye2> /a0e an enclose2 area of B x L for the cows an2 sheep. /a0e a separate enclose2 area of F x ; for that har23to3tame horse in the :eginning. J(ip L: Fee2 your livestoc0 an2 :rush them often>K ?n .arvest /oon: %ac0 to *atureA you will fin2 your livestoc0 gain hearts if you 2o really ta0e goo2 care of them. ?f you 2o notA they will not pro2uce goo2 pro2ucts for you to harvest. 3T (ips in ta0ing care of &ows T3 ? will tal0 a:out the cows first. &ows are expensive> (hey cost F777G eachA which is 2efinitely a lot for you to spen2 early in the game. %ut they will reap in more with their mil0. Dou nee2 to :uy a /?<'-, from 1ai:ara the %lac0smith JC777GK to get their mil0. (al0ing an2 :rushing them with the :rush Jwhich can :e :ought from 1ai:ara for L77GK also ma0e the cow happy. Dou nee2 to get the fo22er from the fee2 spout if you leave them in the :arn... For those who want to save the trou:le of ta0ing fo22er from the fee2 spoutA you nee2 to :uil2 fences with grass on that enclose2 area. (hey will :e fe2 automatically :ut there are a couple of 2isa2vantages... Dou nee2 to :ring them :ac0 to the :arn when it rains otherwise they will fall sic0> J?t applies to the sheepK Dou nee2 to :uy Animal /e2icine from %arley of Do2el ,anch for 6777G

an2 use it using 1quare :utton on the cow/sheep. 3T (ips on ta0ing care of sheep T3 ?/)A 1heep isn@t much pro2uctive as compare2 to chic0ens an2 cows. (heir wool ta0es aroun2 P 2ays to grow an2 you can only earn a :it of money out of it. <i0e the cowA sheep love to :e :rushe2A tal0e2 an2 fee2. Dou nee2 to get a pair of &lippers from 1ai:ara the %lac0smith for 6L77G to get the pro2uceA wool. <i0e the cowsA they fee2 on fo22er too. ,efer to the a:ove section for more tips. 3T 8rotect of livestoc0 against wil2 animals> T3 (hey will also face the 2anger of :eing attac0e2 :y wil2 2ogs :ut you can 2o the following if that happene2: 6K Get your 2og to help> CK -nclose2 the area with fences. J,efer to the tip VPK NK +se your sic0leA hammerA axe an2 hoe to attac0 the wil2 2ogs. (he :ell J;77GK is quite han2y as it allows your cows an2 sheep to response. (his helps to ma0e your Ho: easier to return them :ac0 to the :arn... 3T (a0ing &are of &hic0ens T3 &hic0ens love to quac0 an2 :e carrie2. Dou want them to pro2uce eggsA ma0e sure that you have gotten sufficient fee2 from your fee2 spout. -ach chic0en nee2s a chic0en fee2 2aily. (he chic0en fee2 can :e :ought from the 8oultry Farm for 67G each or you can get 67 fee2s :y throwing a corn against the win2mill. (he quality of eggs will improve as your chic0ens gaine2 more hearts. (o increase the gaining of heartsA fee2 them every2ay. Dou can get gol2en eggs if you win the &hic0en Festival. -asy Fee2ing of &hic0ens: E(his can only :e 2one if you have the large ruc0sac0A upgra2e2 .enhouseA /ayonnaise /a0er an2 the :as0etG )nce you have entere2 the henhouseA place the :in in front of the ma0er. Get B chic0en fee2s from the fee2 spot. =eposit ; fee2s in the fee2 :oxes. Go to the fee2 spout an2 collect another fee2. =eposit the remaining ; into the other fee2 :oxes. J(ip L: 4eather .aIar2sK Dou can :e expecte2 weathers to :e fine all the time throughout your game playA hence ma0e sure you watch the weather forecast every2ay. Dou will avoi2 :a2 weather 2ays :y resetting the game or re32oing the previous 2ay@s activities in a 2ifferent manner. 4eather haIar2s li0e typhoonA hurricanes an2 snowstorms can :e very 2amaging. (hey coul2 2amage your fences an2 your crops. ?f you place a chic0en thereA prepare to hatch another one. ?f the horse or the 2og is :eing place2 outsi2e their housingA they coul2 lose some hearts 2uring that weather. ?t will :e more 2amaging as it also affects the hothouseA which is ma2e of glass. (here is nothing that you can 2o 2uring these weather haIar2s. -ven the .arvest 1prites can@t help you... J(ip B: -asy money in springK Get (urnips. (hey are cheap J6C7G for B see2sK an2 you nee2 to water them for N 2ays an2 harvest them on the fourth 2ay. .ence pac0e2 up

with a lot of (urnip see2s an2 harvest them> J(ip 67: .oney from the :eehiveK ActuallyA ? have mentione2 this in the main wal0through as some of the rea2ers may not rea2 it. Dou can start getting honey in summer of your first year. Dou nee2 to plant a NxN patch of 8in0 &at Flowers. Dou will fin2 :ees ma0ing a :eehive at your Apple (ree Jnear the fish pon2K an2 collect the honey. *ext :ring it to GotI@s house an2 give it to <ouis. (he next 2ay he will visit your apple tree an2 says that he woul2 as0 the shipper J[ac0K to increase the price for each :ottle of honey :y 67G. (he honey serves a great gift for your :a:y... J(ip 66: Getting the Fishing ,o2K .opefullyA you can get the fishing on the first wee0 of your game play. (o get a fish ro2A you must have at least an empty slot in your -quip Jwhere you fin2 tools such as .oe an2 AxK screen. *ext go to the /ineral %each 2uring Fri2aysA 1atur2ays an2 1un2ays from Pam to 67am or Ppm to 67pm. Dou will fin2 a fisherman Jname2 GregK. .e will as0 you whether you li0e fishing or not. 8ic0 that you li0e to fish an2 he will give you a fishing ro2. ,efer to the :asic tutorial for more 2etails regar2ing fishing. J(ip 6C: Getting the Fishing 8oleK (he fishing pole is a :etter fishing ro2A which allows you to catch fish more easier. Dou can also catch legen2ary fishes with either one of the equipment: the Fishing ,o2 or Fishing 8ole. (o get a fishing poleA you must have at least M7 fishes insi2e your fish pon2. Dou will fin2 Greg the following morning an2 he will give you a Fishing 8ole. J 81: ma0e sure that you have extra slot un2er the -quip screenK J(ip 6N: <egen2ary FishK ,efer to (ip 6C or (ip 6N on how to get fishing equipment. ? woul2 prefer to use the pole Jas it is easier to catch fishK. ?n 1ummer )*<D: 1qui2 3 Dou nee2 to get a small fish. JDou can easily get one from the la0e :y fishingK *ext go to the ocean an2 throw the fish into the water. &ast your reel an2 fish for a 2ay an2 you will get it sooner or later. ?n Fall )*<D: &arp 3 Dou nee2 to get the other five legen2ary fishes :efore you can start to fish for this one. =uring fallA go to the la0e an2 cast your fishing reel... ?n 4inter )*<D: Angler 3 Dou nee2 to fish at the ocean 2uring winter :etween 67pm to Lam. Dou can get this with a fishing ro2. &atfish 3 Dou nee2 to go to the mine foun2 in the mi22le of the la0e. =ig the mine until you have reache2 the tenth hole. Dou will fin2 an entrance to a hi22en pon2. Dou can get this legen2ary fish :y fishing with the fishing pole. Any 1eason:

&har 3 Dou must get the Grille2 FishA 1ashimiA 1ushi an2 &hirashi 1ushi recipes. 8lease refer to the recipe section un2er the ?tem %estiary for more 2etails. After gotten all the four recipesA go to the @Go22ess 8on2@ Jthe waterfallK an2 fish for this legen2ary fish. 1pringA Fall or 4inter: 1ea %eam 3 (his is perhaps the toughest :ut the most challenging legen2ary fish to catch. Dou nee2 to catch an2 sell more than C77 fishes. ? still haven@t :een caught this fish yet. ? have trie2 in all seasons an2 ? still got no chance in getting it... Accor2ing to the G1 co2eA it will not appear in 1ummer. !!!!! / 5?? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4al0through (he wal0through consists of two 0ey sections. )ne of them is :ase2 on how to 2ate the girls more effectively to :uil2 up the love in2icator. (he other one is the main wal0throughA which focus on the 0ey su:3 quests. ?n other wor2sA you nee2 select one from the first section :efore you can get a @complete@ wal0through. 3T 5??.6 =ating the Girls Gui2e T3 ?n the gameA you have two main goals: one is to re:uil2 the farm an2 fin2 the lost @girl@. (his girl can :e any one of the five girls un2er the 2escription :elow. Dou nee2 to woo them :y tal0ing to themA give them presents an2 ma0e their love in2icator grow. J3J3 (he <ove ?n2icator 3K3K (he love in2icator is the heart that is foun2 on the lower right han2 corner of the message :ox. (he love in2icator will :e improve2 :ase2 on how much attention you have pai2 to the girl in terms of tal0ing: %lac0 3 *eutral 8urple 3 Dou are on goo2 terms with the girls. %lue 3 Dou are on very goo2 terms with the girl. Green 3 Dour love for the girl has :een notice2 Dellow 3 (he girl has some interest on you... )range 3 Dou are on a 2ate with the girl... ,e2 3 <)5-> (o :uil2 up the love in2icatorA Hust present them with the 2esire2 giftsA which is :eing explaine2 in 2etails un2er the girl@s in2ivi2ual gui2e. ?f you are on the right trac0 of improving the heart meterA the @heart@ will :eep more often an2 :ecomes larger> J3J3 Gifts ,esponses 3K3K =uring certain eventsA ma0e sure that you choose your responses wisely in 2ating the girl. For exampleA when 8opuri as0s you what you thin0 of her wanting to leave woul2 :eA if you say she shoul2 stayA she@ll get ma2 at youA an2 her love rating for you will go 2own> 4hen you give giftsA when they only say R(han0 youR that 2oesn@t

necessarily mean they li0e the gift they have. ?f you sees their face :lushesA they will 2efinitely li0e the gift> (al0ing to them in :etween while giving them gifts helps to :uil2 up their love towar2s you. Give them 2ifferent types of gifts will have :etter results compare2 to giving them the same items all the time. J3J3 /arriage 3K3K 1oA when 2o you 0now that you are rea2y for marriageU )nce you have ma2e her heart in2icator re2A you can propose her with a %lue FeatherA which can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et as soon as you ma2e her heart in2icator orange an2 a:ove. (he %lue Feather costs 6777G. ?f the proposal is a failureA the :lue feather will :e returne2 :ac0 to the 1upermar0et an2 you nee2 to pay for another 6777G. 4hen you propose to her Jequip %lue Feather an2 hit the 1quare :utton while tal0ing to herKA she will says somethingA which ma0es you puIIle2 whether she agrees to marry you or not. Oust chec0 the calen2ar an2 you shoul2 fin2 the we22ing ceremony :eing hel2 a wee0 later Jthe 2ate will :e mar0e2 with a heart sym:olK. ?t will :e L 2ays later if the Pth 2ay happens to :e a festival. (he we22ing ceremony will :e triggere2 automatically as you reache2 the we22ing 2ate. %ut please remem:er to as0 the .arvest 1prites to help in ta0ing care of your farm for that 2ay. )f courseA you nee2 to 2o it the 2ay :efore. After the we22ing ceremonyA you will :e prompte2 with a prompt li0e what you want your wife to a22ress you as: =ear .oney =arling ?f you chec0 the status win2ow Ehit the 1(A,( :uttonGA you will fin2 an icon of your wife un2er the ,ecipe icon. *ow you got an o:Hective an2 that is to :uil2 up the heart meter. ? have start from a heart rating of 67 W!WSK After marriageA your wife will stay insi2e your house... J)f course>K =ays (ime 8erio2 8lace 4eather /on2ays to 1un2ays Fam to 6Cpm <iving ,oom EAnyGX 1pecial )ccasions$ 6Cpm to Cpm =ining (a:le EAnyGX /on2ays to 1un2ays 6Cpm to Fpm <iving ,oom 3 'itchen EAnyG /on2ays to 1un2ays Fpm to Lpm <iving ,oom EAnyGX /on2ays to 1un2ays Lpm to 67pm %e2room EAnyG /on2ays to 1un2ays 67pm to Fam %e2room Jin :e2K EAnyGX X 3 if the :a:y is still in the cra2le stageA you will fin2 your wife carrying it. (he special occasion events Je.g. your :irth2ayA wife@s :irth2ayA :a:y@s :irth2ay an2 we22ing anniversaryK will :e triggere2

automatically at 6Cpm insi2e the house. J3J3 %a:y 3K3K ?n .arvest /oon: %(*A you can have a chil2 as a :onus to rac0 up your score when it is :eing evaluate2 in the Nr2 year of game3play. (o have a :a:yA you nee2 to 2o the following: 3 Give your wife gifts for a month> 3 J(he heart rating must :e at least 67>K Dou nee2 to give your wife a E<i0e ?tG or E<ove ?tG gifts in or2er to spee2 up the pregnancy progress. Aroun2 a wee0 or soA your wife will start to says something that she 2on@t feel li0e eating or something. Go to the clinic an2 you will fin2 her at the &linicA which reveals a:out her pregnancy... 3 &ontinue to give your wife gifts for two months 3 J(he heart rating must :e at least 67>K Dou will get a cut3scene automatically triggere2 at your house with your wife@s 0inJsK coming to your house along with the =octor an2 -lli. (al0 to the 0inJsK an2 attempt to enter the :e2room... JDou will :e 0noc0e2 outUK *ow the :a:y is :orn. (al0 to everyone first :efore tal0ing to your wife. Dou will :e thus prompte2 to give a name to your chil2. 8lease note that the plants an2 animals will :e automatically ta0en care of... *ow you will see your wife carrying the :a:y wal0ing aroun2 your house. (al0 to her an2 give her gifts. Dou can@t give gifts to your :a:y currently as it is still un2er the intensive care of your wife. Aroun2 a few 2ays later JFor my caseA it is aroun2 N 2aysKA your :a:y will fall sic0. ? woul2 recommen2 you to ta0e the :a:y to see the =octor... JAnother 2ay is gone...K 3 &ontinue to give your wife gifts for two months 3 4ellA the :a:y has grown a :it an2 coul2 crawl. Dou can give him gifts to :uil2 up his heart meter. .e <)5-1 .ot /il0 an2 .oney. %(4A 2on@t neglect your wife> Dou can tal0 to him :ut can@t carry him $sigh$ 4hile the :a:y is at its cra2le stageA 2on@t move it when you are having cele:rations at the 2inner ta:le. (he heart will fall from 6 to nothing an2 :ac0 to 6 :ut eventually nothing. .owever after it was a:le to crawlA give it a .ot /il0 an2 you will get a 6 heart :ac0> E&ra2le 1tageG =ays (ime 8erio2 8lace 4eather /on2ays to 1un2ays Fam to 6Cpm <iving room EAnyG 1pecial )ccasions 6Cpm to Cpm =inning (a:le EAnyG$ /on2ays to 1un2ays 6Cpm to Fpm ?n the :e2... EAnyG /on2ays to 1un2ays Fpm to Lpm <iving room EAnyG /on2ays to 1un2ays Lpm to Fam 1leep EAnyG

$ Dou can@t give gifts to the :a:y while he is in this stage. =on@t touch him 2uring cele:rations or the heart rating will fall> (wo months later... E&rawling 1tageG =ays (ime 8erio2 8lace 4eather /on2ays to 1un2ays Fam to Lpm <iving ,oom EAnyG /on2ays to 1un2ays Lpm to Fam %e2room EAnyG (he :a:y loo0s pretty cute an2 weir2 ?/). %ut its expression is easily noticea:le whether the :a:y li0es the gifts or not. .oney an2 hot mil0 is your :est gifts for the :a:y> J3J3 Festival &hanges 3K3K )f courseA there will :e some speech changes in the 0in an2 your wife. Dour wife will no longer following the same time sche2ule as :eforeA as she will staying at home except 2uring festival seasons. (here are some changes that are o:serve2 :y me: T3 1pring 3T 6st 3> *ew Dear Festival EFpm onwar2sG Jyear N onwar2sK ?t will :e applica:le as normal. Dou can choose to 2ance with your wife :y tal0ing to her at ,ose 1quare. (his can only :e 2one if you have 2ance2 with 'aren on year C. Lth 3> Go22ess Festival E67am to ;pmG (al0 to your wife on Pth an2 she will say that she will go along with you to the ,ose 1quare for that festival. )n the LthA she will :e waiting for you at the farm. (al0 to her an2 go to ,ose 1quare. (he following sequences will :e same. 1he will :e 5-,D upset if you choose to go out with another girl... 6Mth 3> 1pring (han0sgiving =ay E*?<G ,emem:er to :a0e coo0ies for your wife an2 give it to her along with a normal gift. Dour wife 2oesn@t min2 you giving gifts to others. T3 1ummer 3T 6Cth 3> (omato Festival E67am to ;pmG ?t will :e as usual. %ut you will get a scol2ing from 1tu if you are marrie2 to -lli... CMth 3> Firewor0s =isplay at /ineral %each EFpm onwar2sG (al0 to everyone first :efore tal0ing to your wife. Dou can@t as0 'ai to watch the firewor0s with you once you are marrie2. ?f you tal0 to other girlsA you can choose to watch with them :ut your wife will :e very upset if you 2o so. T3 Fall 3T 6Nth 3> /oonlight Festival EFpm onwar2sG Go up to the /other@s .ill at night an2 you will fin2 your wife at the pea0 of /other@s .ill. ?t is love...

T3 4inter 3T 6Mth 3> 4inter (han0sgiving Festival E....G Dou will get a cut3scene with no images except text :oxes or your wife giving you a chocolate ca0e without letting you 0now... Dou will not :e a:le to get chocolate or chocolate ca0es from other girls in the town. (hat@s the 2ownfall after marriage... CMth 3> 1tar *ight Festival EFpm onwar2sG Dour wife will ma0e a splen2i2 2inner for you... $:urp$ J3J3 1pecial )ccasions 3K3K (hese 2ates are pretty special as compare2 to the festivals liste2 a:ove. (hey can )*<D :e triggere2 from 6Cpm to Npm. Dour wife will 2o some coo0ing to cele:rate this occasion. (al0 to your wife an2 you will :e prompte2 with the following prompts: Dour :irth2ay$ 4ife@s :irth2ay 4e22ing Anniversary &hil2@s :irth2ay /a0e sure that you 2on@t forget any of the 2ates :esi2es your :irth2ay... JDour wife will love to remin2 you a:out your :irth2ay.K J3J3 (he Girls 3K3K +n2er this sectionA you will fin2 a comprehensive gui2e on 2ating these girls an2 a fact3file of the girl. ?f you want to fin2 a more comprehensive 2ata a:out the girl@s li0es an2 2isli0esA you can refer to (imothy /aus Jhal:ara29fnor2.comK@s FAQ at GameFAQs. 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 Ann 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 EFact FileG ?/)A Ann is cute an2 cheerful. 1he may loo0 a :it tom:oyish in appearance :ut she is really gentle at heart. 1he lives in the ?nn 0nown as =oug@s 8lace in the /ineral 5illage. 1he wears a yellow top an2 2enim outfit li0e a tom:oy. .er mother has passe2 away several years ago an2 she is :rought up :y her fatherA =oug. =oug seems to :e very worrie2 a:out Ann :eing una:le to get marrie2. %oth Ann an2 =oug are great coo0s. *ormallyA either one of them will win the &oo0ing Festival. 1he is pretty funny too. EAnn@s Favorites an2 =isli0esG (o ma0e her heart in2icator grewA you nee2 to tal0 to her often an2 give her gifts. (here is a small tip in giving gifts. (his also applies to other villagers. Give them a mixture of gifts. =ating Ann is really easyA as she li0es a lot of things 3

E<ove ?tG

1pa3:oile2 -ggsS &hocolateS 1ala2S 8iIIaS )meletS Frie2 ,iceS %raceletS -arringsS *ec0laceS &a0eS &heeseca0eS &heese Fon2ueS Grille2 FishS Apple 8ieS 1tewS &urryS ?ce &ream E<i0e ?tG -ggS Gol2en -ggS 4il2 GrapesS ,ice %allS (omatoS %rea2S 8ineappleS /il0S &heeseS AppleS 1traw:erryS (omato OuiceS %oile2 -ggS 8iIIa E*eutralG /oon =rop FlowerS (oy FlowerS 8in0 &at FlowerS /ushroomS (ruffleS %am:oo 1hootS /agic ,e2 FlowerS 'etchupS ,e2 /agic ,e2 FlowerS 4ine E=isli0e ?tG %lue .er:sS Green .er:sS &harcoal Jrefers to the recipes that you have faile2...KS 1mall FishS /e2ium Fish E.ate ?tG ,e2 .er:sS 8oisonous /ushroomS Fo22erS &opper )reS 1ilver )reS Gol2 )reS /ystrile )reS )richalcum )reS <um:erS EGar:ageGS &hic0en Fee2S 4ee2s T3 Ann@s <ocations 3T 4here to locate herU 1he is very easy to fin2 as you are :oun2 to meet her. E*ormalG =ays (ime 8erio2 8lace /on2ay to 1un2ay Lam to 67am /on2ay to 1un2ay Lam to Bam /on2ay to 1un2ay Bam to 67am /on2ay to 1un2ay 67am to 6pm /on2ay to 1un2ay 6pm to Npm /on2ay to 1un2ay Npm to Lpm

4eather .ot 1pring Area EGoo2G =oug@s 8laceS 6F3 .er ,oom E%a2G =oug@s 8laceS 6F E%a2G =oug@s 8laceS CF EAnyG =oug@s 8laceS 6F EAnyG =oug@s 8laceS CF EAnyG

$ Dou can only gain access to her room when her heart in2icator is a:ove orange an2 ma0e frien2s with =oug. E/arriage with &liffG Getting her to marry to &liff Janother funny loo0ing character ?/)K is very tough as compare2 to su:3quests. 6K ?f you pic0 R1eem cheerfulR at your visit to the ?nnA you will fin2 =oug 2oing some matchma0ing :etween &liff an2 Ann. CK 5isit the church an2 you will get a cut3scene where Ann an2 &liff are inten2ing to go home together. ? got this cut3scene :efore ? got &liff to wor0 AHa 4inery@s vineyar2. NK After you have gotten &liff the Ho: at AHa 4ineryA visit the vineyar2 in the Nr2 yearA you will fin2 Ann :ring lunch for &liff. (his is followe2 :y a cut3scene... MK =uring your thir2 yearA you will get a cut3scene while visiting the ?nn. Dou will fin2 Ann giving &liff a menu... After you triggere2 this cut3sceneA you will nee2 to wait for the @marriage cut3scene@. (his marriage cut3scene is simply an invitation from &liff to you at the start of a 2ay. Dou can 2o anything for that 2ay unfortunately. T3 'ey Quests 3T %elow is a 2etaile2 list of important quests that you are :oun2 to

encounter in the course of 2ating Ann: EQuest 6: Dour opinions of AnnG ,equirements: */A Jvisiting =oug@s 8lace for the first timeK Dou will get a prompt from =ougA the owner of the ?nn. .e will as0 what are your opinions of Ann. 8ic0 R1he is cuteR ECn2 optionG to get on goo2 terms with Ann. EQuest C: %eing a mi22leman for settling quarrels...G ,equirements: (he weather must :e fine. Dour heart in2icator with Ann must reache2 :lue an2 a:ove. Go to =oug@s 8lace aroun2 66am to 6Cpm. 1he will give you a prompt. 8ic0 the Cn2 option. EQuest N: 1pring Go22ess FestivalS spring LthG ,equirements: Dour heart in2icator must :e :lue an2 a:ove. Dou nee2 to tal0 to her :efore the 1pring Go22ess Festival. (al0 to her an2 pic0 RAs0 her to accompany youR Etop optionG to invite her. )n the actual 2ayA she will come to your farm Jin the Go22ess outfitK an2 wait for you until you are 2one with your wor0 at the farm until 67am. )nce you are 2one with the farm wor0A tal0 to her an2 you will :e hea2ing for the ,ose 1quare. After the festival is overA she will ta0e you to the @Go22ess 4aterfall@... EQuest M: 1pring (han0sgiving =ayS spring 6MthG ,equirements: Dou must have a 0itchen an2 the ingre2ients to :a0e coo0ies. .ence it is consi2ere2 out of reach in the first year. %ut ma0e sure you 2o it in the next few years> Give a coo0ie to her. EQuest ;: (omato FestivalS summer 6CthG ,equirements: Dou must get at least a purple to Hoin with any of the teams where you can fin2 the girls. %(4A /ary an2 'aren are not participating. (eams /em:ers 1tar (eam =ougS AnnS &liff JDouK 1heep (eam 1tuS -lliS /ay JDouK &hic0en (eam ,ic0S 8opuriS 'ai JDouK $+n0nown$ (eam /annaS =u0eS JDouK )f courseA choose to Hoin Ann@s team since you are 2ating her. ?f you winA your relationship :etween her an2 her father will improve. 8lease refer to the wal0through on some tips on how to win this mini3game. EQuest F: Ann@s %irth2ay 8artyS 1ummer 6Pth J6st Dear )*<D if you have misse2 the first :irth2ay partyKG J?t will :e 1ummer CCn2 if yours is on 1ummer 6PthK )f courseA you nee2 to get invitation... ]Getting ?nvitation to Ann@s %irth2ay 8arty^ Ann is pretty special as compare2 to other girls in village. ?f your heart rating with Ann is purple an2 a:oveA you will :e a:le to go to

her :irth2ay party on the first year of your game3play. Oust go to your mail:ox 2uring Ann@s :irth2ay an2 you will get a certificate calle2 R?nvitationR. *ext you nee2 to get a present for her an2 go to the wrapping corner an2 wrap up the gift. *ow :ring the invitation an2 the gift to =oug@s 8lace. EQuest P: 1ummer CMthS Firewor0s =isplay at /ineral %eachG ,equirements: ? suppose2 at least a :lue heart an2 a:ove allows you to watch the firewor0s with your girl. ?f you have anything else lowerA try to 2ate 'ai W!WSK. (al0 to her an2 pic0 the top option... EQuest L: /oonlight =ayS Fall 6NG ,equirements: After FpmA go up to the pea0 of /other@s .ill. Dou will :e a:le to meet the girl who li0es you most there. .opefullyA it is Ann E)therwise you are on the wrong trac0 W!WSG EQuest B: 4inter 6MthS 4inter (han0sgiving =ayG ,equirements: =uring 1pringA it will :e guys giving girls chocolate. For this festivalA you will :e receiving chocolate from the girls that li0e you. (he present varies as it 2epen2s on the heart in2icator. 1tay outsi2e your farm an2 wait for presents W!WSK EQuest 67: 4e22ing =ayG ,equirements: Ann@s love in2icator must :e re2 an2 you must have gotten the :e2room upgra2e. Oust equip the %lue Feather Ewhich can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et once the heart meter is orange J6777GKG an2 hit 1quare when facing her. 1he seems a :it reluctant... &hec0 your calen2ar whether there is a love sym:ol mar0e2 on a 2ate. 4ait for a wee0 or soA Jit will :e 2elaye2 if there are any festivals :etween the wee0en2K you will fin2 this we22ing ceremony :eing triggere2 automatically. (he 2ay after the we22ing ceremonyA you will get a cut3scene of Ann as0ing how you inten2 to a22ress her as... EQuest 66: ?n2ication of 8regnancyG ,equirements: 5isit the clinic when she starts to say that she feels nauseous. Dou will get a cut3scene of Ann visiting the 2octor... As for the remaining :a:y questsA it is the same as other girls. /ost of the festivals will remain unchange2 :esi2es a few li0e 1pring (han0sgiving FestivalS /oon35iewing =ayS 4inter (han0sgiving Festival an2 1tarlight Festival. 4ife@s Quest: ?f you marrie2 to AnnA you will :e a:le to fin2 her at the .arvest /oon resting on the green one 2ay in 1ummer... )verall ,ating: ;/; Fun/-nHoyment: ;/; ,eaction to 8regnancy: M/;

&oo0ing 10ills:


999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 -lli 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 EFact FileG -lli is a nice girl who is pretty gentle loo0ing an2 0in23hearte2. 1he loves :a:ies. 1he lives with her Gran2maA -llen an2 younger :rotherA 1tu. -llen has pro:lems in wal0ing an2 normally it was -lli who ta0e goo2 care of her family. =ue to her wor0 as a nurse in /ineral &linicA she stays in the clinic more often than her house. E-lli@s <i0es an2 =isli0esG (o ma0e her heart in2icator grewA you nee2 to tal0 to her often an2 give her gifts. (here is a small tip in giving gifts. (his also applies to other villagers. Give them a mixture of gifts. =ating -lli is really easyA as she li0es flowers Jwhich can ta0en from /other -arth an2 2oesn@t cost you much moneyK: E<ove ?tG /oon =rop FlowerS (oy FlowerS 8in0 &at FlowerS /agic ,e2 FlowerS ,e2 /agic ,e2 FlowerS )range &upS -arringsS *ec0laceS %racelet E<i0e ?tG /il0S <arge FishS /e2ium FishS 1an2wichS &hocolate &a0eS .ot /il0S ?ce &reamS 1mall FishS 1traw:erry Oam E*eutralG (urnipS &a::ageS &ornS 8ineappleS -ggplantS (omatoS AppleS %rea2S ,e2 .er:S Green .er:S )ilS ,ice %alls E=isli0e ?tG )resS 8oisonous /ushroom E.ate ?tG *?< T3 -lli@s <ocation 3T =ays (ime 8erio2 8lace 4eather /onA (uesA (hu 3 1un Bam to Ppm /ineral &linic EAnyG 4e2nes2ays B:N7am to 6pm -llen@s .ouse EAnyG 4e2nes2ays 6:N7pm to Mpm 1upermar0et EAnyG 4e2nes2ays M:N7pm to Ppm -llen@s .ouse EAnyG $ 1urprisinglyA her room is not foun2 at her gran2mother@s house... ?nstea2 it is foun2 at the /ineral &linic 3 Cn2. Dou can only access it if you have ma2e frien2s with the =octor an2 her heart in2icator at orange. E/arriage to =octorG 4ellA getting her marrie2 to the =octor is relatively simple as she spen2s most of her time at the &linic. 1he loves ta0ing care of :a:ies an2 flowers. 6K Dou will fin2 a question as0e2 :y the =octor on her opinions a:out :a:ies 2uring a visit to the &linic. CK 1ometime in the Cn2 DearA you will get a cut3scene at the church that the 2octor is inten2ing to leave the village. NK =uring the Nr2 year of game3playA visit the &linic an2 you will

have a cut3scene of -lli an2 =octor $mushy stuff$ T3 'ey Quests 3T EQuest 6: /in2 your woun2s.G .eart ?n2icator 3 :lac0 an2 a:ove for first yearA 1pring. (his will :e the first cut3scene to get a goo2 step with -lli on 2ating. 5isit the clinic an2 -lli says that you have a 2eep cut. -ither options will 2o fine... 8ic0 your woun2 is excruciate. 1he will give you a :an2 ai2. -xit the clinic an2 hea2 towar2s her house. J(he area that is on the left3han2 si2e of 1upermar0etK Dou will fin2 -lli@s younger :rotherA 1tu has fall 2own an2 crying. Give your :an2 ai2 to 1tu an2 -lli will li0e you more. EQuest C: Farm funU Give her your answer>G .eart in2icator 3 it must :e :lue an2 a:oveA first year of 1pring As you wal0e2 pass the &linicA you will have a cut3scene with -lli. -lli will as0 you a:out farming lifeA ma0e sure that you pic0 farming is fun> EQuest N: (he =elivery of Apple 8ieG .eart ?n2icator 3 :lac0 an2 a:ove. 4ellA this cut3scene 2oes not affect your relationship with -lli only :ut it also affect -llen an2 /ayor@s attitu2e towar2s you. 1omewhere in 1ummer 6st yearA the /ayor will come an2 visit your farm an2 as0 you to 2eliver an apple pie to -llen the next 2ay as he was on visit to another village. %(4A he normally 2o that on 1un2ays. Go to =oug@s 8lace an2 tal0 to =oug. Dou will :e given an apple pie automatically. Get the apple pie an2 store it in your ruc0sac0. Go to -llen@s house. Give the apple pie to -llen an2 she will offer you a tip. ,eHect the tip an2 -lli will come with another apple pie. 1he 4?<< give that apple pie to you> (he next morningA you will get a &heeseca0e from the /ayor> EQuest M: -lli is a :a:y lover...G .eart ?n2icator 3 purple an2 a:ove... 5isit the &linic an2 you will see a cut3scene :etween -lli an2 the =octor. (he =octor an2 -lli will chat a:out :a:ies... EQuest ;: 1an2wich treat from -lli>G .eart ?n2icator 3 green an2 a:ove -lli says that herself is not a very goo2 coo0. .enceA she will come to your farm :etween 6Cpm to 6pm Jfine weatherK an2 treats you a san2wich for three consecutive 2ays. EQuest F: (omato FestivalG .eart ?n2icator 3 :lac0 an2 a:ove Ooin -lli@s team Ethe wea0est of all participating teams...G. ?f you winA 1tu an2 -lli will cele:rate with you all. ?f you loseA you will get a :a2 scol2ing from 1tu. EQuest P: 1ummer CMthS Firewor0s =isplay at /ineral %eachG ,equirements: ? suppose2 at least a :lue heart an2 a:ove allows you to watch the firewor0s with your girl. ?f you have anything else lowerA try to 2ate 'ai W!WSK. (al0 to her an2 pic0 the top option...

EQuest L: /oonlight =ayS Fall 6NG ,equirements: After FpmA go up to the pea0 of /other@s .ill. Dou will :e a:le to meet the girl who li0es you most there. .opefullyA it is -lli E)therwise you are on the wrong trac0 W!WSG EQuest B: 4inter 6MthS 4inter (han0sgiving =ayG ,equirements: =uring 1pringA it will :e guys giving girls chocolate. For this festivalA you will :e receiving chocolate from the girls that li0e you. (he present varies as it 2epen2s on the heart in2icator. 1tay outsi2e your farm an2 wait for presents W!WSK EQuest 67: 4e22ing =ayG ,equirements: -lli@s love in2icator must :e re2 an2 you must have gotten the :e2room upgra2e. Oust equip the %lue Feather Ewhich can :e :ought from the 1upermar0et once the heart meter is orange J6777GKG an2 hit 1quare when facing her. 1he seems a :it reluctant... &hec0 your calen2ar whether there is a love sym:ol mar0e2 on a 2ate. 4ait for a wee0 or soA Jit will :e 2elaye2 if there are any festivals :etween the wee0en2K you will fin2 this we22ing ceremony :eing triggere2 automatically. (he 2ay after the we22ing ceremonyA you will get a cut3scene of Ann as0ing how you inten2 to a22ress her as... EQuest 66: ?n2ication of 8regnancyG ,equirements: 5isit the clinic when she starts to say that she feels nauseous. Dou will get a cut3scene of -lli visiting the =octor... As for the remaining :a:y questsA it is the same as other girls. /ost of the festivals will remain unchange2 :esi2es a few li0e 1pring (han0sgiving FestivalS /oon35iewing =ayS 4inter (han0sgiving Festival an2 1tarlight Festival. 4ife@s Quest: A naughty tric0 from 1tu> +n2er construction )verall ,ating: M/; Fun/-nHoyment: C/; ,eaction to 8regnancy: ;/; &oo0ing 10ills: C/; 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 'aren 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 EFact FileG 'aren is the 2aughter of the owner of the 1upermar0et. 1he enHoys company with ,ic0A 8opuri an2 <illia. 1he is mature an2 a :it :ossy. .er parentsA 1asha an2 Oeff seem to have pro:lem in ta0ing care of her. 1he has a sweet singing voice an2 great 2ancing talent.

E'aren@s <i0es an2 =isli0esG (o ma0e her heart in2icator grewA you nee2 to tal0 to her often an2 give her gifts. (here is a small tip in giving gifts. (his also applies to other villagers. Give them a mixture of gifts. =ating 'aren requires of a lot of money. Dou can@t get things that she li0e :esi2es :uying. 1he hates sweet stuffs an2 li0es mature guys. 1he is pretty har2 to please as her gifts are pretty har2 to get. E<ove ?tG 4ineS FriesS 1ashimiS 8iIIaS 8opcornS (rufflesS &hocolate &oo0ies E<i0e ?tG FlowersS -ggsS &ornS /ayonnaiseS %utterS 1pa3:oile2 -ggs E*eutralG (urnipsS &a::agesS (omatoesS ,ice %allsS %rea2S FishS 4il2 GrapesS )ilS Flour E=isli0e ?tG &oo0iesS ApplesS Green .er:sS %lue .er:sS ,e2 .er:sS &opper )reS /ystrile )reS 1ilver )reS Gol2 )re E.ate ?tG ?ce3creamS &a0eS &hocolate &a0eS &heeseca0eS A2amantite )re T3 'aren@s <ocation 3T ?/)A she is the toughest to 2ate. 1he coul2 :e foun2 all over the place in /ineral 5illage... =ays (ime 8erio2 <ocation 4eather /onA 4e2 3 1un Lam to 67am (he mail:ox outsi2e 1upermar0et EGoo2G /onA 4e2 3 1un Lam to 67am ?nsi2e the 1upermar0et E%a2G /onA 4e2 3 1un 67am to 6pm ?nsi2e her home J1upermar0etK EAnyG /onA 4e2 3 1un 6pm to Fpm ?nsi2e the 1upermar0et EAnyG /onA 4e2 3 1un Ppm to 67pm At the /ineral %each EGoo2G (ue an2 1un Lpm to 67pm =oug@s 8lace EAnyG (ues2ays 6:N7pm to Mpm At the hot spring area EGoo2G (ues2ays 6:N7pm to Mpm GotI@s .ouse E%a2G $ 'aren is very har2 to locate hence ma0ing her to har2est to 2ate. Dou will 2efinitely encounter pro:lems in locating her... T3 'ey Quests 3T +n2er construction 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 /ary 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 EFact FileG +n2er construction E/ary@s <i0es an2 =isli0esG +n2er construction T3 /ary@s <ocation 3T +n2er construction T3 'ey Quests 3T +n2er construction 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

999999999999999999999999999999 8opuri 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999 EFact FileG +n2er construction E8opuri@s <i0es an2 =isli0esG +n2er construction T3 8opuri@s <ocation 3T +n2er construction T3 'ey Quests 3T +n2er construction 3T 5??.C (he /ain 4al0through T3 For this sectionA you will fin2 a complete gui2e that focus seasons :y seasons. ?t will :e nuts to ma0e a 2ay3:y32ay wal0through. (hroughout the wal0throughA it will also cover some of the su:3games an2 how to win that particular su:3game. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY $ * ) ( ? & - $ YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY %efore ? :egin this wal0throughA ma0e sure that you have at least rea2 the :asics tutorial gui2e once. Dou get hol2 of .arvest /oon@s :asic concepts otherwise you may :e :om:ar2e2 with numerous 2ou:ts. -xpectations: As the wal0through is simplifie2 versionA ? myself expect you to chop :ranches an2 stumps for lum:er every2ay. Get at least C7 pieces of lum:er per 2ay. +pgra2e your Ax A1A8 to chop stumps. (he spee2 of you getting lum:er 2etermines how fast an2 efficient you are to complete the game with a higher percentage. ?n other wor2sA there is a lot of effort nee2e2 to get a high percentage. 8<-A1- rea2 the :asic gui2e thoroughA especially on the livestoc0 an2 (ools section. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYY ? will try to go a :it more in32epth for the first year to help you to get starte2. J? am writing from memory for your information...K T First yearA spring Cn2 T (he /ayor will come to your farm an2 greet you. .e will tell you that at the en2 of thir2 yearA your performance on the farm will :e evaluate2. *ext he will as0 you whether you want to go on a tour aroun2 the village. &hoose yes an2 you will :e on goo2 start3off on :eing frien2s with the /ayor an2 -llen. After the tourA you will meet up with [ac0A the 2eliveryman who will pay you on the spot at ;pm where he collects the pro2uce from the :in. J?t will :e Lpm if you choose to go on a tourK *ow 2o cleaning on the farm with your sic0leA hoe an2 Ax. Dou nee2 to eliminate wee2s :y pic0ing them up an2 throw. As for stonesA 2on@t

2estroy them instea2 0eep them as a mini quarry for a part of your farm. Dou will nee2 them later for your coo0ing. Dou will fin2 orange :ranches where you can chop for lum:er. =on@t :other a:out those roc0sA large stones an2 stumps as your tools nee2s experience. (he more often you use the toolA the more experience you will gain for the tool. *ext form a crop @fiel2@ to grow cropsA preferre2 in the following formats: EQG E!G EQG EQGEQGEQG EQGEQGEQG EQGEQGEQG EQG EQG EQG or EQGEQGE!G or EQGEQGEQG or E!GEQGEQG EQG EQG EQG EQGEQGEQG EQGE!GEQG EQGEQGEQG =o four of these an2 water them with your watering can. Dou can fetch water from the pon2 or the river stream. *ow move across the woo2en plan0 near the stream an2 you will fin2 a hot spring area. &ollect the :lue her: an2 two :am:oo shoots. *ow go :ac0 to the henhouse Jwhite :uil2ingK an2 2eposit those pro2uce insi2e the :in. Dou nee2 to 2o a lot of foraging for this season. *ow go an2 get the last :am:oo shoot J:ehin2 the hot springK an2 go 2own the alley where you fin2 GotI@s house. *ow get a %lue .er: an2 a /oon3=rop flower. -nter GotI@s house an2 give the flower to <ouis. ?t was his :irth2ay> *ow collect the other flower an2 go up the pathway :ehin2 the house. Dou will fin2 a cut3scene :etween ,ic0 an2 8opuri. (al0 to ,ic0 an2 he will as0 you to ta0e J8opuriK home. ?f you inten2 to woo 8opuriA go to the hot spring area an2 pic0 @my sympathies@ as your response. *ow move across the pathway towar2s northwest. *ext move 2own the pathway where you fin2 the winery an2 the :lac0smith shop. *ow move 2own the pathway an2 you will fin2 fleet of :uil2ings. (hey are %asil@s houseA the li:raryA -llen@s house an2 /ayor@s house. *ow move towar2s right again. Dou will fin2 the 1upermar0et an2 the &linic. Go insi2e the 1upermar0etA you will fin2 OeffS the owner of the supermar0et has pro:lems with the villages on cre2it terms. .e is giving them too much cre2it> *ext you will meet J'arenK there. (ell =u0e Jthe owner of the wineryK to pay up an2 it will raise your affection towar2s her. -xit an2 re3enter the 1upermar0et get Mx (urnips see2s. -xit the 1upermar0et an2 go the &linic. Dou will have a cut3scene with J-lliKA the nurse wor0ing in the clinic. 1he will as0 how@s your woun2A pic0 it is @excruciate@ an2 she will give you a :an2age. *ext go to the @houses area@. Dou will have a cut3scene with her :rotherA 1tu. .e is inHure2. Give 1tu the :an2age an2 -lli will li0e you more> *ow exit the clinic an2 go right again an2 you will fin2 the &hurch along with a small alleyway. E8erhapsA you will have a short cut3scene :etween 'aren an2 ,ic0G. Go near the &hurch an2 you will fin2 a small win2ing path that lea2s to a small tiny house. (hat is the house of the harvest sprites> Dou can fin2 seven of them there. (al0 to them an2 they are having a tea party in spring. .ence as0ing them to wor0 is pretty har2... *ow go :ac0 to the area where you fin2 the 1upermar0et. Dou will fin2

a (3Ounction at that area. Go an2 ta0e the south path. Dou will fin2 the innA 0nown as =oug@s 8lace. -nter it. Dou will have a cut3scene of =oug as0ing you your opinions a:out his 2aughter JAnnK. 8ic0 @1he is cute@ an2 you will :e on :etter relationships with Ann. *ext exit the ?nn an2 go to ,ose 1quare. Dou will fin2 J/aryK an2 Gray tal0ing to each other. Dou will get your prompt from J/aryK when you visit the li:rary. 8ic0 that @you love rea2ing@ to get on :etter relationships with /ary. *ow you nee2 to ma0e a ()+G. 2ecision on 2eci2ing to wooA which girl that you have metU Give the girl the /oon3=rop Flower. ,efer to the Girl@s gui2e for more 2etails. J.opefullyA it hasn@t reache2 ;pmK =eposit the pro2uce Ethe remaining :am:oo shoot an2 :lue her:>G into the :in. Dou will get N;7G for the 2ay. ,eturn :ac0 to your farm an2 enter your house. Get the (urnips see2s from the (ool:ox. -quip the (urnips see2s un2er the han2 area. *ow go outsi2e your farm an2 move the center of the a @crop fiel2@. .it 1quare to scatter the see2s. Dou will fin2 M 2ots appearing on each tille2 lan2 if it is 2one correctly. *ow go to the hot spring area Jyou will fin2 8opuri here if you haven@t choose to go :ac0 to the hot spring earlierK an2 ta0e a 2ip at the hot spring. 8lace your controller on the groun2 an2 rest for 6 hour in the game time. .it Q to wa0e up an2 Q again to exit the hot spring. Go up the path an2 facing the la0e. Dou will fin2 the /other@s .ill. Dou will fin2 a huge la0e an2 a lot of tree stumps there. Dou will fin2 a $small win2ing path$ an2 move across the :ri2ge. *ext you will fin2 a small le2ge that allows you to enter the area in the mi22le. 8ower %erry V6 3 Dou will fin2 a ce2ar tree on the right of the flower:e2. Attempt to hit it with your Ax. Dou will fin2 a tree spirit plea2ing you not to chop the tree 2own. &hoose @not to@ an2 you will get the first power :erry. *ow go :ac0 to the hot spring area. Dou will fin2 a waterfall thereA which is calle2 the Go22ess 8on2. %ehin2 the waterfall lea2s to a mineA enter the mine with the .oe equippe2 on han2. 8ower %erry VC 3 *ow hit 1quare to mine. )ccasionally you will fin2 yourself collecting money:ags Eworth 67GG. <oo0 for ores> Dou can fin2 stonesA copper oresA silver oresA gol2 ores or /ystrile ores. Dou will fin2 those rare an2 precious oresA as you go 2eeper into the mine. Dou will fin2 a pit3hole with a la22erA which lea2s to a lower level of the mine. ?f you are luc0y enoughA you can get your secon2 power :erry. *ow return :ac0 to henhouse an2 2eposit the ores. Go to the hot spring an2 go for a secon2 2ip E$ta0es another hour of game3time$G. *ow you nee2 to return :ac0 to the farm an2 carry on wor0ing Jchopping

:ranchesA remove wee2s an2 move stonesK until you have reache2 M:N7A/. Go :ac0 to the spring area for another 2ip. EAnother hour has passe2 :y.G 1leep when time reaches ;:;7A/. 3T First yearS spring Nr2 T3 Get your 4atering canA .oe an2 Ax as your primary tools. &hec0 the weather forecast. -xit the house an2 you will have a cut3scene :etween you an2 .arris. .arris says that he has foun2 someone suspicious an2 as0 you to report to him when you fin2 him. *ext you will fin2 a &hinese merchant E4onG coming to your farm an2 ta0e a :rea0. =on@t worry nothing will happen. W!WSK 4ater your crops an2 clear more lan2 for another four @crop fiel2s@. =o your necessary foraging. J?.e. collecting all :am:oo shoots an2 :lue her:sK ,emem:er to get the two moon32rop flowers foun2 near GotI@s house an2 give it to your girl. )f courseA it woul2 :e :etter if you give them some @love it@ gifts. =o the quests on getting the horse or the fishing ro2. J8lease rea2 su:3quest for more 2etails.K Give flowers Z a special gift to your girl an2 chop more woo2 for lum:er. Dour o:Hective is to get aroun2 M77 lum:er :y the en2 of the first wee0. Dou can get more lum:er logs :y fishing from the la0e. (o :e continue2... E1u:3questsG =ue to the nature of these cut3scenesA ? can@t classify them un2er a 2ate. (herefore ? have ma2e a section for them. 8lease rea2 them> 3 Getting your pony JhorseK from Do2el ,anch ?t will not wor0 on /on2ays> Dou nee2 to go towar2s that path 2uring morning till Npm an2 you will have a cut3scene with %arley an2 /ay. Dou will :e prompte2 to ta0e care of the horse. (here you will :e a:le to name your horse. Dou will fin2 it at your sta:le on the 2ay. ,emem:er to tal0 to it 2uring that 2ay. ? woul2 recommen2 you to let stay it in the sta:le for a couple of 2ays until you have set a fence for the horse. 3 Go22ess /eeting 3> 8ower %erry VN $ 5ery important for a goo2 hea2 start in ./: %(*> $ ?/)A this is really goo2 if you want to get on fast terms with your future wife. At the first wee0 of your game3playA 2o not sell all your turnips> JDou nee2 at least ten of them>K. Go to the waterfall on 1un2ays from Lam to 67am. =eposit the turnip into the pon2 Jposition yourself :ehin2 the waterfallK an2 you will meet up with the Go22ess> Give her another four times an2 she will give you a 8ower %erry. *ext 2rop another ; more turnips an2 she will as0 you whether you have a sweetheart. 8ic0 @yes@ an2 you will fin2 your sweetheart coming to :ath in the hot spring. J<)<K Attempt to enter the hot spring for a while an2 exit. *ote that there is a mon0ey insi2e the hot spring... s for the restA it is up to you to guess W!WSK ?t woul2 turn out :etter if you manage2 to 2ate the girl for the Go22ess Festival...

3 Getting Fishing ,o2 from Greg 3> 8ower %erry VM $ /a0e sure that you have an extra slot to get the fishing ro2. $ (his quest can only :e 2one if you manage2 to meet up with Greg the fisherman. Dou will fin2 him at the 2oc0s 2uring Fri2aysA 1atur2ays an2 1un2ays from Lam to 67am an2 Lpm to 67pm. (al0 to him an2 says that you li0e to fish an2 he will give you a fishing ro2. After you have gotten the fishing ro2A you can go for fishing> Oust hit an2 hol2 1quareA as the :ait reaches the water. As the line starts to vi:rateA release the 1quare :utton an2 you will get a fish or gar:age. Getting fish from the ocean is very har2A as it has :een infeste2 with gar:age. ?n other wor2sA going to the la0e in the /other@s .ill for fishing is a goo2 i2ea :ut the 2ownsi2e is that you can@t catch large fish. ?f you fish on the oceanA there are chances that you might catch a 8ower %erry. 3 Give N eggs every2ay to =oug@s 8lace from JAnnK in first year (his cut3scene will happen as soon as you have gotten N chic0ens that lay eggs. Ann will come to your farm for :usiness. .opefullyA your ruc0sac0 is upgra2e to the me2iumA as you nee2 to store at least N eggs. Go to the ?nn without hol2ing any egg an2 you will get a cut3 scene of Ann ta0ing an2 paying you the eggs. $ +n2er construction $ JGive me a :rea0>K !!!!!! / 5??? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ?tem %estiary an2 ,ecipes J3J3JJ?tem %estiaryKK3K3K +n2er this sectionA you will fin2 an extensive list of items an2 equipment that are foun2 in the game. ? have spent countless hours in the research an2 fin2 the costs of these items. 3T Accessory T3 E/etho2G Get one )richalcum )re in your ruc0sac0. (al0 to 1ai:ara Y pay 6777G for it. 4ait for three 2ays for collection. %(4A you can also get anyone of them in the .orse ,acing Festival in 1pring :y exchanging your me2als. Dou will get an accessory ran2omly when you choose to ma0e one from 1ai:ara. E1easonG All Jfor ma0ingK/ spring Jfor .orse ,acing FestivalK E4hereG (here is three types of Accessories foun2 in .arvest /oon: %(* an2 they are: %raceletA -arrings an2 *ec0lace. E1ellG C777G 3T A2amantite T3 E/etho2G /ining at the 4inter /ine E1easonG 4inter E4hereG Dou nee2 to go to /other@s .ill in 4inter an2 cross the froIen la0e to reach the winter mine. Dou will :e a:le to mine it there. E1ellG ;7G 3T Apple T3

E/etho2G Forage E1easonG Fall E4hereG Dou can get three of these un2er your apple tree. Dou can also :uy 1+G=4 Apple from 4on 2uring spring in your 6st year of playing an2 sell it too W!WSK E1ellG ;7G each 3T %am:oo 1hoot T3 E/etho2G Forage E1easonG Fall E4hereG Dou can fin2 three at the hot spring area. E1ellG ;7G each 3T %lue Grass T3 E/etho2G Forage E1easonG Fall E4hereG Dou can get one near the hot spring an2 the other one near GotI@s house E1ellG 677G each 3T &heese T3 E/etho2G &onvert one :ottle of /il0 to &heese via &heese /a0er E1easonG All E4hereG First of allA you nee2 to get mil0 from your cows via the mil0er an2 your cow must reache2 the a2ult@s stage. =ifferent types of mil0 will pro2uce a variety of cheese :ase2 on the quality: &ost Gra2e of /il0 require2 &heese 1 JN77K E/il0 1G &heese / JM77K E/il0 /G &heese < J;77K E/il0 <G &heese G JF77K E/il0 GG E1ellG 1ee the chart a:ove for 2etails. 3T &opper )re T3 E/etho2G /ine at the mine foun2 at .ot 1pring Area J:ehin2 4aterfallK E1easonG All E4hereG First of allA equip your hoe an2 go to the mine. E1ellG 6;G 3T Gol2 )re T3 E/etho2G /ine at the mine foun2 at .ot 1pring Area J:ehin2 4aterfallK E1easonG All E4hereG First of allA equip your hoe an2 go to the mine E1ellG C;G 3T Green Grass T3 E/etho2G Forage E1easonG 1pring E4hereG Dou can get one near the hot spring an2 the other one near GotI@s house E1ellG 677G each 3T -gg T3

E/etho2G Dou nee2 to fee2 a chic0en with a chic0en fee2 the 2ay :efore. E1easonG Any E4hereG Dou nee2 to :uy chic0ens. (he gra2e of egg varies as it 2epen2s on the num:er of hearts that chic0en has. %elow is A mini3gra2e chart: (ype 1ell &on2ition *ormal ;7G 7TN hearts Goo2 ;7G MTP hearts -xcellent ;7G LT67 hearts Gol2en 6;7G 4in the &hic0en Festival E1ellG 1ee the chart a:ove for more 2etails 3T Fish T3 E/etho2G Fish at la0esA ocean or rivers E1easonG Any E4hereG First of allA you nee2 to get a fishing ro2. (o get oneA you nee2 to meet Greg the Fisherman at the 2oc0. Dou will fin2 him there 2uring Fri2aysA 1atur2ays an2 1un2ays from Pam to 67am an2 Ppm to 67pm. .it 1quare an2 hol2 it when the :ait reaches the @water@ area. 4hen it vi:ratesA release 1quare to catch one. (here are a few variations of fish: (ype 1ell &on2ition 1mall Fish ;7G /e2ium Fish 6C7G <arge Fish C77G )*<D at the )cean E1ellG 1ee the chart a:ove for more 2etails. 3T .oney T3 E/etho2G Grow a patch of 8in0 &at Flowers E1easonG 1ummer E4hereG Grow a patch of 8in0 &at Flowers ENxNG an2 you will fin2 a :ee ma0ing a :eehive at your apple tree a few 2ays later. &ollect the honey from the apple tree an2 give it to <ouis. E1ellG ;7G / F7G Eafter you have given the honey to <ouisG 3T Oun0 )re T3 E/etho2G /ine at the mine foun2 at .ot 1pring Area J:ehin2 4aterfallK or the 4inter /ine J2uring 4interK E1easonG All E4hereG First of allA equip your hoe an2 go to the mine E1ellG 6G 3T /ayonnaise T3 E/etho2G (hrow an egg into a /ayonnaise /a0er ), you can ma0e /ayonnaise via coo0ingS please refer to ,ecipes for more 2etails. E1easonG Any E4hereG Dou nee2 to ma0e it from your 0itchen Jcoo0ingK or the henhouse Jmayonnaise ma0erK. (he gra2e of mayonnaise varies as it 2epen2s on the gra2e of the egg:

(ype 1ell Gra2e of -gg require2 /ayonnaise 1 677 *ormal /ayonnaise / 6;7 Goo2 /ayonnaise < C77 -xcellent /ayonnaise G N77 Gol2en E1ellG 1ee the chart a:ove for more 2etails. 3T /il0 T3 E/etho2G Dou can get mil0 from an a2ult cow :y using a mil0er. (he mil0er can :ought from the %lac0smith. E1easonG Any E4hereG Dou nee2 to :uy a cow Jfrom Do2el ,anchK an2 a mil0er Jfrom the %lac0smithK. (he cow will *)( pro2uce mil0 if it isn@t in the a2ult stage an2 it hasn@t :een fe2 the 2ay :efore. (he selling price of mil0 2iffers: (ype /il0 1 /il0 / /il0 < /il0 G 1ell &on2ition 677G (he cow must have 6 to N hearts 6;7G (he cow must have M to F hearts C77G (he cow must have P to 67 hearts N77G 4in &ow Festival in summer.

E1ellG 1ee the chart a:ove for more 2etails. 3T /ushroom T3 E/etho2G Forage E1easonG Fall E4hereG Dou can fin2 two of these at /other@s .ill an2 two near GotI@s house E1ellG P7G 3T )richalcum )re T3 E/etho2G /ining E1easonG 4inter E4hereG Dou nee2 to go the 4inter /ine :y crossing the froIen la0e in /other@s .ill. E1ellG ;7G 3T 8oisonous /ushroom T3 E/etho2G Forage E1easonG Fall E4hereG Dou can fin2 only one :ehin2 GotI@s house Jnear the logsK E1ellG 677G 3T ,e2 Grass J8oisonousK T3 E/etho2G Forage E1easonG 1ummer E4hereG Dou can get one near the hot spring an2 the other one near GotI@s house E1ellG 677G 3T ,e2 /agic ,e2 Flower T3

E/etho2G 8lanting E1easonG Fall E4hereG After the flowers are start to growA you will fin2 some @re2@ flowers among the :lue flowers. (he re2 flower@s appearance rate is aroun2 6:CP. E1ellG C77G 3T 1ilver )re T3 E/etho2G /ining E1easonG All E4hereG Dou nee2 to locate the mine :ehin2 the waterfall at the hot spring area. E1ellG C7G 3T (ruffle T3 E/etho2G Forage E1easonG Fall E4hereG Dou can fin2 one at /other@s .ill. E1ellG ;77G 3T Dar2 %all T3 E/etho2G =eposit 4ool into the Dar2 %all /a0er E1easonG Any E4hereG First of allA you nee2 to shear wool from a sheep using a clipper. *ext you must have upgra2e2 your :arn an2 alrea2y :uil2 the /ayonnaise /a0er an2 &heese /a0er to :e a:le to :uil2 the Dar2 %all /a0er. (he Dar2 %all /a0er cost C7A777G an2 requires an A2amantite )re. (he gra2e of yar2 :all 2iffers as it 2epen2s of the siIe of the wool: (ype 1ell Quality of 4ool require2 Dar2 %all 1 N77G 4ool 1 Dar2 %all / P77G 4ool / Dar2 %all < L77G 4ool < Dar2 %all G 6777G 4ool G E1ellG 1ee the chart a:ove for more 2etails. 3T 4ool T3 E/etho2G Dou nee2 to use a clipper to shear wool from a sheep. E1easonG Any E4hereG First of allA you nee2 to :uy a sheep from Do2el ,anch an2 get the clipper from the %lac0smith to shear wool. (he siIe of wool 2epen2s on the hearts in2icator of the sheep: (ype 4ool 1 4ool / 4ool < 4ool G 1ell &on2ition 677G 1heep must have 7 to N hearts M77G 1heep must have M to F hearts ;77G 1heep must have P to 67 hearts F77G 4in the 1heep Festival in fall

E1ellG 1ee the chart a:ove for more 2etails. ? woul2 not :other to ela:orate on the pro2uce via planting as you can

fin2 a 2etail crop information at @&rops Gui2e@. J3J3JJ,ecipesKK3K3K $$ %rief ?ntro2uction $$ ?n .arvest /oon: %(*A you will :e a:le to @coo0@ with the crops that you have grown on farms or :ought from the supermar0et. %efore you can start coo0ingA you must :e gotten the following requirements: Dou must get the house upgra2e for your houseA which will :e availa:le after you have upgra2e2 your henhouse. For upgra2ingA please refer to the :asic tutorial for more 2etails. For most of the recipesA you nee2 to have utensils> (o get utensils an2 seasoningsA you nee2 to watch (5 1hopping every 1atur2ay> JDou will miss one if it falls on a festivalK For 2etails on how to :uy utensils an2 seasoningsA please refer to the :asic tutorial. )f courseA you nee2 to get ingre2ients too. All of them can :e grown an2 store2 in your ?ce:ox. %(4A store some stones that you have foun2 in your farm. (hey are nee2e2 for coo0ing too> ?f you got onto frien2ly terms with the villagers :y offering them a giftA you can get a specific recipe from them along with the optional ingre2ients. $$ 4inning the &oo0ing Festival $$ (here is a coo0ing festival in 1pring CCn2 of spring. ?f you remem:ere2A you will fin2 /ayor (homas ma0ing a visit to your farm an2 request for three of a 0in2 of a harveste2 crop li0e &ucum:ersA &ornA etc. ?t is pretty ran2omA hence remem:er to store some insi2e your ?ce:ox on the future years. 3 /ayor (homas@ ,equest <ist 3 J? am not sure whether it is ran2om or notK 6st year 3 Nx (urnips Cn2 year 3 Nx &orn Nr2 year 3 Nx &ucum:ers Mth year 3 J? haven@t reach this yet...K ?n or2er to participate in coo0ing festivalA you must get a homema2e 2ish Ji.e. ma2e from a recipeK an2 ta0e it along with you to the ,ose 1quare :etween 67am an2 ;pm. %(4A 2i2 ? say that you nee2 to have a 'itchenU )n the actual 2ay of the coo0ing festivalA go to the ,ose 1quare an2 tal0 to everyone. Dour competitors are 1ashaA /annaA AnnaA AnnA 'aren an2 =oug. ?f you 2o not win the competition J<)<KA either =oug an2 Ann win the competition. (hey are great coo0s> J)h forget to mention &hef of the .arvest 1priteK. %(4A 2i2 you see 'aren ta0e a piece of charcoal in every years of coo0ing festivalU 3 .ow to winU 3 (o win the festivalA you nee2 to put A <)( of extra ingre2ients for your 2ish. .oweverA there is also a point that you nee2 to ta0e note of: the chances of you winning a competition when you presente2 the

same 2ish as any one of your competitors Jexclu2e 'arenK is very slim. .ence try 2ifferent variations every year. ,efer to the recipe gui2e :elow or more 2etails on the a22itional seasonings. Dou will :e pro:a:ly :e surprise2 when ? :eat =oug Jwho use the 8iIIa for the competitionK with a plate of :eefe23up frie2 rice in the Nr2 year. )nce you are rea2y to participateA ta0e the 2ish on the equip slot an2 tal0 to /ayor (homas. *ext you nee2 to wait for the Gourmet to taste your 2ish... J@4on2erful@ 3 wins the competition>K %efore ? :egin with the listA ? will li0e to ela:orate on what the hea2ings means: E?ngre2ientsG 3 this means the 0ey ingre2ients to create the recipe E1easoningG 3 this means the seasoning require2 to create the recipe E+tensilsG 3 this means the utensils nee2e2 in or2er to create the recipe E)ptionalG 3 this in2icates the optional ingre2ients E?GA optional utensils E+G an2 optional seasonings E1G that you can a22 to the recipe. E1ourceG 3 (his in2icates the source where ? foun2 the recipe. $ 3 ?t is a @coo0e2 item@ 8lease refer to its recipe on how get this. 1ome of coo0e2 item can :e use2 as ingre2ients for other recipe. @ 3 (este2 an2 guarantee2 to wor0> \ 3 1i2e notes a:out the recipe. ]^ 3 (he chocolate can )*<D :e o:taine2 from girls with heart rating :etween purple to green 2uring 4inter (han0sgiving =ay. )nce you are marrie2A you woul2 not :e a:le to get chocolate from girls> *)(-: (here is no 2ifference :etween Apple an2 1+G=4 Apple. Dou can only get 6 1+G=4 Apple in the game from 4on for ;77G. V6 3 Apple Oam 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG Apple or 1+G=4 Apple E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G 4ineS .oney E1ourceG <ouisA GotI@s house0eeper VC 3 Apple 8ie 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG %utterS -ggS FlourS Apple or 1+G=4 Apple E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG 'nifeS )venS ,olling 8inS 8ot E)ptionalG E?G 4ineS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS .oney E1ourceG +n0nown \ As part of the gameA you will :e as0e2 to 2eliver one of them for the /ayor to -llen in Dear 6. VN 3 %am:oo ,ice 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG %am:oo 1hootS ,ice %all E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG *?< E)ptionalG E1G 1oy sauceS 1alt E+G 'nife


=elicious .our

VM 3 %oile2 -gg 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG -gg E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E1G 1alt E1ourceG =elicious .ourS springA thir2 wee0 V; 3 %utter 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /il0 E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG *?< E1ourceG =elicious .ourA first wee0A summer \ %utter is often :eing use2 to :a0e @ca0es@ recipes. VF 3 &a0e 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG FlourS %utter$S -gg E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG 4his0S )ven E)ptionalG E+G 'nife E?G .oneyS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS 8ineappleS 4il2 GrapesS 1traw:erry E1ourceG +n0nown VP 3 &heese &a0e 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG &heeseS /il0S -gg E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG )venS 8otS 4his0 E)ptionalG E?G .oney E1ourceG +n0nown VL 3 &heese Fon2ue 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG &heeseS %rea2 E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G 1altS 4ine E+G 'nife E1ourceG =oug JAnn@s fatherK VB 3 &hirashi 1ushi 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG ,ice %allsS 1cram:le2 -ggs$A 1ashimi$ E1easoningG 5inegar E+tensilsG 'nife E)ptionalG E?G &ucum:er E1G 1oy 1auce E1ourceG +n0nown \ (his recipe is essentially when you want to get &harA the legen2ary fish. V67 3 &oo0ies 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG FlourS %utterS -gg E1easoningG 1ugar

E+tensilsG )venS ,olling 8in E)ptionalG E?G .oney E1ourceG =elicious .ourS secon2 wee0 of summer \ (he recipe is nee2e2 to use as gifts for gifts 2uring the 1pring (han0sgiving Festival. V66 3 &hocolate &a0e 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG FlourS %utterS -ggS ]&hocolate^ E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG )venS 4his0 E)ptionalG E?G .oneyA AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS 8ineappleS 1traw:erryS 4il2 Grapes E+G 'nife E1ourceG +n0nown V6C 3 &hocolate &oo0ies 3 @ ,ecipe V6 E?ngre2ientsG FlourS %utterS -ggS ]&hocolate^ E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG )venS ,olling 8in E)ptionalG E?G .oney E1ourceG 1asha of (he 1upermar0et J'aren@s motherK ,ecipe VC E?ngre2ientsG ]&hocolate^S &oo0ies E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG )venS ,olling 8in E)ptionalG E?G .oney E1ourceG +n0nown V6N 3 &urry 3@ E?ngre2ientsG &urry 8ow2erS ,ice %alls E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G )ilS Grape Ouice$S ]&hocolate^S 1pinachS (urnipS 5egeta:le Ouice$S 4ineS Green 8epperS 4?l2 GrapesS %oile2 -gg$S 8ump0inS (ruffleS %am:oo 1hoot E1ourceG =elicious .our V6M 3 &urry *oo2les 3 @ ,ecipe V6 E?ngre2ientsG &urry 8ow2erS *oo2les$ E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G (urnipS &a::ageS 1weet 8otatoS -ggS %am:oo 1hootS &arrotS -ggplantS Green 8epperS /ushroomS (ruffleS )nionS 1mall FishS /e2ium FishS <arge Fish E1G 1ugarS 1altS /isoS 1oy 1auce E1ourceG +n0nown ,ecipe VC E?ngre2ientsG &urry 8ow2erS Flour E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG ,olling 8inS 8otS 'nife E)ptionalG 1ame as ,ecipe V6 for &urry *oo2les



V6; 3 =inner ,oll 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG %rea2S %utter E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG *?< E)ptionalG E?G .oney E1ourceG =elicious .our V6F 3 Frie2 ,ice 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG )ilS ,ice %allsS -ggs E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG Frying 8an E)ptionalG E?G %am:oo 1hootS &ucum:erS %oile2 -ggS 1cram:le2 -ggS /ushroomS 1pinachS 1tir FryS 4ineS Grille2 FishS 1pa3:oile2 -ggS Green 8epperS )nionS 1ashimiS &a::ageS &arrotS &ornS (ruffleS 1mall FishS /e2ium FishS <arge Fish E+G 'nife E1G 1ugarS 1altS 1oy 1auce E1ourceG .arrisA the policeman V6P 3 Fries 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG 8otatoS )il E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG Frying 8anS 'nife E)ptionalG E?G 'etchup$ E1G 1alt E1ourceG (he :ottle foun2 in sea V6L 3 Fruit Ouice 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG Apple or 1+G=4 AppleS 8ineappleS 1traw:erry or 4il2 Grapes E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS Grape OuiceS 8ineappleS 1traw:erryS 4il2 Grapes E1ourceG +n0nown V6B 3 Fruit <atte 3 @ ,ecipe V6 E?ngre2ientsG /il0S AppleS 8ineapple or 4il2 Grapes E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS Grape OuiceS 8ineappleS 1traw:erryS 4il2 Grapes E1ourceG +n0nown ,ecipe VC E?ngre2ientsG /il0S Fruit Ouice$ E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS Grape OuiceS 8ineappleS 1traw:erryS 4il2 Grapes E1ourceG +n0nown

VC7 3 Grape Oam 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG 4il2 Grapes E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E1G 1alt E1ourceG =elicious .ourA first wee0 of winter VC6 3 Greens 3 @ J)tashi GreensK E?ngre2ientsG 1pinach E1easoningG 1oy 1auce E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG +n0nown E1ourceG /anna of AHa 4inery VCC 3 Grille2 Fish 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /e2ium 1iIe2 Fish E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG Frying 8an E)ptionalG 1oy 1auce E1ourceG =elicious .ourS last wee0 of winter VCN 3 .appy -ggplant 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG -ggplant E1easoningG /iso pasteS 1oy 1auceS 1ugar E+tensilsG Frying 8an E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG =elicious .ourS secon2 wee0 of fall VCM 3 .ot /il0 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /il0 E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E1G 1ugar E1ourceG =elicious .ourS first wee0 of spring \ (his is very important when you want to ma0e your :a:y happy> VC; 3 ?ce &ream 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /il0S -gg E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG 8otS 4his0 E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS 8ineappleS 1traw:erryS 4il2 Grapes E+G 'nife E1ourceG %arley of Do2el ,anch VCF 3 Oam %un 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG %rea2S Apple Oam$ /Grape Oam$ /1traw:erry Oam$ E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG */A E)ptionalG E?G Apple OamS Grape Oam or 1traw:erry Oam E1ourceG +n0nown VCP 3 'etchup 3 @

E?ngre2ientsG (omatoS )nion E1easoningG 1altS 1ugar 5inegar E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG +n0nown VCL 3 /ayonnaise 1 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG -gg Jnormal qualityKS )il E1easoningG 5inegar E+tensilsG 4his0 E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG +n0nown VCB 3 /ayonnaise / 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG -gg Jgoo2 qualityKS )il E1easoningG 5inegar E+tensilsG 4his0 E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG +n0nown VN7 3 /ayonnaise < 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG -gg Jexcellent qualityKA )il E1easoningG 5inegar E+tensilsG 4his0 E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG +n0nown VN6 3 /ayonnaise G 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG Gol2en -ggS )il E1easoningG 5inegar E+tensilsG 4his0 E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG +n0nown VNC 3 /ixe2 Ouice 3 @ ,ecipe V6 E?ngre2ientsG 1traw:erryS 8ineappleS 4il2 GrapesS &arrotS &ucum:erS &a::ageS Apple E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS (ruffleS &ornS 1+G=4 AppleS %am:oo 1hootS -ggplantS Grape OuiceS /ushroomS (urnipS )nionS Green 8epperS (omatoS 1pinachS &ucum:er E+G 'nife E1G 1ugarS 1alt E1ourceG =octor of /ineral &linic ,ecipe VC E?ngre2ientsG AppleS &arrotS 8ineappleS 1traw:erryA 4il2 Grapes E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS (ruffleS &ornS 1+G=4 AppleS %am:oo 1hootS -ggplantS Grape OuiceS /ushroomS (urnipS )nionS Green 8epperS (omatoS 1pinachS &ucum:er E+G 'nife

E1G 1ugarS 1alt E1ourceG +n0nown ,ecipe VN E?ngre2ientsG Fruit Ouice$S 5egeta:le Ouice$ E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G 1ame as ,ecipe V6 an2 VC E+G 1ame as ,ecipe V6 an2 VC E1G 1ame as ,ecipe V6 an2 VC E1ourceG +n0nown

VNN 3 /ixe2 <atte 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /il0S /ixe2 Ouice$ E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG *?< E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG +n0nown VNM 3 /iso 1oup 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG *?< E1easoningG /iso E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G &a::ageS Green 8epperS 8otatoS 1pinachS 1weet 8otatoS &arrotS &ornS 8ump0inS -ggplantS %am:oo 1hootS )nionS /ushroomS 1mall FishS (urnip E1G 1altS 1oy 1auce E+G 'nife E1ourceG =elicious .our VN; 3 /ushroom ,ice 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /ushroomS ,ice %alls E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG */A E)ptionalG E1G 1altS 1oy 1auce E+G 'nife E1ourceG =elicious .ourS last wee0 of fall VNF 3 *oo2les 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG Flour E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG 'nifeS 8otS ,olling 8in E)ptionalG E?G &a::ageS (urnipS 1weet 8otatoS %am:oo 1hootS &arrotS -ggplantS Green 8epperS /ushroomS )nionS (ruffleS 1mall FishS /e2ium FishS <arge FishS -gg E1G 1altS 1ugarS 1oy 1auce E1ourceG =elicious .ourS secon2 wee0 of spring VNP 3 )melet 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /il0S -ggS )il E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG Frying 8an E)ptionalG E?G (ruffleS %am:oo 1hootS &a::ageS -ggplantS 8ump0inS

Green 8epperS /ayonnaiseS 1weet 8otatoS 1mall FishS /e2ium FishS <arge FishS 'etchupS 1pinachS )nionS &heeseS 8otatoS &ucum:erS &arrot E1G 1altS 1oy 1auceS 1ugar E+G 'nifeS 4his0 E1ourceG =elicious .ourS last wee0 of spring VNL 3 8ic0le2 (urnips 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG (urnips E1easoningG 5inegar E+tensilsG 'nife E)ptionalG E1G 1oy 1auceS 1altS 1ugar E1ourceG 1ai:ara the %lac0smith VNB 3 8ic0les 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG &ucum:er E1easoningG 1alt E+tensilsG *?< E)ptionalG E+G 'nife E1ourceG +n0nown VM7 3 8opcorn 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG &orn E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG Frying 8an E)ptionalG E?G %utter E1ourceG 'ai of 1easi2e <o2ge Jopens in 1ummerK VM6 3 8ump0in 8u22ing 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG 8ump0inS /il0S -gg E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG )venS 8ot E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS 4ine E1ourceG +n0nown VMC 3 8iIIa 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG &heeseS FlourS 'etchup$ E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG )venS ,olling 8in E)ptionalG E?G %am:oo 1hootS 8ump0inS 1weet 8otatoS &arrotS -ggplantS /ayonnaiseS 8ineappleS (ruffleS -ggS /ushroomS Green 8epperS )nionS &ornS 8otatoS (omato E1G 1ugarS 1alt E+G 'nife E1ourceG +n0nown VMN 3 ,aisin %rea2 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG 4il2 GrapesS %rea2 E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG *?< E)ptionalG E?G %utter$ E1G 1alt E1ourceG =elicious .our

VMM 3 ,elaxation (ea 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG ,elaxation (ea <eaves E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G .oneyS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS 8ineappleS 4il2 GrapeS /il0S 4ineS %lue .er:S Green .er:S )range &up E1G 1ugar E+G 'nife E1ourceG +n0nown VM; 3 ,ice )melet 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG ,ice %allS -ggS /il0S )il E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG Frying 8anS 4his0 E)ptionalG E1G 1altS 1ugarS 1oy 1auceS /iso 8aste E?G (ruffleS %am:oo 1hootS &a::ageS -ggplantS 8ump0inS &arrotS Green 8epperS /ayonnaiseS /ushroomS 1weet 8otatoS 1mall FishS /e2ium FishS <arge FishS 'etchupS 1pinachS &heeseS )nionS &ornS 8otato E1ourceG =elicious .ourS secon2 wee0 of summer VMF 3 ,oaste2 8otatoes 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG 1weet 8otatoS 1mall 1tone Jfrom farmK E1easoningG 1ugarS 1alt E+tensilsG )ven E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG &hef of .arvest 1prites VMP 3 1ala2 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG &a::ageS &ucum:erS &arrotS (omato E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG 'nife E)ptionalG E?G (ruffleS /ushroomS 1traw:erryS (urnipS %oile2 -ggS &heeseS Green 8epperS 8ineappleS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS /ayonnaise$S )ilS (omatoS &ornS 8otato E+G 'nife E1G 1alt E1ourceG =elicious .ourS Nr2 wee0 of summer VML 3 1an2wich 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG %rea2S &ucum:erS (omato /%oile2 -gg$ E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 'nife E)ptionalG E?G (ruffleS &a::ageS .oneyS 4ineS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS &arrotS /ushroomS )nionS 1weet 8otatoS 4il2 GrapesS &heeseS &ornS &ucum:erS /ayonnaise$S 8ineappleS 1traw:erryS %utterS (omatoS %oile2 -gg$S 8otatoS Fish E1G 1alt E1ourceG -llen Jol2 grannyK VMB 3 1ashimi 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /e2ium Fish/ <arge Fish E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 'nife E)ptionalG E?G /e2ium FishS <arge Fish

E1G 1oy 1auce E1ourceG +n0nown V;7 3 1cram:e2 -ggs 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG -ggS )il E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG Frying 8an E)ptionalG E?G %utter$S /ayonnaise$ E1G 1altS 1oy 1auceS 1ugar E+G 4his0 E1ourceG <illia of &hic0en <il@s V;6 3 1tew 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG FlourS /il0 E1easoningG 1alt E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G )ilS ]&hocolate^S Grape OuiceS 8ineappleS 1pinachS 5egeta:le Ouice$S 4ineS Green 8epperS .oneyS 4il2 GrapesS 1pa3%oile2 -ggS AppleS 1+G=4 AppleS %am:oo 1hootS FishS 1weet 8otatoS (omatoS (urnip E1ourceG =elicious .our V;C 3 1tir Fry 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG )ilS &a::age E1easoningG 1oy sauce E+tensilsG Frying 8anS 'nife E)ptionalG E?G 8otatoS (omatoS &ucum:erS 1weet 8otatoS 1pinachS (urnipS %am:oo 1hootS &ornS /ushroomS -ggplantS &arrotS Green 8epperS )nionS (ruffle E1ourceG =elicious .ourS Mth wee0 of summer V;N 3 1traw:erry Oam 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG 1traw:erry E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG =elicious .our V;M 3 1traw:erry /il0 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG /il0S 1traw:erry E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G .oney E1G 1altS 1ugar E1ourceG 8astor &arter of the /ineral &hurch V;F 3 1ushi 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG ,ice %allS 1ashimi E1easoningG 5inegar E+tensilsG *?< E)ptionalG E1G 1oy 1auce E1ourceG +n0nown V;P 3 1weet 8otato 3

E?ngre2ientsG 1weet 8otatoS -ggS %utter E1easoningG 1ugar E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG */A E1ourceG +n0nown V;L 3 (empura 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG FlourS -ggS )il E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG Frying 8an E)ptionalG E?G 8oisonous /ushroomS ]&hocolate^S (ruffleS (urnipS &ucum:erS &a::ageS -ggS &arrotS %oile2 -gg$S 8ineappleS FishS 8ump0inS Green 8epperS /ushroomS 8otatoS -ggplantS 1weet 8otato E+G 4his0 E1ourceG =elicious .our V;B 3 (empura *oo2les 3 @ ,ecipe V6 E?ngre2ientsG (empura$S *oo2les$ E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 8ot E)ptionalG E?G &a::ageS (urnipS 1weet 8otatoS FishS /ushroomS (ruffleS -ggS &arrot E1G 1altS 1ugarS /isoS 1oy 1auce E1ourceG +n0nown ,ecipe VC E?ngre2ientsG (empura$S Flour E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG 8otS ,olling 8inS 'nife E)ptionalG 1ame as ,ecipe V6 E1ourceG +n0nown VF7 3 (omato Ouice 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG (omato E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E1G 1alt E1ourceG ,ecipe foun2 in winter mine VF6 3 (ruffle ,ice 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG (ruffleS ,ice %all E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG */A E)ptionalG 1oy 1auceS 1alt E1ourceG =elicious .ourS 6st wee0 of winter VFC 3 5egeta:le Ouice 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG &a::ageS &ucum:erS &arrot E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G (ruffleS &ornS %am:oo 1hootS )nionS Green 8epperS 1pinach E1G 1altS 1oy 1auceS 5inegar



VFN 3 5eggie <atte 3 @ ,ecipe V6 E?ngre2ientsG /il0S &a::ageS &arrot /&ucum:er E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G (ruffleS &ornS %am:oo 1hootS -ggplantS /ushroomS (urnipS &arrotS 1pinachS Green 8epperS &heeseS -gg E1ourceG +n0nown ,ecipe VC E?ngre2ientsG 5egeta:le Ouice$S /il0 E1easoningG *?< E+tensilsG /ixer E)ptionalG E?G 1ame as recipe V6 E1ourceG +n0nown VFM 3 5eggie 8anca0e 3 @ E?ngre2ientsG FlourS -ggS &a::ageS )il E1easoningG */A E+tensilsG Frying 8anS 'nife E)ptionalG E?G /il0S 8otatoS &ucum:erS 8ump0inS &heeseS -ggplantS 1pinachS &arrotS %am:oo 1hootS /ushroomS /ayonnaiseS (ruffleS 1mall FishS /e2ium FishS <arge Fish E1G 1altS 1oy 1auce E1ourceG GotI (he 4oo2cutter T 1cott@s =e:ate: L7 recipesU *ot possi:le... T 8ersonallyA ? thin0 that the list here is the complete list of recipes with proof :ac0up from Gameshar0. Although in the gameA there are sufficient slots for at least L7 recipesA :ut through gameshar0 ? have only foun2 FM recipes Jin2irectlyK. For certain recipes such as /ixe2 OuiceA there are many 2ifferent recipes to get it :ut they will only :e accounte2 as one. 1ome of foo2 recipes such as 8astaA ,oaste2 &orn an2 1et /eal can only :e :ought from the ?nn J=oug@s 8laceK or 1easi2e <o2ge. Dou can@t really coo0 them. (here is a recipe that you can get :ut not consi2ere2 as a recipe 3 spa3:oile2 egg from Ann when you 2eliver N eggs for a wee0. AnywayA if you got any recipe or optional ingre2ientsA you can e3mail me an2 cre2its will :e given to you. !!!! / ?Q #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game 1har0 &o2es 8ersonallyA ? 2on@t really li0e the i2ea of listing these co2es un2er this FAQ as using G1 co2es are as goo2 as cheating. +se them unless you are 2esperate in nee2 for help> -rr... J? suppose2 that ? am also one of those who are in 2esperate for help>K

1ome wor2s of honesty... ? myself 2i2 actually use these co2es to test out the recipes an2 get the power :erry for 6776 me2als at the .orse ,ace Festival. For your informationA in or2er to enter these G1 co2esA you nee2 to get a Gameshar0 &heat =eviceA which ? presume that you can :ought one from the shop where you :uy your games. (o enter the co2esA ? suppose2 that you nee2 to follow the manual or instruction :oo0let that comes with the cartiage. (he following co2es are not create2 :y me. ? have foun2 these co2es at Gameshar0 &o2e &reators &lu: an2 the +,< of their we:site is: <> BBB <um:er BBB Fo22er BBB Fish Foo2 BBB &hic0en Fee2 67 8ower %erries L77P7=NL 7N-P L77P7=NA 7N-P L77P7=N- 7N-P L77P7=M7 7N-P L77P6C%& 777A

/AQ level for every (ool: *otes: (he tool 2oes not :ecomes from the 2efault tool to a /ystrile (ool. ?t is the same as 2efault as that the tool has gaine2 M77X level experience un2er the <evel screen. M77X <evel 1ic0le L77P6AM7 FFFF M77X <evel .oe L77P6AMC FFFF M77X <evel Ax L77P6AMM FFFF M77X <evel .ammer L77P6AMF FFFF M77X <evel 4atering &an L77P6AML FFFF ?nfinite /oney /ax /oney L77P6A;& FFFF L77P6A;& BFPF L77P6A;- 77BL L77P6AF7 FFFF L77P6AF7 BFPF L77P6AFC 77BL L77P66F& BFPF L77P66F- 77BL L77P6C77 7777

?nfinite /e2als BBBBB /e2als

/ax -arnings

[ero ,e2uction -xpenses

/ax Amount 1hippe2 ;7776;7C 7777 JG1 C.C or .igher *ee2e2>K L77P66&M 7N-P /ax Amount 1hippe2 All L77P66&M 7N-P J&aetla )nlyK %76;777C 77777777 /ax 1tamina L77P6A6C 77N&

R.eart ?n2icator /o2ifier &o2esR ,e2 .eart 8opuri L77PLF%M FFFF ,e2 .eart -lli L77PPCBL FFFF ,e2 .eart 'aren L77PFPA7 FFFF ,e2 .eart Ann L77PF-F7 FFFF ,e2 .eart /ary L77PP%%& FFFF [ero =ea2 Animals 67 .earts for =og 67 .earts for .orse L76CPCNC 7777 L76CPCM& 777A L76CPC;L 777A

3T -quippe2 ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 (he fun thing a:out using G1 co2es is that you can mo2ify the comman2s that is unli0ely to happen in the game. %ut sometimes it may cause the game to hang J2uhK. .ence use them at your own ris0> (hese co2es applies to the equip screen un2er the equip portion. Dou will fin2 see2sA ; main tools an2 other equipment there. ? woul2 not a2vise you ma0e use of the /ax item co2es unless it is for see2s otherwise the game might hang. J? haven@t try to use the two a:ove co2esA this is Hust my assumption.K 3T -quippe2 ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 +sa:le ?tem 1lot L77P6ALM 77UU 1lot 6 L77P6AB7 77UU 1lot C L77P6ABF 77UU 1lot N L77P6AB& 77UU 1lot M L77P6AAC 77UU 1lot ; L77P6AAL 77UU 1lot F L77P6AA- 77UU 1lot P L77P6A%M 77UU 1lot L L77P6A%A 77UU 3T /ax -quippe2 ?tem &o2es T3 +sa:le ?tem 1lot L77P6ALL 77FN 1lot 6 L77P6ABM 77FN 1lot C L77P6ABA 77FN 1lot N L77P6AA7 77FN 1lot M L77P6AAF 77FN 1lot ; L77P6AA& 77FN 1lot F L77P6A%C 77FN 1lot P L77P6A%L 77FN 1lot L L77P6A%- 77FN

3T Gameshar0 &o2es for (ool:ox T3 Dou ma0e use of these co2es for the tool:ox. ?t will :e pretty ri2iculous to ma0e use of maximum co2es unless for see2s. (he game might hang if you use a non3equip item such as HewelryA cropsA etc. .ence enter at your own ris0> (he list of mo2ifier 2igits is foun2 :elow the list. 3T (ool:ox 6 ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7-&C 77UU 1lot C L77P7-&L 77UU 1lot N L77P7-&- 77UU 1lot M L77P7-=M 77UU 1lot ; L77P7-=A 77UU 1lot F L77P7--7 77UU 1lot P L77P7--F 77UU 1lot L L77P7--& 77UU 3T (ool:ox C ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7-FC 77UU 1lot C L77P7-FL 77UU 1lot N L77P7-F- 77UU 1lot M L77P7F7M 77UU 1lot ; L77P7F7A 77UU 1lot F L77P7F67 77UU 1lot P L77P7F6F 77UU 1lot L L77P7F6& 77UU 3T (ool:ox N ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7FCC 77UU 1lot C L77P7FCL 77UU 1lot N L77P7FC- 77UU 1lot M L77P7FNM 77UU 1lot ; L77P7FNA 77UU 1lot F L77P7FM7 77UU 1lot P L77P7FMF 77UU 1lot L L77P7FM& 77UU 3T (ool:ox M ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7F;C 77UU 1lot C L77P7F;L 77UU 1lot N L77P7F;- 77UU 1lot M L77P7FFM 77UU 1lot ; L77P7FFA 77UU 1lot F L77P7FP7 77UU 1lot P L77P7FPF 77UU 1lot L L77P7FP& 77UU 3T (ool:ox ; ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7FLC 77UU 1lot C L77P7FLL 77UU 1lot N L77P7FL- 77UU 1lot M L77P7FBM 77UU 1lot ; L77P7FBA 77UU 1lot F L77P7FA7 77UU 1lot P L77P7FAF 77UU 1lot L L77P7FA& 77UU 3T (ool:ox F ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7F%C 77UU

1lot C L77P7F%L 77UU 1lot N L77P7F%- 77UU 1lot M L77P7F&M 77UU 1lot ; L77P7F&A 77UU 1lot F L77P7F=7 77UU 1lot P L77P7F=F 77UU 1lot L L77P7F=& 77UU 3T (ool:ox P ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7F-C 77UU 1lot C L77P7F-L 77UU 1lot N L77P7F-- 77UU 1lot M L77P7FFM 77UU 1lot ; L77P7FFA 77UU 1lot F L77P6777 77UU 1lot P L77P677F 77UU 1lot L L77P677& 77UU 3T (ool:ox L ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P676C 77UU 1lot C L77P676L 77UU 1lot N L77P676- 77UU 1lot M L77P67CM 77UU 1lot ; L77P67CA 77UU 1lot F L77P67N7 77UU 1lot P L77P67NF 77UU 1lot L L77P67N& 77UU 3T (ool:ox 6 /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7-&F 77FN 1lot C L77P7-&& 77FN 1lot N L77P7-=C 77FN 1lot M L77P7-=L 77FN 1lot ; L77P7-=- 77FN 1lot F L77P7--M 77FN 1lot P L77P7--A 77FN 1lot L L77P7-F7 77FN 3T (ool:ox C /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7-FF 77FN 1lot C L77P7-F& 77FN 1lot N L77P7F7C 77FN 1lot M L77P7F7L 77FN 1lot ; L77P7F7- 77FN 1lot F L77P7F6M 77FN 1lot P L77P7F6A 77FN 1lot L L77P7FC7 77FN 3T (ool:ox N /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7FCF 77FN 1lot C L77P7FC& 77FN 1lot N L77P7FNC 77FN 1lot M L77P7FNL 77FN 1lot ; L77P7FN- 77FN 1lot F L77P7FMM 77FN 1lot P L77P7FMA 77FN 1lot L L77P7F;7 77FN 3T (ool:ox M /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7F;F 77FN 1lot C L77P7F;& 77FN

1lot N L77P7FFC 77FN 1lot M L77P7FFL 77FN 1lot ; L77P7FF- 77FN 1lot F L77P7FPM 77FN 1lot P L77P7FPA 77FN 1lot L L77P7FL7 77FN 3T (ool:ox ; /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7FLF 77FN 1lot C L77P7FL& 77FN 1lot N L77P7FBC 77FN 1lot M L77P7FBL 77FN 1lot ; L77P7FB- 77FN 1lot F L77P7FAM 77FN 1lot P L77P7FAA 77FN 1lot L L77P7F%7 77FN 3T (ool:ox F /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7F%F 77FN 1lot C L77P7F%& 77FN 1lot N L77P7F&C 77FN 1lot M L77P7F&L 77FN 1lot ; L77P7F&- 77FN 1lot F L77P7F=M 77FN 1lot P L77P7F=A 77FN 1lot L L77P7F-7 77FN 3T (ool:ox P /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P7F-F 77FN 1lot C L77P7F-& 77FN 1lot N L77P7FFC 77FN 1lot M L77P7FFL 77FN 1lot ; L77P7FF- 77FN 1lot F L77P677M 77FN 1lot P L77P677A 77FN 1lot L L77P6767 77FN 3T (ool:ox L /ax ?tem &o2es T3 1lot 6 L77P676F 77FN 1lot C L77P676& 77FN 1lot N L77P67CC 77FN 1lot M L77P67CL 77FN 1lot ; L77P67C- 77FN 1lot F L77P67NM 77FN 1lot P L77P67NA 77FN 1lot L L77P67M7 77FN 3T Quantity =ights for @-quip@ T3 ?n or2er for these to wor0A you nee2 to replace the @UU@ of the a:ove co2es with any one of quantity 2igits :elow: 77 3 *othing 6A 3 /il0er 76 3 1ic0le 6% 3 &lippers 7C 3 &opper 1ic0le 6& 3 %rush 7N 3 1ilver 1ic0le 6= 3 %ell 7M 3 Gol2 1ic0le 6- 3 Animal /e2icine 7; 3 /ystrile 1ic0le 6F 3 &./ 8otion 7F 3 .oe C7 3 1./ 8otion 7P 3 &opper .oe C6 3 %lue Feather

7L 3 1ilver .oe CC 3 (urnip 1ee2s 7B 3 Gol2 .oe CN 3 8otato 1ee2s 7A 3 /ystrile .oe CM 3 &ucum:er 1ee2s 7% 3 Ax C; 3 1traw:erry 1ee2s 7& 3 &opper Ax CF 3 &a::age 1ee2s 7= 3 1ilver Ax CP 3 (omato 1ee2s 7- 3 Gol2 Ax CL 3 &orn 1ee2s 7F 3 /ystrile Ax CB 3 )nion 1ee2s 67 3 .ammer CA 3 8ump0in 1ee2s 66 3 &opper .ammer C% 3 8ineapple 1ee2s 6C 3 1ilver .ammer C& 3 -ggplant 1ee2s 6N 3 Gol2 .ammer C= 3 &arrot 1ee2s 6M 3 /ystrile .ammer C- 3 1weet 8otato 1ee2s 6; 3 4atering &an CF 3 1pinach 1ee2s 6F 3 &opper 4atering &an N7 3 Green 8epper 1ee2s 6P 3 1ilver 4atering &an N6 3 /oon =rop Flower 1ee2s 6L 3 Gol2 4atering &an NC 3 8in0 &at Flower 1ee2s 6B 3 /ystrile 4atering &an NN 3 /agic ,e2 Flower 1ee2s NM 3 (oy Flower 1ee2s N; 3 )range &up 1ee2s NF 3 Grass 1ee2s NP 3 )carina NL 3 Fishing ,o2 NB 3 Fishing 8ole 3T Gameshar0 &o2es for the ,uc0sac0 T3 ?f you want to use co2es to ena:le infinite items such as flour or HewelleryA ? woul2 recommen2 you to place it here. 3T ,uc0sac0 ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 EGroup 6G ?tem in .an2 1lot L77P6ALA 77UU 1lot 6 L77P6A&7 77UU 1lot C L77P6A&F 77UU 1lot N L77P6A&& 77UU 1lot M L77P6A=C 77UU 1lot ; L77P6A=L 77UU 1lot F L77P6A=- 77UU 1lot P L77P6A-M 77UU 1lot L L77P6A-A 77UU EGroup CG ?tem in .an2 1lot 1lot 6 1lot C 1lot N 1lot M 1lot ; 1lot F 1lot P 1lot L

L77P6ALA 7UUU L77P6A&7 7UUU L77P6A&F 7UUU L77P6A&& 7UUU L77P6A=C 7UUU L77P6A=L 7UUU L77P6A=- 7UUU L77P6A-M 7UUU L77P6A-A 7UUU

3T /ax ,uc0sac0 ?tem &o2es T3 ?tem in .an2 1lot L77P6AL- 77FN

1lot 6 1lot C 1lot N 1lot M 1lot ; 1lot F 1lot P 1lot L

L77P6A&M 77FN L77P6A&A 77FN L77P6A=7 77FN L77P6A=F 77FN L77P6A=& 77FN L77P6A-C 77FN L77P6A-L 77FN L77P6A-- 77FN

3T Quantity =igits to Accompany ?tem /o2ifier &o2es T3 (he quantity 2igits liste2 here are applica:le to the ruc0sac0 portion of the equip screen. Oust simply replace the @UU@ in the a:ove co2es with the quantity 2igits to ena:le the co2e. %(4A there are some a::reviations use2 un2er this section: E&G 3 &an :e o:taine2 via coo0ing EAHaG 3 :ought from AHa E?nnG 3 :ought from ?nn E1<G 3 :ought from 1easi2e <o2ge EGG 3 Glitch Jcan@t :e use2>K EGroup 6G NA 3 1tone N% 3 %ig 1tone N& 3 ,oc0 N= 3 1tump N- 3 %ranch NF 3 <um:er M7 3 4ee2s M6 3 (urnip MC 3 8otato MN 3 &ucum:er MM 3 1traw:erry M; 3 &a::age MF 3 (omato MP 3 &orn ML 3 )nion MB 3 8ump0in MA 3 8ineapple M% 3 -ggplant M& 3 &arrot M= 3 1weet 8otato M- 3 1pinach MF 3 Green 8epper ;7 3 Grass ;6 3 /oon =rop Flower ;C 3 8in0 &at Flower ;N 3 %lue /agic ,e2 Flower ;M 3 ,e2 /agic ,e2 Flower ;; 3 (oy Flower ;F 3 )range &up Fruit ;P 3 Apple ;L 3 %am:oo 1hoot ;B 3 4il2 Grapes ;A 3 /ushroom ;% 3 8oisonous /ushroom ;& 3 (ruffle ;= 3 %lue .er: ;- 3 ,e2 .er: ;F 3 Green .er: F7 3 /ystrile )re F6 3 )richalcum )re FC 3 A2amantite )re FN 3 J(omato ,ecipeK FM 3 %as0et F; 3 =og %all FF 3 &oin J:ag of moneyK FP 3 8ower %erry FL 3 Fo22er FB 3 &hic0en Fee2 FA 3 Fo22er J:oughtK F% 3 &hic0en Fee2 J:oughtK F& 3 Fish Foo2 J:oughtK F= 3 ,uc0sac0 <evel C Jme2iumK F- 3 ,uc0sac0 <evel N JlargeK FF 3 8oc0estation P7 3 4rapper P6 3 5ase PC 3 'nife PN 3 Frying 8an PM 3 8ot P; 3 /ixer PF 3 4his0 PP 3 ,olling 8in PL 3 )ven PB 3 1easoning 1et PA 3 UUUU P% 3 UUUU

P& 3 UUUU P= 3 UUUU P- 3 UUUU L7 3 1qui2 print L6 3 Angler print LC 3 1ea :ream print LN 3 %eehive LM 3 Fish foo2 L; 3 )range cut fruit LF 3 -gg LP 3 1pa3:oile2 -gg LL 3 /ayonnaise 1 LB 3 /ayonnaise / LA 3 /ayonnaise < L% 3 /il0 1 L& 3 /il0 / L= 3 /il0 < L- 3 &heese 1 LF 3 &heese / B7 3 &heese < B6 3 4ool 1 BC 3 4ool / BN 3 4ool < BM 3 Dar2 %all 1 B; 3 Dar2 %all / BF 3 Dar2 %all < BP 3 .oney BL 3 1+G=4 Apple BB 3 ,ice %all BA 3 %rea2 B% 3 %o2igiIer J&linicK B& 3 %o2giIer Q< J&linicK B= 3 (ur:oHolt J&linicK B- 3 (ur:oHolt Q< J&linicK BF 3 4ine JAHaK A7 3 Grape Ouice JAHaK A6 3 <arge Fish AC 3 /e2ium Fish AN 3 1mall Fish AM 3 Gift JemptyK A; 3 )il AF 3 Flour AP 3 &urry AL 3 1et /eal J?nnK AB 3 4il2 Grape Ouice J?nnK AA 3 /il0 J?nnK A% 3 4ater J<o2geS ?nnK A& 3 1nowcone J<o2geK A= 3 5eggie 8anca0e E&G A- 3 Frie2 ,ice E&G AF 3 1tir Fry E&G %7 3 /iso 1oup E&G %6 3 1tew E&G %C 3 &urry E&G %N 3 1ala2 E&G %M 3 Fruit Ouice E&G %; 3 5egeta:le Ouice E&G %F 3 /ixe2 Ouice E&G %P 3 1an2wich E&G %L 3 8ic0le2 (urnips E&G %B 3 Fries E&G %A 3 8ic0les E&G %% 3 1traw:erry Oam E&G %& 3 1traw:erry /il0 E&G %= 3 (omato Ouice E&G %- 3 8opcorn E&G %F 3 8ump0in 8u22ing E&G &7 3 .appy -ggplant E&G &6 3 1weet 8otato E&G &C 3 ,oaste2 8otatoes E&G &N 3 Greens E&G &M 3 1cram:le2 -ggs E&G &; 3 )melet E&G &F 3 %oile2 -gg E&G &P 3 .ot /il0 E&G &L 3 %utter E&G &B 3 &heeseca0e E&G &A 3 &heese Fon2ue E&G &% 3 Apple Oam E&G && 3 Apple 8ie E&G &= 3 %am:oo ,ice E&G &- 3 /ushroom ,ice E&G &F 3 (ruffle ,ice E&G =7 3 Grape Oam E&G =6 3 1ushi E&G =C 3 &hirashi 1ushi E&G =N 3 Oam %un E&G =M 3 ,aisin %rea2 E&G =; 3 =inner ,oll E&G =F 3 1ashimi E&G =P 3 Grille2 Fish E&G =L 3 8iIIa E&G =B 3 8asta E<o2geG =A 3 *oo2les E&G =% 3 &urry *oo2les E&G =& 3 (empura *oo2les E&G == 3 Frie2 *oo2les E&G =- 3 (empura E&G =F 3 &oo0ie E&G -7 3 ?ce &ream E&G -6 3 &a0e E&G -C 3 Foo2 Fiasco E@charcoal@G -N 3 /il0 G -M 3 &heese G -; 3 /ayonnaise G -F 3 Dar2 %all G -P 3 4ool G -L 3 Gol2en -gg -B 3 -mpty &an -A 3 %ottle Jfries recipeK -% 3 %oots -& 3 Fish %one

-= 3 &arp -- 3 &har -F 3 &atfish F7 3 1qui2 F6 3 Angler FC 3 1ea %ream FN 3 &hocolate FM 3 &hocolate &oo0ies F; 3 &hocolate &a0e FF 3 /oon3view =umplings FP 3 %racelet FL 3 *ec0lace FB 3 -arrings FA 3 %an2age F% 3 ,elaxation (ea <eaves F& 3 ,elaxation (ea E&G F= 3 Fruit <atte E&G F- 3 5egeta:le <atte E&G FF 3 /ixe2 <atte E&G EGroup CG ,eplace UUU with the following quantity 2igits. 677 3 8erfume 676 3 J&liff@s 8hotographK 67C 3 JA letterK 67N 3 ?nvitation 67M 3 (he 4oo2cutter an2 (he 'ing 67; 3 8icture %oo0 of 8eople 5ol 6 67F 3 J2ogK 67P 3 JpuppyK 67L 3 &at 67B 3 &hic0en 67A 3 &hic0 67% 3 ,a::it JwhiteK 67& 3 ,a::it J:rownK 67= 3 1quirrel 67- 3 Fox 67F 3 /on0ey 667 3 1na0e 666 3 &ra: 66C 3 %utterfly JwhiteK 66N 3 %utterfly J:lueK 66M 3 %eetle 66; 3 1tag %eetle 66F 3 &ina2a 66P 3 =ragonfly 66L 3 &ric0et 66B 3 <a2y:ug 66A 3 Grasshopper 66% 3 (riangle 1an2wich EV6G 66& 3 =eluxe 1an2wich EVCG 66= 3 ,ice %all EVNG 66- 3 ,e2 %ean %un EVMG 66F 3 8iIIa EV;G 6C7 3 /eat EVFG 6C6 3 (oast EVPG 6CC 3 -gg JnormalK 6CN 3 -gg Jgoo2K 6CM 3 -gg JexcellentK 6C; 3 8opuri@s -gg 6CF 3 /ystic %erry 6CP 3 J-mpty :ottleK 6CL 3 Group see2s 3 1pring EGG 6CB 3 Group see2s 3 1ummer EGG 6CA 3 Group see2s 3 Fall EGG$ 6C% 3 toy chic0 EGG 6C& 3 &ow reins EGG 6C= 3 (he go2s in heaven EGG 6C- 3 'etchup E&G 6CF 3 ,ice )melet E&G 6N7 3 1ala2 E?nnG 6N6 3 Apple 8ie E?nnG 6NC 3 &heeseca0e E?nnG 6NN 3 &oo0ie E?nnG 6NM 3 4ater EGG 6N; 3 ,oaste2 &orn E1<G 6NF 3 8asta E1<G 6NP 3 8iIIa E1<G 6NL 3 Oun0 )re 6NB 3 Grapes EAHaG 6NA 3 =ea2 4ee2s 6N% 3 4inter 1tone 6N& 3 4inter %ranch 6N= 3 4inter <um:er 6N- 3 4ater EGG 6NF 3 /ayonnaise /a0er EGG $ ?t seems a :it funny when the name of the item is calle2 @Group see2s 3 1pring@A yet it gives you the requirement of getting 1pinach see2s for Fall. ?n other wor2sA when you use this co2eA it will appear as @Group see2s 3 1pring@. %ut after allA it is still a glitch. A22itional notes: 3 =igits FN onwar2s are 2iscovere2 :y myself W!WSK 4or2s that are in :rac0et are names that ? give to the item Ethe actual name is very

long...G 3 1ome of items will cause the game to hang li0e the 8oc0etstation mo2ifier 2igit. .ence enter at your own ris0. 3 ?f you enter the co2es with mo2ifier 2igits from 6M7 onwar2sA the game will hang J2uhK. %(4A 2on@t request me for any more gameshar0 co2esA as all the 0nown co2es that ? 0nown are :eing liste2 in this FAQ alrea2y. ?f you want to fin2 more on how to use these co2esA go an2 visit: Gameshar0 &o2e &reators &lu: !!! / Q #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &heats an2 1ecrets (his section contains information regar2ing the secrets an2 cheats for the game. AnywayA :elow is a short list of cheats: $=uplication (ric0$ ? woul2 li0e to stress that this is *)( a G1 cheat. (his cheat will )*<D wor0 if you have two separate memory car2s. Dou nee2 to have two memory car2s. J6K Dou must have save2 your game in first memory car2. /a0e sure that you have some animals in that save file. JCK +se the memory manager to copy your save2 file from memory car2 6 to memory car2 C. JNK <oa2 the game as usual. &hoose @&ontinue@ an2 pic0 any save2 file that you preferre2 to have more animals. JMK )nce the game has loa2e2 the save2 fileA go to the :e2room an2 examine the 2iary. 8ic0 the fourth option i.e. @-xchange AnimalsR $$ =o not remove the memory car2s> $$ J;K Dou will :e a:le to perform a tra2e. -xchange all animals from the other save2 file to the save2 file that you are loa2ing. ?.e. if you are loa2ing from the save2 file in /emory &ar2 6A choose to transfer all animals from /emory &ar2 C to /emory &ar2 6. Dou can sell the animals Jtal0ing to %arley or <illia 2uring their wor0ing hoursK an2 earn quic0 cash> J8lease ta0e note you can have only the maximum of C7 :arn animals an2 67 chic0ensK. !!!! / Q? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &ontact (he Author 3 -3mail 8olicy All we:masters an2 rea2ers to this FAQ nee2 to rea2 this :efore you attempt to contact the author. ?f the gui2elines liste2 here are not foun2A ? will not reply your e3mails. 3T (he 8ain of :eing a FAQ 4riter T3 (he reason for these numerous grammatical errors is 2ue to 4or28a2@s wor2 wrap setting. Dou will fin2 a @5iew@ comman2 on the comman2

tool:ar of 4or2 8a2. 1elect the @)ptions@ comman2 un2er the @5iew@ menu. Dou will fin2 a win2owA which containe2 the following options: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " )ptions " (ext " ,ich (ext " 4or2 " 4rite " -m:e22e2 " *ow you nee2 to select the (ext ta: an2 you will fin2 that the option :oxes that say R4rap to win2owR an2 R4rap to rulerR are not selecte2. ?nstea2 :y 2efaultA you will fin2 R*o wrapR option is :eing selecte2. (his means that all the sentences will :e spanne2 across the entire win2ow an2 you will fin2 the :ottom scroll :ar. (his also ma0es FAQ writers cannot use the (a: 0ey. (herefore to resolve this pro:lemA we have to use the @-nter@ 0ey to ma0e the FAQ within a specific margin hence causing these numerous grammatical errors. %ut ? coul2 a2mit that my previous FAQs are pretty :a2A as ? have type2 the FAQ without using a FAQ processor if you ta0e a loo0 at my FFL FAQ/4al0throughs. .opefullyA you coul2 un2erstan2 me. %(4A please 2o not rush me to finish up the FAQ. 4eA FAQ writers are not :eing pai2 for what we are 2oing. %esi2es ? am a really :usy fellowA as ? nee2 to go for school. ? coul2 only finish up my FAQs when ? got free time :ut most of the timeA ? woul2 rather spent it on playing games. )0ayA let@s get onto the gui2elines: ? have 2eci2e2 to re3enforce my gui2elines with stricter rules: J4e:mastersK ?f you inten2 to host this FAQA ma0e sure that you 2o get the latest up2ates from GameFAQs. ? will not sen2 any up2ates to anyone :esi2es GameFAQs. ?f you want to :e notifie2 of the earliest up2ates as possi:leA you can a22 the following sentence or something similar: R8lease notify me of the latest up2atesR ? will e3mail to you when OeffA the 4e:master of GameFAQsA has uploa2e2 the FAQ for viewing. 4hen request to host this FAQA ma0e sure you inclu2e the following: 6K Dour we:site@s name CK Dour we:site@s +,< *extA you nee2 to receive my authoriIation. +pon receiving my authoriIationA ? will visit your we:site monthly to see whether you have uploa2 the latest revisions of your FAQ. ?f you manage2 to 2o this within C monthsA your site@s name will :e a22e2 to the list of we:sites. After your we:site@s name have :een a22e2A if you stoppe2 continue up2ating the FAQA ? will 2eman2 you to remove the FAQ from your site an2 a22e2 your site@s name to a :lac0liste2 list> Dou are not entitle2 to e2it the FAQ. ?f you ma0e any changesA ? will a22 your site@s name to the 8lagiarist section> J,ea2ersK

4hen sen2 me a questionA please 2o the following: 8lease use the same e3mail a22ress that you inten2 to receive the e3 mail. /a0e sure that the question you inten2 to as0 is in as much 2etails as possi:le. 8lease a22 the su:Hect with the title of the game an2 its current revision. =on@t sen2 me e3mails with .(/< format an2 attachmentsS simple text e3mail will :e fine. 8lease 2o not use &A81<)&'A as ? will 2elete it upon initial viewing of the e3mail. ?f the gui2elines are followe2A you will :e receiving your responses in three 2ays to a wee0@s time. J? am pretty :usy for your information.K ?f you have anything nee2 to complain a:out the FAQA please notify me an2 ? will ma0e the necessary changes. For those who inten2 to su:mit me information a:out this gameA please follow the gui2elines too. ?f you cannot fin2 the informationA Hust ma0e use of the 4or28a2@s search mo2e to fin2 it. !!!!! / Q?? #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &re2its 3T &re2its T3 (his is the closing statement of the FAQ... 4ithout the people liste2 hereA ? myself cannot complete the FAQ on my own. ? woul2 li0e to than0 them for the information that they have supplie2 to me. O-FF R&OAD&R 5-A1-D JcHayc9gamefaqs.comK <> ? woul2 li0e to than0 for his efforts in ma0ing GameFAQs a great site an2 than0s for ma0ing me a &ontri:utors 8age. 8lease visit his site at (han0s for teaching me how to write a goo2 FAQ. 1(-5-* 1(,A()C6CN J1tratoC6CN9aol.comK ? have ta0en some information regar2ing the growth perio2 an2 harvest perio2 of the crops. %orrowing some information from his recipes list. ? woul2 recommen2 you guys to rea2 his wal0through if you fin2 my wal0through a :it too har2 to rea2 W!WSK 8eople at /essage %oar2s AlthoughA ? myself haven@t poste2 a single message there :ut the 2e:ate there seems interesting an2 :est of all you allows you to fin2 some answers to frequently as0e2 questions. Feel free to as0 themA as ? myself is pretty :usy most of the time. 3T FAQ ,ecommen2ations T3 .A<%A,A= a.0.a (?/)(.D /A+1 Jhal:ara29fnor2.comK ? woul2 recommen2 you to ta0e a goo2 loo0 at his 2etaile2 2ating gui2e of the girlsA which inclu2es a 2etaile2 list of li0es an2 2isli0es. 3T ?2iots T3 8eople who uses the information here without my permission will have their names an2 e3mails a22e2 here. .opefullyA ? 2on@t have to... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(han0 you for rea2ing .arvest /oon: %ac0 to *ature FAQ/4al0through (his FAQ is copyright of 1cott )ng C776. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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