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The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean - Preface

The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The writer is Thoth, an tlantean !riest"#ing, who founded a colony in ancient $gypt after the sinking of the mother country. %e was the builder of the &reat !yramid of &i'a, erroneously attributed to Cheops. (n it he incorporated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted records and instruments of ancient tlantis. )or some *6,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of $gypt, from appro+imately ,-,000 B.C. to 36,000 B.C. t that time, the ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers had settled had been raised to a high degree of ci.ili'ation. Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and e.en then not through death. %is .ast wisdom made him ruler the .arious tlantean colonies, including the ones in /outh and Central merica. 0hen the time came for him to lea.e $gypt, he erected the &reat !yramid the entrance to the &reat %alls of menti, placed in it his records, and appointed guards for his secrets from among the highest of his people. (n later times, the descendants of these guards became the pyramid priests, by which Thoth was deified as the &od of 0isdom, The 1ecorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing. (n legend, the %alls of menti became the underworld, the %alls of the gods, where the soul passed after death for 2udgment. 3uring later ages, the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner described in the tablets. s such, he incarnated three times, in his last being known as %ermes, the thrice"born. (n this incarnation, he left the writings known to modern occultists as the $merald Tablets, a later and far lesser e+position of the ancient mysteries. The tablets translated in this work are ten which were left in the &reat !yramid in the custody of the pyramid priests. The ten are di.ided into thirteen parts for the sake of con.enience. *

The last two are so great and far"reaching in their import that at present it is forbidden to release them to the world at large., in those contained herein are secrets which will pro.e of inestimable .alue to the serious student. They should be read, not once, but a hundred times for only thus can the true meaning be re.ealed. casual reading will gi.e glimpses of beauty, but more intensi.e study will open a.enues of wisdom to the seeker. But now a word as to how these mighty secrets came to be re.ealed to modern man after being hidden so long. /ome thirteen hundred years B.C., $gypt, the ancient #hem, was in turmoil and many delegations of priests were sent to other parts of the world. mong these were some of the pyramid priests who carried with them the $merald Tablets as a talisman by which they could e+ercise authority the less ad.anced priest"craft of races descended from other tlantean colonies. The tablets were understood from legend to gi.e the bearer authority from Thoth. The particular group of priests bearing the tablets emigrated to /outh merica where they found a flourishing race, the 4ayas who remembered much of the ancient wisdom. mong these, the priests settled and remained. (n the tenth century, the 4ayas had thoroughly settled the 5ucatan, and the tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of the great temples of the /un &od. fter the conquest of the 4ayas by the /paniards, the cities were abandoned and the treasures of the temples forgotten. (t should be understood that the &reat !yramid of $gypt has been and still is a temple of initiation into the mysteries. 6esus, /olomon, pollonius and others were initiated there. The writer 7who has a connection with the &reat 0hite 8odge which also works through the pyramid priesthood9 was instructed to and return to the &reat !yramid the ancient tablets. This, after ad.entures which need not be detailed here, was accomplished. Before returning them, he was gi.en permission to translate and retain a copy of the wisdom engra.ed on the tablets. This was done in *:-, and only now has permission been gi.en for part to be published. (t is e+pected that many will scoff. 5et the true student will read between the lines and gain wisdom. (f the light is in you, the light which is engra.ed in these tablets will respond. ;ow, a word as to the material aspect of the tablets. They consist of twel.e tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation. They are imperishable, resistant to all elements and substances. (n effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fi+ed, no change taking place. (n this respect, they .iolate the material law of ioni'ation. <pon them are engra.ed characters in the ancient tlantean language= characters which respond to attuned thought, releasing the associated mental .ibration in the mind of the reader. -

The tablets are fastened together with hoops of golden"colored alloy suspended from a rod of the same material. /o much for the material appearance. The wisdom contained therein is the foundation of the ancient mysteries. nd for the one who reads with open eyes and mind, his wisdom shall be increased a hundred"fold. 1ead. Belie.e or not, but read. nd the .ibration found therein will awaken a response in your soul. (n the following pages, ( will re.eal some of the mysteries which as yet ha.e only been touched upon lightly either by myself or other teachers or students of truth. 4an>s search for understanding of the laws which regulate his life has been unending, yet always 2ust beyond the .eil which shields the higher planes from material man>s .ision the truth has e+isted, ready to be assimilated by those who enlarge their .ision by turning inward, not outward, in their search. (n the silence of material senses lies the key to the un.eiling of wisdom. %e who talks does not know? he who knows does not talk. The highest knowledge is unutterable, for it e+ists as an entity in lanes which transcend all material words or symbols. ll symbols are but keys to doors leading to truths, and many times the door is not opened because the key seems so great that the things which are beyond it are not .isible. (f we can understand that all keys, all material symbols are manifestations, are but e+tensions of a great law and truth, we will begin to de.elop the .ision which will enable us to penetrate beyond the .eil. ll things in all uni.erses mo.e according to law, and the law which regulates the mo.ement of the planets is no more immutable than the law which regulates the material e+pressions of man. @ne of the greatest of all Cosmic 8aws is that which is responsible for the formation of man as a material being. The great aim of the mystery schools of all ages has been to re.eal the workings of the 8aw which connect man the material and man the spiritual. The connecting link between the material man and the spiritual man is the intellectual man, for the mind partakes of both the material and immaterial qualities. The aspirant for higher knowledge must de.elop the intellectual side of his nature and so strengthen his will that is able to concentrate all powers of his being on and in the plane he desires. The great search for light, life and lo.e only begins on the material plane. Carried to its ultimate, its final goal is complete oneness with the uni.ersal consciousness. The foundation in the material is the first step? then comes the higher goal of spiritual attainment. (n the following pages, ( will gi.e an interpretation of the $merald Tablets and their secret, hidden and esoteric meanings. Concealed in the words of Thoth are many meanings that do not appear on the surface. 8ight of knowledge brought to bear upon the Tablets will open many new fields for thought.

A1ead and be wiseA but only if the light of your own consciousness awakens the deep"seated understanding which is an inherent quality of the soul.

(storia tablitelor tradusa in urmatoarele pagini pare ciudata si trece dincolo de credintele oamenilor de stiinta moderni. Bechimea lor este incredibila 736 000 ani i.%.9. Cel care a scris"o este T%@T%, un preot"rege atlant care a fondat o colonie in $giptul antic dupa scufundarea tarii"mama, tlantida. $l este cel care a construit 4area !iramida din &i'a, in mod eronat atribuita lui #eops. (n aceasta el a incorporat cunostintele intelepciunii antice si tot acolo a pus la pastrare in siguranta inscrisuri si instrumente din .echea tlantida. Breme de aproape *6 000 de ani el a condus stra.echea rasa a $giptului, intre ,- 000 i.%. pana in 36 000 i.%. 8a acea .reme, stra.echea rasa barbara din care faceau parte el si adeptii lui, se ridicase la un inalt grad de ci.ili'atie. Thoth era nemuritor deoarece in.insese moartea, trecand in celelalte planuri de e+istenta la dorinta, prin demateriali'are. (ntelepciunea lui imensa l"a facut conducator peste diferite colonii atlante, inclusi. peste cele din merica de /ud si Centrala. Cand a sosit timpul sa paraseasca $giptul, a ridicat 4area !iramida deasupra 4arii /ali din menti. colo a depo'itat documentele si a desemnat pe cei mai de incredere oameni ai sai sa le pa'easca. 4ai tar'iu, descendentii acelor pa'nici au de.enit preotii !iramidei, cei care l"au 'eificat pe Toth declarandu"l Ceul (ntelepciunii. Conform legendei, /ala din menti a de.enit Alumea de dincoloA, sala 'eilor, pe unde trecea sufletul pentru 2udecata de dupa moarte. (n ultimele secole, spiritul lui Thoth a trecut in corpurile oamenilor in maniera descrisa de tablite. Ca atare el s"a incarnat de trei ori, ultima oara fiind cunoscut ca %$14$/ " de trei ori nascutul. (n timpul acestei incarnari a lasat documentele cunoscute de catre ocultistii moderni sub numele de ATablitele de /maraldA, o pre'entare mai tar'ie si cu mult mai saraca a enigmelor lumii antice. Tablitele traduse in aceasta lucrare sunt 'ece la numar si au fost lasate in 4area !iramida in gri2a preotilor. Cele 'ece tablite sunt impartite in *3 parti, de dragul con.entiei. <ltimele doua sunt atat de importante, incat este inter'isa pre'entarea

lor publicului larg in pre'ent. Totusi continutul celorlalte de'.aluie secrete care se .or do.edi de o inestimabila .aloare pentru cei care le .or cerceta cu serio'itate. $le ar trebui citite nu o data ci de o suta de ori pentru ca doar asa ar putea fi de'.aluit ade.aratul inteles. @ citire superficiala ar oferi cate.a sclipiri de frumusete dar un studiu atent .a deschide caile intelepciunii celui ce cauta. (n continuare cate.a cu.inte despre modul in care aceste secrete au fost de'.aluite omului modern, dupa ce au stat indelung timp ascunse. Cu apro+imati. * 300 de ani i.%. $giptul, .echiul #%$4, era in mare fierbere iar multe delegatii de preoti au fost trimise in diferite parti ale lumii. !rintre acestea s"au numarat si preotii !iramidei care au purtat cu ei tablitele de smarald ca pe un talisman. Cu a2utorul tablitelor ei puteau e+ercita o anumita autoritate asupra preotilor din celelalte colonii atlante. 8egenda spune ca aceste tablite imputerniceau pe purtator cu autoritatea lui Thoth. &rupul de preoti care detineau tablitele au emigrat in merica de /ud. ici i"au gasit pe 4ayasi, un popor infloritor, care isi aminteau mult din intelepciunea stra.eche. !reotii s"au statornicit in acele locuri. (n secolul E mayasii coloni'asera peninsula 5ucatan iar tablitele au fost ase'ate sub altarul unuia din templele inchinate 'eului /oare. 3upa cucerirea mayasilor de catre spanioli, orasele au fost abandonate iar comorile au ramas ascunse si uitate in temple. Trebuie sa se inteleaga ca 4area !iramida a fost si este inca un Templu de initiere. (sus, /olomon, polonius si multi altii s"au numarat printre cei initiati aici. /criitorul 7care este in continua legatura cu 4area Camera lba din !iramida9 a primit instructiuni sa recupere'e si sa aduca inapoi in 4area !iramida tablitele stra.echi. cest lucru s"a reali'at. (nainte de a le inapoia i s"a acordat permisiunea sa le traduca si sa pastre'e o copie a intelepciunii inscrisa pe tablite. $.enimentul a fost posibil in *:-, si abia acum s"a acordat permisiunea de a fi publicate. $ posibil ca unii sa 'ambeasca ironic. Totusi cercetatorul atent .a citi printre randuri si .a descoperi intelepciunea ascunsa in ele. 3aca 8umina se afla in interiorul tau, informatia cuprinsa in tablite .a

gasi in tine un ecou. (n continuare este descrisa infatisarea tablitelor= /unt *- tablite din smarald .erde, facute dintr"o substanta transmutata alchimic. /unt foarte re'istente la orice element si substanta. 4ai e+act structura atomica si celulara fiind fi+a ea nu permite nici o schimbare. 3in aceasta cau'a tablitele contra'ic legea ioni'arii referitoare la corpurile fi'ice. !e ele sunt gra.ate caractere din .echea limba atlanta. cestea reactionea'a la undele cerebrale emise de creierul celui ce citeste, eliberand .ibratia mentala asociata in mintea cititorului. Tablitele sunt prinse intre ele cu inele facute dintr"un alia2 de culoarea aurului, suspendate de o ti2a din acelasi material. !e intelepciunea continuta in aceste tablite se ba'ea'a misterele stra.echi. !entru cel ce citeste cu mintea si ochii deschisi, intelepciunea personala se .a multiplica de *00 de ori. CitesteF Cre'i sau nu, citeste iar .ibratia tablitelor .a tre'i Ace.aA in tine. (n paginile urmatoare .oi de'.alui cate.a enigme putin cunoscute chiar de catre slu2itorii ade.arului. Cautarea omului in dorinta de a intelege legile care"i gu.ernea'a .iata este nesfarsita. Cu toate acestea el nu a reusit sa treaca de .alul care apara planurile superioare de .i'iunea lui materiala asupra .ietii si ade.arului. de.arul este gata sa fie asimilat de catre cei care"si largesc propria .i'iune intorcandu"se catre ei insisi si nu cautand in afara lor ade.arul. (n linistea simturilor materiale se gaseste cheia intelepciunii. Cel ce .orbeste nu stie? cel ce stie nu .orbesteF 8egile supreme nu pot fi rostite. $le e+ista ca o entitate pe caile care transced toate simbolurile sau cu.intele din lumea materiala. /imbolurile nu sunt decat niste Chei cu care se deschid usi ce conduc spre ade.aruri. 3e multe ori usa nu poate fi deschisa deoarece cheia pare atat de mareata incat lucrurile care se afla in spatele ei nu pot fi .a'ute. 3aca reusim sa intelegem ca toate cheile, toate simbolurile materiale sunt manifestari, prelungiri ale unei 8egi /upreme si a de.arului, ne .om de'.olta o .i'iune ce ne .a permite sa trecem dincolo de .al. Toate lucrurile din toate <ni.ersurile se misca conform unei 8egi. 8egea care gu.ernea'a miscarea !lanetelor nu este mai imuabila decat 8egea care

gu.ernea'a manifestarea omului in aceasta lume. <na dintre cele mai importante 8egi este 8egea responsabila de de formarea omului ca fiinta materiala. 4aretul scop al scolilor initiatice din toate timpurile a fost sa de'.aluie functionalitatile 8egii care leaga omul material de omul spiritual. 8egatura dintre omul material si omul spiritual este omul intelectual deoarece mintea are atat calitati materiale cat si spirituale. Cel care aspira la cunostinte ele.ate trebuie sa"si de'.olte latura intelectuala a firii lui pentru a"si intari credinta ca poate sa"si concentre'e toate fortele fiintei lui catre si in planul pe care"l doreste. 4area cautare a 8uminii, a Bietii si a (ubirii incepe in primul rand din planul material. Condusa catre planul ultim, scopul ei final este fu'iunea completa cu Constiinta <ni.ersala. se'area fundatiei in planul material este primul pas. bia apoi .ine si scopul suprem al reali'arii spirituale. (n paginile urmatoare se ofera o interpretare a tablitelor de smarald si a intelesurilor lor secrete. (n mesa2ul lui Thoth sunt ascunse multe sensuri care nu transpar la suprafata cu usurinta. 8umina in.ataturii .a deschide noi perspecti.e de intelegere. ACiteste si )ii inteleptA doar daca 8umina constiintei tale tre'este in tine intelegerea care este o calitate innascuta a sufletuluiF !rofesorul 3oreal,gsC#35<Db<C!J:0e5B T B8(T$8$ 3$ /4 1 83 ale lui T%@T% T B8(T * (storia lui Thoth, tlantul
(, T%@T%, the tlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magician, from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of menti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty wisdom of &reat tlantis. J

(n the great city of #$@1 on the island of <;3 8, in a time far past, ( began this incarnation. ;ot as the little men of the present age did the mighty ones of tlantis li.e and die, but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew their life in the %alls of menti where the of life flows eternally onward. hundred times ten ha.e ( descended the dark way that led into light, and as many times ha.e ( ascended from the darkness into the light my strength and power renewed. ;ow for a time ( descend, and the men of #%$4 7#hem is ancient $gypt9 shall know me no more. But in a time yet unborn will ( rise again, mighty and potent, requiring an accounting of those left behind me. Then beware, @ men of #%$4, if ye ha.e falsely betrayed my teaching, for ( shall cast ye down from your high estate into the darkness of the from whence ye came. Betray not my secrets to the men of the ;orth or the men of the /outh lest my curse fall upon ye. 1emember and heed my words, for surely will ( return again and require of thee that which ye guard. ye, e.en from beyond time and from beyond death will ( return, rewarding or punishing as ye ha.e requited your truest. &reat were my people in the ancient days, great beyond the conception of the little people now around me? knowing the wisdom of old, seeking far within the heart of infinity knowledge that belonged to $arth>s youth. 0ise were we with the wisdom of the Children of 8ight who dwelt among us. /trong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire. nd of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, T%@T4$, keeper of the great temple, K

link between the Children of 8ight who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands. 4outhpiece, after the Three, of the 3weller of <; 8, speaking to the #ings with the .oice that must be obeyed. &rew ( there from a child into manhood, being taught by my father the elder mysteries, until in time there grew within the fire of wisdom, until it burst into a consuming flame. ;aught desired ( but the attainment of wisdom. <ntil on a great day the command came from the 3weller of the Temple that ( be brought before him. )ew there were among the children of men who had looked upon that mighty face and li.ed, for not as the sons of men are the Children of 8ight when they are not incarnate in a physical body. Chosen was ( from the sons of men, taught by the 3weller so that his purposes might be fulfilled, purposes yet unborn in the womb of time. 8ong ages ( dwelt in the Temple, learning and yet more wisdom, until (, too, approached the light emitted from the great fire. Taught me he, the path to menti, the underworld where the great king sits upon his throne of might. 3eep ( bowed in homage before the 8ords of 8ife and the 8ords of 3eath, as my gift the #ey of 8ife. )ree was ( of the %alls of menti, bound not be death to the circle of life. )ar to the stars ( 2ourneyed until space and time became as naught. Then drunk deep of the cup of wisdom, ( looked into the hearts of men and there found ( greater mysteries and was glad. )or only in the /earch for Truth could my /oul be stilled and the flame within be quenched.

3own through the ages ( li.ed, seeing those around me taste of the cup of death and return again in the light of life. &radually from the #ingdoms of tlantis passed of consciousness that had been one with me, only to be replaced by spawn of a lower star. (n obedience to the law, the word of the 4aster grew into flower. 3ownward into the darkness turned the thoughts of the tlanteans, <ntil at last in this wrath arose from his &0 ;T(, the 3weller, 7this word has no $nglish equi.alent? it means a state of detachment9 speaking The 0ord, calling the power. 3eep in $arth>s heart, the sons of menti heard, and hearing, directing the changing of the flower of fire that burns eternally, changing and shifting, using the 8@&@/, until that great fire changed its direction. the world then broke the great waters, drowning and sinking, changing $arth>s balance until only the Temple of 8ight was left standing on the great mountain on <;3 8 still rising out of the water? some there were who were, sa.ed from the rush of the fountains. Called to me then the 4aster, saying= Gather ye together my people. Take them by the arts ye have learned of far across the waters, until ye reach the land of the hairy barbarians, dwelling in caves of the desert. Follow there the plan that yet know of. &athered ( then my people and entered the great ship of the 4aster. <pward we rose into the morning. 3ark beneath us lay the Temple. /uddenly it rose the waters. Banished from $arth, until the time appointed, was the great Temple. )ast we fled toward the sun of the morning, until beneath us lay the land of the children of #%$4. 1aging, they came with cudgels and spears, lifted in anger seeking to slay and utterly destroy the /ons of tlantis.


Then raised ( my staff and directed a ray of .ibration, striking them still in their tracks as fragments of stone of the mountain. Then spoke ( to them in words calm and peaceful, telling them of the might of tlantis, saying we were children of the /un and its messengers. Cowed ( them by my display of magic"science, until at my feet they gro.eled, when ( released them. 8ong dwelt we in the land of #%$4, long and yet long again. <ntil obeying the commands of the 4aster, who while sleeping yet eternally, ( sent from me the /ons of tlantis, sent them in many directions, that from the womb of time wisdom might rise again in her children. 8ong time dwelt ( in the land of #%$4, doing great works by the wisdom within me. <pward grew into the light of knowledge the children of #%$4, watered by the rains of my wisdom. Blasted ( then a path to menti so that ( might retain my powers, from age to age a /un of tlantis, keeping the wisdom, the records. &reat few the sons of #%$4, conquering the people around them, growing slowly upwards in /oul force. ;ow for a time ( go from among them into the dark halls of menti, deep in the halls of the $arth, before the 8ords of the powers, face to face once again with the 3weller. 1aised ( high the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down to menti. )ew there would be with courage to dare it, few pass the portal to dark menti. 1aised the passage, (, a mighty pyramid, using the power that o.ercomes $arth force 7gra.ity9. 3eep and yet deeper place ( a force"house or chamber? from it car.ed ( a circular passage reaching almost to the great summit. There in the ape+, set ( the crystal, sending the ray into the ATime"/pace,A **

drawing the force from out of the ether, concentrating upon the gateway to menti. @ther chambers ( built and left .acant to all seeming, yet hidden within them are the keys to menti. %e who in courage would dare the dark realms, let him be purified first by long fasting. 8ie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber. Then re.eal ( to him the great mysteries. /oon shall he follow to where ( shall meet him, e.en in the darkness of $arth shall ( meet him, (, Thoth, 8ord of 0isdom, meet him and hold him and dwell with him always. Builded ( the &reat !yramid, patterned after the pyramid of $arth force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. (n it, ( builded my knowledge of A4agic"/cienceA so that ( might be here when again ( return from menti, ye, while ( sleep in the %alls of menti, my /oul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another. 7%ermes, thrice"born.9 $missary on $arth am ( of the 3weller, fulfilling his commands so many might be lifted. ;ow return ( to the halls of menti, behind me some of my wisdom. !reser.e ye and keep ye the command of the 3weller= 8ift upwards your eyes toward the light. /urely in time, ye are one with the 4aster, surely by right ye are one with the 4aster, surely by right yet are one with the 88. ;ow, ( depart from ye. #now my commandments, keep them and be them, and ( will be with you, helping and guiding you into the 8ight. ;ow before me opens the portal. &o ( down in the darkness of night.

$u, T%@T%, atlantul, maestrul secretelor pa'nicul documentelor, atotputernic rege, magician traind din generatie in generatie,

pregatindu"ma sa cobor in salile din menti, am scris spre a"i indruma pe cei care .or .eni dupa mine, aceste documente ale atotputernicei intelepciuni a 4arii tlantide. (n marele oras din #$@1, pe insula <;3 8, intr"un timp foarte indepartat, am inceput aceasta incarnare. !reaputernicii atlanti au trait si au murit altfel decat o fac oamenii din epoca de acum, din eon in eon si"au reinnoit .iata in /alile din menti unde raul .ietii curge etern. 3e o suta de ori cate 'ece am coborat pe intunecatul drum ce duce spre lumina, si de tot atatea ori am urcat din intuneric spre lumina cu forte si puteri reinnoite. cum inca o data .oi cobori iar cei din #%$4 7$giptul antic, nu .or mai sti de mine. 3ar intr"un timp ce nu s"a nascut inca ma .oi ridica din nou, preaputernic, cerand socoteala celor ramasi in urma. tunci sa .a feriti, .oi cei din #%$4, in.atatura de mi"ati fi tradat, caci arunca".a".oi

in intunericul ca.ernelor de unde ati .enit. /a nu"mi tradati secretele oamenilor nordului oamenilor sudului ori blestemul meu se .a abate asupra .oastra. ;u uitati sa luati aminte la cu.intele mele pentru ca sigur ma .oi reintoarce si .oi cere de la .oi ceea ce pa'iti. 3a, chiar si de dincolo de timp si de moarte ma .oi intoarce, rasplatind sau pedepsind dupa loialitatea fiecaruia. 4aret fost"a poporul meu in timpuri apuse, maret dincolo de intelegerea oamenilor ce"s acum in 2urul meu? a.and stiinta intelepciunii celor de demult, cautand departe in inima infinitatii cunostinte ce apartineau tineretii !amantului. (ntelepti eram datorita intelepciunii Copiilor 8uminii care traiau printre noi. !uternici eram datorita puterii ce .enea din focul etern. (ar mai presus de toate, cel mai important intre

copii omului era tatal meu, T%@T4$, pa'nicul marelui templu, punte intre Copii 8uminii care locuiau in templu si rasele de oameni care populau cele 'ece insule. /ol, dupa Trei, al 8ocuitorului din <; 8, .orbind 1egilor cu o .oce careia trebuia sa i te supui. Crescut"am acolo pana la maturitate, fiind in.atat de tatal meu misterele stra.echi, pana cand, in timp, crescu in mine focul intelepciunii, iar acesta se transforma intr"o flacara ce ma consuma. ;"am dorit altce.a decat atingerea intelepciunii. !ana cand intr"o mareata 'i porunca .eni de la 8ocuitorul Templului, sa fiu adus in fata lui. !utini erau aceia intre copiii omului ce pri.isera acea fata si traisera apoi, caci Copii 8uminii nu sunt precum fii omului cand nu sunt incarnati intr"un corp fi'ic. les fost"am dintre fii omului, educat de catre 8ocuitor astfel ca telurile lui sa fie indeplinite,

teluri nenascute inca in pantecul timpului. $poci intregi am locuit in Templu, acumuland din ce in ce mai multa intelepciune, pana cand si eu m"am apropiat de lumina trimisa de marele foc. 4i"a aratat calea spre menti, lumea de dincolo unde sta marele rege pe tronul sau. danc m"am plecat in semn de respect in fata 4aestrilor Bietii si a 4aestrilor 4ortii, primind in dar Cheia Bietii. $liberat eram de /alile din menti, alungand moartea din cercul .ietii. 3eparte spre stele calatorit"am pana cand spatiul si timpul au disparut. 3upa ce sorbit"am cu nesat din cupa intelepciunii, am in sufletele oamenilor unde"am descoperit mistere si mai mari si m"am bucurat. Caci doar in Cautarea de.arului putea /ufletul meu sa se linisteasca si flacara din mine sa se stinga. 3e"a lungul epocilor am trait, urmarindu"i pe cei din 2urul meu gustand din cupa mortii si intorcandu"se apoi in lumina .ietii. Treptat, din 1egatele tlantidei se raspandira .aluri de constiinta contopite cu mine, pentru ca apoi ele sa fie inlocuite de semintele unei stele inferioare. /upunandu"se legii, cu.antul 4aestrului crescu ca o floare. (nspre intunericul din strafunduri se indreptara gandurile tlantilor,

!ana cand, in sfarsit in aceasta manie sosi din &0 ;T(, 8ocuitorul, 7cu.antul gwanti nu are un echi.alent in limba engle'a? inseamna o stare de detasare. rostind Cu.antul, chemand puterea. danc in inima !amantului, fii din menti au'ira, si au'ind produsera preschimbarea florii focului care arde etern, il transformara folosind 8@&@/"ul, pana cand marele foc isi schimba directia. !este lume se napustira atunci marile ape, innecand si scufundand, schimband echilibrul !amantului pana cand doar Templul 8uminii mai ramase intreg pe marele munte de pe insula <;3 8 care se ridica dintre ape, doar cati.a mai traiau sal.ati de furia apelor. 4a chema apoi 4aestrul, 'icand= duna"mi poporul. 3u"i departe peste ape cu a2utorul celor ce te"am in.atat, pana .ei a2unge pe pamantul barbarilor parosi, ce locuiesc in pesteri, in desert. colo urmea'a planul pe care il stii de2a. dunatu"mi"am atunci poporul si am intrat in marea na.a a 4aestrului. (n sus ne"am ridicat dimineata.

(ntunecat sub noi se .edea Templul. Brusc peste el napustitu"s"au apele. 3isparut de pe suprafata !amantului, pana cand .remea .a sosi, era maretul Templu. )oarte repede ne"am indreptat spre soarele diminetii, pana cand sub noi se intinse taramul copiilor din #%$4. 4aniosi, ne"au intampinat cu maciuci si suliti, pe care le agitau in aer, dorind sa in2unghie si chiar sa"i distruga pe fii tlantidei. tunci ridicatu"mi"am toiagul indreptand spre ei o ra'a .ibratorie care ii facu sa ramana nemiscati ca niste bucati de piatra de pe munte. poi .orbitu"le"am cu o .oce calma si pasnica, po.estindu"le despre puterea tlantidei, afirmand ca suntem copii /oarelui si mesagerii lui. (ntimidatu"i"am apoi aratandu"le puterile mele magice pana cand au a2uns sa se tarasca la picioarele mele cand s"au putut misca din nou. 4ult timp am locuit pe taramul numit #%$4, mult, mult timp. scultand poruncile 4aestrului, care desi doarme traieste de"a pururi, am trimis de la mine pe )ii tlantidei, i"am trimis in toate 'arile, sperand ca din pantecul timpului intelepciunea poate reaparea in copii ei. 4ult timp petrecut"am in #%$4, facand lucruri marete cu a2utorul intelepciunii din mine. (n sus crescura spre lumina cunoasterii copii din #%$4,

udati de ploile intelepciunii mele. 3eschis"am atunci drum spre menti ca sa"mi pot pastra puterile, traind din epoca in epoca ca /oare al tlantidei, pa'ind intelepciunea, pastrand documentele. Cati.a dintre fii #%$4"ului, atragandu"i pe ceilalti in 2urul lor, crescura incet in forta /ufletului. cum, inca o data, cobor dintre ei in intunecatele sali din menti, adanc in salile subterane, inaintea 4aestrilor puterilor, fata in fata inca o data cu 8ocuitorul. 1idicatu"m"am sus deasupra intrarii, o trecatoare, o poarta ce duce spre menti. !utini ar a.ea cura2ul sa indra'neasca, putini trec poarta spre intunericul din menti. 1idicat"am deasupra intrarii, o puternica piramida, folosind puterea ce intrece forta !amantului 7gra.itatia, danc, foarte adanc am ase'at casa"de"forta sau camera, din care am sculptat o trecatoare circulara ce a2unge apropae de mareata adunare. colo in .arf, am ase'at cristalul, ce trimite ra'e spre ATimp"/patiuA, atragand forta din eter, si concentrand"o catre trecatoarea spre menti. Construit"am si alte camere care par a fi goale, totusi ascuns e in ele se afla cheile spre menti. Cel ce cu cura2 .a porni spre taramurile intunecate

sa se purifice mai intai prin post indelungat. /a se intinda in sarcofagul de piatra din camera mea. poi ii .oi de'.alui marile mistere. Curand se .a indrepta spre locul unde il .oi intampina, chiar si in intunericul !amantului il .oi intampina, eu, Thoth, 4aestrul (ntelepciunii, il .oi intampina si .oi trai alaturi de el de"a pururi. Construit"am 4area !iramida, dupa modelul piramidei fortei !amantului, ar'and etern astfel ca, si ea, sa ramana de"a lungul secolelor. (n interiorul ei, am ase'at cunoasterea despre A/tiinta"4agieiA astfel ca sa pot fi aici cand ma reintorc din menti, da, in timp ce dorm in /alile din menti, /ufletul meu ce hoinareste liber se .a reincarna, .a locui intre oameni in aceasta forma sau in alta. 7%ermes"de trei ori nascutul9 Trimis pe !amant al 8ocuitorului sunt, indeplinindu"i poruncile astfel ca multi sa fie ridicati. cum ma intorc in /alile din menti, lasand in urma ce.a din intelepciunea mea. !astrati"o si urmati porunca 8ocuitorului= 1idicati intotdeauna ochii spre lumina.

Cu siguranta, in timp, .eti de.eni una cu 4aestrul, Cu siguranta si pe buna dreptate sunteti una cu 4aestrul, Cu siguranta si pe buna dreptate sunteti una cu T@T<8. cum, plec de la .oi. ;u uitati poruncile mele, pastrati"le si respectati"le, iar eu .oi fi cu .oi, a2utandu".a si indrumandu".a spre 8umina. (n fata mea se deschide poarta. Cobor in intunericul noptii. T B8(T /alile din menti
The %alls of menti 3eep in $arth>s heart lie the %alls of menti, far >neath the islands of sunken tlantis, %alls of the 3ead and halls of the, bathed in the fire of the infinite 88. )ar in a past time, lost in the space time, the Children of 8ight looked down on the world. /eeing the children of men in their bondage, bound by the force that came from beyond. #new they that only by freedom from bondage could man rise from the $arth to the /un. 3own they descended and created bodies, taking the semblance of men as their own. The 4asters of e.erything said after their forming= A0e are they who were formed from the space"dust, partaking of life from the infinite 88? in the world as children of men, like and yet unlike the children of men.A Then for a dwelling place, far >neath the earth crust, blasted great spaces they by their power, -*

spaces apart from the children of men. /urrounded them by forces and power, shielded from harm they the %alls of the 3ead. /ide by side then, placed they other spaces, filled them with 8ife and with 8ight from abo.e. Builded they then the %alls of menti, that they might dwell eternally there, with life to eternity>s end. Thirty and two were there of the children, sons of 8ights who had come among men, seeking to free from the bondage of darkness those who were bound by the force from beyond. 3eep in the %alls of 8ife grew a flower, flaming, e+panding, backward the night. !laced in the centre, a ray of great potence, 8ife, 8ight, filling with power all who came near it. !laced they around it thrones, two and thirty, places for each of the Children of 8ight, placed so that they were bathed in the radiance, filled with the 8ife from the eternal 8ight. There time after time placed they their first created bodies so that they might by filled with the /pirit of 8ife. @ne hundred years out of each thousand must the 8ife" 8ight flame forth on their bodies. Luickening, awakening the /pirit of 8ife. There in the circle from aeon to aeon, sit the &reat 4asters, a life not known among men. There in the %alls of 8ife they lie sleeping? free flows their /oul through the bodies of men. Time after time, while their bodies lie sleeping, incarnate they in the bodies of men. Teaching and guiding onward and upward, out of the darkness into the light. There in the %all of 8ife, filled with their wisdom, known not to the races of man, >neath the cold fire of life, sit the Children of 8ight. Times there are when they awaken, come from the depths to be lights among men, infinite they among finite men. %e who by progress has grown from the darkness, lifted himself from the night into light, free is he made of the %alls of menti, free of the )lower of 8ight and of 8ife. --

&uided he then, by wisdom and knowledge, passes from men, to the 4aster of 8ife. There he may dwell as one with the 4asters, free from the bonds of the darkness of night. /eated within the flower of radiance sit se.en 8ords from the /pace"Times abo.e us, helping and guiding through infinite 0isdom, the pathway through time of the children of men. 4ighty and strange, they, .eiled with their power, silent, all"knowing, drawing the 8ife force, different yet one with the children of men. ye, different, and yet @ne with the Children of 8ight. Custodians and watchers of the force of man>s bondage, ready to loose when the light has been reached. )irst and most mighty, sits the Beiled !resence, 8ord of 8ords, the infinite ;ine, the other from each the 8ords of the Cycles? Three, )our, )i.e, and /i+, /e.en, $ight, each with his mission, each with his powers, guiding, directing the destiny of man. There sit they, mighty and potent, free of all time and space. ;ot of this world they, yet akin to it, $lder Brothers they, of the children of men. 6udging and weighing, they with their wisdom, watching the progress of 8ight among men. There before them was ( led by the 3weller, watched him blend with @;$ from abo.e. Then from %$ came forth a .oice saying= A&reat art thou, Thoth, among children of men. )ree henceforth of the %alls of menti, 4aster of 8ife among children of men. Taste not of death e+cept as thou will it, drink thou of 8ife to $ternity>s end, %enceforth is 8ife, thine for the taking. %enceforth is 3eath at the call of thy hand. -3

3well here or lea.e here when thou desireth, free is menti to the /un of man. Take thou up 8ife in what form thou desireth, Child of the 8ight that has grown among men. Choose thou thy work, for all should must labor, be free from the pathway of 8ight. @ne step thou has gained on the long pathway upward, infinite now is the mountain of 8ight. $ach step thou taketh but heightens the mountain? all of thy progress but lengthens the goal. pproach ye the infinite 0isdom, before thee recedes the goal. )ree are ye made now of the %alls of menti to walk hand in hand with the 8ords of the world, one in one purpose, working together, bring of 8ight to the children of men.A Then from his throne came one of the 4asters, taking my hand and leading me onward, through all the %alls of the deep hidden land. 8ed he me through the %alls of menti, showing the mysteries that are known not to man. Through the dark passage, downward he led me, into the %all where site the dark 3eath. Bast as space lay the great %all before me, walled by darkness but yet filled with 8ight. Before me arose a great throne of darkness, .eiled on it seated a figure of night. 3arker than darkness sat the great figure, dark with a darkness not of the night. Before it then paused the 4aster, speaking The 0ord that brings about 8ife, saying? A@h, master of darkness, guide of the way from 8ife unto 8ife, before thee ( bring a /un of the morning. Touch him not with the power of night. Call not his flame to the darkness of night. #now him, and see him, one of our brothers, lifted from darkness into the 8ight. 1elease thou his flame from its bondage, free let it flame through the darkness of night.A 1aised then the hand of the figure, forth came a flame that grew clear and bright. 1olled back swiftly the curtain of darkness, un.eiled the %all from the darkness of night.


Then grew in the great space before me, flame after flame, from the .eil of the night. <ncounted millions leaped they before me, some flaming forth as flowers of fire. @thers there were that shed a dim radiance, flowing but faintly from out of the night. /ome there were that faded swiftly? others that grew from a small spark of light. $ach surrounded by its dim .eil of darkness, yet flaming with light that could be quenched. Coming and going like fireflies in springtime, filled they with space with 8ight and with 8ife. Then spoke a .oice, mighty and solemn, saying= AThese are lights that are souls among men, growing and fading, e+isting, changing yet, through death into life. 0hen they ha.e bloomed into flower, reached the 'enith of growth in their life, swiftly then send ( my .eil of darkness, shrouding and changing to new forms of life. /teadily upward throughout the ages, growing, e+panding into yet another flame, lighting the darkness with yet greater power, quenched yet unquenched by the .eil of the night. /o grows the soul of man upward, quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of night. (, 3eath, come, and yet ( remain not, for life eternal e+ists in the 88? only an obstacle, ( in the pathway, quick to be conquered by the infinite light. waken, @ flame that burns inward, flame forth and conquer the .eil of the night.A Then in the midst of the flames in the darkness grew there one that dro.e forth the night, flaming, e+panding, brighter, until at last was nothing but 8ight. Then spoke my guide, the .oice of the master= See your own soul as it grows in the light, free now forever from the Lord of the night. )orward he led me through many great spaces filled with the mysteries of the Children of 8ight? mysteries that man may yet know of until he, too, is a /un of the 8ight. -,

Backward then %$ led me into the 8ight of the hall of the 8ight. #nelt ( then before the great 4asters, 8ords of 88 from the cycles abo.e. /poke %$ then with words of great power saying= Thou hast been made free of the Halls of menti. !hoose thou thy work among the children of men. Then spoke (= ", great master, let me be a teacher of men, leading then onward and upward until they, too, are lights among men# freed from the veil of the night that surrounds them, flaming with light that shall shine among men. /poke to me then the .oice= Go, as yet will. So be it decreed. $aster are ye of your destiny, free to take or re%ect at will. Take yet the power, take ye the wisdom. Shine as a light among the children of men. <pward then, led me the 3weller. 3welt ( again among children of men, teaching and showing some of my wisdom? /un of the 8ight, a fire among men. ;ow again ( tread the path downward, seeking the light in the darkness of night. Bold ye and keep ye, preser.e my record, guide shall it be to the children of men.

danc in inima pamantului se gasesc /alile din menti, cu mult sub insulele scufundatei tlantida, /alile 4ortilor si ale celor .ii, scaldate in focul infinitului T@T. (ntr"un timp foarte indepartat, pierdut in spatiu"timp, Copii 8uminii au in 2os catre lume. Ba'and copii omului in legati de forta care .enea de dedesupt u stiut ca doar eliberindu"se din aceasta

.a putea omul sa se ridice de pe !amant spre /oare. !e !amant coborat"au si si"au creat corpuri, asemanatoare cele ale oamenilor. 4aestrii au spus dupa aceasta transformare= A/untem cei formati din praf din spatiu, luand parte la .iata din infinitul T@T? traim in lume ca si copiii omului, la fel ca si copii omului si totusi diferit.A poi pentru a locui, adanc sub scoarta !amantului, au sapat spatii mari cu a2utorul puterii lor, spatii diferite de cele ale copiilor omului. 8e"au incon2urat apoi cu forte si puteri, pentru a apara /alile 4ortilor. <nul langa altul au ase'at apoi alte spatii, le"au umplut cu Biata si cu lumina de deasupra. Construit"au apoi /alile din menti, pentru a putea locui acolo de"a pururi sa traiasca plini de .iata pana la sfarsitul eternitatii. Trei'eci si doi de coipii erau, )ii ai 8uminilor care coborasera intre oameni, Cautand sa elibere'e din scla.ia intunericului !e cei tintuiti de forta ce .enea de dedesupt. danc in /alile din menti crescu o floare, ar'atoare, ce se marea, alungand noaptea. se'ata in centru, o ra'a puternica, datatoare de Biata, de 8umina, umplandu"i de putere pe cei ce se apropiau de ea. se'at"au tronuri in 2urul ei, trei'eci si doua,

locuri pentru fiecare Copil al 8uminii, ase'ate astfel ca sa fie scaldati de ceea ce radia din floare, Biata din eterna 8umina. colo isi ase'au de fiecare data primele corpuri create pentru ca acestea sa fie umplute cu /piritul Bietii. @ suta de ani din fiecare o mie trebuia ca 8umina datatoare de Biata sa le lumine'e corpurile. &rabind, tre'ind /piritul Bietii. colo in acel cerc, din eon in eon, stau 4arii 4aestri, ducand o .iata necunoscuta oamenilor. colo in /alile Bietii dorm ei, liber curge /ufletul lor prin corpurile oamenilor. 8a diferite inter.ale, in timp ce corpurile lor raman adormite, ei se incarnea'a in corpurile oamenilor. (i in.ata cum sa iasa din intuneric si ii indruma spre lumina. colo in /ala Bietii, plina de intelepciunea lor, necunoscuti raselor de oameni, traind dintotdeauna sub recele foc al .ietii, stau Copii 8uminii. $+ista momente cand se tre'esc, si se ridica din adancuri pentru a fi lumini calau'itoare intre oameni, infiniti printre oamenii limitati. Cel ce progresand a iesit din intuneric, s"a ridicat din noapte spre lumina, este eliberat de /alile din menti, este eliberat de )loarea 8uminii si a Bietii.

(ndrumat atunci de intelepciune si cunostintele acumulate, .a trece dintre oameni intre 4aestrii Bietii. colo poate locui la fel ca si ceilalti 4aestri, eliberat din scla.ia intunericului noptii. se'ati in interiorul florii ce radia'a stau sapte 4aestri din /patiu"Timpurile de deasupra noastra, a2utind si calau'ind prin infinita (ntelepciune, calea prin timp a copiilor omului. !reaputernici si stranii sunt, in.aluiti in puterea lor, tacuti, atoatestiutori, atragand spre ei forta Bietii, diferiti si totusi una cu copiii omului. 3a, diferiti, si totusi <na cu Copiii 8uminii. !astratori si pa'itori ai fortei ce inrobeste omul, pregatiti sa o slabeasca daca lumina a fost atinsa. !rimul si cel mai puternic, este $ntitatea scunsa, 4aestrul 4aestrilor, infinitul ;oua, deasupra celorlalti de la fiecare 4aestru al Ciclurilor? Trei, !atru, Cinci si /ase, /apte, @pt, fiecare a.and o misiune, fiecare cu fortele proprii, calau'ind, indrumand destinul omului. colo stau, preaputernici, eliberati de orice timp si spatiu. ;u apartin acestei lumi si totusi inruditi cu ea, )rati 4ai 4ari, ai copiilor omului. 6udecand si cantarind, cu a2utorul intelepciunii lor, urmaresc inaintarea 8uminii printre oameni.

colo, inaintea lor, am fost condus de catre 8ocuitor, si l"am cum de.ine <na cu cel de deasupra. poi din $8 se au'i o .oce spunand= A4aret esti tu, Thoth, intre copii omului. liber esti de"acum de /alile din menti, 4aestru al Bietii intre copii omului. ;u .ei mai gusta moartea decat daca .ei .oi, .ei sorbi doar Biata pana la capatul eternitatii, 3e"acum ti"e Biata de"a pururi la indemana. 3e"acum .eni".a 4oartea doar la chemarea ta. !oti locui sau pleca de aici dupa cum ti"e .rerea, 8iber este menti pentru /oarele omului. Bucura"te de Biata in orice forma .oiesti, Copil al 8uminii crescut intre oameni. lege ce .rei sa faci, caci toti trebuie sa trudeasca, /a nu te elibere'i niciodata de calea 8uminii. <n pas doar ai facut pe lungul drum spre inaltimi, infinit este acum muntele 8uminii. Cu fiecare pas pe care"l faci muntele se"nalta? inaintarea ta nu face decat sa"ndeparte'e scopul. propie"te intotdeauna de infinita (ntelepciune, si ca"nainte scopul se .a indeparta.

$liberat esti acum de /alile din menti spre a merge alaturi de 4aestrii lumii, catre acelasi scop, lucrand impreuna, pentru a aduce 8umina copiilor omului.A poi dinspre tronul sau .eni unul dintre 4aestri, ma lua de mana si ma conduse inainte, prin toate /alile adanc ascunsului taram. 4a conduse prin /alile din menti, de'.aluindu"mi secretele necunoscute omului. !rin coridoru"ntunecat, ma conduse in 2os, spre /ala unde sta intunecata 4oarte. <riasa se"ntindea in fata mea mareata /ala, incon2urata de"ntuneric dar totusi plina de 8umina. (n fata mea se ridica un tron intunecat, (n.aluita sedea pe el o silueta a noptii. 4ai neagra decat noaptea statea acolo, 3e"un negru ce"al noptii nu era. (n fata ei s"opri 4aestrul, rostind Cu.antul ce produce Biata= Ao, maestre al intunericului, calau'a pe drumul ce duce dinspre Biata spre Biata, in fata ta aduc un /oare al diminetii. /a"l nu"l atingi .reodata cu puterea noptii.

/a nu"i chemi flacara spre intunericul noptii. Cunoaste"l si pri.este"l, e fratele nostru ce s"a ridicat din intuneric spre 8umina. $liberea'a"i flacara din robie, Ca libera sa arda in intunericul noptii.A @ mana ridica atunci silueta, si o flacara aparu, de.enind din ce in ce mai stralucitoare. cu repe'iciune dand cortina de"ntuneric la o parte, scotand /ala din be'na noptii. (n spatiul mare din fata mea aparura, luminite dupa luminite, de dupa .alul noptii. ;enumarate milioane topaiau in fata mea unele ar'and ca niste flori de foc. ltele aruncau o lumina slaba ce abia se 'area din noapte. 8umina unora scadea cu repe'iciune? a altora crestea doar dintr"o scanteie de lumina. )iecare era incon2urata de un palid .al de intuneric, dar totusi ardea cu o flacara ce nu putea fi niciodata stinsa. Cburand de colo"colo precum licuricii prima.ara, umpleau spatiul cu 8umina si cu Biata. tunci se au'i o .oce, puternica si solemna, 'icand= A cestea sunt lumini ce suflete sunt intre oameni, crescand sau slabind in intensitate, e+istand de"a pururi,

schimbandu"se dar fiind .ii, in moarte spre .iata. 3upa ce imbobocesc ca niste flori, si ating punctul final al cresterii in .iata, repede trimit atunci .alul intunericului in.aluindu"le si schimbandu"le in noi forme de .iata. Constant de"a lungul epocilor, crescand, de.enind o alta flacara, luminand intunericul cu si mai mare forta, stinsa si totusi nestinsa de catre .alul noptii. stfel creste sufletul omului de"a pururi distrus dar totusi nedistrus de intunericul noptii. $u, 4oartea, .in dar nu raman, Caci .iata e+ista dintotdeauna in T@T<8? 3oar un obstacol, sunt eu, pe drum, @bstacol trecut cu repe'iciune cu a2utorul luminii infinite. Tre'este"te, @ flacara ce ar'i de"a pururi in interior, /traluce si infrange .alul noptii.A poi in mi2locul .apailor in intuneric, crescu una ce alunga noaptea, crescand, marindu"se de.enind si mai stralucitoare pana cand nu mai fu decat lumina. tunci .orbi calau'a mea, .ocea maestrului= !ri.este"ti propriul suflet cum creste in lumina, eliberat acum de"a pururi de 4aestrul noptii. !rin multe spatii ma duse"apoi spatii unde se aflau secretele Copiilor

8uminii? secrete pe care omul nu le .a afla poate niciodata pana cand nu .a de.eni si el un /oare al 8uminii. 4a conduse inapoi spre 8umina 3in /ala 8uminii. (ngenuncheat"am acolo in fata marilor 4aestri, 4aestri a T@ T$. tunci .orbi $8, rostind cu.inte impresionante= i fost eliberat de /alile din menti. lege ce .rei sa faci intre copii omului. m .orbit si eu apoi= @, mare maestru, permite"mi sa fiu in.atator de oameni, sa le arat calea pana .or de.eni si ei lumini intre oameni? eliberati de .alul noptii care ii incon2ura, ar'and si luminand intre oameni. (mi .orbi apoi .ocea= 4ergi si asa sa fie dupa cum ti"e .oia. /tapan al propriului destin iti esti acum, liber sa accepti sau sa refu'i. !reia"ti puterea, preia"ti intelepciunea. Ca o lumina straluce intre copii omului. (n sus ma conduse apoi 8ocuitorul. /i am trait din nou intre copii omului, in.atandu"i si aratandu"le cate ce.a din intelepciunea mea?

/oare al 8uminii, un foc intre oameni. cum pasesc din nou pe calea ce duce in 2os, cautand lumina in intunericul noptii. !astrati"mi documentele caci calau'a .or fi pentru copii omului. T B8(T 3 Cheia (ntelepciunii
The #ey of 0isdom (, Thoth, the tlantean, gi.e of my wisdom, gi.e of my knowledge, gi.e of my power. )reely ( gi.e to the children of men. &i.e that they, too, might ha.e wisdom to shine through the world from the .eil of the night. 0isdom is power and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole. Be thou not proud, @ man, in thy wisdom. 3iscourse with the ignorant as well as the wise. (f one comes to thee full of knowledge, listen and heed, for wisdom is all. #eep thou not silent when is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines abo.e all. %e who"steppeth the 8aw shall be punished, for only through 8aw comes the freedom of men. Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage, a fetter that binds the darkness to men. )ollow thine heart during thy lifetime. 3o thou more than is commanded of thee. 0hen thou hast gained riches, follow thou thine heart, for all these are of no a.ail if thine heart be weary. 3iminish thou not the time of following thine heart. (t is abhorred of the soul. They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path. (f thou go among men, make for thyself, 8o.e, the beginning and end of the heart.


(f one cometh unto thee for council, let him speak freely, that the thing for which he hath come to thee may be done. (f he hesitates to open his heart to thee, it is because thou, the 2udge, doeth the wrong. 1epeat thou not e+tra.agant speech, neither listen thou to it, for it is the utterance of one not in equilibrium. /peak thou not of it, so that he before thee may know wisdom. /ilence is of great profit. n abundance of speech profiteth nothing. $+alt not thine heart abo.e the children of men, lest it be brought lower than the dust. (f thou be great among men, be honoured for knowledge and gentleness. (f thou seeketh to know the nature of a friend, ask not his companion, but pass a time alone with him. 3ebate with him, testing his heart by his words and his bearing. That which goeth into the store"house must come forth, and the things that are thine must be shared with a friend. #nowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance, and the things that are profitable are to him hurtful. %e li.eth in death. (t is therefore his food. The wise man lets his heart o.erflow but keeps silent his mouth. @ man, list to the .oice of wisdom? list to the .oice of light. 4ysteries there are in the Cosmos that un.eiled fill the world with their light. 8et he who would be free from the bonds of darkness first di.ine the material from the immaterial, the fire from the earth? for know ye that as earth descends to earth, so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes one with fire. %e who knows the fire that is within himself shall ascend unto the eternal fire and dwell in it eternally. )ire, the inner fire, is the most potent of all force, 36

for it o.ercomethall things and penetrates to all things of the $arth. 4an supports himself only on that which resists. /o $arth must resist man else he e+isteth not. ll eyes do not see with the same .ision, for to one an ob2ect appears of one form and colour and to a different eye of another. /o also the infinite fire, changing from colour to colour, is the same from day to day. Thus, speak (, T%@T%, of my wisdom, for a man is a fire burning bright through the night? is quenched in the .eil of the darkness, is quenched by the .eil of the night. (nto men>s hearts, ( looked by my wisdom, found them not free from the bondage of strife. )ree from the toils, thy fire, @ my brother, lest it be buried in the shadow of nightF %ark ye, @ man, and list to this wisdom= where do name and form ceaseH @nly in consciousness, in.isible, an infinite force of radiance bright. The forms that ye create by brightening they .ision are truly effects that follow thy cause. 4an is a star bound to a body, until in the end, he is freed through his strife. @nly by struggle and toiling thy utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in new life. %e who knows the commencement of all things, free is his star from the realm of night. 1emember, @ man, that all which e+ists is only another form of that which e+ists not. $.erything that has being is passing into yet other being and thou thyself are not an e+ception. Consider the 8aw, for all is 8aw. /eek not that which is not of the 8aw, for such e+ists only in the illusions of the senses. 0isdom cometh to all her children e.en as they cometh unto wisdom. ll through the ages, the light has been hidden. wake, @ man, and be wise. 3J

3eep in the mysteries of life ha.e ( tra.eled, seeking and searching for that which is hidden. 8ist ye, @ man, and be wise. )ar >neath the earth crust, in the %alls of menti, mysteries ( saw that are hidden from men. @ft ha.e ( 2ourneyed the deep hidden passage, looked on the 8ight that is 8ife among men. There >neath the flowers of 8ife, searched ( the hearts and the secrets of men. )ound ( that man is but in darkness, light of the great fire is hidden within. Before the 8ords of hidden menti learned ( the wisdom ( gi.e unto men. 4asters are they of the great /ecret 0isdom, brought from the future of infinity>s end. /e.en are they, the 8ords of menti, o.erlords they of the Children of 4orning, /uns of the cycles, 4asters of 0isdom. )ormed are not they as the children of menH T%1$$, )@<1, )(B$ ;3 /(E, /$B$;, $(&%T, ;(;$ are the titles of the 4asters of men. )ar from the future, formless yet forming, came they as teachers for the children of men. 8i.e they, yet not of the, bound not to life and yet free from death. 1ule they with infinite wisdom, bound yet not bound to the dark %alls of 3eath. 8ife they ha.e in them, yet life that is not life, free from all are the 8ords of the 88. )orth from them came forth the 8ogos, instruments they of the power o>er all. Bast is their countenance, yet hidden in smallness, formed by a forming, known yet unknown. T%1$$ holds the key of all hidden magic, creator he of the halls of the 3ead? sending forth power, shrouding with darkness, binding the souls of the children of men? sending the darkness, binding the soul force? director of negati.e to the children of men. )@<1 is he who looses the power. 8ord, he, of 8ife to the children of men. 3K

8ight is his body, flame is his countenance? freer of souls to the children of men. )(B$ is the master, the 8ord of all magic " #ey to The 0ord that resounds among men. /(E is the 8ord of 8ight, the hidden pathway, path of the souls of the children of men. /$B$; is he who is 8ord of the .astness, master of /pace and the key of the Times. $(&%T is he who orders the progress? weighs and balances the 2ourney of men. ;(;$ is the father, .ast he of countenance, forming and changing from out of the formless. 4editate on the symbols ( gi.e thee. #eys are they, though hidden from men. 1each upward, @ /oul of the morning. Turn thy thoughts upward to 8ight and to 8ife. )ind in the keys of the numbers ( bring thee, light on the pathway from life unto life. /eek ye with wisdom. Turn thy thoughts inward. Close not thy mind to the flower of 8ight. !lace in thy body a thought"formed picture. Think of the numbers that lead thee to 8ife. Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom. @pen the door to the #ingdom of 8ight. !our forth thy flame as a /un of the morning. /hut out the darkness and li.e in the day. Take thee, @ manF s part of thy being, the /e.en who are but are not as they seem. @pened, @ manF %a.e ( my wisdom. )ollow the path in the way ( ha.e led. 4asters of 0isdom, /<; of the 4@1;(;& 8(&%T and 8()$ to the children of men.

$u, T%@T%, atlantul, ofer intelepciunea mea,


ofer cunostintele mele, ofer puterea mea. 3e buna .oie le ofer copiilor omului. @fer in speranta ca si ei ar putea a.ea intelepciune care sa straluceasca in lume din spatele .alului noptii. (ntelepciunea este putere iar puterea este intelepciune, impreuna completand intregul. @mule, sa nu fii mandru de intelepciunea ta. 3iscuta atat cu nestiutorul cat si cu inteleptul. 3aca .ine la tine cine.a plin de in.atatura, asculta"l cu mare atentie caci intelepciunea e totul. /a nu taci cand se .orbeste despre rau caci de.arul ca si ra'ele de soare luminea'a totul. Cel ce nu respecta legea .a fi pedepsit, caci doar prin 8ege se eliberea'a oamenii. ;u trebuie sa te temi pentru ca frica este ceea ce leaga omul de intuneric. <rmea'a"ti indemnul inimii in timpul .ietii. )a mai mult decat ti se cere. Cand ai acumulat bogatii, <rmea'a"ti indemnul inimii Caci toate acestea nu sunt de nici un folos daca inima ti"e isto.ita . sculta"ti inima cat mai mult. /i sufletul se .a bucura. Cei ce sunt calau'iti nu se ratacesc,

3ar cei ce s"au ratacit nu mai pot gasi calea cea dreapta. 3aca traiesti intre oameni, fa ca (ubirea sa fie totul pentru inima ta. 3aca .a .eni cine.a sa"ti ceara sfatul, lasa"l sa .orbeasca liber, caci astfel lucrul pentru care a .enit la tine poate fi infaptuit. 3aca se codeste sa"si deschida inima catre tine, e pentru ca tu, cel ce 2udeca situtia, esti de .ina. ;u rosti .orbe nechib'uite si nici nu le asculta, pentru ca acestea sunt spuse de cel ce nu este in armonie. ;u le rosti nici tu, astfel ca cel din fata ta sa poata afla intelepciunea. Tacerea e un mare castig. ;u castigi nimic .orbind foarte mult. ;u"ti ridica inima mai presus de cea a copiilor omului, pentru ca sa nu a2unga mai 2os decat praful chiar. 3aca .ei a2unge mare intre oameni, sa fii respectat pentru ceea ce stii si pentru blandete. 3aca .rei sa cunosti firea unui prieten, nu"i intreba to.arasii, ci petrece cat.a timp doar cu el. 3iscuta cu el, pune"i la incercare inima prin cu.intele lui si prin purtarea lui. Caci ce intra in maga'ie trebuie sa si iasa, iar lucrurile ce"ti apartin trebuie impartasite si prietenului tau. (n.atatura e considerata de prost drept ignoranta, iar lucrurile profitabile ii sunt daunatoare. $l traieste in moarte.

/i"aceasta"i este hrana. /ecrete e+ista in Cosmos ce odata de'.aluite umplu lumea cu lumina lor. Cel ce"ar .rea sa se elibere'e din scla.ia intunericului sa desparta mai intai materialul de imaterial, focul de pamant? pentru ca se stie ca asa cum pamantul coboara spre pamant, la fel si focul urca spre foc si de.ine una cu focul. Cel ce cunoaste focul din sine .a urca spre focul etern si .a trai in el de"a pururi. )ocul, focul interior, este cea mai puternica forta dintre toate, pentru ca biruie totul si trece prin toate lucrurile de pe !amant. @mul se spri2ina doar pe ceea ce re'ista. !amantul trebuie sa"( re'iste omului altfel acesta nu ar e+ista. ;u toti ochii .ad la fel, unul .ede un obiect de o anume forma si culoare iar altul, de o alta forma si culoare. 8a fel si infinitul foc, ce"si schimba culorile, nu e la fel de la o 'i la alta. sa .orbesc eu, T%@T%, despre intelepciunea mea, caci un om e un foc ce arde stralucind in noapte? nu e stins niciodata de .alul intunericului, nu e niciodata stins de .alul noptii. (n inimile oamenilor am cu a2utorul intelepciunii mele, si am aflat ca nu s"au eliberat inca de lupta. $liberea'a"ti focul, @ frate al meu sau el .a fi ingropat in umbra noptiiF sculta omule aceasta intelepciune= unde incetea'a numele si formaH

3oar in constiinta, in.i'ibila, o forta infinita ce radia'a stralucitor. )ormele pe care le cree'i luminandu"ti felul de a pri.i lumea sunt cu ade.arat efecte ce urmea'a cau'a ta. @mul este o stea incatusata intr"un corp, pana cand, la sfarsit se eliberea'a prin propria lupta. 3oar prin efort si truda steaua din tine .a inflori intr"o noua .iata. Cel ce stie inceputul tuturor lucrurilor, isi eliberea'a steaua din taramul noptii. minteste"ti, omule, ca tot ce e+ista e doar o alta forma a ceea ce nu e+ista. @rice forma de .iata trece in alta forma de .iata iar tu nu faci e+ceptie de la aceasta lege. 1especta 8egea, caci totul e 8ege. ;u cauta ce nu tine de 8ege, caci asa ce.a e+ista doar in ilu'ia simturilor. (ntelepciunea .ine in intampinarea tuturor copiii ei asa cum ei .in in intampinarea ei. 3e"a lungul epocilor, lumina a fost ascunsa. Tre'este"te, omule, si fii intelept. danc in misterele .ietii am calatorit, cautand cele ascunse. sculta, omule, si fii intelept. 3eparte, sub scoarta pamantului, in /alile din menti, /ecrete ascunse oamenilor am .a'ut. des am trecut prin coridorul bine ascuns,

si am 8umina care este Biata pentru oameni. colo, sub florile Bietii nesfarsite, cautat"am in inimile si secretele oamenilor. flat"am ca omul nu face decat sa traiasca in intuneric, lumina marelui foc fiindu"i ascunsa in sine. (naintea 4aestrilor din ascunsul menti am acumulat intelepciunea pe care o dau oamenilor. 4aestri sunt ei, ai (ntelepciunii /ecrete, adusa din .iitorul sfarsitului infinitatii. /apte sunt, 4aestrii din menti, mai presus de Copiii 3iminetii, /ori ai ciclurilor, 4aestri ai (ntelepciunii. ;u sunt la fel ca si copii omuluiH T1$(, ! T1<, C(;C( /( / /$, / !T$ @!T, ;@< sunt titlurile 4aestrilor oamenilor. 3eparte de .iitor, fara forma si totusi in formare au .enit ei ca in.atatori ai copiilor omului. Traiesc de"a pururi, fara sa faca parte totusi dintre cei .ii, nelegati de .iata si liberi de moarte. Conduc dintotdeauna cu infinita"ntelepciune, legati si totusi nelegati de intunecatele /ali ale 4ortii. u .iata"n ei dar care nu este .iata, eliberati de toate sunt 4aestrii T@T<8<(.

3e la ei a .enit 8ogos"ul, instrumente ei ale puterii nemasurate. 4areata este infatisarea lor, si totusi ascunsa in micime, formata de ceea ce se formea'a, cunoscuta si totusi nestiuta. T1$( pastrea'a cheile tuturor magiilor ascunse, creator este el al /alilor 4ortilor? trimitand putere, in.aluit in intuneric, legand sufletele copiilor omului? trimitand intunericul, legand forta sufletului? conducator al negati.ului pentru copii omului. ! T1< e cel ce sloboade puterea. 4aestru al Bietii este pentru copii omului. 8umina ii e corpul, flacara ii este infatisarea, eliberator de suflete pentru copii omului. C(;C( este stapanul, 4aestrul tuturor magiilor " Cheia Cu.antului ce rasuna printre oameni. / /$ este 4aestrul 8uminii, drumul ascuns, Cararea sufletelor copiilor oamenilor. / !T$ este 4aestrul .astitatii, /tapanul /patiului si cheia Timpurilor. @!T este cel ce comanda progresul? Cantareste si echilibrea'a calatoria omului. ;@< este tatal, maret la randu"i in infatisare, )ormandu"se si schimbandu"se din ceea ce nu are forma.

&andeste"te cu mare atentie la simbolurile pe care ti le"am dat. Chei sunt ele, desi sunt ascunse oamenilor. ;a'uieste oricand spre inalt, /uflet al diminetii, (ntoarce"ti gandurile spre 8umina si Biata. 3escopera in simbolurile pe care ti le"am dat, lumina pe drumul ce porneste din .iata si se termina in .iata. Cauta cu intelepciune. (ntoarce"ti gandurile spre interiorul tau. ;u"ti inchide mintea florii 8uminii. sa'a"ti in corp o imagine faurita din ganduri. &andeste"te la numerele care te conduc spre Biata. Curata este cararea pentru cel ce are intelepciune. 3eschide usa (mparatiei 8uminii. 1e.arsa"ti flacara ca un /oare al diminetii ce esti, (ndepartea'a intunericul si traieste in lumina 'ilei. !ri.este"te, omuleF Ca parte a fiintei tale Cei /apte care sunt dar nu sunt ce par a fi. 3eschisu"mi"am, omule, intelepciunea,. <rmea'a drumul pe care primul am pasit. 4aestri ai (ntelepciunii, /@ 1$ al 8<4(;(( 4 T(; 8$ si al B($T(( pentru copii omului. Tablita D Cel ;ascut in /patiu

The /pace Born 8ist ye, @ man, to the .oice of wisdom, list to the .oice of T%@T%, the tlantean. )reely ( gi.e to thee of my wisdom, gathered from the time and space of this cycle? master of mysteries, /<; of the morning,, a child of the 8(&%T, shining with brightness, star of the morning, T%@T% the teacher of men, is of 88. 8ong time ago, ( in my childhood, lay >neath the stars on long"buried T8 ;T(/, dreaming of mysteries far abo.e men. Then in my heart grew there a great longing to conquer the pathway that led to the stars. 5ear after year, ( sought after wisdom, seeking new knowledge, following the way, until at last my /@<8, in great tra.ail, broke from its bondage and bounded away. )ree was ( from the bondage of earth"men. )ree from the body, ( flashed through the night. <nlocked at last for me was the star"space. )ree was ( from the bondage of night. ;ow to the end of space sought ( wisdom, far beyond knowledge of finite man. )ar into space, my /@<8 tra.eled freely into infinity>s circle of light. /trange, beyond knowledge, were some of the planets, great and gigantic, beyond dreams of men. 5et found ( 8aw, in all of its beauty, working through and among them as here among men. )lashed forth my soul through infinity>s beauty, far through space ( flew with my thoughts. 1ested ( there on a planet of beauty. /trains of harmony filled all the air. /hapes there were, in @rder, great and ma2estic as stars in the night? mounting in harmony, ordered equilibrium, symbols of the Cosmic, like unto 8aw. 4any the stars ( passed in my 2ourney, many the races of men on their worlds? DJ

some reaching high as stars of the morning, some falling low in the blackness of night. $ach and all of them struggling upward, gaining the heights and plumbing the depths, at times in realms of brightness, through darkness, gaining the 8ight. #now, @ man, that 8ight is thine heritage. #now that darkness is only a .eil. /ealed in thine heart is brightness eternal, waiting the moment of freedom to conquer, waiting to rend the .eil of the night. /ome ( found who had conquered the ether. )ree of space were they while yet they were men. <sing the force that is the foundation of 88 things, far in space constructed they a planet, drawn by the force that flows through the 88? condensing, coalescing the ether into forms, that grew as they willed. @utstripping in science, they, all of the races, mighty in wisdom, sons of the stars. 8ong time ( paused, watching their wisdom. /aw them create from out of the ether cities gigantic of rose and gold. )ormed forth from the primal element, base of all matter, the ether far flung. )ar in the past, they had conquered the ether, freed from the bondage of toil? formed in heir mind only a picture and swiftly created, it grew. )orth then, my soul sped, throughout the Cosmos, seeing, new things and old? learning that man is truly space"born, a /un of the /un, a child of the stars. #now ye, @ man, from ye inhabit, surely it is one with the stars. Thy bodies are nothing but planets around their central suns. 0hen ye ha.e gained the light of all wisdom, free shall ye be to shine in the ether "" one of the /uns that light outer darkness "" one of the space"born grown into 8ight. 6ust as the stars in time lose their brilliance, light passing from them in to the great source, DK

so, @ man, the soul passes onward, behind the darkness of night. )ormed forth ye, from the primal ether, filled with the brilliance that flows from the source, bound by the ether coalesced around, yet it flames until at last it is free. 8ift up your flame from out of the darkness, fly from the night and ye shall be free. Tra.eled ( through the space"time, knowing my soul at last was set free, knowing that now might ( pursue wisdom. <ntil at last, ( passed to a plane, hidden from knowledge, known not to wisdom, e+tension beyond all that we know. ;ow, @ man, when ( had this knowing, happy my soul grew, for now ( was free. 8isten, ye space"born, list to my wisdom= know ye not that ye, too, will be free. 8ist ye again, @ man, to my wisdom, that hearing, ye too, might li.e and be free. ;ot of the earth are ye "" earthy, but child of the (nfinite Cosmic 8ight. #now ye not, @ man, of your heritageH #now ye not ye are truly the 8ightH /un of the &reat /un, when ye gain wisdom, truly aware of your kinship with 8ight. ;ow, to ye, ( gi.e knowledge, freedom to walk in the path ( ha.e trod, showing ye truly how by my, ( trod the path that leads to the stars. %ark ye, @ man, and know of thy bondage, know how to free thyself from the toils. @ut of the darkness shall ye rise upward, one with the 8ight and one with the stars. )ollow ye the path of wisdom. @nly by this can ye rise from below. $.er man>s destiny leads him onward into the of (nfinity>s 88. #now ye, @ man, that all space is ordered. @nly by @rder are ye @ne with the 88. D:

@rder and balance are the 8aw of the Cosmos. )ollow and ye shall be @ne with the 88. %e who would follow the pathway of wisdom, open must be to the flower of life, e+tending his consciousness out of the darkness, flowing through time and space in the 88. 3eep in the silence, first ye must linger until at last ye are free from desire, free from the longing to speak in the silence. Conquer by silence, the bondage of words. bstaining from eating until we ha.e conquered desire for food, that is bondage of soul. Then lie ye down in the darkness. Close ye your eyes from the rays of the 8ight. Centre thy soul"force in the place of thine consciousness, shaking it free from the bonds of the night. !lace in thy mind"place the image thou desireth. !icture the place thou desireth to see. Bibrate back and forth with thy power. 8oosen the soul from out of its night. )iercely must thou shake with all of thy power until at last thy soul shall be free. 4ighty beyond words is the flame of the Cosmic, hanging in planes, unknown to man? mighty and balanced, in @rder, music of harmonies, far beyond man. /peaking with music, singing with colour, flame from the beginning of $ternity>s 88. /park of the flame art thou, @ my children, burning with colour and with music. 8ist to the .oice and thou shalt be free. Consciousness free is fused with the Cosmic, @ne with the @rder and 8ow of the 88. #new ye not man, that out of the darkness, 8ight shall flame forth, a symbol of 88. !ray ye this prayer for attaining or wisdom. !ray for the coming of 8ight to the 88. $ighty S&'('T of L'GHT that shines through the !osmos, draw my flame closer in harmony to thee. Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is "ne with the LL. Lift up my soul, thou might and potent. !hild of the Light, turn not away. ,0

)raw me in power to melt in thy furnace# "ne with all things and all things in "ne, fire of the life*strain and "ne with the +rain. 0hen ye ha.e freed thy soul from its bondage, know that for ye the darkness is gone. $.er through space ye may seek wisdom, bound not be fetters forged in the flesh. @nward and upward into the morning, free flash, @ /oul, to the realms of 8ight. 4o.e thou in @rder, mo.e thou in %armony, freely shalt mo.e with the Children of 8ight. /eek ye and know ye, my #$5 of 0isdom. Thus, @ man, ye shall surely be free.

sculta, omule, .ocea intelepciunii, sculta .ocea lui T%@T%, atlantul. 3e buna .oie iti ofer intelepciunea mea, dunata din spatiul si timpul acestui ciclu? /tapan al misterelor, /@ 1$ al diminetii, Traind de"a pururi, un copil al 8<4(;((, /tralucind ca o stea a diminetii. T%@T% in.atatorul de oameni, in.atator al T@T<8<(. Cu mult timp in urma, in copilaria mea, !ri.eam stelele din de mult ingropata tlantida, /i .isam la misterele ce se ascundeau departe, deasupra oamenilor. tunci crescu in inima mea o mare dorinta de a cuceri drumul ce ducea catre stele. n dupa an, am cautat intelepciunea, cunostinte noi, urmand calea, !ana cand /<)8$T<8 meu, trudit, s"a eliberat din stransoare si a plecat departe.

$liberat eram de legatura pamant"om. $liberat de corp, am tasnit in noapte. 3eschis era, in sfarsit, si pentru mine spatiul stelar. $liberat din stransoarea noptii eram. cum puteam cauta intelepciune la marginile spatiului, 3eparte de cunoasterea omului limitat. 3eparte, in spatiu, calatori liber /<)8$T<8 meu (n infinitatea cercului luminii. Ciudate, dincolo de intelegere, erau unele planete, &igantice, cum omul nici nu poate .isa. Totusi gasit"am 8egea, in toata frumusetea ei, ce se facea simtita !e si printre acele planete asa cum se face simtita printre oameni. !rin frumusetea infinitatii calatori sufletul meu, 3eparte in spatiu am 'burat cu gandul. 4"am odihnit pe o planeta frumoasa l carei aer era plin de sunete armonioase. )orme erau acolo, miscandu"se in @rdine, 4arete si maiestuoase precum stelele noptii? <rcand in armonie, echilibru ordonat, /imboluri ale Cosmicului, si ale 8egii. !e langa multe stele trecut"am in calatoria mea, /i pe langa multe rase de oameni <nii urcand ca stele ale diminetii

ltii ca'and spre intunericul noptii. )iecare din ei se luptau sa se ridice, <rcand spre inaltimi si sondand abisurile, 2ungand uneori pe taramuri luminoase, Trecand prin intuneric ca sa iasa la 8umina. /a stii, omule, ca 8umina este mostenirea ta. (ntunericul e doar un .al. (nchisa in inima ta se afla lumina eterna, steptand sa fie eliberata pentru a cuceri, steptand sa rupa .alul noptii. m descoperit cati.a din cei ce cucerisera eterul. $liberati de spatiu dar totusi oameni erau. )olosind forta care sta la ba'a T<T<1@1 lucrurilor, 3eparte in spatiu construit"au o planeta, Condusa de forta ce curge prin T@T? Concentrand, transformand eterul in forme Care cresteau dupa .rerea lor. 3epasisera in stiinta toate rasele, .eau o intelepciune nemasurata, erau fii ai stelelor. (ndelung am stat si le"am admirat intelepciunea. u creat din eter orase 4arete din trandafiri si aur. Ci mult timp in urma, ei cucerisera eterul,

/e eliberasera din stransoare /e gandeau doar la o imagine iar aceasta era rapid creata. 4ai departe pleca sufletul meu prin Cosmos, Ba'and lucruri si noi dar si .echi? (n.atand ca omul este cu ade.arat un fiu al spatiului, <n /oare intre /ori, un copil al stelelor. /a stii, omule, ca tot ce ai, este una cu stelele. Corpul tau nu e decat o planeta (n.artindu"se in 2urul stelei din centrul sistemului planetar. 3upa ce .ei obtine lumina intelepciunii totale, 8iber .ei fi sa stralucesti in eter Bei fi unul din /orii ce luminea'a intunericul e+terior <nul din copii spatiului ce creste in 8umina. sa precum stelele isi pierd cu timpul stralucirea, 8umina lor re.enind la mareata sursa, 8a fel, omule, trece sufletul 8asand in urma intunericul noptii. )ormat din eterul primordial, plin de stralucirea ce curge dinspre sursa, 8egat de eterul ce il incon2oara /traluce de"a pururi pana cand se eliberea'a in sfarsit. 1idica"ti flacara din intuneric, lasa"n urma noaptea si liber .ei fi. Calatorit"am prin spatiu"timp, /tiind ca in sfarsit sufletul meu era liber,

/tiind ca in sfarsit pot urma intelepciunea. !ana cand, in cele din urma am trecut intr"un plan, scuns cunoasterii, necunoscut intelepciunii, @ prelungire dincolo de tot ceea ce stim noi. .and aceasta cunoastere, omule, /ufletul meu a fost si mai fericit, !entru ca acum eram liber. sculta, fiu al spatiului, sculta"mi intelepciunea= fla ca si tu .ei fi liber. sculta"mi inca o data intelepciunea, omule, Caci ascultand si tu poti trai si fi liber. ;u esti ce.a pamantean ci fiu al (nfinitei 8umini Cosmice. ;u mai stii de unde .ii, omuleH ;u stii ca esti cu ade.arat 8uminaH /oare al 4aretului /oare, dobandind intelepciune Bei constienti'a legatura ta cu 8umina. Tie iti ofer acum cunoastere, 8ibertatea de a pasi pe aceeasi cale pe care am mers si eu, ratandu"ti cum prin 'buciumul meu m pasit pe calea ce duce spre stele. sculta, omule, si constienti'ea'a"ti legaturile, fla cum sa te elibere'i.

3in mi2locul intunericului te .ei ridica, .ei fi una cu 8umina si cu stelele. <rmea'a intotdeauna calea intelepciunii. 3oar asa te poti ridica. 3estinul omului il conduce dintotdeauna inainte /pre Curbele (nfinitului T@T. fla, omule, ca tot spatiul este supus ordinii. 3oar prin @rdine poti fi <na cu T@T<8. @rdinea si echilibrul sunt 8egile Cosmosului. 1especta"le si .ei fi <na cu T@T<8. Cel ce .a urma cararea intelepciunii, Trebuie sa fie deschis florii .ietii, /a"si e+tinda constiinta dincolo de intuneric, /a curga prin timp si spatiu spre T@T. !rofund, in liniste trebuie sa ramai pana cand, in sfarsit Te .ei elibera de dorinte, 3e dorinta de a .orbi in tacerea in care te afli. $liberea'a"te prin tacere de legatura cu.intelor. bstinenta de la mancare pana cand am in.ins 3orinta de a manca, aceasta sub2uga sufletul. tunci asa'a"te in intuneric. (nchide ochii ca sa nu mai .e'i ra'ele 8uminii. Centrea'a"ti forta sufletului in locul constiintei, /i eliberea'a"l de robia noptii.

sa'a"ti in minte imaginea pe care o doresti. (maginea'a"ti locul pe care ai .rea sa"l .e'i. Bibrea'a inainte si inapoi cu forta ta. 3esfa"ti sufletul din legaturile noptii. Cu toata puterea trebuie sa scuturi !ana cand sufletul tau .a fi eliberat in sfarsit. totputernica mai presus de cu.inte este flacara Cosmica, Ce sade in planuri necunoscute omului? totputernica si echilibrata, miscandu"se in @rdine, 4u'ica plina de armonie, dincolo de om. Borbind prin mu'ica, cantand prin intermediul culorilor, )lacara ce arde de la inceputul T@T<8<( $tern. /canteie din aceasta flacara sunteti, copii mei, r'and in culori .ii si traind prin mu'ica. sculta .ocea si .ei .i liber. Constiinta eliberata fu'ionea'a cu cea Cosmica, Cu @rdinea si 8egea T@T<8<(. /a nu te indoiesti, omule, ca din intuneric, 8umina .a straluci in continuare ca un simbol al T@T<8<(. /pune aceasta rugaciune daca .rei sa obtii intelepciunea. 1oaga"te ca 8umina sa inunde T@T<8. totputernice /pirit al 8uminii ce straluci in Cosmos, atrage"mi flacara, in armonie, spre tine.

1idica"mi focul din intuneric, tractie a focului care este <na cu T@T<8. 1idica"mi sufletul, tu preaputernice. Copil al 8uminii, nu"ti intoarce fata de la mine. )a"ma sa ma topesc in cuptorul tau? Cel ce esti una cu toate lucrurile si toate lucrurile <na cu tine, foc al .ietii si <na cu 4intea. Cand ti"ai eliberat sufletul din robie, sa stii ca pentru tine nu mai e+ista intuneric. !rin spatiu .ei putea cauta intelepciune descatusat de trup. 8iber 'boara in lumina diminetii, /ufletule, spre taramurile 8uminii. 4isca"te in @rdine, (n rmonie, eliberat .ei fi impreuna cu Copii 8uminii. Cauta si cunoaste, Cheia mea spre (ntelepciune. stfel, omule, .ei fi liber cu siguranta. T B8(T , 8ocuitorul din <nal
The 3weller of <nal @ft dream ( of buried tlantis, lost in the ages that ha.e passed into night. eon on aeon thou e+isted in beauty, a light shining through the darkness of night. 4ighty in power, ruling the earth"born, 8ord of the $arth in tlantis> day. #ing of the nations, master of wisdom, 8(&%T through /<;T 8, #eeper of the way, dwelt in his T$4!8$, ,K

the 4 /T$1 of <; 8, 8(&%T of the $arth in tlantis> day. 4aster, %$, from a cycle beyond us, in bodies as one among men. ;ot as the earth"born, %$ from beyond us, /<; of a cycle, ad.anced beyond men. #now ye, @ man, that %@18$T the 4aster, was one with the children of men. )ar in the past time when tlantis first grew as a power, appeared there one with the #$5 of 0(/3@4, showing the way of 8(&%T to all. /howed he to all men the path of attainment, way of the 8ight that flows among men. 4astering darkness, leading the 4 ;"/@<8, upward to heights that were @ne with the 8ight. 3i.ided the #ingdoms, %$ into sections. Ten were they, ruled by children of men. <pon another, built %$ a T$4!8$, built but not by the children of men. @ut of the $T%$1 called %$ its substance, moulded and formed by the power of 5T@8 ; into the forms %$ built with %is mind. 4ile upon mile it co.ered the island, space upon space it grew in its might. Black, yet not black, but dark like the space"time, deep in its heart the $//$;C$ of 8(&%T. /wiftly the T$4!8$ grew into being, moulded and shaped by the 0@13 of the 30$88$1, called from the formless into a form. Builded %$ then, within it, great chambers, filled them with forms called forth from the $T%$1, filled them with wisdom called forth by %is mind. )ormless was %$ within his T$4!8$, yet was %$ formed in the image of men. 3welling among them yet not of them, strange and far different was %$ from the children of men. ,:

Chose %$ then from among the people, T%1$$ who became his gateway. Choose %$ the T%1$$ from the %ighest to become his links with tlantis. 4essengers they, who carried his council, to the kings of the children of men. Brought %$ forth others and taught them wisdom? teachers, they, to the children of men. !laced %$ them on the island of <;3 8 to stand as teachers of 8(&%T to men. $ach of those who were thus chosen, taught must he be for years fi.e and ten. @nly thus could he ha.e understanding to bring 8(&%T to the children of men. Thus there came into being the Temple, a dwelling place for the 4aster of men. (, T%@T%, ha.e sought wisdom, searching in darkness and searching in 8ight. 8ong in my youth ( tra.eled the pathway, seeking new knowledge to gain. <ntil after much, one of the T%1$$, to me brought the 8(&%T. Brought %$ to me the commands of the 30$88$1, called me from the darkness into the 8(&%T. Brought %$ me, before the 30$88$1, deep in the Temple before the great )(1$. There on the great throne, beheld (, the 30$88$1, clothed with the 8(&%T and flashing with fire. 3own ( knelt before that great wisdom, feeling the 8(&%T flowing through me in %eard ( then the .oice of the 30$88$1= A@ darkness, come into the 8ight. 8ong ha.e ye sought the pathway to 8(&%T. $ach soul on earth that loosens its fetters, shall soon be made free from the bondage of night. )orth from the darkness ha.e ye arisen, closer approached the 8ight of your goal. 60

%ere ye shall dwell as one of my children, keeper of records gathered by wisdom, instrument thou of the 8(&%T from beyond. 1eady by thou made to do what is needed, of wisdom through the ages of darkness, that shall come fast on the children of men. 8i.e thee here and drink of all wisdom. /ecrets and mysteries unto thee shall un.eil.A Then answered (, the 4 /T$1 @) C5C8$/, saying= A@ 8ight, that descended to men, gi.e thou to me of thy wisdom that ( might be a teacher of men. &i.e thou of thy 8(&%T that ( may be free.A /poke then to me again, the 4 /T$1= A ge after age shall ye li.e through your wisdom, ye, when o>er tlantis the ocean roll, holding the 8ight, though hidden in darkness, ready to come when e>er thou shalt call. &o thee now and learn greater wisdom. &row thou through 8(&%T to (nfinity>s 88.A 8ong then dwelt ( in the Temple of the 30$88$1 until at last ( was @ne with the 8(&%T. )ollowed ( then the path to the star planes, followed ( then the pathway to 8(&%T. 3eep into $arth>s heart ( followed the pathway, learning the secrets, below as abo.e? learning the pathway to the % 88/ of 4$;T(? learning the 8 0 that balances the world. To $arth>s hidden chambers pierced ( by my wisdom, deep through the $arth>s crust, into the pathway, hidden for ages from the children of men. <n.eiled before me, more wisdom until ( reached a new knowledge= found that all is part of an 88, great and yet greater than all that we know. /earched ( (nfinity>s heart through all the ages. 3eep and yet deeper, more mysteries ( found. ;ow, as ( look back through the ages, know ( that wisdom is boundless, grown greater throughout the ages, @ne with (nfinity>s greater than all. 8ight there was in ancient T8 ;T(/. 5et, darkness, too, was hidden in all. )ell from the 8ight into the darkness, some who had risen to heights among men. !roud they became because of their knowledge, proud were they of their place among men. 6*

3eep del.ed they into the forbidden, opened the gateway that led to below. /ought they to gain more knowledge but seeking to bring it up from below. %e who descends below must ha.e balance, else he is bound by lack of our 8ight. @pened, they then, by their knowledge, pathways forbidden to man. But, in %is Temple, all"seeing, the 30$88$1, lay in his &0 ;T(, while through tlantis, %is soul roamed free. /aw %$ the tlanteans, by their magic, opening the gateway that would bring to $arth a great woe. )ast fled %is soul then, back to %is body. <p %$ arose from %is &0 ;T(. Called %$ the Three mighty messengers. &a.e the commands that shattered the world. 3eep >neath $arth>s crust to the % 88/ of 4$;T(, swiftly descended the 30$88$1. Called %$ then on the powers the /e.en 8ords wielded? changed the $arth>s balance. 3own sank tlantis beneath the dark /hattered the gateway that had been opened? shattered the doorway that led down below. ll of the islands were shattered e+cept <; 8, and part of the island of the sons of the 30$88$1. !reser.ed %$ them to be the teachers, 8ights on the path for those to come after, 8ights for the lesser children of men. Called %$ then, ( T%@T%, before him, ga.e me commands for all ( should do, saying? ATake thou, @ T%@T%, all of your wisdom. Take all your records, Take all your magic. &o thou forth as a teacher of men. &o thou forth the records until in time 8(&%T grows among men. 8(&%T shalt thou be all through the ages, hidden yet found by enlightened men. all $arth, gi.e 0$ ye power, free thou to gi.e or take it away.


&ather thou now the sons of tlantis. Take them and flee to the people of the rock )ly to the land of the Children of #%$4.A Then gathered ( the sons of tlantis. (nto the spaceship ( brought all my records, brought the records of sunken tlantis. &athered ( all of my powers, instruments many of mighty magic. <p then we rose on wings of the morning. %igh we arose abo.e the Temple, behind the Three and 30$88$1, deep in the % 88/ >neath the Temple, closing the pathway to the 8@13/ of the Cycles. 5et to him who has knowing, open shall be the path to 4$;T(. )ast fled we then on the wings of the morning, fled to the land of the children of #%$4. There by my power, ( conquered and ruled them. 1aised ( to 8(&%T, the children of #%$4. 3eep >neath the rocks, ( buried my spaceship, waiting the time when man might be free. the spaceship, erected a marker in the form of a lion yet like unto man. There >neath the image rests yet my spaceship, forth to be brought when need shall arise. #now ye, @ man, that far in the future, in.aders shall come from out of the deep. Then awake, ye who ha.e wisdom. Bring forth my ship and conquer with ease. 3eep >neath the image lies my secret. /earch and find in the pyramid ( built. $ach to the other is the #eystone? each the gateway that leads into 8()$. )ollow the #$5 ( lea.e behind me. /eek and the doorway to 8()$ shall be thine. /eek thou in my pyramid, deep in the passage that ends in a wall. <se thou the #$5 of the /$B$;, and open to thee the pathway will fall. ;ow unto thee ( ha.e gi.en my wisdom. ;ow unto thee ( ha.e gi.en my way.


)ollow the pathway. /ol.e thou my secrets. <nto thee ( ha.e shown the way.

des .ise' la ingropata tlantida, pierduta in epoci ce"au disparut in noapte. $on dupa eon ai fiintat in frumusete, lumina stralucind in intunericul noptii. totputernic, domnind peste cei nascuti pe pamint, /tapan al !amantului in .remea tlantidei. 1ege al natiilor, stapan al intelepciunii, 8<4(; deasupra orasului /<;T 8, !astrator al caii, Traia in T$4!8<8 sau, 4 $/T1<8 din <; 8, 8<4(; a !amantului in 'ilele tlantidei. 4aestru .enit dintr"un ciclu de dincolo de noi, Traind in corpuri ca si printre oameni. ;enascut pe !amant, $8, .enit de dincolo de noi, /@ 1$ a unui ciclu, mai presus de oameni. /a stii, omule, ca 4aestrul %@18$T, ;u a fost niciodata una cu copii oamenilor. (n .remuri de demult cand tlantida s"a aratat ca o putere aparut cine.a cu Cheia (ntelepciunii, ratand tuturor calea spre 8<4(; .

ratatu"le"a tuturor oamenilor calea spre desa.arsire, Calea 8uminii ce curge printre oameni. /tapanind intunericul, conducand /ufletul"@mului, /pre inaltimi ce erau <na cu 8umina. (mparti el 1egatele in parti. Cece erau la numar, conduse de copii oamenilor. (ntr"unul construi un T$4!8<, 3ar construit nu de copii oamenilor. 3in $T$1 a chemat substanta, modelata si cu forma data de puterea lui 5T@8 ; in formele pe care $8 le"a construit cu mintea 8ui. #ilometru dupa kilometru subtanta a acoperit insula, spatiu dupa spatiu a crescut in putere. ;eagra, si totusi nu, dar intunecata ca si spatiul"timp, adanc in interiorul ei $/$;T 8<4(;((. Cu repe'iciune aparu Templul modelat si cu forma data de C<B ;T<8 8@C<(T@1<8<(, chemat sa se forme'e din ceea ce n"are forma. Construi apoi $8, in interior, camere marete, le umplu cu forme chemate din $T$1, si cu intelepciune facuta sa apara din mintea 8ui. )ara forma era $8 in T$4!8<8 sau, si in acelasi timp era format in imaginea oamenilor. Traind printre ei si totusi nefiind de"al lor, ciudat si foarte diferit

era $8 de copii oamenilor. lese apoi dintre oameni T1$( care sa fie poarta spre el. (i alese pe cei T1$( dintre cei 4 ( 4 1( ca sa de.ina legatura lui cu tlantida. 4esageri care sa"i duca sfatul regilor copiilor oamenilor. ales si pe altii si ("a in.atat despre intelepciune? ca in.atatori sa fie ei pentru copii oamenilor. poi i"a ase'at pe insula <;3 8 pentru a fi in.atatori ai 8uminii pentru oameni. )iecare din cei astfel alesi, a trebuit sa fie in.atat intre cinci si 'ece ani. 3oar astfel putea sa inteleaga cum sa aduca 8<4(; copiilor oamenilor. stfel aparu Templul, locul unde statea (n.atatorul oamenilor. $u, T%@T%, am cautat dintotdeauna intelepciunea, (n intuneric si in 8umina. (nca din tinerete am mers pe cale, cautand sa capat si mai multa in.atatura. 3upa multe straduinte, unul din cei T1$(, mi"a adus 8<4(; . 4i"a facut cunoscute poruncile 8@C<(T@1<8<(, m"a adus din intuneric la 8<4(; . m"a dus in fata 8@C<(T@1<8<(, in Templu, in fata marelui )@C. colo, pe maretul tron, 8"am .a'ut, pe 8@C<(T@1, in.esmantat in 8<4(; si stralucind ca focul. m ingenuncheat in fata maretei intelepciuni, simtind 8<4(; curgand in .aluri prin corpul meu.

u'it"am apoi .ocea 8@C<(T@1<8<(= A(ntuneric, .ino spre 8umina. 3e mult tot cauti calea spre 8<4(; . )iecare suflet de pe pamant care isi slabeste lanturile, .a fi curand eliberat din robia noptii. danc din intuneric te"ai ridicat, si te"ai apropiat mai mult de 8umina telului tau. ici .ei locui ca si copil al meu, pastrator al intelepciunii, unealta a 8<4(;(( de departe. parator al intelepciunii in epocile intunericului, ce curand se .or abate asupra copiilor oamenilor. 8ocuieste aici si soarbe din toata intelepciunea. /ecrete si mistere ti se .or de'.alui.A 1aspunsu"i"am apoi 4 $/T1<8<( C(C8<1(8@1, 'icand= A8umina ce te scobori asupra oamenilor, da"mi din intelepciunea ta ca sa pot fi in.atator de oameni. 3a"mi din 8<4(; ta ca sa ma pot elibera.A (mi .orbi apoi, din nou, 4 $/T1<8= A$poca dupa epoca .ei trai prin intelepciunea ta, da, cand peste tlantida se .or rostogoli .alurile oceanului, .ei a.ea 8umina, desi ascunsa in intuneric,

pregatita sa apara oricand o .ei chema. 4ergi acum si in.ata si mai mult din intelepciune. 3e'.olta"te in 8<4(; catre T@T<8 infinitului.A 4ult timp locuit"am in templul 8@C<(T@1<8<( pana cand in sfarsit m"am contopit cu 8<4(; . <rmat"am apoi calea spre planurile stelare, urmat"am apoi calea 8<4(;((. m urmat calea ce ducea adanc in inima !amantului, in.atand deopotri.a secretele de deasupra si de dedesubt? in.atand calea spre / 8(8$ 3(; 4$;T(? in.atand despre 8$&$ ce tine lumea in echilibru. (ntelepciunea mea purtatu"m"a spre camerele ascunse ale !amantului, adanc sub scoarta !amantului, pe calea ascunsa de epoci copiilor oamenilor. 4i s"a re.elat chiar si mai multa intelepciune inainte de a capata o noua in.atatura= aflat"am ca orice e parte a unui T@T, maret si totusi mai maret decat tot ceea ce cunoastem. Cautat"am centrul (nfinitului de"a lungul epocilor. !e masura ce inaintam, din ce in ce mai multe secrete aflam. cum, pri.ind in urma prin epocile trecute, stiu ca intelepciunea nu cunoaste limite, ca ea creste odata cu epocile, ca e <na cu cea a (nfinitului. 8umina era in .echea tlantida. /i totusi si intunericul se ascundea acolo. 3in 8umina in intuneric au ca'ut, cei care se ridicasera dintre oameni.

@rgoliosi de.enisera din cau'a a ceea ce stiau, 4andri erau de locul lor intre oameni. danc au cercetat in ce le era inter'is, /i au deschis poarta ce ducea dedesubt. Cautat"au sa obtina si mai multa cunoastere dar /i sa o aduca la suprafata. Cel ce coboara dedesubt trebuie sa fie echilibrat, ltfel .a fi limitat de lipsa luminii. 3eschis"au ei apoi, !rin cunoasterea lor, Cai inter'ise omului. 3ar, in Templul /au, cel ce .ede tot, 8@C<(T@1<8, sade in &0 ;T(, in timp ce prin tlantida, sufletul lui hoinareste liber. ("a .a'ut pe atlanti, cu magia lor, 3eschi'and poarta ce urma sa aduca pe !amant mare neca'. Cu repe'iciune se"ntoarse sufletul sau atunci in corpul sau. 3in al sau &0 ;T( se ridica /i isi chema cei T1$( preaputernici mesageri. 3adu porunci ce 'guduira lumea. danc sub scoarta !amantului, spre /alile din menti, 1epede cobori 8@C<(T@1<8. Chema apoi fortele stapanite de cei /apte 4aestri? /chimba echilibrul !amantului.

danc scufunda tlantida sub .alurile"ntunecate. /farama poarta ce fusese deschisa? 3istruse intrarea ce ducea dedesubt. Toate insulele fura distruse cu e+ceptia insulei <; 8, /i o parte a insulei fiilor 8@C<(T@1<8<(. !e acestia ii pastra ca sa fie in.atatori, 8umini pe calea celor ce .or .eni 8umini pentru copii mai mici ai oamenilor. 4a chema apoi pe mine, T%@T%, in fata lui, /i"mi dadu porunci pentru ce trebuia sa fac, 'icandu"mi= ATu T%@T%, ia"ti toata intelepciunea. Toate cunostintele, toata magia ta. 4ergi si fii in.atator de oameni. 4ergi si pastrea'a cunostintele !ana cand, cu timpul, 8<4(; .a spori in oameni. 8<4(; fi".ei de"a lungul epocilor, scunsa dar de gasit pentru cei luminati. !este tot !amantul, iti dam putere, Te eliberam s"o oferi sau s"o iei. duna"i acum pe fii tlantidei. (a"i si fugiti la oamenii din pesteri. Cburati spre taramul Copiilor lui #%$4.A dunatu"i"am apoi pe fii tlantidei.

(n na.a am adus toate documentele mele, Cele ale scufundatei tlantide. dunatu"mi"am toate fortele, <nelte multe ale magiei atotputernice. 1idicatu"ne"am apoi pe aripile diminetii. 3easupra Templului ne"am ridicat 8asand in urma pe cei Trei si pe 8@C<(T@1, Ce sedeau in / 8(8$ de sub Templu, (nchi'and calea spre 4aestrii Ciclurilor. Cu toate acestea, celui care are cunoastere, 3eschisa ii .a fi calea spre 4$;T(. Cu repe'iciune 'burat"am noi pe aripile diminetii, /pre taramul copiilor lui #%$4. colo, prin puterea mea, ("am cucerit si i"am condus. 1idicat"am spre 8<4(; , pe copii lui #%$4. danc sub stanci mi"am ingropat na.a, asteptand .remea cand omul .a fi liber. 3easupra na.ei, am ridicat un semn sub forma unui leu cu cap de om. colo sub acel chip se odihneste na.a mea, /pre a fi scoasa cand ne.oia o .a cere. fla, omule, ca departe, in .iitor, in.adatori .or .eni din adancul spatiului. tunci sa .a tre'iti .oi, cei ce a.eti intelepciune. /coateti na.a mea si in.ingeti"i cu usurinta.

danc ingropat sub acel chip se afla secretul meu. Cautati si descoperiti in piramida pe care am construit"o. )iecare e pentru ceilalti cheia de bolta? )iecare e poarta ce duce spre B( T . <rmea'a C%$( pe care am lasat"o in urma mea. Cauta iar poarta spre B( T iti .a apartine. Cauta in piramida mea, adanc in coridorul ce se termina intr"un perete. )oloseste C%$( celor / !T$, si deschide calea. cum tie ti"am incredintat intelepciunea mea. cum tie ti"am incredintat calea mea. <rmea'a calea. fla tu secretele mele. Caci tie ti"am aratat drumul. T B8(T 6 Cheia 4agiei
The #ey of 4agic %ark ye, @ man, to the wisdom of magic. %ark the knowledge of powers forgotten. 8ong, ago in the days of the first man, warfare began between darkness and light. 4an, then as now, were filled with both darkness and light? and while in some darkness hell sway, in other light filled the soul. ye, age old in this warfare, the eternal struggle between darkness and light. )iercely is it fought all through the ages, using strange powers hidden to man.


depts has there been filled with the blackness, struggling always against the light? but others there are who, filled with brightness, ha.e conquered the darkness of night. 0here e>er ye may be in all ages and plane, surely, ye shall know of the battle with night. 8ong ages ago, The /<;/ of the 4orning descending, found the world filled with night, there in that past, begun the struggle, the age old Battle 3arkness M 8ight. 4any in the time were so filled with darkness that only feebly flamed the light from the night. /ome they were, masters of darkness, who sought to fill all with their darkness= /ought to draw others into their night. )iercely withstood they, the masters of brightness= fiercely fought they from the darkness of night /ought to tighten the fetters, the chains that bind men to the darkness of night. <sed they always the dark magic, brought into men by the power of darkness. magic that enshrouded man>s soul with darkness. Banded together as in order, B1@T%$1/ @) 3 1#;$//, they through the ages, antagonist they to the children of men. 0alked they always secret and hidden, found, yet not found by the children of man. ), they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night. /ilently, secretly use they their power, and binding the soul of men. <nseen they come, and unseen they go. 4an, in his ignorance calls T%$4 from below. 3ark is the way of the 3 1# B1@T%$1/ tra.el, dark of the darkness not of the night, tra.eling o>er $arth they walk through man>s dreams. !ower they ha.e gained from the darkness around them to call other dwellers from out of their plane, in ways that are dark and unseen by man. (nto man>s mind"space reach the 3 1# B1@T%$1/. round it, they close the .eil of their night. There through it>s lifetime that soul dwells in bondage, J3

bound by the fetters of the B$(8 of the night. 4ighty are they in the forbidden knowledge forbidden because it is one with the night. %ark ye @ old man and list to my warning= be ye free from the bondage of night. /urrender not your soul to the B1@T%$1/ @) 3 1#;$//. #eep thy face turned towards the 8ight. #now ye not, @ man, that your sorrow, only has come through the Beil of the night. ye man, heed ye my warning= stri.e upward, turn your soul toward the 8(&%T. The B1@T%$1/ @) 3 1#;$// seek for their brothers those who tra.eled the pathway of 8(&%T. )or well know they that those who ha.e tra.eled far towards the /un in their pathway of 8(&%T ha.e great and yet greater power to bind with darkness the children of 8(&%T. 8ist ye, @ man, to he who comes to you. But weigh in the balance if his words be of 8(&%T. )or many there are who walk in 3 1# B1(&%T;$// and yet are not the children of 8(&%T. $asy it is to follow their pathway, easy to follow the path that they lead. But yet @ man, heed ye my warning= 8ight comes only to him who %ard is the pathway that leads to the 0(/3@4, hard is the pathway that leads to the 8(&%T. 4any shall ye find, the stones in your pathway= many the mountains to climb toward the 8(&%T. 5et know ye, @ man, to him that o>ercometh, free will he be of the pathway of 8ight. )or ye know, @ man, in the $;3 light must conquer and darkness and night be banished from 8ight. 8isten, @ man, and heed ye this wisdom? e.en as darkness, so is the 8(&%T. 0hen darkness is banished and all Beils are rended, out there shall flash from the darkness, the 8(&%T. $.en as e+ist among men the 3 1# B1@T%$1/, so there e+ists the B1@T%$1/ @) 8(&%T. ntagonists they of the B1@T%$1/ @) 3 1#;$//, seeking to free men from the night. !owers ha.e they, mighty and potent. #nowing the 8 0, the planets obey. 0ork they in harmony and order, freeing the man"soul from its bondage of night. JD

/ecret and hidden, walk they also. #nown not are they to the children of men. $.er ha.e T%$5 fought the 3 1# B1@T%$1/, conquered and conquering time without end. 5et always 8(&%T shall in the end be master, away the darkness of night. ye, man, know ye this knowing= always beside thee walk the Children of 8ight. 4asters they of the /<; power, unseen yet the guardians of men. @pen to all is their pathway, open to he who will walk in the 8(&%T. )ree are T%$5 of 3 1# 4$;T(, free of the % 88/, where 8()$ reigns supreme. /<;/ are they and 8@13/ of the morning, Children of 8ight to shine among men. 8ike man are they and yet are unlike, ; di.ided were they in the past. @;$ ha.e they been in @;$;$// eternal, throughout all space since the beginning of time. <p did they come in @neness with the 88 @;$, up from the first"space, formed and unformed. &i.en to man ha.e they secrets that shall guard and protect him from all harm. %e who would tra.el the path of the master, free must he be from the bondage of night. Conquer must he the formless and shapeless, conquer must he the phantom of fear. #nowing, must he gain of all of the secrets, tra.el the pathway that leads through the darkness, yet before him keep the light of his goal. @bstacles great shall he meet in the pathway, yet press on to the 8(&%T of the /<;. %ear ye, @ 4an, the /<; is the symbol of the 8(&%T that shines at the end of thy road. ;ow to thee gi.e ( the secrets= now to meet the dark power, meet and conquer the fear from the night. @nly by knowing can ye conquer, @nly be knowing can ye ha.e 8(&%T. ;ow ( gi.e unto thee the knowledge, known to the 4 /T$1/, the knowing that conquers all the dark fears. <se this, the wisdom ( gi.e thee. 4 /T$1 thou shalt be of T%$ B1@T%$1/ @) ;(&%T. J,

,hen unto thee comes a feeling, drawing thee nearer to the darker gate, e-amine thine heart and find if the feeling thou hast has come from within. 'f thou shalt find the darkness thine own thoughts, banish them forth from the place in thy mind. Send through thy body a wave of vibration, irregular first and regular second, repeating time after time until free. Start the , ./ F"(!/ in thy +( '0 !/0T/(. )irect it in waves from thine head to thy foot. But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened, be sure that a force is directed to thee. @nly by knowing can thou o.ercome it. @nly be wisdom can thou hope to be free. #nowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power. ttain and ye shall ha.e power o>er all. Seek ye first a place bound by darkness. &lace ye a circle around about thee. Stand erect in the midst of the circle. 1se thou this formula, and you shalt be free. (aise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee . !lose thou thine eyes and draw in the L'GHT. !all to the S&'('T "F L'GHT through the Space*Time, using these words and thou shalt be free2 3Fill thou my body, " S&'('T "F L'fe, fill thou my body with S&'('T "F L'GHT. !ome from the FL",/( that shines through the darkness. !ome from the H LLS where the Seven Lords rule. 0ame them by name, ', the Seven2 TH(//, F"1(, F'./, and S'4, S/./0, /'GHT**0ine. +y their names ' call them to aid me, free me and save me from the darkness of night2 10T 0 S, 51/(T S, !H'/T L, and G"6 0 , H1/(T L, S/$./T ** () L. +y their names ' implore thee, free me from darkness and fill me with L'GHT #now ye, @ man, that when ye ha.e done this, ye shall be free from the fetters that bind ye, cast off the bondage of the brothers of night. /ee ye not that the names ha.e the power to free by .ibration the fetters that bindH J6

<se them at need to free thou thine brother so that he, too, may come forth from the night. Thou, @ man, art thy brother>s helper. 8et him not lie in the bondage of night. ;ow unto thee, gi.e ( my magic. Take it and dwell on the pathway of 8(&%T. 8(&%T unto thee, 8()$ unto thee, /<; may thou be on the cycle abo.e.

sculta, omule, la intelepciunea magiei, (a aminte la uitata in.atatura a puterilor. cum mult timp, pe .remea primului om, @ lupta a inceput intre intuneric si lumina. tunci, oamenii, ca si acum, .eau in ei deopotri.a lumina si intuneric? (n timp ce in unii, intunericul iadului domnea, ltora lumina le umplea sufletul. 3a, o lupta dusa in .remuri de demult, $terna batalie dintre intuneric si lumina. Cu .iolenta purtata de"a lungul epocilor, )olosind forte ciudate, necunoscute omului. (nitiati au fost in.aluiti in intuneric, 8uptand intotdeauna impotri.a luminii? 3ar sunt si altii care, plini de lumina, u infrant intotdeauna intunericul noptii. @riunde te"ai afla in epoci si planuri, Cu siguranta .ei afla de lupta cu noaptea.

Cu multe epoci in urma, /@1(( 3iminetii u coborat si au descoperit lumea acoperita de noapte. colo, in trecut, a inceput lupta, eterna lupta dintre (ntuneric si 8umina. 4ulti erau atunci cuprinsi atat de mult de intuneric (ncat abia mai licarea in ei lumina prin noapte. <neii dintre ei erau maestri ai intunericului, ce cautau /a umple tot cu intunericul lor= Cautatu sa ii atraga si pe altii in noaptea lor. Cu .iolenta se impotri.eau maestrilor luminii= 8uptau cu indar2ire din intunericul noptii Cautand sa stranga si mai mult catusele, 8anturile ce"i legau pe oameni de intunericul noptii. /e foloseau intotdeauna de magia intunericului, dusa de forta intunericului. 4agie ce in.aluia sufletul omului in intuneric. <niti si ascultand porunca, )1 T(( (;T<;$1(C<8<(, 3e"a lungul epocilor, opusi copiilor oamenilor. <mbland intotdeauna in secret, pe ascuns, Cunoscuti si totusi nedescoperiti de copii omului. 3intotdeauna, au mers si au lucrat in intuneric, scun'andu"se de lumina in be'na noptii. (n tacere si in secret isi foloseau puterea, (nrobind si legand sufletele oamenilor.

;e.a'uti .eneau si tot asa plecau. @mul, in ignoranta lui, (( cheama de dedesubt. (ntunecata e calea pe care merg )1 T(( (;T<;$1(C<8<(, ;eagra precum intunericul nu precum noaptea, Calatorind pe !amant .in in .isele oamenilor. u capatat putere din intunericul ce"i incon2oara /a cheme alti locuitori din afara planului lor, !rin modalitati ce sunt ascunse omului. )1 T(( (;T<;$1(C<8<( a2ung pana in mintea omului. (n 2ur ei isi tes .alul noptii lor. stfel, atat cat .ietuieste, cel suflet traieste inlantuit, 8egat de catusele B 8<8<( noptii. !uternici sunt in cunoasterea inter'isa (nter'isa deoarece e una cu noaptea. sculta, batrane, si ia aminte la a.ertismentul meu= $liberea'a"te de robia noptii. ;u"ti ceda sufletul )1 T(8@1 (;T<;$1(C<8<(. (ndreapta"ti fata intotdeauna spre 8umina. ;u stii, omule, ca durerea ta, /e datorea'a doar Balului noptii. 3a, omule, ia aminte la a.ertismentul meu= !ri.este intotdeauna inspre sus,

(ntoarceti sufletul spre 8<4(; . )1 T(( (;T<;$1(C<8<( isi cauta fratii Cei care au mers pe calea 8<4(;((. Caci stiu prea bine ca cei ce"au calatorit 3eparte spre /oare pasind pe calea 8<4(;(( u si mai mare putere /a aduca intunericul asupra copiilor 8<4(;((. sculta, omule, pe cel ce .ine la tine. 3ar cantareste cu gri2a daca .orbele lui sunt din 8<4(; . Caci multi sunt cei ce merg in 8<4(; (;T<;$C T /i care nu sunt totusi copiii 8<4(;((. $ usor sa le urme'i calea, <sor sa urme'i calea pe care te conduc ei. 3ar asculta, omule, a.ertismentul meu= 8umina .ine doar la cel ce cauta. 3ificila e calea ce duce la (;T$8$!C(<;$, 3ificila e calea ce duce spre 8<4(; . !iedici multe .ei gasi in calea ta /i multi munti de catarat spre 8<4(; . /a stii, omule, ca cel ce .a ra'bi, se .a elibera de calea 8uminii. Caci trebuie sa stii, omule, ca in cele din urma lumina trebuie sa ra'bata (ar intunericul si noaptea sa fie i'gonite de 8umina. sculta, omule, si ia aminte la aceasta intelepciune?

Ca si intunericul, la fel e si 8<4(; . Cand intunericul .a fi i'gonit iar toate Balurile .or fi rupte, 3in intuneric .a straluci 8<4(; . sa cum printre oameni e+ista )1 T(( (;T<;$1(C<8<( Tot asa e+ista si )1 T(( 8<4(;((. @pusi )1 T(8@1 (;T<;$1(C<8<(, Cautand sa elibere'e oamenii din noapte. !uteri au ei, preaputernici. Cunosc 8$&$ iar planetele li se supun. (ntotdeauna lucrea'a in armonie si ordine, $liberand sufletul omului din robia noptii. /ecreti si ascunsi, umbla si ei. ;ecunoscuti sunt copiilor oamenilor. u luptat dintotdeauna cu )1 T(( (;T<;$C T(, u in.ins si si timpul fara sfarsit. 8<4(; .a fi intotdeauna stapana, &onind intunericul noptii. @mule, asculta ce"ti spun= Copii 8uminii .or fi intotdeauna alaturi de tine. /tapani ai puterii /@ 1$8<(, ;e.a'uti dar pa'nici ai oamenilor. 3eschisa tuturor e calea lor, 3eschisa tie, cel ce .ei pasi in 8<4(; .

$liberati sunt $( din (;T<;$C T<8 4$;T(, $liberati din toate / 8(8$, unde B( T domneste suprem. /@1( sunt ei si 4 $/T1( ai diminetii, Copii ai 8uminii care stralucesc printre oameni. /eamana cu omenii dar nu sunt ca ei, !entru ca in trecut nu au fost niciodata despartiti. u fost <;<8 in eterna <;(C(T T$, (n tot spatiul de la inceputul timpului. u daruit omului secrete Care sa"l pa'easca si sa"l prote2e'e de orice rau. Cel ce .a dori sa mearga pe calea maestrului, Trebuie sa se elibere'e din robia intunericului. Trebuie sa cucereasca ceea ce nu are forma, /i sa cucereasca ilu'ia fricii. Cunoscand trebuie sa afle toate secretele Calatorind pe calea ce duce spre intuneric, /i cu toate acestea trebuie sa aibe inaintea lui lumina telului sau. 4ari piedici .a intampina in drumul lui, 3ar el sa se indrepte cu hotarare spre 8<4(; /@ 1$8<(. sculta, @mule, /@ 1$8$ este simbolul 8<4(;(( ce straluceste la capatul drumului tau. cum tie iti daruiesc secretele= cum pentru a infrunta forta intunericului,

!entru a o infrunta si a infrange teama de noapte. 3oar stiind poti infrange, 3oar stiind poti a.ea 8<4(; . cum iti transmit aceasta in.atatura, /tiuta de 4 $/T1(, /tiinta ce infrange toate temerile de intuneric. )oloseste intelepciunea pe care ti"am daruit"o. /i /T ! ; al )1 T(8@1 ;@!T(( .ei fi. Cand .ei simti ce.a, Ce te atrage mai aproape de poarta mai intunecata, !ri.este"ti sufletul si afla daca ceea ce simti .ine din interiorul tau. 3aca .ei descoperi intunericul in propriile"ti ganduri, ('goneste"le cat mai departe de mintea ta. Trimite"ti prin corp un .al de .ibratie, ;eregulata la inceput si regulata apoi, !ana cand te .ei elibera. !orneste B 8<8 3$ )@1T in C$;T1<8 C1$($1<8<( tau. 3irectionea'a"l sub forma de unde din cap spre picioare. 3ar daca .ei descoperi ca sufletul tau nu e intunecat, sigura"te ca o forta e indreptata spre tine. 3oar prin cunoastere poti ra'bate. 3oar prin intelepciune poti spera sa te elibere'i. Cunoasterea aduce intelepciune iar intelepciunea, putere.

3esa.arseste"te si .ei a.ea putere asupra tuturor lucrurilor. Cauta mai intai un loc legat de intuneric. 3esenea'a un cerc in 2urul tau. /tai in picioare, drept, in mi2locul cercului. )oloseste aceasta formula si .ei fi liber. 1idica"ti mainile spre spatiul intunecat de deasupra ta. (nchide ochii si aduna 8<4(; . Cheama /!(1(T<8 8<4(;(( prin /patiu"Timp )olosind aceste cu.inte si .ei fi liber= A<mple"mi corpul, /!(1(T 8 B($T((, umple"mi corpul cu /!(1(T<8 8<4(;((. Bino din )8@ 1$ Ce straluce in intuneric. Bino din / 8(8$ unde domnesc cei / !T$ 4 $/T1(. !e nume le spun, eu, C$8@1 / !T$= T1$(, ! T1<, C(;C(, /i / /$, / !T$, @!T " ;oua. !e nume ii chem sa ma a2ute, /a ma elibere'e si sa ma sal.e'e din intunericul noptii= <;T ; /, L<$1T /, C%($T 8, /i &@5 ; , %<$1T 8, /$4B$T " 13 8. !e nume ii implor, /a ma elibere'e din intuneric

/i sa ma umple cu 8<4(; .A /a stii, omule, ca dupa ce .ei face asta, Bei fi eliberat din catusele ce te leaga, 3e fratii noptii. ;u intelegi ca numele lor au puterea sa elibere'e prin .ibratie lanturile ce te leagaH )oloseste"le la ne.oie sa te elibere'i pe tine si pe fratele tau stfel ca si el sa iasa din intuneric. Tu, omule, esti a2utorul fratelui tau. ;u"l lasa in robia intunericului. Tie iti daruiesc acum magia mea. (a"o si mergi pe calea 8<4(;((. 8<4(; tie, B( T tie, )ie ca /@ 1$ sa fii in ciclurile ce urmea'a. T B8(T J Cei /apte 4aestri
The /e.en 8ords %ark ye @ man, and list to my Boice. @pen thy mind"space and drink of my wisdom. 3ark is the pathway of 8()$ that ye tra.el. 4any the pitfalls that lie in thy way. /eek ye to gain greater wisdom. ttain and it shall be light on thy way. @pen thy /@<8, @ man, to the Cosmic and let it flow in as one with thy /@<8. 8(&%T is eternal and darkness is fleeting. /eek ye, @ man, for the 8(&%T. #now ye that as 8ight fills thy being, darkness for thee shall soon disappear. K,

@pen thy souls to the B1@T%$1/ @) B1(&%T;$//. 8et them enter and fill thee with 8(&%T. 8ift up thine eyes to the 8(&%T of the Cosmos. #eep thou thy face to the goal. @nly by gaining the light of all wisdom, art thou one with the (nfinite goal. /eek ye the @ness eternal. /eek the 8ight into @ne. %ear ye, @ man, list to my Boice singing the song of 8ight and of 8ife. throughout all space, 8ight is pre.alent, encompassing 88 with its banners if flames. /eek ye in the .eil of the darkness, somewhere ye shall surely find 8ight. %idden and buried, lost to man>s knowledge, deep in the finite the (nfinite e+ists. 8ost, but e+isting, flowing through all things, in 88 is the (;)(;(T$ B1 (;. (n all space, there is only @;$ wisdom. Through seeming decided, it is @;$ in the @;$. ll that e+ists comes forth from the 8(&%T, and the 8(&%T comes forth from the 88. $.erything created is based upon @13$1= 8 0 rules the space where the (;)(;(T$ dwells. )orth from equilibrium came the great cycles, in harmony toward (nfinity>s end. #now ye, @ man, that far in the space"time, (;)(;(T5 itself shall pass into change. %ear ye and list to the Boice of 0isdom= #now that 88 is of 88 e.ermore. #now that through time thou may pursue wisdom and find more light on the way. #now that through time thou may pursue wisdom and find more light on the way. ye, thou shall find that receding, thy goal shall elude thee from day unto day. 8ong time ago, in the % 88/ @) 4$;T(, (, Thoth, stood before the 8@13/ of the cycles. 4ighty, T%$5 in their aspects of power? mighty, T%$5 in the wisdom un.eiled. 8ed by the 3weller, first did ( see them. But afterwards free was ( of their presence, free to enter their concla.e at will. @ft did ( 2ourney down the dark pathway unto the % 88 where the 8(&%T glows.


8earned ( of the 4asters of cycles, wisdom brought from the cycles abo.e. 4anifest T%$5 in this cycle as guides of man to the knowledge of 88. /e.en are they, mighty in power, speaking these words through me to men. Time after time, stood ( before them listening to words that came not with sound. @nce said T%$5 unto me= @ man, wouldst thou gain wisdomH /eek for it in the heart of the flame. 0ouldst thou gain knowledge of powerH /eek ye it in the heart of the flame. 0ouldst be one with the heart of the flameH /eek then within thine own hidden flame. 4any the times spoke T%$5 to me, teaching me wisdom not of the world? showing me new paths to brightness? teaching me wisdom brought from abo.e. & knowledge of operation, learning of 8 0, the order of 88. /poke to me again, the /e.en, saying= N)rom far beyond time are 0$, come, @ man, Tra.eled 0$ from beyond /! C$"T(4$, aye, from the place of (nfinity>s end. 0hen ye and all of thy brethren were formless, formed forth were 0$ from the order of 88. ;ot as men are 0$, though once 0$, too, were as men. @ut of the &reat Boid were 0$ formed forth in order by 8 0. )or know ye that which is formed truly is formless, form only to thine eyes. nd again, unto me spoke the /e.en, saying= Child of the 8(&%T, @ T%@T%, art thou, free to tra.el the bright path upward until at last 88 @;$/ become @;$ )orth were 0$ formed after our order= T%1$$, )@<1, )(B$, /(E, /$B$;, $(&%T"";(;$. #now ye that these are the numbers of cycles that 0$ descend from unto man. $ach here a duty to fulfill? each here a force to control. 5et are we @;$ with the /@<8 of our cycle. 5et are 0$, too, seeking a goal. )ar beyond man>s conception, (nfinity e+tends into a greater than 88. There, in a time that is yet not a time, KJ

we shall 88 become @;$ with a greater than 88. Time and space are in circles. #now ye their law, and ye too, shall be free. ye, free shall ye be to mo.e through the cycles"" pass the guardians that dwell at the door. Then to me spoke %$ of ;(;$ saying= eons and aeons ha.e ( e+isted, knowing not 8()$ and tasting not death. )or know ye. @ man, that far in the future, life and death shall be one with the 88. $ach so perfected by balancing the other that neither e+ists in the @neness of 88. (n men of this cycle, the life force is rampant, but life in its growth becomes one with them 88. %ere, ( manifest in this your cycle, but yet am ( there in your future of time. 5et to me, time e+ists not, for in my world time e+ists not, for formless are 0$. 8ife ha.e 0$ not but yet ha.e e+istence, fuller and greater and freer than thee. 4an is a flame bound to a mountain, but 0$ in our cycle shall be free. #now ye, @ man, that when ye ha.e progressed into the cycle that lengthen abo.e, life itself will pass to the darkness and only the essence of /oul shall remain. Then to me spoke the 8@13 of the $(&%T saying= ll that ye know is but part of little. ;ot as yet ha.e ye touched on the &reat. )ar out in space where 8(&%T beings supreme, came ( into the 8(&%T. )ormed was ( also but not as ye are. Body of 8ight was my formless form formed. #now ( not 8()$ and know ( not 3$ T%, yet master am ( of all that e+ists. /eek ye to find the path through the barriers. Tra.el the road that leads to the 8(&%T. /poke again to me the ;(;$ saying= /eek ye to find the path to beyond. ;ot impossible is it to grow to a consciousness abo.e. )or when T0@ ha.e become @;$ and @;$ has become the 88, know ye the barrier has lifted, and ye are made free of the road. KK

&row thou from form to the formless. )ree may thou be of the road. Thus, through ages ( listened, learning the way to the 88. ;ow 8ift ( my thoughts to the 88"T%(;&. 8ist ye and hear when it calls. @ 8(&%T, all pre.ading, @ne with 88 and 88 with @;$, flow thou to me through the channel. $nter thou so that ( may be free. 4ake me @ne with the 88"/@<8, shining from the blackness of night. )ree let me be of all space"time, free from the Beil of the night. (, a child of 8(&%T, command= )ree from the darkness to be. )ormless am ( to the 8ight"/oul, formless yet shining with light. #now ( the bonds of the darkness must shatter and fall before light. ;ow gi.e ( this wisdom. )ree may ye be, @ man, in light and in brightness. Turn not they face from the 8ight. Thy soul dwells in realms of brightness. 5e are a child of the 8ight. Turn thy thoughts inward not outward. )ind thou the 8ight"/oul within. #now that thou art the 4 /T$1. ll else is brought from within. &row thou to realms of brightness. %old thou thy thought on the 8ight. #now thou art one with the Cosmos, a flame and a Child of the 8ight. ;ow to thee ga.e ( warning= 8et not the thought turn away. #now that the brightness flows through thy body for aye. Turn not to the 3 1#"B1@T%$1/ that come from the B1@T%$1/ @) B8 C#. But keep thine eyes lifted, thy soul in tune with the 8ight. Take ye this wisdom and heed it. 8ist to my Boice and obey. )ollow the pathway to brightness, and thou shall be @;$ with the way. K:

(a aminte omule si asculta"mi Bocea. 3eschide"ti mintea"spatiu si soarbe din intelepciunea mea. (ntunecata e calea B($T(( pe care pasesti. 4ulte sunt capcanele care iti apar in cale. Cauta intotdeauna sa capeti si mai multa intelepciune. &aseste"o iar ea iti .a lumina drumul. @mule, deschide"ti /<)8$T<8 C@/4@/<8<(, /i lasa"l sa curga prin tine, una cu /<)8$T<8 tau. 8<4(; este .esnica iar intunericul este efemer. Cauta de"a pururi, omule, 8<4(; . 3e fiecare data cand 8umina iti .a umple fiinta (ntunericul .a disparea curand din tine. 3eschide"ti".a sufletele )1 T(8@1 8<4(;((. 3ati"le .oie sa intre si sa .a umple cu 8<4(; . 1idicati".a ochii spre 8<4(; cosmosului. (ndreptati".a intotdeauna fata spre tel. 3oar capatand lumina intregii intelepciuni, Beti de.eni una cu telul (nfinitului. Cautati intotdeauna <nicitatea eterna. Cautati intotdeauna 8umina din <nu. sculta"mi Bocea, omule Cantand cantecul 8uminii si al Bietii (n orice spatiul, 8umina este predominanta,

(ncon2urandu"i pe toti cu flamuri de foc. Cautand intotdeauna in .alul intunericului <nde.a .ei gasi cu siguranta 8umina. scunsa si ingropata, ratacita de cunoasterea omului, danc in finit e+ista (nfinitul. !ierduta, dar pre'enta, curgand prin orice, Bietuind in T@T este C1$($1<8 (;)(;(T. (n toate spatiile, e+ista doar o /(;&<1 intelepcine. )ara indoiala este <; din <;<8. Tot ceea ce e+ista apare din 8<4(; , iar 8<4(; apare din T@T. Toata creatia se spri2ina pe @13(;$= 8$&$ gu.ernea'a spatiul unde e+ista (;)(;(T<8. 3in echilibru marile cicluri, 3eplasandu"se in armonie spre sfarsitul (nfinitului. /a stii, omule, ca departe in spatiu"timp, (nsusi (;)(;(T<8 se .a transforma. (a aminte si asculta Bocea (ntelepciunii= fla ca T@T<8 se crea'a din T@T in permanenta. fla ca prin timp poti urma intelepciunea /i sa descoperi si mai multa lumina in calea ta. 3a, .ei descoperi ca necautand telul tau te .a ocoli din 'i in 'i. Cu mult timp in urma, in / 8(8$ 3(; 4$;T( $u, Thoth, am stat in fata 4aestrilor ciclurilor.

!reaputernici, atat ca forta cat si ca intelepciune nede'.aluita. Condus de 8ocuitor, ("am .a'ut pentru prima data. 4ai apoi insa eliberat fiind, puteam sa intru in concla.ul lor cand doream. des am mers pe calea intunecoasa spre / 8 unde 8<4(; straluce de"a pururi. m aflat despre 4aestrii ciclurilor, ce aduceau intelepciune din ciclurile trecute. (n acel ciclu $( se manifestau ca ghi'i ai oamenilor catre cunoasterea T@T<8<(. /apte sunt la numar, atotputernici, transmitand prin mine aceste cu.inte oamenilor. $poci la rand, am stat in fata lor ascultandu"le cu.intele ce nu rasunau. @data mi"au spus= @mule, .rei sa capeti intelepciuneH Cauta in inima flacarii. Brei sa capeti cunostinte despre putereH Cauta in inima flacarii. Brei sa fii una cu inima flacariiH Cauta atunci in propria"ti flacara ascunsa in interiorul tau. 3e multe ori .orbitu"mi"au, (mpartasindu"mi intelepciunea nu a acestei lumi? ratandu"mi noi cai spre lumina? (mpartasindu"mi intelepciunea adusa de deasupra. @ferindu"mi cunoastere, (n.atandu"ma despre 8$&$, despre ordinea T@T<8<(.

Borbitu"mi"au din nou, cei / !T$, /!<; ;3= A3e dincolo de timp .enim, omule, Calatorit"am de dincolo de /! T(<"T(4!, 3a, din locul unde se termina (nfinitul. Cand tu si fratii tai erati fara de forma, ;oi a.eam de2a forma din ordinea T@T<8<(. ;u suntem precum oamenii, 3esi odata fost"am oameni si noi. 3in 4arele Bid ne"am nascut (n conformitate cu 8$&$ . Caci trebuie sa stii ca ceea ce e format Cu ade.arat, nu are forma, decat in ochii tai. (ar apoi imi .orbira din nou cei / !T$, 'icand= Copil al 8<4(;((, T%@T%, esti liber, sa calatoresti pe calea luminoasa !ana cand T@ T$ .or de.eni <;<.A ;e"am nascut in ordinea noastra= T1$(, ! T1<, C(;C(, / /$, / !T$, @!T " ;@< . fla ca acestea sunt numerele ciclurilor din care em coborat catre oameni. )iecare a.em aici o datorie de implinit? )iecare a.em aici o forta de controlat. Cu toate acestea suntem <; cu /<)8$T<8 ciclului nostru. Totusi si ;@( cautam un tel. 3incolo de intelegerea omului, (nfinitul se intinde in ce.a mai maret decat T@T<8.

colo, intr"un timp care nu e totusi timp, cu T@T( .om de.eni <;<8 Cu ce.a mai maret decat T@T<8. Timpul si spatiul se misca in cercuri. Cunoaste"le legea si .ei fi si tu liber. 3a, liber fi".ei sa treci prin cicluri" /a treci de cei e pa'esc usa. poi imi .orbi al ;@< 8$ spunand= $on dupa eon am e+istat, necunoscand B( T si negustand din moarte. Caci afla, omule, ca departe in .iitor, Biata si moartea se .or contopi cu T@T<8. )iecare atat de perfect echilibrand pe celalalt ;iciunul nee+istand in <nicitatea T@T<8<(. (n oamenii acestui ciclu, forta .ietii este raspandita, 3ar .iata in de'.oltarea ei de.ine una cu T@T<8. ici, ma manifest in acest ciclu al .ostru, 3ar in acelasi timp sunt si in .iitorul timpului .ostru. !entru mine timpul nu e+ista, caci in lumea mea timpul nu e+ista, Caci fara forma suntem ;@(. Biata nu a.em ;@( dar totusi e+istam, mai deplin, mai maret si mai liberi decat tine. @mul e ca o flacara legata de un munte, 3ar ;@( .om fi intotdeauna liberi in ciclul nostru. fla, omule, ca pe masura ce .ei inainta in ciclul ce ti se intinde inainte"ti

Biata insati .a trece in intuneric si doar esenta /ufletului .a ramane. poi imi .orbi 4aestrul @!T, 'icand= Tot ce cunosti nu e decat o parte din putin. (nca nu ai a2uns la 4aretie. 3eparte in spatiu unde 8<4(; domneste Benit"am si eu in 8<4(; . )orma capatat"am dar totusi nu ca tine. <n corp de 8umina era forma mea fara de forma. ;u cunosc B( T si nici 4@ 1T$ , dar sunt tousi 4aestru a tot ce e+ista. Cauta sa gasesti calea printre piedici. Calatoreste pe drumul ce duce spre 8<4(; . (mi .orbi din nou ;@< , 'icand= Cauta sa gasesti calea spre infinit. ;u e imposibil sa"ti de'.olti o constiinta superioara. Caci atunci cand 3@( .a de.eni <;<8 (ar <;<8 se .a transforma in T@T, tunci .ei sti ca bariera s"a ridicat, si ca te"ai eliberat de cale. 3e'.olta"te de la forma la fara de forma. /i liber .ei putea fi de cale. stfel, de"a lungul secolelor ascultat"am, in.atand calea spre T@T. cum imi indrept gandurile spre T@T C$ $E(/T . sculta si au'i cand te cheama. 8<4(; , atottriumfatoare, <na cu T@T<8 si T@T<8 cu <;<8, Curgi spre mine prin canal.

(ntra in mine ca sa ma pot elibera. Contopste"ma cu T@T<8, stralucind din intunecimea noptii. $liberea'a"ma de tot spatiu"timp, eliberea'a"ma de Balul noptii. $u, copilul 8<4(;((, poruncesc= eliberat din intuneric sa fiu. )ara de forma sunt pentru /ufletul"8umina, fara forma dar stralucind totusi luminos. /tiu ca lanturiel intunericului trebuie sa fie sfaramate si sa cada in fata luminii. cum intelepciune iti ofer. 8iber poti fi, omule, traind in lumina si in stralucire. ;u"ti intoarce fata de la 8umina. /ufletul tau locuieste pe taramuri luminoase. $sti copilul 8uminii. (ndreapta"ti gandurile spre interior nu spre e+terior. &aseste"ti /ufletul"8umina din interiorul tau. fla ca tu esti 4 $/T1<8. Totul .ine din interior. (ndreapta"te spre taramurile luminii. (ndreapta"ti gandul spre 8umina. fla ca esti una cu Cosmosul, o flacara si un Copil al 8uminii. cum insa te ;u"ti lasa gandul sa se indeparte'e. /a stii ca lumina curge de"a pururi prin corpul tau. ;u te indrepta spe )1 T(( (;T<;$C T( ce .in de la )1 T(( (;T<;$1(C<8<(.

Tine mereu ochii larg deschisi, si sufletul in acord cu 8umina. !reia aceasta intelepciune si apleaca"te asupra ei cu atentie. sculta"mi Bocea si conformea'a"te. <rmea'a calea spre lumina, si .ei de.eni <; cu calea. T B8(T K Cheia /ecretului
The #ey of 4ystery <nto thee, @ man, ha.e ( gi.en my knowledge. <nto thee ha.e ( gi.en of 8ight. %ear ye now and recei.e my wisdom brought from space planes abo.e and beyond. ;ot as man am ( for free ha.e ( become of dimensions and planes. (n each, take ( on a new body. (n each, ( change in my form. #now ( now that the formless is all there is of form. &reat is the wisdom of the /e.en. 4ighty are T%$5 from beyond. 4anifest T%$5 through their power, filled by force from beyond. %ear ye these words of wisdom. %ear ye and make them thine own. )ind in them the formless. 4ystery is but hidden knowledge. #now and ye shall un.eil. )ind the deep buried wisdom and be master of darkness and 8ight. 3eep are the mysteries around thee, hidden the secrets of @ld. /earch through the #$5/ of my 0(/3@4. /urely shall ye find the way. The gateway to power is secret, but he who attains shall recei.e. 8ook to the 8(&%TF @ my brother. @pen and ye shall recei.e. !ress on through the .alley of darkness. @.ercome the dweller of night. #eep thine eyes of the 8(&%T"!8 ;$, and thou shalt be @ne with the 8(&%T.


4an is in process of changing to forms that are not of this world. &rows he is time to the formless, a plane on the cycle abo.e. #now ye, ye must become formless before ye are with the 8(&%T, 8ist ye, @ man, to my .oice, telling of pathways to 8ight, showing the way of attainment when ye shall be @ne with the 8ight. /earch ye the mysteries of $arth>s heart. 8earn of the 8 0 that e+ists, holding the stars in their balance by the force of the primordial mist. /eek ye the flame of the $ 1T%>/ 8()$. Bathe in the galre of its flame. )ollow the three"cornered pathway until thou, too, art a flame. /peak thou in words without .oice to those who dwell down below. $nter the blue"litten temple and bathe in the fire of all life. #now, @ man, thou art comple+, a being of earth and of fire. 8et thy flame shine out brightly. Be thou only the fire. 0isdom is hidden in darkness. 0hen lit by the flame of the /oul, find thou the wisdom and be 8(&%T"B@1;, a /un of the 8ight without form. /eek thee more wisdom. )ind it in the heart of the flame. #now that only by and 8ight pour into thy brain. ;ow ha.e ( spoken with wisdom. 8ist to my Boice and obey. Tear open the Beils of the darkness. /hine a 8(&%T on the 0 5. /peak ( of ncient tlantis, speak of the days of the #ingdom of /hadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows. @ut of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of earth"men, called for the purpose of gaining great power. )ar in the past before tlantis e+isted, men there were who del.ed into darkness, :K

using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. )orth came they into this cycle. )ormless were they of another .ibration, e+isting unseen by the children of earth"men. @nly through blood could they ha.e formed being. @nly through man could they li.e in the world. (n ages past were they conquered by 4asters, dri.en below to the place whence they came. But some there were who remained, hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man. 8i.ed they in tlantis as shadows, but at times they appeared among men. ye, when the blood was offered, for they came they to dwell among men. (n the form of man they amongst us, but only to sight were they as are men. /erpent"headed when the glamour was lifted but appearing to man as men among men. Crept they into the Councils, taking forms that were like unto men. /laying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms, taking their form and ruling o>er man. @nly by magic could they be disco.ered. @nly by sound could their faces be seen. /ought they from the #ingdom of shadows to destroy man and rule in his place. But, know ye, the 4asters were mighty in magic, able to lift the Beil from the face of the serpent, able to send him back to his place. Came they to man and taught him the secret, the 0@13 that only a man can pronounce. /wift then they lifted the Beil from the serpent and cast him forth from the place among men. 5et, beware, the serpent still li.eth in a place that is open at times to the world. <nseen they walk among thee in places where the rites ha.e been said. gain as time passes onward shall they take the semblance of men. Called may they be by the master who knows the white or the black, but only the white master may control and bind them while in the flesh. /eek not the kingdom of shadows, for will surely appear. ::

)or only the master of brightness shall conquer the shadow of fear. #now ye, @ my brother, that fear is an obstacle great. Be master of all in the brightness, the shadow will soon disappear. %ear ye and heed my wisdom, the .oice of 8(&%T is clear. /eek not the .alley of shadow, and 8(&%T will only appear. 8ist ye, @ man, to the depth of my wisdom. /peak ( of knowledge hidden from man. )ar ha.e ( been on my 2ourney through /! C$"T(4$, e.en to the end of space of this cycle. ye, glimpsed the %@<;3/ of the Barrier, lying in wait for he who would pass them. (n that space where time e+ists not, faintly ( sensed the guardians of cycles. 4o.e they only through angles. )ree are they not of the cur.ed dimensions. /trange and terrible are the %@<;3/ of the Barrier. )ollow they consciousness to the limits of space. Think not to escape by entering your body, for follow they fast the /oul through angles. @nly the circle will gi.e ye protection, sa.e from the claws of the 30$88$1/ (; ;&8$/. @nce, in a time past, ( approached the great Barrier, and saw on the shores where time e+ists not, the formless forms of the %@<;3/ of the barrier. ye, hiding in the midst beyond time ( found them? and T%$5, scenting me afar off, raised and ga.e the great bell cry that could be heard from cycle to cycle and mo.ed through space toward my soul. )led ( then fast before them, back from time>s unthinkable end. But after me pursued they, in strange angles not known to man. ye, on the gray shores of T(4$"/! C$>/ end found ( the %@<;3/ of the Barrier, ra.ening for the /oul who attempts the beyond. *00

)led ( through circles back to my body. )led, and fast after me they followed. ye, after me the de.ourers followed, seeking through angles to de.our my /oul. ye, know ye man, that the /oul who dares the Barrier may be held in bondage by the %@<;3/ from beyond time, held till this cycle is completed and left behind when the consciousness $ntered ( my body. Created the circles that know not angles, created the form that from my form was formed. 4ade my body into a circle and lost the pursuers in the circles of time. But, e.en yet, when free from my body, cautious must ( be not to mo.e through angles, else my soul may be free. #now ye, the %@<;3/ of the Barrier mo.e only through angles and through of space. @nly by through can ye escape them, for in angles they will pursue thee. @ man, heed ye my warning? /eek not to break open the gate to beyond. )ew there are who ha.e succeeded in passing the Barrier to the greater 8(&%T that shines beyond. )or know ye, the dwellers, seek such /ouls to hold in their thrall. 8isten, @ man, and heed ye my warning? seek ye to mo.e not in angles but, nd if while free from thy body, though hearest the sound like the bay of a hound ringing clear and bell"like through thy being, flee back to thy body through circles, penetrate not the midst mist before. 0hen thou hath entered the form thou hast dwelt in, use thou the cross and the circle combined. @pen thy mouth and use thou thy Boice. <tter the 0@13 and thou shalt be free. @nly the one who of 8(&%T has the fullest can hope to pass by the guards of the way. nd then must he mo.e *0*

through strange and angles that are formed in direction not know to man. 8ist ye, @ man, and heed ye my warning= attempt not to pass the guards on the way. 1ather should ye seek to gain of thine own 8ight and make thyself ready to pass on the way. 8(&%T is thine ultimate end, @ my brother. /eek and find the 8ight on the way.

Tie, omule, ti"am oferit in.atatura mea. Tie ti"am oferit 8umina. sculta si primeste"mi intelepciunea dusa din spatiu, din planuri de dincoace si de dincolo. @m nu sunt caci m"am eliberat de dimensiuni si planuri. (n fiecare din acestea am alta corp. (n fiecare, imi schimb forma. cum stiu ca ce e fara forma e tot ce e din forma. 4areata e intelepciunea celor /apte. totputernici sunt $(, /e manifesta prin puterea lor, !lini de forta de dincolo de timp si spatiu. sculta aceste cu.inte intelepte. sculta"le si transforma"le in ale tale. 3escopera in ele ce e fara forma. 4isterul nu e decat in.atatura ascunsa. Cunoaste"o si te .ei desa.arsi. &aseste intelepciunea adanc ingropata

/i de.ino stapanul intunericului si al 8uminii. !rofunde sunt tainele ce te incon2oara, scunse sunt secretele Celor Batrani. Cauta printre C%$(8$ (;T$8$!C(<;(( mele. Bei gasi cu siguranta calea. !oarta spre putere e tainica, dar cel care se desa.arsesete o .a primi. !ri.este spre 8<4(; F )rate al meu. )ii deschis si .ei primi. &rabeste pasul prin .alea intunericului. Triumfa asupra locuitorului noptii. (ndreapta"ti mereu ochii spre !8 ;<8 8<4(;((, si .ei de.eni <; cu 8<4(; . @mul e in proces de transformare spre forme care nu sunt din aceasta lume. /e de'.olta catre timpul fara de forma, un plan din ciclul superior. fla ca trebuie sa de.ii fara de forma inainte de a de.eni 8<4(; . sculta, omule, .ocea mea, care iti po.esteste despre caile 8uminii, ratandu"ti calea spre desa.arsire cand te .ei contopi cu 8umina. Cauta tainele din centrul !amantului. (n.ata 8$&$ care e+ista, care tine stelele in echilibru !rin forta cetii primordiale. Cauta flacara B($T(( ! 4 ;T<8<(. /calda"te in flacara ei. <rmea'a calea pana cand si tu .ei de.eni o flacara. /pune cu.inte fara sa le rostesti celor care locuiesc dedesubt.

(ntra in templul luminat in albastru si scalda"te in focul .ietii. fla, omule, ca esti o fiinta comple+a, 3e pamant si foc. !ermite"i flacarii tale sa straluce cu putere. )ii doar foc. (ntelepciune e ascunsa in intuneric. Cand .ei fi luminat de flacara /ufletului, 3escopera intelepciunea si fii ; /C<T 3(; 8<4(; , <n /oare al 8uminii fara forma. Cauta si mai multa intelepciune. &aseste"o in inima flacarii. 3escopera asta doar prin truda iar 8umina se .a re.arsa in creierul tau. sculta"mi .ocea si conformea'a"te. 1upe Balurile intunericului. /traluce ca o 8<4(; pe C 8$. !o.estesc despre /tra.echea tlantida, !o.estesc despre 'ilele 1egatului <mbrelor, !o.estesc despre .enirea Copiilor umbrelor. 3e foarte departe au fost ei chemati de catre intelepciunea pamantenilor, Chemati cu scopul de a castiga mare putere. (nainte ca tlantida sa e+iste, $rau oameni care e+plorau intunericul, )olosind magia neagra pentru a chema fiinte din lumea de sub noi. u sosit astfel ele in acest ciclu.

)ara nici o alta .ibratie, e+istand ne.a'ute de catre copii pamantenilor. !uteau e+ista in forma doar prin sange. /i puteau trai in lume doar prin om. (n epocile trecute au fost cucerite de catre 4aestri, /i conduse dedesubt in locul de unde .enisera. 3ar cate.a au reusit sa ramana, ascunse in spatii si planuri necunoscute omului. u locuit in tlantida ca umbre, aparand din cand in cand printre oameni. Cand sange se oferea .eneau sa locuiasca printre oameni. /ub forma de oameni au aparut printre noi, dar doar la infatisare erau oameni. Cap de sarpe a.eau de fapt dar oamenii ii .edeau la fel ca pe oameni. /"au insinuat in Consilii, luand forme asemanatoare oamenilor. @morand prin puterea lor /tapanii regatelor, !reluandu"le infatisarea si domnind peste oameni. 3oar prin magie pueau fi descoperiti. 3oar prin sunet li se putea .edea fata. Cautat"au ei din 1egatul umbrelor /a distruga omul si sa domneasca in locul lui. 3ar, afla omule, ca 4aestrii erau atotputernici in magie, (n stare sa ridice Balul de pe chipul sarpelui, in stare sa"l trimita la locul lui. Benit"au la om si in.atatu"l"au secretul, C<B ;T<8 pe care doar un om il poate pronunta. 1epede apoi au ridicat Balul de pe fata sarpelui si l"au alungat dintre oameni.

Totusi, ai gri2a, sarpele traieste inca intr"un loc care se deschide uneori spre lume. ;e.a'uti merg printre noi in locuri unde ritualurile au fost rostite. !e masura ce timpul se scurge, din nou .or lua infatisarea omului. Chemati pot fi ei de maestrul care stie albul si negrul, 3oar maestrul alb insa ii poate controla /i lega cat sunt sub forma de om. ;u cauta regatul umbrelor, caci raul .a aparea cu siguranta. Caci doar maestrul luminii .a trumfa asupra umbrei fricii. fla, fratele meu, ca tema e un mare obstacol. )ii maestru al luminii intru toate, si umbra .a disparea. sculta si ia aminte la intelepciunea mea, glasul 8<4(;(( e limpede. ;u cauta .alea umbrei, iar 8<4(; .a aparea de la sine. sculta, omule, intelepciunea mea profunda. (ti .orbesc de in.ataturi ascunse omului. 3eparte fost"am in calatoria mea prin spatiu"timp, !ana la capatul spatiului acestui ciclu. 3a, am aruncat o pri.ire la ! C(T@1(( Barierei, Care il asteptau pe cel ce urma sa treaca de ei (n acel spatiu unde timpul nu e+ista, bia ("am simtit pe pa'itorii ciclurilor. $i se misca doar in unghiuri. ;u sunt eliberati de dimensiunile curbe.

Ciudati si inspaimantatori sunt ! C(T@1(( Barierei. <rmaresc constiinta pana la marginile spatiului. /a nu cre'i ca .ei scapa intrand in corp, Caci ei urmaresc cu repe'iciune /ufletul in unghiuri. 3oar cercul iti .a oferi protectie, te .a sal.a din ghearele 8@C<(T@1(8@1 (; <;&%(<1(. @data, intr"un timp apus, m"am apropiat de mareata Bariera, /i am .a'ut pe tarmurile unde timpul nu e+ista, )ormele fara de forma ale ! C(T@1(8@1 barierei. scunsi dincolo de timp i"am descoperit? (ar $(, simtindu"ma de la distanta, s"au ridicat, au scos un sunet ca de clopot care a putut fi au'it din ciclu in ciclu si s"au deplasat prin spatiu catre sufletul meu. )ugit"am atunci repede din calea lor, inapoi de la capatul de neimaginat al timpului. 3ar ei m"au urmarit continuu, miscandu"se in unghiuri ciudate necunoscute omului. !e tarmurile gri al capatului T(4!<8<("/! T(< am gasit ! C(T@1(( Barierei, tacand /ufletul care incearca sa treaca dincolo de timp. m fugit in cercuri inapoi in corp. m fugit dar cu repe'iciune m"au urmarit si ei. 3e.oratorii m"au urmarit, cautand prin unghiuri sa"mi mistuie /ufletul. fla, omule, ca /ufletul care pro.oaca Bariera poate fi inrobit 3e catre ! C(T@1(( de dincolo de timp, tinut in robie pana cand acest ciclu se incheie

/i lasat in urma cand constiinta pleaca. (ntrat"am in corp. m creat cercuri ce nu au unghiuri, m creat forma care din forma mea a fost creata. mi"am transformat corpul intr"un cerc iar urmaritorii s"au pierdut in cercurile timpului. Cu toate acestea, cand ies din corp, trebuie sa fiu prudent oricand /a nu ma misc in unghiuri caci altfel sufletul meu poate sa nu mai fie nicodata liber. /a stii ca ! C(T@1(( Barierei se misca doar in unghiuri /i niciodata pe curbele spatiului. 3oar miscandu"te si tu in curbe poti scapa de ei, Caci in unghiuri te .or putea urmari. @mule, ia aminte la ce"ti spun= ;u cauta sa deschi'i poarta ce da dincolo de timp. !utini sunt cei care au reusit sa treaca de Bariera Catre 8<4(; mai mare ce straluce dincolo. Caci trebuie sa stii ca de"a pururi locuitorii Cauta astfel de /uflete pentru a le inrobi. sculta si ia aminte, omule= Cauta sa te misti nu in unghiuri ci in curbe, (ar daca, in timp ce esti in afara corpului, u'i un sunet ca un latrat de caine de .anatoare

1asunand clar, ca un clopot in fiinta ta, fugi inapoi in corp in cercuri. 3upa ce ai intrat in forma in care locuiesti, foloseste crucea si cercul combinandu"le. 3eschide gura si foloseste"ti Bocea. 1osteste C<B ;T<8 si .ei fi eliberat. 3oar cel care are 8<4(; pe deplin poate spera sa treaca de pa'itorii caii. (ar apoi trebuie sa se miste in curbe si unghiuri ciudate Care sunt formate in directii necunoscute omului. sculta si ia aminte, omule= ;u incerca sa treci de pa'itorii caii. 4ai degraba cauta sa"ti sporesti 8umina si pregateste"te sa"ti continui drumul. 8<4(; este telul tau suprem, fratele meu. Cauta si gaseste de"a pururi 8umina pe calea ta. T B8(T : Cheia 8ibertatii /patiului
The #ey to )reedom of /pace 8ist ye, @ man, hear ye my .oice, teaching of 0isdom and 8ight in this cycle? teaching ye how to banish the darkness, teaching ye how to bring 8ight in thy life. /eek ye, @ man, to find the great pathway that leads to eternal 8()$ as a /<;. 3raw ye away from the .eil of the darkness. /eek to become a 8ight in the world. 4ake of thyself a .essel for 8ight, a focus for the /un of this space. 8ift thou thine eyes to the Cosmos. 8ift thou thine eyes to the 8ight. /peak in the words of the 3weller, the chant that calls down the 8ight. /ing thou the song of freedom. *0:

/ing thou the song of the /oul. Create the high .ibration that will make thee @ne with the 0hole. Blend all thyself with the Cosmos. &row into @;$ with the 8ight. Be thou a channel of order, a pathway of 8 0 to the world. Thy 8(&%T, @ man, is the great 8(&%T, shining through the shadow of flesh. )ree must thou rise from the darkness before thou art @ne with the 8(&%T. /hadows of darkness surround thee. 8ife fills thee with its flow. But know, @ man, thou must arise and forth thy body go far to the planes that surround thee and yet are @ne with thee, too. 8ook all around thee, @ man. /ee thine own light reflected. ye, e.en in the darkness around thee, thine own 8ight pours forth through the .eil. /eek thou for wisdom always. 8et not thine body betray. #eep in the path of the 8ight wa.e. /hun thou the darkened way. #now thee that wisdom is lasting. $+isting since the 88"/@<8 began, creating harmony from by the 8aw that e+ists in the 0 5. 8ist ye, o man, to the teachings of wisdom. 8ist to the .oice that speaks of the past"time. ye, ( shall tell thee knowledge forgotten, tell ye of wisdom hidden in past"time, lost in the midst of darkness around me. #now ye, man, ye are the ultimate of all things. @nly the knowledge of this is forgotten, lost when man was cast into bondage, bound and fettered by the chains of the darkness. 8ong, long ago, ( cast off my body. 0andered ( free through the .astness of ether, circled the angles that hold man in bondage. #now ye, @ man, ye are only a spirit. The body is nothing. **0

The /oul is 88. 8et not your body be a fetter. Cast off the darkness and tra.el in 8ight. Cast off your body, @ man, and be free, truly a 8ight that is @;$ with the 8ight. 0hen ye are free from the fetters of darkness and tra.el in space as the /<; of the 8(&%T, then ye shall know that space in not boundless but truly bounded by angles and #now ye, @ man, that all that e+ists is only an aspect of greater things yet to come. 4atter is fluid and flows like a stream, constantly changing from one thing to another. 0hen ye are free from the fetters of darkness and tra.el in space as the /<; of the 8(&%T, then ye shall know that space is not boundless but truly bounded by angles and #now ye, @ man, that all that e+ists is only an aspect of greater things yet to come. 4atter is fluid and flows like a stream, constantly changing from one thing to another. ll through the ages has knowledge e+isted? been changed, though buried in darkness? been lost, though forgotten by man. #now ye that throughout the space that ye dwell in are others as great as your own, interlaced through the heart of your matter yet separate in space of their own. @nce in a time long forgotten, ( T%@T%, opened the doorway, penetrated into other spaces and learned of the secrets concealed. 3eep in the essence of matter are many mysteries concealed. ;ine are the interlocked dimensions, and ;ine are the cycles of space. ;ine are the diffusions of consciousness, and ;ine are the worlds within worlds. ye, ;ine are the 8ords of the cycles that come from abo.e and below. /pace is filled with concealed ones, for space is di.ided by time. /eek ye the key to the time"space, and ye shall unlock the gate. #now ye that throughout the time"space consciousness surely e+ist. ***

Though from our knowledge it is hidden, yet still e+ists. The key to worlds within thee are found only within. )or man is the gateway of mystery and the key that is @ne with the @ne. /eek ye within the circle. <se the 0@13 ( shall gi.e. @pen the gateway within thee, and surely thou, too, shall li.e. 4an, ye think that ye li.eth, but know it is life within death. )or as sure as ye are bound to your body, for you no life e+ists. @nly the /oul is space"free, has life that is really a life. ll else is only a bondage, a fetter from which to be free. Think not that man is earth"born, though come from the earth he may be. 4an is light"born spirit. But, without knowing, he can be free. 3arkness surrounds the light"born. 3arkness fetters the /oul. @nly the one who is seeking may hope to be free. /hadows around thee are falling darkness fills all the space /hine forth, @ 8(&%T of the man"soul. )ill thou the darkness of space. 5e are son of the &1$ T 8(&%T 1emember and ye shall be free. /tay not thou in the shadows. /pring forth from the darkness of night 8ight, let thy /oul be, @ /<;"B@1;, fill with glory of 8ight, )reed from the bonds of the darkness, a /oul that is @ne with the 8ight. Thou art the key to all wisdom. 0ithin thee is all time and space. 8i.e not in bondage to darkness. )ree thou, thy 8ight"form from night. Great Light that fills all the !osmos, flow thou fully to man. $ake of his body a light*torch that shall never be 7uenched among men. **-

8ong in the past, sought ( wisdom, knowledge not known to man. )ar to the past, ( tra.eled into the space where time began. /ought ( knew knowledge to add to the wisdom ( knew. 5et only, ( found, did the future hold the key to the wisdom ( thought. 3own, to the %@8$/ of 4$;T( ( 2ourneyed, the greater knowledge to seek. sk of thee, 8@13/ of the C5C8$/, they way to the wisdom ( sought. sked the 8@13/ this question= ,here is the source of LL8 nswered, in tones that were mighty, the .oice of the 8@13 of the ;(;$= Free thou thy soul from thy body and come forth with me to the L'GHT. )orth ( came from my body, a glittering flame in the night. /tood ( before the 8@13, bathed in the fire of 8()$. /ei'ed was ( then by a force, great beyond knowledge of man. Cast was ( to thee byss through spaces unknown to man. /aw ( the moldings of @rder from the chaos and angles of night. /aw ( the 8(&%T, spring from @rder and heard the .oice of the 8ight. /aw ( the flame of the byss, casting forth @rder and 8ight. /aw @rder spring out of chaos. /aw 8ight forth 8ife. Then heard ( the .oice. Hear thou and understand. The flame is the source of all things, containing all things in potentiality. The "rder that sent forth light is the ,"() and from the ,"(), !"$/ L'F/ and the e-istence of all. nd again spoke the .oice saying= TH/ L'F/ in thee is the ,"(). Find thou the L'F/ within thee and have powers to use of the ,"(). 8ong ( watched the 8ight"flame, pouring forth from the $ssence of )ire, **3

reali'ing that 8()$ but @rder and that man is one with the fire. Back ( came to my body stood again with the ;ine, listened to the .oice of the Cycles, .ibrate with powers they spoke= 9now ye, " Thoth, that L'F/ is but thee ,"() of the F'(/. The L'F/ forth ye seek before thee is but the ,"() in the ,orld as a fire. Seek ye the path to the ,"() and &owers shall surely be thine. Then asked ( of the ;ine= " Lord, show me the path. Give the path to the wisdom. Show me the way to the ,"(). nswered, me then, the 8@13 @) T%$ ;(;$= Through "()/(, ye shall find the way. Saw ye that the ,"() came from !haos8 Saw ye not that L'GHT came from F'(/8 Look in thy life for this order. +alance and order thy life. 5uell all the !haos of the emotions and thou shalt have order in L'F/. "()/( brought forth from !haos will bring thee the ,"() of the S"1(!/, will thee the power of !6!L/S, and make of thy Soul a force that freewill e-tend through the ages, a perfect S10 from the Source. 8istened ( to the .oice and deep thanked the words in my heart. ) ha.e ( sought for order that ( might draw on the 0@13. #now ye that he who attains it must in @13$1 be for use of the 0@13 though this order has and can be. Take ye these words, @ man. s part of thy life, let them be. /eek thee to conquer this order and @ne with the 0@13 thou shalt be. !ut forth thy effort in gaining 8(&%T on the pathway of 8ife. /eek to be @ne with the /<;Gstate. /eek to be solely the 8(&%T. %old thou thy thought on the @neness **D

of 8ight with the body of man. #now that all is @rder from Chaos born into light.

sculta"mi .ocea, omule, Ce te in.ata despre (ntelepciunea si 8umina acestui ciclu? Ce te in.ata cum sa alungi intunericul, Ce te in.ata cum sa aduci 8umina in .iata ta. Cauta, omule, sa descoperi calea ce te duce spre B( T eterna ca un /@ 1$. (esi de sub .alul intunericului. Cauta sa de.ii o 8umina in lume. )a din tine un .as pentru 8umina, o tinta pentru /oarele acestui spatiu. 1idica"ti ochii catre Cosmos. 1idica"ti ochii spre 8umina. 1osteste cu.intele 8ocuitorului, cantul ce cheama 8umina. Canta cantecul libertatii. Canta cantecul /ufletului. Crea'a inalta .ibratie care te .a face <; cu (ntregul. )ii una cu cosmosul. Contopeste"te cu 8umina. )ii un instrument al ordinii, o cale a 8$&(( pentru lume. @mule, 8<4(; ta este marea 8<4(; , care straluce prin umbra carnii. Trebuie sa te elibere'i de intuneric inainte de a te contopi cu 8<4(; . <mbrele intunericului te incon2oara. Biata curge ca un su.oi prin tine.

@mule, trebuie sa te ridici iar corpul tau .a pleca departe /pre planurile care te incon2oara si care sunt totusi <na cu tine. !ri.este in 2urul tau, omule. Be'i"ti propria lumina reflectata. Chiar si in intunericul din 2urul tau 8umina ta continua sa curga prin .al. Cauta de"a pururi intelepciunea. ;u"i permite corpului tau sa te trade'e. /tai in calea 8uminii. lunga intunericul cu stralucirea ta. /a stii ca intelepciunea e .esnica. $a e+ista de cand a inceput T@T<8, faurind armonie din 8egea ce e+ista pe C 8$. sculta, omule, la in.atatura intelepciunii. sculta .ocea ce .orbeste despre timpul trecut. (ti .oi de'.alui in.ataturi uitate, iti .oi po.eti despre intelepciunea ascunsa in trecut, !ierduta in mi2locul intunericului din 2urul meu. /a stii, omule, ca tu esti intruchiparea tuturor lucrurilor. 3oar ca acest lucru a fost uitat, pierdut cand omul a fost inrobit, 8egat si ferecat in lanturile intunericului. Cu foarte mult timp in urma, am renuntat la trup. m cutreierat liber prin imensitatea eterului,

(ncon2urand unghiurile ce"l tineau pe om in robie. fla, omule, ca tu esti doar spirit. Corpul nu inseamna nimic. /ufletul e T@T<8. ;u"i permite corpului tau sa fie o inchisoare. lunga intunericul si calatoreste in 8umina. 1enunta la trup, omule, si eliberea'a"te, fii cu ade.arat o 8umina ce e <; cu 8umina. Cand te .ei fi eliberat din robia intunericului /i .ei calatori in spatiu ca /@ 1$ al 8<4(;((, tunci .ei afla ca spatiul nu e nelimitat Ci ca are granite sub forma de unghiuri si linii curbe. fla, omule, ca tot ceea ce e+ista $ doar o repre'entare a lucrurilor si mai marete care .or .eni. 4ateria este fluida si curge ca un flu.iu, Transformandu"se constant dintr"un lucru in altul. (n.atatura a e+istat de"a lungul epocilor? ;u a fost niciodata schimbata, desi a fost ingropata in intuneric? ;u s"a pierdut niciodata, desi a fost uitata de om. /a stii ca in spatiul in care locuiesti /e afla alte spatii la fel de maret ca cel al tau, (mpletite prin centrul materiei tale 3ar totusi despartite in spatiile lor proprii. (ntr"un timp demult uitat, eu T%@T%, am deschis poarta,

m intrat in alte spatii si am aflat secretele ascunse. danc in esenta materiei se afla ascunse multe secrete. ;oua sunt la numar dimensiunile ce se intrepatrund, /i ;oua sunt ciclurile spatiului. ;oua sunt difu'iunile constiintei /i ;oua sunt lumile dintre lumi. 3a, ;oua la numar sunt 4aestrii ciclurilor Care .in si de deasupra si de dedesubt. /patiul e plin de lucruri ascunse, caci spatiul e impartit de timp. Cauta cheia catre timp"spatiu, si .ei deschide poarta. /a stii ca prin spatiu"timp Constiinta e+ista cu siguranta. 3esi e ascunsa in.ataturii noastre ea e+ista totusi de"a pururi. Cheia catre lumile din interiorul tau se gaseste doar in interiorul tau. Caci omul e poarta misterelor si cheia care este <na cu <nul. Cauta in interiorul cercului. )oloseste C<B ;T<8 pe care ti l"am de'.aluit. 3eschide poarta din interiorul tau, iar atunci cu siguranta .ei trai si tu. @mule, tu cre'i ca traiesti, dar sa stii ca e doar .iata in moarte. Caci atata .reme cat esti legat de corpul tau, pentru tine nu e+ista nici un fel de .iata. 3oar /ufletul e liber sa calatoreasca prin spatiu, si are o .iata care e cu ade.arat .iata. 1estul nu e decat robie, o incatusare din care trebuie sa te elibere'i. ;u gandi ca omul e nascut pe pamant, desi s"ar putea sa .ina de pe pamant.

@mul e un spirit nascut in lumina. 3ar, daca nu stie acest lucru, nu poate fi liber niciodata. (ntunericul in incon2oara pe cel nascut in lumina. (ntunericul inrobeste /ufletul. 3oar cel ce cauta poate spera sa se elibere'e. <mbre te incon2oara intunericul umple tot spatiul /traluce, 8<4(; a omului"suflet. <mple intunericul spatiului. $sti copilul 4 1(( 8<4(;( amintesteti asta si .ei fi liber. ;u adasta in umbra. (esi din intunericul noptii 8umina, lasa"ti sufletul, tu /@ 1$ ; /C<T, /a se umple cu maretia 8uminii, eliberat din lanturile intunericului, <n /uflet care e <;< cu 8umina. Tu esti cheia intregii intelepciunii. (n tine se afla tot timpul si spatiul. ;u trai incatusat in intuneric. $liberea'a"ti forma de 8umina din noapte. 4areata 8umina ce umpli tot Cosmosul, curgi deplin catre om. )a din corpul lui o torta de lumina care sa nu se stinga niciodata printre oameni. 3eparte in trecut, cautat"am intelepciune, in.ataturi necunoscute omului. 3eparte in trecut, am calatorit in spatiu acolo unde s"a nascut timpul. Cautat"am intotdeauna si mai multa intelepciune

!entru a o adauga la cea pe care o a.eam de2a. 3escoperit"am ca doar .iitorul 3etinea intelepciunea pe care o cautam. (n 2os, spre / 8(8$ 3(; 4$;T( am calatorit, intelepciune si mai multa cautand. (nrebat"am 4 $/T1(( C(C8<1(8@1 despre calea spre intelepciunea pe care o cautam. 8e"am adresat aceasta intrebare= <nde se afla sursa T@T<8<(H 1aspunsu"mi"a in tonuri preaputernice Bocea 4 $/T1<8<( ;@< = $liberea'a"ti sufletul de corp si .ino cu mine in 8<4(; . (esit"am din corpul meu, @ flacara palpaind in noapte. /tat"am in fata 4 $/T1<8<(, scaldat in focul B($T((. Cuprins fost"am apoi de o forta, mai puternica de intelegerea omului. runcat fost"am in bis prin spatii necunoscute omului. Ba'ut"am matritele @rdinii din haos si unghiurile noptii. Ba'ut"am 8<4(; , rasarind din @rdine si au'it"am .ocea 8uminii. Ba'ut"am flacara bisului, producand @rdine si 8umina. m .a'ut @rdinea nascandu"se din haos. m .a'ut 8umina raspandind Biata. poi au'it"am .ocea. sculta si intelege. )lacara este sursa tuturor lucrurilor, cea care contine toate lucrurile in stare latenta. @rdinea care a emis 8umina este C<B ;T<8 iar din C<B ;T, /$ ; /T$ B( T si e+istenta tuturor lucrurilor.

Bocea .orbi din nou, spunand= B( T din tine este C<B ;T<8. &aseste B( T din tine si .ei a.ea puterea sa folosesti C<B ;T<8. (ndelung"am flacara"8umina, re.arsandu"se din $senta )ocului, 1eali'and ca B( T e @13(;$ si ca omul e una cu focul. 4"am intors in trup si am stat din nou in fata celo ;oua, scultand .ocea Ciclurilor, .ibrand de putere au .orbit ei= fla, tu T%@T%, ca B( T nu e decat C<B ;T<8 )@C<8<(. B( T pe care o tot cauti nu e decat C<B ;T<8 din 8ume ca un foc. Cauta calea spre C<B ;T iar !uterile .or fi cu siguranta ale tale. (ntrebatu"l"am apoi pe ;oua= 4aestre, arata"mi calea. Calea spre intelepciune. rata"mi calea spre C<B ;T. (mi raspunse el, 4 $/T1<8 ;@< = !rin @13(;$ .ei gasi calea. ;u ai .a'ut ca C<B ;T<8 se naste din %aosH ;u ai .a'ut ca 8<4(; se naste din )@CH Cauta si in .iata ta aceasta ordine. $chilibrea'a"ti si ordonea'a"ti .iata. !otoleste"ti %aosul emotiilor si .ei a.ea ordine in B( T . @13(;$ nascuta din haos (ti .a aduce C<B ;T<8 /<1/$(,

(ti .a aduce puterea C(C8<1(8@1, /i .a face din /ufletul tau o forta ce .a tra.ersa epocile, <n /@ 1$ perfect din /ursa. scultat"am .ocea iar cu.intele mi"au intrat adanc in suflet. 3intotdeauna cautat"am ordinea care sa ma poata apropia de C<B ;T. fla ca cel ce a2unge la el trebuie sa fie mereu in @13(;$ pentru a putea )olosi C<B ;T<8 desi aceasta ordine nu a fost si nici nu poate fi .reodata. sculta aceste cu.inte, omule. )a"le parte din .iata ta. Cauta sa cuceresti aceasta ordine /i <nul cu C<B ;T<8 .ei de.eni. /traduieste"te sa obtii 8<4(; pe calea Bietii. Cauta sa fii <nul cu /@ 1$8$Gstarea. Cauta sa nu fii decat 8<4(; . &andeste"te doar la <nicitatea 8uminii cu corpul omului. fla ca totul e @rdine nascuta din %aosul nascut in lumina. T B8(T *0 Cheia Timpului
The #ey of Time 8ist ye, @ 4an. Take of my wisdom. 8earn of his deep hidden mysteries of space. 8earn of the T%@<&%T that grew in the abyss, bringing @rder and %armony in space. #now ye, @ man, that all e+ists has being only because of the 8 0. *--

#now ye the 8 0 and ye shall be free, be bound by the fetters of night. )ar, through strange spaces, ha.e ( 2ourneyed into the depth of the abyss of time, until in the end all was re.ealed. #now ye that mystery is only mystery when it is knowledge unknown to man. 0hen ye ha.e plumbed the heart of all mystery, knowledge and wisdom will surely be thine. /eek ye and learn that T(4$ is the secret whereby ye may be free of this space. 8ong ha.e (, 0(/3@4, sought wisdom? aye, and shall seek of eternity>s end for know that before me receding shall mo.e the goal ( seek to attain. $.en the 8@13/ of the C5C8$/ know that not yet ha.e T%$5 reached the goal, )or with all of their wisdom, they know that T1<T% grows. @nce, in a past time, ( spoke to the 3weller. sked of the mystery of time and space. sked him the question that surged in my being, saying= " $aster, what is time8 Then to me spoke %$, the 4aster= 9now ye, " Thoth, in the beginning there and ."') and nothingness, a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. nd into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all*prevading, and 't filled the ."'). There e-isted no matter, only force, a movement, a vorte-, or vibration of the purposeful thought that filled the ."'). nd ( questioned the 4aster, saying= ,as this thought eternal8 nd answered me the 30$88$1, /aying= 'n the beginning, there was eternal thought, and for thought to be eternal, time must e-ist. So into the all*prevading thought grew the L , of T'$/. ye time which e-ists through all space, floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement that is eternally in a state of fi-ation. Time changes not, but all things change in time. For time is the force *-3

that holds events separate, each in its own proper place. Time is not in motion, but ye move through time as your consciousness moves from one event to another. ye, by time yet e-ist, all in all, an eternal "0/ e-istence. 9now ye that even though in the time ye are separate, yet still are "0/, in all times e-istent. Ceased then the .oice of the 30$88$1, and departed ( to ponder on time. )or knew ( that in these words lay wisdom and a way to e+plore the mysteries of time. @ft did ( ponder the words of the 30$88$1. Then sought ( to sol.e the mystery of time. )ound ( that time through strange angles. 5et only by could ( hope to attain the key that would gi.e me access to the time"space. )ound ( that only by upward and yet again by to right"ward could ( be free from the time of the mo.ement. )orth ( came from out of my body, mo.ed in the mo.ements that changed me in time. /trange were the sights ( saw in my 2ourneys, many the mysteries that opened to .iew. ye, saw ( man>s beginning, learned from the past that nothing is new. /eek ye, @ man, to learn the pathway that leads through the spaces that are formed forth in time. )orget not, @ man, with all of thy seeking that 8ight is the goal ye shall seek to attain. /earch ye for the 8ight on thy pathway and for thee the goal shall endure. 8et not thine heart turn to darkness. light let shine /oul be, a /un on the way. #now ye that eternal brightness, ya shall find thy /oul hid in 8ight, fettered by bondage or darkness, it shines forth a /un of the 8ight. ye, know, though hidden in darkness, your /oul, a spark of the true flame, e+ists. Be ye @ne with the greatest of all 8ights. )ind at the /@<1C$, the $;3 of thy goal. *-D

8ight is life, for without the great 8ight nothing can e+ist. #now ye, that in all formed matter, the heart of 8ight always e+ists. ye, e.en though bound in the darkness, inherent 8ight always e+ists. @nce ( stood in the % 88/ @) 4$;T( and heard the .oice of the 8@13/ of 4$;T(, saying in tones that rang through the silence, words of power, mighty and potent. Chanted they the song of the cycles, the words that open the path to beyond. ye, ( saw the great path opened and looked for the instant into the beyond. /aw ( the mo.ements of the cycles, .ast as the thought of the /@<1C$ could con.ey. #new ( then e.en (nfinity is on to some unthinkable end. /aw ( that the Cosmos is @rder and part of a mo.ement that e+tends to all space, a party of an @rder of @rders, constantly in a harmony of space. /aw ( the wheeling of cycles like .ast circles across the sky. #new ( then that all that has being is growing to meet yet another being in a far"off grouping of space and of time. #new ( then that in 0ords are power to open the planes that are hidden from man. ye, that e.en in 0ords lies hidden the key that will open abo.e and below. Hark ye, now man, this word ' leave with thee. 1se it and ye shall find power in its sound. Say ye the word2 3:'0*1(13 and power ye shall find. 6et must ye understand that man is of Light and Light is of man. 8ist ye, @ man, and hear a mystery stranger than all that lies >neath the /un. #now ye, @ man, that all space is filled by worlds within worlds? aye, one within the other yet separate by 8aw. @nce in my search for deep buried wisdom, ( opened the door that bars T%$4 from man. Called ( from the other planes of being, one who was fairer than the daughters of men. *-,

ye, ( called her from out of the spaces, to shine as a 8ight in the world of men. <sed ( the drum of the /ertpent. 0ore ( the robe of the purple and gold. !laced on my head, (, the crown of / round me the circle of cinnabar shone. 1aised ( my arms and cried the in.ocation that opens the path to the planes beyond, cried to the 8@13/ of the /(&;/ in their houses= Lords of the two hori;ons, watchers of the treble gates, stand ye "ne at the right and "ne at the left as the ST ( rises to his throne and rules over his sign. ye, thou dark prince of 1<8<, open the gates of the dim, hidden land and release her whom ye keep imprisoned. Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, dark Lords and Shining "nes, and by their secret names, names which ' know and can pronounce, year ye and obey my will. 8it ( then twith flame my circle and called %$1 in the space"planes beyond. 3aught of 8ight return from 1<8<. /e.en times and se.en times ha.e ( passed through the fire. )ood ha.e ( not eaten. 0ater ha.e ( not drunk. ( call thee from 1<8<, from the realms of $#$1/%$& 8. ( summon thee, lady of 8ight. Then before me rose the dark figures? aye, the figures of the 8ords of rulu. !arted they before me and forth came the 8ady of 8ight. )ree was she now from the 8@13/ of the night, free to li.e in the 8ight of the earth /un, free to li.e as a child of the 8ight. %ear ye and listen, @ my children. 4agic is knowledge and only is 8aw. Be not afraid of the power within thee for it follows 8aw as the stars in the sky. #now ye that to be without knowledge, wisdom is magic and not of the 8aw. *-6

But know ye that ye by your knowledge can approach closer to a place in the /un. 8ist ye, my children, follow my teaching. Be ye seeker of 8ight. /hine in the world of men all around thee, a 8ight on the path that shall shine among men. )ollow ye and learn of my magic. #now that all force is thine if thou wilt. )ear not the path that leads thee to knowledge, but rather shun ye the dark road. 8ight is thine, @ man, for the taking. Cast off the fetters and thou shalt be free. #now ye that they /oul is in bondage fettered by fears that hold ye in thrall. @pen thy eyes and see the great /<;"8(&%T. Be not afraid for all is thine own. )ear is the 8@13 of the dark 1<8< to he who faced the dark fear. ye, know that fear has e+istence created by those who are bound by their fears. /hake off thy bondage, @ children, and walk in the 8ight of the glorious day. ; turn they thoughts to the darkness and surely ye shall be @ne with the 8ight. 4an is only what he belie.eth, a brother of darkness or a child of the 8ight. Come though into the 8ight my Children. 0alk in the pathwaythat lead to the /un. %ark ye now, and list to the wisdom. <se thou the word ( ha.e gi.en unto thee. <se it and surely though shalt find power and wisdom and 8ight to walk in the way. /eek thee and find the key ( ha.e gi.en and shalt thou be a Child of the 8ight.

sculta, omule. (n.ata din intelepciunea mea. fla despre misterele adanc ascunse ale spatiului. fla despre & ;3<8 ce creste in abis, ducand @rdinea si rmonia in spatiu. fla, omule, ca tot ce e+ista fiintea'a doar datorita 8$&((.

Cunoaste 8$&$ si .ei fi liber, nu .ei mai fi niciodata inrobit de noapte. 3eparte, in spatii ciudate, calatorit"am in adancul abisului timpului, !ana cand mi s"a re.elat totul. /a stii ca misterul e mister doar cand el e in.atatura necunoscuta omului. 3upa ce .ei fi e+plorat toate misterele sufletului, (n.atatura si intelepciunea iti .or apartine cu siguranta. Cauta sa in.eti ca T(4!<8 este secretul prin care te poti elibera din acest spatiu. (ndelung cautat"am eu, (;T$8$!C(<;$, intelepciunea? /i .oi continua sa caut pana la sfarsitul eternitatii Caci stiu ca de"a pururi, se .a indeparta de mine telul pe care doresc sa"l ating. Chiar si 4 $/T1(( C(8C<1(8@1 stiu ca nu si"au atins scopul inca, Caci cin intelepciunea lor ei stiu ca 3$B 1<8 se de'.olta neincetat. @data, intr"un timp trecut, m"am adresat 8ocuitorului. 8"am intreabt despre misterele timpului si spatiului. ("am adresat intrebarea care clocotea in mine= 4aestre, ce e timpulH (mi raspunse apoi, 4aestrul= fla, Thoth, ca la inceput $+ista B(3 si nefiinta, o nefiinta fara spatiu si timp. (n aceea nefiinta a aparut un gand, semnificati., atottriumfator, Care a umplut B(3<8. ;u e+ista materie ci doar forta, o miscare, un .arte2 sau .ibratie

gandului semnificat. care a umplut B(3<8. 8"am intrebat pe 4aestru= cest gand era eternH (mi raspunse 8@C<(T@T<8, 'icand= 8a inceput, gandul era etern (ar pentru ca gandul sa poata fi etern, trebuia sa e+iste si timp. stfel ca in gandul atottriumfator aparu 8$&$ T(4!<8<(. 3a, timpul care e+ista in toate spatiile, care pluteste lin si ritmic Care se afla de"a pururi intr"o stare fi+a. Timpul nu se schimba dar toate lucrurile se schimba in timp. !entru ca timpul e forta ce separa e.enimentele. Timpul nu se afla in miscare dar tu te misti in timp sa cum constiinta ta se misca intre e.enimente. 3a, prin timp e+ista o e+istenta <;(C eterna. /a stii ca desi in timp esti despartit, esti totusi <;<8 in toate timpurile e+istente. (nceta atunci .ocea 8@C<(T@1<8<(, (ar eu plecat"am sa medite' asupra timpului. Caci stiam ca acele cu.inte erau pline de intelepciune /i ca ele erau o cale de a e+plora misterele timpului. des am reflectat la cu.intele 8@C<(T@1<8<(. poi cautat"am sa aflu secretul timpului. 3escoperit"am ca timpul se misca in unghiuri ciudate. Totusi doar prin linii curbe puteam sa sper ca .oi afla cheia

Ce"mi .a prmite sa am acces la timp"spatiu. 3escoperit"am ca doar miscandu"ma in sus iar apoi spre dreapta !uteam sa ma elibere' din timpul miscarii. (esit"am din corp, si m"am deplasat cu miscari ce m"au schimbat in timp. Ciudate pri.elisti am mai .a'ut in timpul calatoriilor mele, 4ulte secrete mi s"au infatisat. 3a, .a'ut"am inceputul omului, am aflat din trecut ca nimic nu e nou. Cauta, omule, sa afli calea ce duce prin spatii Care sunt formate in timpul ce .a .eni. ;u uita, omule, in timp ce cauti ca 8umina este telul pe care doresti sa"l atingi. Cauta 8umina pe calea ta iar telul tau .a dura de"a pururi. ;u"ti lasa sufletul sa se intoarca spre intuneric. /ufletul sa"ti straluce, sa fii un /oare pe cale. fla stralucirea nemuritoare, iti .ei gasi intotdeauna /ufletul ascuns in 8umina, ;iciodata inrobit de intuneric, stralucind de"a pururi ca un /oare al 8uminii. 3a, chiar daca e ascuns in intuneric sufletul tau, o scanteie a flacarii ade.arate e+ista. )ii <nu cu cea mai mareata 8umina. 3escopera in /<1/ , /) 1/(T<8 telului tau. 8umina e .iata, caci fara mareata 8umina nimic nu poate e+ista .reodata. fla ca in toata materia formata, sufletul 8uminii e+ista intotdeauna. 3a, chiar daca e ascunsa in intuneric lumina primordiala e+ista intotdeauna.

@ data am stat in / 8(8$ 3(; 4$;T( /i am ascultat .ocea 4 $/T1(8@1 3(; 4$;T(, 1ostind in tonuri ce rasunau in linistea de acolo, cu.inte atotputernice. u cantat cantecul ciclurilor, cu.intele ce deschid calea catre dincolo. 3a, am .a'ut marea cale deschisa si am un moment catre dincolo. Ba'ut"am miscarea ciclurilor, la fel de imense pe cat putea transmite si gandul /<1/$(. /tiut"am atunci ca pana si (nfinitul se misca catre acelasi final de negandit. Ba'ut"am ca Cosmosul e @rdine si o parte a unei miscari care se intinde in tot spatiul, @ parte a unei @rdini a @rdinilor, miscandu"se constant intr"o armonie a spatiului. Ba'ut"am rotirea ciclurilor ca niste cercuri uriase pe cer. /tiut"am atunci ca tot ceea ce are fiinta creste pentru a intalni o alta fiinta (ntr"o indepartata grupare a spatiului si timpului. /tiut"am atunci ca in Cu.inte se afla puteri ce deschid planuri ascunse omului. Ca chiar in cu.inte sta ascunsa cheia ce .a deschide calea spre ce e sus si 2os. sculta, omule, acest cu.ant pe care ti"l incredinte'. )oloseste"l si .ei descoperi puterea din el cand il .ei rosti. /pune cu.antul= AC(;"<1<A si putere .ei descoperi in el. Totusi trebuie sa intelegi ca omul este din 8umina si ca 8umina este a omului. sculta, omule, despre un mister mai ciudat decat toate cate se afla sub

/oare. fla, omule, ca tot spatiul e plin de lumi incluse in alte lumi? 3a, una intr"alta dar totusi despartite de 8ege. !e cand ma aflam in cautarea intelepciunii, am deschis poarta ce 8$ desparte de om. Chemat"am din alte planuri ale e+istentei, <na care era mai frumoasa decat fiicele oamenilor. 3a, am chemat"o din spatiu, sa straluce ca 8umina in lumea oamenilor. )olosit"am toba /arpelui. !urtat"am roba rosie"aurie. !usu"mi"am pe cap coroana de rgint. (n 2urul meu un cerc de cinabru stralucea. 1idicatu"mi"am bratele si rostit in.ocatia Ce deschide calea spre planurile de dincolo, /trigat"am la 4 $/T1(( /$4;$8@1 ce se aflau in caminele lor= 4aestri ai celor doua ori'onturi, cei ce pa'iti cele trei porti, Ce stati <nul la dreapta si <nul la stanga in timp ce /T$ < urca pe tronul sau /i domneste peste semnul lui. 3a, print intunecat din 1<8<, deschide portile taramului intunecat, ascuns /i eliberea'"o pe cea pe care o tii capti.a. sculta"ti la mine, 4aestri intunecati si 4aestri 8uminati, !e numele .oastre secrete .a numesc, nume pe care le stiu si le pot pronunta, scultati"ma si supuneti".a dorintei mele.

prins"am apoi cu flacara cercul din 2urul meu si am strigat"@ (n planurile"spatiu de dincolo. )iica a 8uminii intoarce"te din 1<8<. 3e sapte ori cate sapte ori trecut"am prin foc. 4ancare nu am mancat. pa nu am baut. Te chem din 1<8<, din taramurile din $#$1/%$& 8, Te chem, doamna a 8uminii. $liberata era acum de 4 $/T1(( noptii, 8ibera sa traiasca in 8umina /oarelui pamantean, 8ibera sa traiasca ca si copil al 8uminii. scultati, copii mei. 4agia este in.atatura si nu e decat 8ege. ;u .a temeti de puterea din .oi caci ea se supune 8egii ca si stelele de pe cer. /a stiti ca fara in.atatura intelepciunea este magica si nu .ine din 8ege. 3ar sa stiti ca prin in.atatura .a puteti apropia si mai mult de un loc in /oare. scultati, copii mei si urmati"mi in.atatura. Cautati continuu 8umina. /traluciti in lumea oamenilor, fiti o 8umina ce .a straluci printre oameni. <rmati"mi si insusiti".a magia mea. /a stiti ca toata forta e a .oastra daca doriti asta. ;u .a temeti de calea ce .a duce spre in.atatura,

Ci, dimpotri.a, luminati calea intunecata. 8umina iti apartine, omule, e la indemana ta. 3escatusea'a"te si .ei fi liber. fla ca /ufletul tau traieste in (ncatusat de temeri care te fac rob. 3eschide ochii si pri.este mareata 8<4(; "/@8 1 . ;u te teme caci totul iti apartine. Teama este precum 4 $/T1<8 intunecatului 1<8< !entru cel ce nu a infruntat niciodata teama intunericului. 3a, sa stii ca teama are o e+istenta Creata de cei care sunt scla.ii propriilor temeri. $liberati".a din, copii mei, si pasiti in 8umina glorioasei 'ile. ;u .a indreptati niciodata gandurile spre intuneric /i .eti de.eni cu siguranta <; cu 8umina. @mul nu e decat ce crede el ca e, un frate al intunericlui sau un copil al 8uminii. !asiti in 8umina, Copii mei. !asiti pe calea ce duce spre /oare. sculta intelepciunea mea. )oloseste cu.antul pe care ti l"am incredintat. )oloseste"l si .ei gasi cu siguranta putere si intelepciune si 8umina pentru a pasi pe cale. Cauta si descopera cheia pe care ti"am incredintat"o /i .ei fi de"a pururi un Copil al 8uminii.

T B8(T ** Cheia catre ce e /us si 6os

The #ey to bo.e and Below %ear ye and list ye, @ children of 9hem, to the words that ( gi.e that shall bring ye to the Light. 5e know, @ men, that ( knew your fathers, aye, your fathers in a time long ago. 3eathless ha.e ( been through all the ages, among ye since your knowledge began. 8eading ye upward to the Light of the Great Soul ha.e ( stri.en, drawing ye from out of the darkness of night. #now ye, @ people amongst whom ( walk, that (, Thoth, ha.e all of the knowledge and all of the wisdom known, to man since the ancient days. #eeper ha.e ( been of the secrets of the great race, holder of the key that leads into life. Bringer up ha.e ( been to ye, @ my children, e.en from the darkness of the ncient of )ays. 8ist ye now to the words of my wisdom. 8ist ye now to the message ( bring. %ear ye now the words ( gi.e thee, and ye shall be raised from the darkness to Light. )ar in the past, when first ( came to thee, found ( thee in of rocks. 8ifted ( thee by my power and wisdom until thou didst shine as men among men. ye, found ( thee without any knowing. @nly a little were ye raised beyond beasts. )anned ( the spark of thy consciousness until at last ye flamed as men. ;ow shall ( speak to thee knowledge ancient beyond the thought of thy race. #now ye that we of the Great (ace had and ha.e knowledge that is more than man>s. 0isdom we gained from the star"born races, wisdom and knowledge far beyond man. 3own to us had descended the masters of wisdom as far beyond us as ( am from thee. 8ist ye now while ( gi.e ye wisdom. <se it and free thou shalt be. #now ye that in the pyramid ( builded are the 9eys that shall show ye the ,ay into life. ye, draw ye a line from the great image ( builded, *3,

to the ape+ of the pyramid, built as a gateway. 3raw ye another opposite in the same angle and direction. 3ig ye and find that which ( ha.e hidden. There shall ye find the underground entrance to the secrets hidden before ye were men. Tell ye ( now of the mystery of cycles that mo.e in mo.ements that are strange to the finite, for infinite are they beyond knowledge of man. #now ye that there are nine of the cycles? aye, nine abo.e and fourteen below, in harmony to the place of 2oining that shall e+ist in the future of time. #now ye that the Lords of the !ycles are units of consciousness sent from the others to unify This with the ll. %ighest are They of the consciousness of all the !ycles, working in harmony with the Law. #now They that in time all will be perfected, none abo.e and none below, but all "ne in a perfected 'nfinity, a harmony of all in the "neness of ll. 3eep neath the $arth surface in the Halls of menti sit the Seven, the Lords of the !ycles, aye, and another, the Lord from below. 5et know thee that in 'nfinity there is neither abo.e nor below. But there is and shall be "neness of ll when all is complete. @ft ha.e ( stood before the Lords of the ll. @ft at the fount of their wisdom ha.e drunken and filled both my body and Soul with their Light. /pake they to me and told me of cycles and the Law that them the means to e+ist. ye, spake to me the Lord of the 0ine saying= ", Thoth, great are ye among /arth children, but mysteries e-ist of which ye know not. 6e know that ye came from a space*time below this and know ye shall travel to a space*time beyond. +ut little ye know of the mysteries within them, little ye know of the wisdom beyond. 9now ye that ye as a whole in this consciousness are only a cell in the process of growth. The consciousness below thee is"e+panding in different ways from those known to thee. ye, it, though in space"time below thee, is growing in ways that are different from those that were part of the ways of thine own. )or know that it grows as a result of thy growth but not in the same way that thou didst grow. The growth that thou had and ha.e in the present ha.e brought into being a cause and effect. *36

;o consciousness follows the path of those before it, else all would be repetition and .ain. $ach consciousness in the cycle it e+ists in follows its own path to the ultimate goal. $ach plays its part in the !lan of the Cosmos. $ach plays its part in the ultimate end. The farther the cycle, the greater its knowledge and ability to blend the 8aw of the whole. #now ye, that ye in the cycles below us are working the minor parts of the 8aw, while we of the cycle that e+tends to (nfinity take of the and build greater 8aw. $ach has his own part to play in the cycles. $ach has his work to complete in his way. The cycle below thee is yet not below thee but only formed for a need that e+ists. )or know ye that the fountain of wisdom that sends forth the cycles is eternally seeking new powers to gain. 5e know that knowledge is gained only by practice, and wisdom comes forth only from knowledge, and thus are the cycles created by 8aw. 4eans are they for the gaining of knowledge for the !lane of 8aw that is the /ource of the ll. The cycle below is not truly below but only different in space and in time. The consciousness there is working and testing lesser things than those ye are. nd know, 2ust as ye are working on greater, so abo.e ye are those who are also working as ye are on yet other laws. The difference that e+ists between the cycles is only in ability to work with the 8aw. 0e, who ha.e being in cycles beyond thee, are those who first came forth from the /ource and ha.e in the passage through time"space gained ability to use 8aws of the &reater that are far beyond the conception of man. ;othing there is that is really below thee but only a different operation of 8aw. 8ook thee abo.e or look thee below, the same shall ye find. )or all is but part of the @neness that is at the /ource of the 8aw. The consciousness below thee is part thine own as we are a part of thine. 5e, as a child had not the knowledge that came to ye when ye became a man. *3J

Compare ye the cycles to man in his 2ourney from birth unto death, and see in the cycle below thee the child with the knowledge he has? and see ye yourself as the child grown older, ad.ancing in knowledge as time passes on. /ee ye, 0e, also, the child grown to manhood with the knowledge and wisdom that came with the years. /o also, @ Thoth, are the cycles of consciousness, children in different stages of growth, yet all from the one /ource, the 0isdom, and all to the 0isdom returning again. Ceased then He from speaking and sat in the silence that comes to the Lords. Then again spake He unto me, saying= <" Thoth, long have ,e sat in menti, guarding the flame of life in the Halls. 6et know, we are still part of our !ycles with our .ision reaching unto them and beyond. ye, know we that of all, nothing else matters e-cepting the growth we can gain with our Soul. 9now we the flesh is fleeting. The things men count great are nothing to us. The things we seek are not of the body but are only the perfected state of the Soul. ,hen ye as men can learn that nothing but progress of Soul can count in the end, then truly ye are free from all bondage, free to work in a harmony of Law. 9now, " man, ye should aim at perfection, for only thus can ye attain to the goal. Though ye should know that nothing is perfect, yet it should be thy aim and thy goal. Ceased again the .oice of the 0ine, and into my consciousness the words had sunk. ;ow, seek ( more wisdom that ( may be perfect in Law with the ll. /oon go ( down to the Halls of menti to li.e beneath the cold flower of life. 5e whom ( ha.e taught shall ne.ermore see me. 5et li.e ( in the wisdom ( taught. ll that man is is because of his wisdom. ll that he shall be is the result of his cause. 8ist ye, now to my .oice and become greater than common man. 8ift thine eyes upward, let Light fill thy being, *3K

be thou !hildren of Light. @nly by effort shall ye grow upward to the plane where Light is the ll of the ll. Be ye the master of all that surrounds thee. ; be mastered by the effects of thy life. Create then more perfect causes and in time shalt thou be a Sun of the Light )ree, let thine soul soar upward, free from the bondage and fetters of night. 8ift thine eyes to the Sun in the sky"space. )or thee, let it be a symbol of life. #now that thou art the Greater Light, perfect in thine own sphere, when thou art free. 8ook not into the blackness. 8ift up thine eyes to the space abo.e. )ree let thine Light flame upward and shalt thou be a !hild of the Light.

scultati si luati aminte, copii ai lui #hem, 8a cu.intele pe care .i le incredinte' si care .a .or aduce 8umina. /a stiti, oamenilor, ca ("am cunoscut pe parintii .ostri, 3a, parintii .ostri de acum mult timp. )ara sa cunosc moartea am trecut prin toate epocile, Traind printre .oi inca de la inceputuri. 4"am straduit intotdeauna sa .a conduc spre 8umina 4arelui /uflet, /a .a scot din intunericul noptii. flati .oi, oameni in mi2locul carora pasesc, Ca eu, Thoth, detin toata in.atatura /i toata intelepciunea cunoscute de oameni din cele mai .echi timpuri. !astrator fost"am al secretelor marelui popor, posesorul cheii ce duce spre .iata. B"am crescut, copii mei, de cand .a aflati in intunericul Cilelor de 3emult. sculatti acum cu.intele mele pline de intelepciune.

scultati mesa2ul pe care .i"l aduc. scultati cu.intele pe care .i le incredinte', si .a .eti ridica din intuneric spre 8umina. 3eparte, in trecut, cand am .enit prima data la .oi, ."am gasit ascunsi in pesteri. 1idicatu"."am prin puterea si intelepciunea mea !ana cand ati inceput sa straluciti ca oameni intre oameni. 3a, ."am gasit fara de stiinta. 3oar cati.a erati mai presus de animale. B"am continuu scanteia constiintei .oastre !ana cand intr"un tar'iu ati luminat ca oameni. Ba .oi impartasi acum in.atatura stra.eche ce depaseste gandirea rasei .oastre. flati ca noi, cei din 4area 1asa m detinut si detinem inca cunostinte mai presus de cele ale omului. (ntelepciune pe care am primit"o de la popoarele nascute printre stele, (ntelepciune si in.atatura dincolo de puterea de intelegere a omului. Catre noi coborat"au maestrii intelepciunii 8a el de indepartati de noi precum sunt eu de .oi. scultati acum intelepciunea pe care .reau sa ."o impartasesc. )olositi"o si liberi .eti fi. /a stiti ca in piramida pe care am construit"o sunt Cheile ce .a .or arata Calea spre .iata. 3a, trageti o linie de la marele chip pe care l"am construit, Catre .arful piramidei, construita ca o poarta.

Trageti inca o linie, opusa la acelati unghi si directie. /apati si .eti gasi ce am ascuns. colo .eti gasi intrarea subpamanteana Catre secretele ascunse ininte ca .oi sa de.eniti oameni. Ba .oi spune acum despre misterul ciclurilor care se deplasea'a cu miscari ciudate pentru ce e finit, caci infinite sunt ele dincolo de intelegerea omului. flati ca sunt noua cicluri? 3a, noua deasupra si paispre'ece dedesubt, 3eplasandu"se in armonie catre locul de contopire care .a e+ista intr"un timp .iitor. /a stiti ca 4aestrii Ciclurilor sunt unitati de constiinta trimise sa uneasca sta cu Totul. u cel mai inalt ni.el de constiinta dintre toate Ciclurile, lucrand in armonie cu 8egea. $( stiu ca in timp totul .a atinge perfectiunea, ;eamie+istand nimic deasupra si dedesubt, ci totul .a fi <nu (ntr"un (nfinit perfect, o armonie a tuturor in <nicitatea Totului. 3eparte sub scoarta !amantului in /alile din menti stau cei /apte, 4aestri ai Ciclurilor, 3a, si inca unul, 4aestrul de dedesubt. /a stiti totusi ca in (nfinit nu e+ista nici sus nici 2os. 3ar intotdeauna e+ista si .a e+ista <nicitatea Tuturor cant totil .a fi incheiat. des am sta inaintea 4aestrilor Totului.

des din fantana intelepciunii lor am baut si 4i"am umplut atat corpul cat si /ufletul cu 8umina lor. !o.estitu"mi"au despre cicluri si despre 8egea care le ofera ce trebuie pentru a e+ista. 3a, mi"a .orbit 4aestrul ;oua, 'icand= Thot, maret esti printre copii !amanrului, dar e+ista secrete pe care nici tu nu le cunosti. /tii ca ai .enit dintr"un spatiu"timp inferior acestuia /i stii ca .ei calatori catre un spatiu"timp superior. 3ar putine stii despre secretele ce se ascund in ele, !utine stii despre intelepciunea de dincolo. /a stii ca tu, ca intreg, in aceasta constiinta nu esti decat o celula in proces de de'.oltare. Constiinta de sub tine se de'.olta continuu in sensuri diferite de cele pe care le cunosti. 3a, desi intr"un spatiu"timp inferior tie, $a se e+tinde in directii ce sunt diferite 3e cele ale tale. Caci trebuie sa stii ca ea se e.oluea'a ca re'ultat al de'.oltarii tale 3ar nu in acelasi fel in care te"ai de'.oltat tu. $.olutia ta trecuta si pre'enta au produs o cau'a si un efect. ;ici o constiinta nu urmea'a calea celor dinaintea ei, Caci astfel totul ar fi doar o repetitie, de prisos. )iecare constiinta, in ciclul in care e+ista isi urmea'a propria cale spre telul suprem. )iecare 2oaca un rol in !lanul Cosmosului.

)iecare 2oaca un rol catre telul suprem. Cu cat e mai indepartat ciclul, cu atat e mai mare in.atatura lui si capacitatea de a ingloba 8egea in tot. fla ca in ciclurile inferioare noua tu te ocupi de partile mai mici ale 8egii (n timp ce noi, cei din ciclul care se intinde la (nfinit ;e straduim sa construim o 8ege mai mareata. )iecare are un rol de 2ucat in cicluri. )iecare trebuie sa"si desa.arseasca opera. Ciclul inferior tie nu ti"e inferior totusi ci e format doar pentru o ne.oie ce e+ista. Caci trebuie sa stii ca fantana intelepciunii ce produce ciclurile cauta continuu /a afle noi puteri. /a stii ca in.atatura se castiga doar prin practica, (ar intelepciunea pro.ine doar din in.atatura /i astfel sunt create cilurile de catre 8ege. /unt unelte cu a2utorul carora se obtine in.atatura !entru !lanul 8egii care este /ursa Totului. Ciclul inferior nu e cu ade.arat inferior ci doar diferit in spatiu si timp. Constiinta de acolo lucrea'a si testea'a lucruri mai mici decat cele ce esti tu. /i asa cum tu culti.i lucruri mai marete, la fel deasupra ta sunt cei ce culti.a si ei Ca si tine, alte legi.

3iferenta ce e+ista intre cicluri re'ida doar in capacitatea de a lucra cu 8egea. ;oi, cei care e+istam in cicluri superioare celui al tau, suntem cei ce au aparut primii 3in /ursa si care au castigat, in trecerea prin Timp"spatiu, capacitatea de a folosi 8egile 4ai 4arelui ce sunt mai presus de intelegerea omului. ;imic nu e cu ade.arat inferior tie ci doar se afla intr"o operatie diferita a 8egii. !ri.este in sus sau in 2os, .ei gasi acelasi lucru. Caci totul nu e decat o parte a <nicitatii care sta la ba'a /ursei 8egii. Constiinta care se afla sub tine este o parte a ta asa cum si noi suntem o parte din tine. Tu, ca si copil nu ai a.ut in.atatura pe care ai acumulat"o crescand. Compara ciclurile cu omul in calatoria lui de la nastere la moarte /i .ei .edea in ciclul inferior tie copilul cu in.atatura pe care o are? poi pri.este"te adult, a.ansand in in.atatura pe masura ce timpul trece. !ri.este"ne si pe noi, copii a2unsi la maturiate Cu in.atatura si intelepciunea acumulate odata cu trecerea anilor. 8a fel, Thoth, sunt si ciclurile constiintei, copii in diferite momente ale de'.oltarii, Totusi toate pro.enind de la aceasi /ursa, (ntelepciunea, /i toate la (ntelepciune reintorcandu"se. (nceta apoi sa"mi .orbeasca $l si se ase'a in linistea obisnuita 4aestrilor. poi imi .orbi din nou, 'icand= AThoth, mult timp am petrecut ;oi in menti, pa'ind flacara .ietii din /ali.

fla totusi ca suntem parte a Ciclurilor noastre cu Bederea noastra a2ungand la ele si mai departe. 3a, stim ca din toate, nimic nu contea'a cu e+ceptia e.olutiei 3atorate /ufletului nostru. /tim ca carnea e efemera. 8ucrurile pe care oamenii le respecta nu inseamna nimic pentru noi. ;u cautam nimic ce are legatura cu corpul ci doar cu starea de perfectiune a /ufletului. Cand .oi, oamenii, .eti in.ata ca nimic in afara e.olutiei /ufletului nu contea'a, bia atunci .eti fi liberi cu ade.arat din robie, liberi sa lucrati in armonie cu 8egea. fla, omule, ca trebuie sa tintesti spre perfectiune, caci doar asa iti .ei atinge scopul. 3esi ar trebui sa stii ca nimic nu e perfect, totusi ar trebui sa fie tinta si scopul tau. (nceta din nou .ocea lui ;oua, iar cu.intele se scufundara in constiinta mea. cum, caut si mai multa intelepciune ca sa pot fi perfect in 8ege cu Totul. Curand cobor in /alile din menti pentru a trai sub recea floare a .ietii. Tu, cel ai primit in.atatura, nu ma .ei mai .edea. Totusi trai".oi de"a pururi in intelepciunea pe care ti"am oferit"o. Tot ceea ce e omul, e+ista datorita intelepciunii lui. Tot ceea ce .a fi omul, e re'ultatul cau'ei lui. sculta"mi acum .ocea si de.ino mai maret decat omul obisnuit. 1idica"ti ochii, lasa 8umina sa"ti inunde fiinta, )ii de"a pururi un Copil al 8uminii.

3oar prin stradanii .ei e.olua catre !lanul unde 8umina e Totul. )ii maestrul tuturor celo ce te incon2oara. ;u te lasa niciodata condus de efectele .ietii tale. Crea'a apoi cau'e si mai perfecte iar in timp .ei de.eni un /oare al 8uminii. 8iber, lasa"ti sufletul sa se inalte de"a pururi, eliberat din robia si lanturile noptii. 1idica"ti ochii spre /oarele de pe cerul"spatiu. !ermite"i sa fie un simbol al .ietii. minteste"ti ca esti 8umina 4areata, perfect in sfera ta proprie, <nde esti liber. ;u cauta niciodata inspre intuneric. 1idica"ti ochii spre spatiul de deasupra. 8ibera lasa"ti flacara sa arda si .ei fi un Copil al 8uminii. T B8(T *8egea Cau'ei si a $fectului si Cheia !rofetiei
The 8aw of Cause and $ffect and The #ey of !rophecy 8ist ye, @ man, to the words of my wisdom, list to the .oice of Thoth, the tlantean. Conquered ha.e ( the Law of time"space. #nowledge ha.e ( gained of the future of time. #now ( that man in his mo.ement through space"time shall be "ne with the ll #now ye, @ man, that all of the future is an open book to him who can read. ll effect shall bring forth its causes as all effects grew from the first cause. #now ye the future is not fi+ed or stable but .aries as cause brings forth an effect. *D6

8ook in the cause thou shalt bring into being, and surely thou shalt see that all is effect. /o, @ man, be sure the effects that ye bring forth are causes of more perfect effects. #now ye the future is in fi+ation but follows man>s free will as it through the mo.ements of time"space toward the goal where a new time begins. 4an can only read the future through the causes that bring the effects. /eek ye within the causation and surely ye shall find the effects. 8ist ye, @ man, while ( speak of the future, speak of the effect that follows the cause. #now ye that man in his 2ourney light"ward is seeking escape from the night that surrounds him, like the shadows that surround the stars in the sky and like the stars in the sky"space, he, too, shall shine from the shadows of night. $.er his destiny shall lead him onward until he is "ne with the Light. ye, though his way lies midst the shadows, before him glows the Great Light. 3ark though the way be yet shall he conquer the shadows that flow around him like night. )ar in the future, ( see man as Light*born, free from the darkness that fetters the Soul, in 8ight without the bounds of the darkness to the Light that is Light of their Soul. #now ye, @ man, before ye attain this that many the dark shadows shall fall on your Light to quench with the shadows of darkness the Light of the Soul that to be free. &reat is the struggle between Light and darkness, age old and yet new. 5et, know in a time, far in the future, Light shall be ll and darkness shall fall. 8ist ye, @ man, to my words of wisdom. !repare and ye shall not bind your Light. 4an has risen and man has fallen as new of consciousness flow from the great abyss below us toward the Sun of their goal. 5e, my children, ha.e risen from a state that was little abo.e the beast, until now of all men ye are greatest. 5et before thee were others greater than thee. *DJ

5et tell ( thee as before thee others ha.e fallen, so also shall ye come to an end. nd upon the land where ye dwell now, barbarians shall dwell and in turn rise to Light. )orgotten shall be the ancient"wisdom, yet shall li.e though hidden from men. ye, in the land thou callest #hem, races shall rise and races shall fall. )orgotten shalt thou be of the children of men. 5et thou shalt ha.e mo.ed to a star"space beyond this behind this place where thou has dwelt. The Soul of man onward, bound not by any one star. But to the great goal before him where he is dissol.ed in the Light of the ll. #now ye that ye shall go onward, mo.ed by the Law of cause and effect until in the end both become "ne ye, man, after ye ha.e gone, others shall mo.e in the places ye li.ed. #nowledge and wisdom shall all be forgotten, and only a memory of &ods shall sur.i.e. s ( to thee am a &od by my knowledge, so ye, too shall be &ods of the future because of your knowledge far abo.e theirs. 5et know ye that all through the ages, man shall ha.e access to Law when he will. ges to come shall see of wisdom to those who shall inherit thy place on this star. They shall, in turn, come into wisdom and learn to banish the darkness by Light. 5et greatly must they stri.e through the ages to bring unto the freedom of 8ight. Then shall there come unto man the great warfare that shall make the $arth tremble and shake in its course. ye, then shall the )ark +rothers open the warfare between Light and the night. 0hen man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds? when he has learned to harness the lightning, then shall the time of warfare begin. &reat shall the battle be twi+t the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light. ;ation shall rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the $arth. 0eapons of force shall wipe out the $arth"man *DK

until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the $orning and gi.e their edict to the children of men, saying= " men, cease from thy striving against thy brother. "nly thus can ye come to the Light. !ease from thy unbelief, " my brother, and follow the path and know ye are right. Then shall men cease from their, brother against brother and father against son. Then shall the ancient home of my people rise from its place beneath the dark ocean Then shall the ge of Light be unfolded with all men seeking the Light of the goal. Then shall the +rothers of Light rule the people. Banished shall be the darkness of night. ye, the children of men shall progress onward and upward to the great goal. !hildren of Light shall they become. Flame of the flame shall their Souls be. #nowledge and wisdom shall be man>s in the great age for he shall approach the eternal flame, the Source of all wisdom, the place of beginning, that is yet "ne with the end of all things. ye, in a time that is yet unborn, all shall be "ne and "ne shall be ll. 4an, a perfect flame of this !osmos, shall mo.e forward to a place in the stars. ye, shall mo.e e.en from out of this space"time into another beyond the stars. 8ong ha.e ye listened to me, @ my children, long ha.e ye listened to the wisdom of Thoth. ;ow ( depart from ye into darkness. ;ow go ( to the Halls of menti, there to dwell in the future when Light shall come again to man. 5et, know ye, my Spirit shall be with thee, guiding thy feet in the pathway of Light. &uard ye the secrets ( lea.e with thee, and surely my spirit will guard thee through life. #eep thine eyes on the pathway to wisdom. #eep the Light as thy goal e.ermore. )etter not thy Soul in bondage of darkness? free let it wing in its flight to the stars. ;ow ( depart thee to dwell in menti. Be thou my children in this life and the ne+t. *D:

The time will come when ye, too, shall be deathless, from age to age a Light among men. &uard ye the entrance to the Halls of menti. &uard ye the secrets ( ha.e hidden among ye. 8et not the wisdom be cast to barbarians. /ecret shall thou keep it for those who seek Light. ;ow depart (. 1ecei.e thou my blessing. Take thou my way and follow the 8ight. +lend thou thy Soul in the Great /ssence. "ne, with the Great Light let thy consciousness be. !all thou on me when thou dost need me. 1se my name three times in a row2 !he7uetet, relich, .olmalites.

sculta, omule, cu.intele intelepciunii mele, sculta .ocea lui Thoth, atlantul. /tapanit"am 8egea spatiului si timpului. Cunostinte am acumulat despre timpul .iitor. stfel stiu ca omul in miscarea lui prin spatiu"timp .a fi de"a pururi <na cu Totul. /a stii, omule, ca .iitorul e ca o carte deschisa pentru cel ce stie sa citeasca. )iecare efect .a aduce cu sine si cau'a lui Caci fiecare efect pro.ine din cau'a primordiala. fla ca .iitorul nu e fi+ sau stabil ci .aria'a pe masura ce cau'a produce efectul. Cercetea'a cau'a pe care o cree'i, si .ei descoperi cu siguranta ca totul e efect. sa ca omule, fii sigur ca efectele pe care le produci /unt intotdeauna cau'ele unor efecte si mai perfecte. fla ca .iitorul nu e fi+ ci ca el urmea'a .ointa omului pe masura ce acesta se misca

!rin miscarile spatiului"timp catre telul unde incepe un timp nou. @mul poate citi .iitorul doar prin intermediul cau'elor care produc efecte. Cauta in interiorul a ceea ce a produs cau'a si .ei descoperi cu siguranta efectele. sculta, omule, cand iti .orbesc despre .iitor, despre efectul ce urmea'a cau'a. /a stii ca omul in calatoria lui spre lumina Cauta de"a pururi sa se elibere'e din noaptea ce"l incon2oara, !recum umbrele ce incon2oara stelele pe cer si, la fel ca si stelele de pe cerul"spatiu, si el Ba straluci din umbra noptii. 3estinul sau il .a conduce mereu spre inainte pana .a de.eni <na cu 8umina. 3a, desi calea pe care o are de strabatut se afla in mi2locul umbrelor, (naintea lui straluce de"a pururi 4area 8umina. Chiar daca intunecat ii .a fi drumul .a infrange <mbrele ce 'boara in 2urul lui precum noaptea. 3eparte in .iitor, .ad omul ca nascut din 8umina, $liberat de intunericul ce inrobeste /ufletul, Traind in 8umina fara lanturile intunericului Care sa acopere 8umina care e de fapt 8umina /ufletului sau. fla, omule, ca inainte de a reali'a acest lucru 4ulte umbre ale intunericului .or cadea asupra 8uminii tale (ncercand sa stinga 8umina /ufletului care se 'bate sa fie libera. 4areata e lupta dintre 8umina si intuneric, .eche de epoci si totusi noua intotdeauna.

Totusi, intr"un timp departe in .iitor 8umina .a fi Totul iar intunericul .a fi in.ins. sculta, omule, cu.intele mele pline de intelepciune. !regateste"te iar 8umina ta nu .a fi umbrita. @mul s"a ridicat si a deca'ut la fel cum noile .aluri de constiinta curg dinspre marele bis de sub noi spre /oarele telului sau. Boi, copii mei, ."ati ridicat de unde .a aflati, adica cu putin deasupra animalelor, (ar acum sunteti cei mai mareti dintre oameni. Totusi inaintea .oastra au fost altii mai mareti decat .oi. /i, la fel cum altii, inaintea .oastra au deca'ut, si .oi .eti a2unge la un sfarsit. (ar peste taramul unde locuiti acum, barbarii .or .eni iar 8umina se .a ridica. <itata .a fi intelepciunea"stra.eche, dar .a trai totusi ascunsa oamenilor. 3a, pe pamantul pe care il numiti #hem, rase .or aparea si .or disparea. <itati .eti fi de copii omului. Boi .a .eti fi mutat intr"un spatiu"stelar dincolo de .oi 8asand in urma acest loc in care ati locuit. /ufletul omului se misca mereu spre inainte, nefiind legat de nici o stea. Ci indreptandu"se de"a pururi spre maretul tel unde se .a contopi cu 8umina Totului. /a stiti ca .eti merge mereu inainte, impinsi de 8egea cau'ei si a efectului !ana cand, in cele din urma, ambele .or de.eni <nu. 3a, omule, dupa ce .ei fi disparut, .or .eni altii in locul unde ai trait tu.

(n.atatura si intelepciunea .or fi uitate cu totul si doar amintirea Ceilor .a supra.ietui. sa cum eu sunt pentru .oi un Ceu datorita in.ataturii mele, 8a fel si .oi .eti fi Ceii .iitorului 3atorita in.ataturii .oastre care .a fi cu mult deasupra celei pe care o .or a.ea ei. flati totusi ca in toate epocile omul .a a.ea acces la 8ege oricand doreste. $pocile .iitoare .or fi martorele rein.ierii intelepciunii !entru cei care .or mosteni locul tau pe aceasta stea. $i, la randul lor, .or capata intelepciune /i .or in.ata sa alunge intunericul cu a2utorul 8uminii. 4ult .or trebui sa se 'bata totusi de"a lungul epocilor !entru a se bucura de libertatea 8uminii. poi asupra omului se .a abate marele ra'boi Ce .a cutremura !amantul si il .a indeparta de la drumul sau. 3a, iar apoi )ratii (ntunecati .or incepe ra'boiul dintre 8umina si intuneric. Cand omul .a fi cucerit din nou oceanul si .a 'bura in aer cu aripi asemeni pasarilor? Cand .a fi in.atat sa struneasca fulgerul, atunci .a incepe timpul ra'boiului. 4are .a fi batalia, mare ra'boiul dintre intuneric si 8umina. ;atii se .or ridica impotri.a natiilor )olosind fortele intunericului ca sa distruga !amantul. rme puternice .or nimici pamantenii pana cand 2umatate din popoare .or disparea.

tunci .or .eni fii 3iminetii si .or decreta pentru copii oamenilor= @ameni, incetati lupta impotri.a fratilor .ostri. 3oar asa .eti putea a2unge la 8umina. (ncetati cu neincrederea, fratii nostri, si urmati calea stiind ca e cea dreapta. tunci oamenii .or inceta lupta, frate contra frate si tata contra fiu. tunci se .a ridica stra.echea casa a poporului meu 3in locul ei, de sub undele intunecate ale oceanului. 3in acel moment .a incepe $poca 8uminii iar toti oamenii .or cauta 8umina telului. tunci )ratii 8uminii .or conduce oamenii. lungat fi".a intunericul noptii. 3a, copiii omului .or inainta spre marele tel. Copii ai 8uminii .or de.eni. )lacara flacarii .or fi de"a pururi /ufletele lor. (n.atatura si intelepciunea .or fi ale omului (n marea epoca caci el se .a apropia de flacara nemuritoare, /ursa intregii intelepciuni, locul inceputului care e <na cu sfarsitul tuturor lucrurilor. 3a, intr"un timp nenascut inca, toate .or de.eni <na si <na .a fi Totul. @mul, o flacara perfecta a acestui Cosmos, .a a2unge intr"un loc printre stele. 3a, .a pleca chiar din acest spatiu"timp in altul aflat dincolo de stele. (ndelung m"ati ascultat, Copiii mei, (ndelung ati ascultat intelepciunea lui Thoth.

cum plec dintre .oi spre intuneric. cum ma indrept spre /alile din menti, ca sa locuiesc acolo in .iitor cand 8umina Ba .eni din nou la oameni. /a stiti totusi ca spiritul meu .a fi de"a pururi cu .oi, Calau'indu".a pasii pe calea 8uminii. !astrati cu gri2a secretele pe care .i le incredinte' (ar spiritul meu .a .a pa'i cu siguranta de"a lungul .ietii .oastre. !ri.iti tot timpul calea ce duce spre intelepciune. !astrati 8umina drept tel de"a pururi. ;u .a inlantuiti /ufletul in robia intunericului? 8asati"l sa 'boare liber spre stele. cum .a las pentru a merge sa locuiesc in menti. )iti copiii mei in aceasta .iata si in urmatoarea. Ba .eni timpul cand si .oi nu .eti mai cunoaste moartea, Traind de"a pururi ca o 8umina intre oameni. !a'iti intrarea in /alile din menti. !a'iti secretele pe care le"am ascuns printre .oi. ;u lasati intelepciunea sa a2unga la barbari. /ecreta sa o pastrati pentru cei ce cauta 8umina. cum plec. !rimiti binecu.antarea mea. <rmati"mi calea si .eti urma 8umina. rmoni'ati".a /ufletul cu 4area $senta.

Constiinta .oastra sa fie <na cu 4area 8umina. Chemati"ma atunci cand a.eti cu ade.arat ne.oie de mine. 1ostiti"mi numele de trei ori la rand= Chequetet, relich, Bolmalites.

T B8(T *3 Cheile Bietii si 4ortii

The #eys of 8ife and 3eath 8ist ye, @ man, hear ye the wisdom. %ear ye the ,ord that shall fill thee with Life. %ear ye the ,ord that shall banish the darkness. %ear ye the .oice that shall banish the night. 4ystery and wisdom ha.e ( brought to my children? knowledge and power descended from old. #now ye not that all shall be opened when ye shall find the oneness of allH @ne shall ye be with the $asters of $ystery, !on7uerors of )eath and $asters of Life. ye, ye shall learn of the flower of menti the blossom of life that shines in the Halls. (n Spirit shall ye reach that Halls of menti and bring back the wisdom that li.eth in Light. #now ye the gateway to power is secret. #now ye the gateway to life is through death. ye, through death but not as ye know death, but a death that is life and is fire and is Light. 3esireth thou to know the deep, hidden secretH 8ook in thy heart where the knowledge is bound. #now that in thee the secret is hidden, the source of all life and the source of all death. 8ist ye, @ man, while ( tell the secret, re.eal unto thee the secret of old. 3eep in /arth=s heart lies the flower, the source of the Spirit that binds all in its form. or know ye that the /arth is in body as thou art ali.e in thine own formed form. The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit *,6

and streams through the /arth as thine flows through thy form? of life to the /arth and its children, renewing the Spirit from form unto form. This is the Spirit that is form of thy body, shaping and moulding into its form. #now ye, @ man, that thy form is dual, balanced in polarity while formed in its form. #now that when fast on thee )eath approaches, it is only because thy balance is shaken. (t is only because one pole has been lost. #now that the secret of life in menti is the secret of restoring the balance of poles. ll that e+ists has form and is because of the Spirit of life in its poles. /ee ye not that in /arth=s heart is the balance of all things that e+ist and ha.e being on its faceH The source of thy Spirit is drawn from /arth=s heart, for in thy form thou are one with the /arth 0hen thou hast learned to hold thine own balance, then shalt thou draw on the balance of /arth. $+ist then shalt thou while /arth is e+isting, changing in form, only when /arth, too, shalt change= Tasting not of death, but one with this planet, holding thy form till all pass away. 8ist ye, @ man, whilst ( gi.e the secret so that ye, too, shalt taste not of change. @ne hour each day shalt thou lie with thine head pointed to the place of the positi.e pole 7north9. @ne hour each day shalt thy head be pointed to the place of the negati.e pole 7south9. 0hilst thy head is placed to the northward, hold thou thy consciousness from the chest to the head. nd when thy head is placed southward, hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet. %old thou in balance once in each se.en, and thy balance will retain the whole of its strength. ye, if thou be old, thy body will freshen and thy strength will become as a youth>s. This is the secret known to the 4asters by which they hold off the fingers of 3eath. ;eglect not to follow the path ( ha.e shown, for when thou hast passed beyond years to a hundred to neglect it will mean the coming of )eath. *,J

%ear ye, my words, and follow the pathway. #eep thou thy balance and li.e on in life. %ear ye, @ man, and list to my .oice. 8ist to the wisdom that thee of )eath. 0hen at the end of thy work appointed, thou may desire to pass from this life, pass to the plane where the Suns of the $orning li.e and ha.e being as !hildren of Light. !ass without pain and pass without sorrow into the plane where is eternal Light. )irst lie at rest with thine head to the eastward. )old thou thy hands at the /ource of thy life 7solar ple+us9. !lace thou thy consciousness in the life seat. 0hirl it and di.ide to north and to south. /end thou the one out toward the northward. /end thou the other out to the south. 1ela+ thou their hold upon thy being. )orth from they form will thy spark fly, upward and onward to the /un of the morning, blending with 8ight, at one with its source. There it shall flame till desire shall be created. Then shall return to a place in a form. #now ye, @ men, that thus pass the great /ouls, changing at will from life unto life. Thus passes the .atar, willing his 3eath as he wills his own life. 8ist ye, @ man, drink of my wisdom. 8earn ye the secret that is 4aster of Time. 8earn ye how those ye call 4asters are able to remember the of the past. &reat is the secret yet easy to master, to thee the mastery of time. 0hen upon thee death fast approaches, fear not but know ye are master of 3eath. 1ela+ thy body, resist not with tension. !lace in thy heart the flame of thy /oul. /wiftly then sweep it to the seat of the triangle. %old for a moment, then mo.e to the goal. This, thy goal, is the place between thine eyebrows, the place where the memory of life must hold sway. %old thou thy flame here in thy brain"seat until the fingers of 3eath grasp thy /oul. Then as thou pass through the state of transition, surely the memories of life shall pass, too. *,K

Then shalt the past be as one with the present. Then shall the memory of all be retained. )ree shalt thou be from all retrogression. The things of the past shall li.e in today.

sculta, omule, intelepciunea. sculta Cu.antul care te .a umple de Biata. sculta Cu.antul care .a alunga intunericul. sculta .ocea care .a alunga noaptea. /ecrete si intelepciune am oferit copiilor mei? (n.atatura si putere .enite din .echime. ;u stii ca totul se .a deschide Cand .ei descoperi unicitatea tuturor lucrurilorH <na .ei de.eni cu 4aestrii /ecretelor, Cuceritori ai 4ortii si 4aestri ai Bietii. 3a, .ei afla despre floarea din menti 3espre floarea .ietii ce straluceste in /ali. (n /pirit .ei a2unge in /alile din menti /i .ei aduce inapoi intelepciunea ce traieste in 8umina. /a stii ca poarta spre putere e secreta. /a stii ca poarta spre .iata trece prin moarte. 3a, prin moarte dar nu asa cum stii tu moartea Ci o moarte care e .iata si care e foc si 8umina. 3oresti sa cunosti secretul adanc ascunsH !ri.este in sufletul tau unde se afla in.atatura.

fla ca in tine e ascuns secretul, /ursa .ietii si a mortii. sculta omule, in timp ce"ti impartasesc secretul, (n timp ce iti re.ele' secretul celor .echi. danc in inima !amantului se afla floarea, /ursa /piritului Care tine totul in forma proprie. fla ca !amantul e .iu asa cum tu esti .iu in propria"ti forma formata. )loarea Bietii este precum propriul tau loc al /piritului si curge prin !amant sa precum al tau curge prin forma ta? 3aruind .iata !amantului si copiilor lui, reinnoind /piritul din forma in forma. cesta este /piritul care este forma corpului tau, modelandu"se in propria lui forma. fla, omule, ca forma ta e duala, echilibrata in polaritate desi formata in propria forma. fla ca atunci cand 4oartea se apropie cu repe'iciune de tine, cest lucru se intampla doar pentru ca echilibrul tau este 'druncinat. /e intampla doar pentru ca un pol s"a pierdut. /a stii ca secretul .ietii din menti este secretul refacerii echilibrului polilor. Tot ceea ce e+ista are forma si traieste datorita /piritului .ietii din poli. ;u intelegi ca in sufletul !amantului se afla echilibrul tuturor lucrurilor care e+ista /i au fiinta pe suprafata luiH /ursa /pirirului tau este atrasa din centrul pamantului Caci in forma pe care o ai tu esti una cu !amantul.

Cand .ei fi in.atat sa"ti pastre'i echilibrul propriu tunci .ei atrage echilibrul !amantului. Bei e+ista atunci in acelasi timp cu !amantul, /chimbandu"ti forma doar cand se .a schimba si !amantul. ;u .ei mai cunoaste moartea ci .ei fi una cu aceasta planeta, !astrandu"ti forma pana totul .a disparea. sculta, omule, secretul pe care ti"l incredinte' stfel incat nici tu sa nu mai cunosti schimbarea. sa'a"te o ora in fiecare 'i cu capul orientat spre locul unde se afla polul po'iti. 7nord9. (n fiecare 'i timp de o ora capul tau trebuie sa fie indreptat spre polul negati. 7sud9. (n timp ce capul e indreptat spre nord pastrea'a"ti mintea intre piept si cap. (ar cand capul este indreptat spre sud, pastrea'a"ti gandurile intre piept si picioare. !astrea'a"te in echilibru odata la sapte 'ile iar echilibrul tau .a fi mai puternic ca oricand. 3a, daca esti batran, corpul tau se .a simti re.igorat (ar puterea ta .a de.eni ca cea a unui tanar. cesta este secretul stiut de 4aestri prin care tin la distanta 4oartea. ;u uita sa urme'i calea pe care ti"am aratat"o, caci atunci cand .ei fi trecut de *00 de ani ;egli2and"o, .ei atrage 4oartea. sculta"mi cu.intele si urmea'a calea. !astrea'a"ti echilibrul si traieste in .iata.

sculta"mi .ocea, omule. sculta intelepciunea care te fereste de 4oarte. Cand la sfarsitul sarcinii incredintate .ei dori sa pleci din aceasta .iata, Treci in planul unde /orii 3iminetii traiesc si fiintea'a ca si Copii ai 8uminii. Treci fara durere si fara regrete in planul unde e+ista 8umina eterna. 4ai intai intinde"te cu capul spre est. sa'a"ti mainile suprapuse peste /ursa .ietii tale 7ple+ul solar9. sa'a"ti constiinta in centrul .ietii. 1asuceste"o si desparte"o spre nord si spre sud. Trimite 2umatate spre nord. (ar cealalta 2umatate spre sud. 3esfa"te din stransoarea fiintei tale (ar din forma ta scanteia argintie isi .a lua 'borul in sus spre /oarele diminetii, !entru a se uni cu 8umina de unde a i'.orat. colo .a straluci pana cand dorinta se .a crea. poi se .a intoarce intr"un loc si intr"o forma. fla omule ca astfel trec marile /uflete dupa .oia lor, dintr"o .iata in alta. 8a fel se intampla si cu .atarul Care moare atunci cand doreste si traieste atunci cand doreste. sculta omule si soarbe din intelepciunea mea. (n.ata secretul care e /tapanul Timpului. (n.ata cum cei pe care ii nu,esti 4aestri sunt capabili sa"ti aminteasca

.ietile trecute. 4aret e secretul dar totusi usor de stapanit, 3andu"ti astfel posibilitatea de a stapani timpul. Cand moartea se .a apropia de tine nu te teme, amintesteti ca esti stapanul 4ortii. 1ela+ea'a"ti corpul, elimina orice tensiune. sa'a"ti in inima flacara /ufletului tau. 1epede apoi indreapta"l spre resedinta triunghiului. steapta un moment apoi indreapta"te spre tel. cesta, telul tau, este locul dintre sprancene, 8ocul unde memoria .ietii trebuie sa fie pastrata. !astrea'a aici flacara, in lacasul creierului !ana cand degetele mortii iti .or cuprinde /ufletul. stfel cand te .ei petrece din .iata, mintirile din acea .iata .or trece si ele. tunci trecutul .a fi unua cu pre'entul. stfel toate amintirile .or putea fi pastrate. Bei fi liber de orice regres. 8ucrurile din trecut .or trai si in pre'ent. T B8(T *D /uplimentar
/upplementary 8ist ye, @ 4an, to the deep hidden wisdom, lost to the world since the time of the )wellers, lost and forgotten by men of this age. *63

#now ye this $arth is but a portal, guarded by powers unknown to man. 5et, the )ark Lords hide the entrance that leads to the Heaven*born land. #now ye, the way to the sphere of rulu is guarded by barriers opened only to Light*born man. <pon $arth, ( am the holder of the keys to the gates of the Sacred Land. Command (, by the powers beyond me, to lea.e the keys to the world of man. Before ( depart, ( gi.e ye the /ecrets of how ye may rise from the bondage of darkness, cast off the fetters of flesh that ha.e bound ye, rise from the darkness into the Light. #now ye, the soul must be cleansed of its darkness, ere ye may enter the portals of 8ight. Thus, ( established among ye the $ysteries so that the Secrets may always be found. ye, though man may fall into darkness, always the Light will shine as a guide. %idden in darkness, .eiled in symbols, always the way to the portal will be found. 4an in the future will deny the mysteries but always the way the seeker will find. ;ow ( command ye to maintain my secrets, only to those ye ha.e tested, so that the pure may not be corrupted, so that the power of Truth may pre.ail. List ye now to the unveiling of $ystery. List to the symbols of $ystery ' give. $ake of it a religion for only thus will its essence remain. (egions there are two between this life and the Great "ne, traveled by the Souls who depart from this /arth# )uat, the home of the powers of illusion# Sekhet Hetspet, the House of the Gods. "siris, the symbol of the guard of the portal, who turns back the souls of unworthy men. +eyond lies the sphere of the heaven*born powers, rulu, the land where the Great "nes have passed. There, when my work among men has been finished, will ' %oin the Great "nes of my ncient home. Seven are the mansions of the house of the $ighty# Three guards the portal of each house from the darkness# *6D

Fifteen the ways that lead to )uat. Twelve are the houses of the Lords of 'llusion, facing four ways, each of them different. Forty and Two are the great powers, %udging the )ead who seek for the portal. Four are the Sons of Horus, Two are the Guards of /ast and ,est of 'sis, the mother who pleads for her children, 5ueen of the $oon, reflecting the Sun. +a is the /ssence, living forever. 9a is the Shadow that man knows as life. +a cometh not until 9a is incarnate. These are mysteries to preserve through the ages. 9eys are they of life and of )eath. Hear ye now the mystery of mysteries2 learn of the circle beginningless and endless, the form of He who is "ne and in all. Listen and hear it, go forth and apply it, thus will ye travel the way that ' go. $ystery in $ystery, yet clear to the Light*born, the Secret of all ' now will reveal. ' will declare a secret to the initiated, but let the door be wholly shut against the profane. Three is the mystery, come from the great one. Hear, and Light on thee will dawn. (n the, dwell three unities. @ther than these, none can e+ist. These are the equilibrium, source of creation= one God, one Truth, one point of freedom. Three come forth from the three of the balance= all life, all good, all power. Three are the qualities of God in his Light"home= 'nfinite power, 'nfinite ,isdom, 'nfinite Love. Three are the powers gi.en to the $asters= To transmute evil, assist good, use discrimination. Three are the things ine.itable for God to perform= $anifest power, wisdom and love. Three are the powers creating all things= )ivine Love possessed of perfect knowledge, )ivine ,isdom knowing all possible means, )ivine &ower possessed by the %oint will of )ivine Love and ,isdom. *6,

Three are the circles 7states9 of e+istence= The circle of Light where dwells nothing but God, and only God can traverse it# the circle of !haos where all things by nature arise from death# the !ircle of awareness where all things spring from life. ll things animate are of three states of e+istence= chaos or death, liberty in humanity and felicity of Heaven. Three necessities control all things= beginning in the Great )eep, the circle of chaos, plenitude in Heaven. Three are the paths of the Soul= $an, Liberty, Light. Three are the hindrances= lack of endeavor to obtain knowledge# non*attachment to god# attachment to evil. (n man, the three are manifest. Three are the 9ings of power within. Three are the chambers of the mysteries, found yet not found in the body of man. %ear ye now of he who is liberated, freed from the bondage of life into Light. #nowing the source of all worlds shall be open. ye, e.en the Gates of rulu shall not be barred. 5et heed, @ man, who would>st enter hea.en. (f ye be not worthy, better it be to fall into the fire. #now ye the celestials pass through the pure flame. t e.ery re.olution of the hea.ens, they bathe in the fountains of Light. 8ist ye, @ man, to this mystery= 8ong in the past before ye were man"born, ( dwelled in ncient tlantis. There in the Temple, ( drank of the ,isdom, poured as a fountain of Light from the )weller. &i.e the key to ascend to the &resence of Light in the &reat world. /tood ( before the Holy "ne enthroned in the )lower of )ire. Beiled was he by the lightnings of darkness, else my Soul by the Glory ha.e been shattered. )orth from the feet of his Throne like the diamond, rolled forth four ri.ers of flame from his footstool, rolled through the channels of clouds to the 4an"world. *66

)illed was the hall with Spirits of Heaven. 0onder of wonders was the /tarry palace. bo.e the sky, like a rainbow of Fire and Sunlight, were )ormed the /pirits. /ang they the glories of the Holy "ne. Then from the midst of the Fire came a .oice= +ehold the Glory of the first !ause. ( beheld that Light, high abo.e all darkness, reflected in my own being. ( attained, as it were, to the God of all Gods, the Spirit*Sun, the Sovereign of the Sun spheres. There is "ne, /ven the First, who hath no beginning, who hath no end# who hath made all things, who govern all, who is good, who is %ust, who illumines, who sustains. Then from the throne, there poured a great radiance, surrounding and lifting my soul by its power. /wiftly ( mo.ed through the spaces of Heaven, shown was ( the mystery of mysteries, shown the Secret heart of the cosmos. Carried was ( to the land of rulu, stood before the Lords in their Houses. @pened they the )oorway so ( might glimpse the chaos. /huddered my soul to the .ision of horror, shrank back my soul from the ocean of darkness. Then saw ( the need for the barriers, saw the need for the Lords of rulu.. @nly they with their (nfinite balance could stand in the way of the inpouring chaos. @nly they could guard God=s creation. Then did ( pass Oround the circle of eight. /aw all the souls who had conquered the darkness. /aw the splendor of Light where they dwelled. 8onged ( to take my place in their circle, but longed ( also for the way ( had chosen, when ( stood in the Halls of menti and made my choice to the work ( would do. !assed ( from the Halls of rulu down to the earth space where my body lay. *6J

rose ( from the earth where ( rested. /tood ( before the )weller. &a.e my pledge to renounce my &reat right until my work on /arth was completed, until the ge of darkness be past. 8ist ye, @ man, to the words ( shall gi.e ye. (n them shall ye find the /ssence of 8ife. Before ( return to the Halls of menti, taught shall ye be the Secrets of Secrets, how ye, too, may arise to the Light. !reser.e them and guard them, hide them in symbols, so the profane will laugh and renounce. (n e.ery land, form ye the mysteries. 4ake the way hard for the seeker to tread. Thus will the weak and the wa.ering be re2ected. Thus will the secrets be hidden and guarded, held till the time when the wheel shall be turned. Through the dark ages, waiting and watching, my Spirit shall remain in the deep hidden land. 0hen one has passed all the trials of the outer, summon ye me by the 9ey that ye hold. Then will (, the 'nitiator, answer, come from the Halls of the Gods in menti. Then will ( recei.e the initiate, gi.e him the words of power. %ark ye, remember, these words of warning= bring not to me one lacking in wisdom, impure in heart or weak in his purpose. /lse ' will withdraw from ye your power to summon me from the place of my sleeping. %ark ye, remember, these words of warning= bring not to me one lacking in wisdom, impure in heart or weak in his purpose. /lse ' will withdraw from ye your power to summon me from the place of my sleeping. ;ow go ye forth and summon thy brothers so that ( may impart the wisdom to light thy path when my presence is gone. Come to the chamber beneath my temple. $at not food until three days are past. There will ( gi.e thee the essence of wisdom so that with power ye may shine amongst men. There will ( gi.e unto thee the secrets so that ye, to, may rise to the *6K

Heavens, God*men in Truth as in essence ye be. 3epart now and lea.e me while ( summon those ye know of but as yet know not.

(a aminte omule la profunda intelepciune ascunsa, !ierduta pentru oameni inca in timpul 8ocuitorilor, !ierduta si uitata de oamenii acestei epoci. fla ca acest !amant nu e decat un portal, pa'it de puteri necunoscute omului. 4aestrii (ntunericului ascund intrarea ce duce spre taramul !aradisului. fla ca drumul spre sfera din rulu $ presarat cu bariere ce se deschid doar celor nascuti din 8umina. !e !amant, eu sunt pastratorul cheilor ce deschid portile catre Taramul /acru. !rin puterile ce sunt mai presus de mine, hotarasc sa las aceste chei lumii omului. (nainte sa plec, .a ofer /ecretele prin care .a puteti elibera din scla.ia intunericului, !rin care puteti scapa din incatusarea carnii ce ."a legat, /i prin care puteti sa .a ridicati din intuneric spre 8umina. fla ca sufletul trebuie sa fie curatat de tot ce e intunecat (nainte de a putea intra pe portile ce duc spre 8umina. stfel, .a las toate /ecretele pentru ca ele sa poata fi oricand descoperite. 3a, desi omul poate cadea in intuneric, 8umina .a straluci de"a pururi ca o calau'a. scunsa in intuneric, in.aluita in simboluri,

Calea spre portal .a fi intotdeauna descoperita. (n .iitor, omul .a refu'a sa accepte aceste secrete 3ar cel ce .a cauta .a gasi intotdeauna calea. scultati cum .a de'.alui /ecretul, scultati simbolurile /ecretului pe care .i le"am incredintat. )aceti din el o religie caci doar astfel esenta lui .a dainui. $+ista doua 'one intre aceasta .iata si /uprema Biata, !rin care calatoresc /ufletele care pleaca de pe acest !amant? 3uat, caminul puterilor ilu'iei? /ekhet %etspet, Caminul Ceilor. @siris, simbolul pa'itorului portalului, Cel care intoarce din drum sufletele celor nedemni. 3incolo se intinde sferaputerilor nascute din paradis, rulu, taramul unde au a2uns (nteleptii. colo, cand imi .oi incheia menirea printre oameni, Boi merge sa ma alatur (nteleptilor din stra.echiul meu camin. /apte sunt la numar casele celor totputernici? Trei pa'esc portile fiecarei case din intuneric? Cincispre'ece sunt caile ce duc spre 3uat. 3oispre'ece sunt caminele 4aestrilor (lu'iei, (ndreptate in patru directii, fiecare diferita. !atru'eci si doua sunt marile puteri, care 2udeca 4oartea ce cauta poarta. !atru sunt )ii lui %orus,

3oi sunt pa'nicii $stului si Bestului lui (sis, mama care isi apara copii, 1egina lunii, reflectand /oarele. Ba este esenta care traieste de"a pururi. #a este <mbra pe care omul o cunoaste drept .iata. Ba nu apare pana cand #a nu se incarnea'a. cestea sunt secretele ce trebuie pastrate de"a lungul epocilor. /unt chei catre .iata si 4oarte. scultati acum secretul secretelor= flati de cercul fara de inceput si fara de sfarsit, )orma Celui ce e <na si in acelasi timp se afla in toate. scultati"l, faceti ce .a spune si astfel .eti merge pe aceeasi cale pe care merg si eu. /ecret in /ecret, si totusi fara de secret pentru cel nascut din 8umina, /ecretul tuturor lucrurilor .i"l .oi de'.alui acum. Boi infatisa un secret pentru initiat 3ar usa intelegerii lui .a fi complet inchisa pentru profan. Trei este secretul si .ine din marele unu. scultati iar 8umina .a .a scalda. (n preistorie, e+istau trei unitati. (n afara lor, nimic nu e+ista. cestea repre'inta echilibrul, sursa creatiei= <n 3umne'eu, un, un punct al libertatii. Cele trei din ceea ce formea'a echilibrul=

Toata .iata, toata bunatatea, toata puterea. Trei sunt calitatile lui 3umne'eu in caminul lui de 8umina= !utere infinita, (ntelepciune (nfinita, (ubire (nfinita. Trei sunt puterile date 4aestrilor= 3e a transforma raul, de a sustine bunatatea, de a folosi discernamantul. Trei lucrui trebuie sa faca oricand 3umne'eu= /a"si manifeste puterea, intelepciunea si iubirea. Trei sunt puterile ce crea'a toate lucrurile= (ubire 3i.ina ce contine in.atatura perfecta, (ntelepciune 3i.ina ce cunoaste toate mi2loacele posibile, !utere 3i.ina detinuta prin .ointa unita a (ubirii si (ntelepciunii 3i.ine. Trei sunt starile e+istentei= /tarea 8uminii unde nu se afla decat 3umne'eu, /i doar 3umne'eu poate sa o tra.erse'e? /tarea de %aos in care toate lucrurile apar prin e+celenta din moarte? /tarea de Constiinta in care toate lucrurile i'.orasc din .iata. Toate lucrurile ce au .iata se afla in trei stadii de e+istenta= %aos sau moarte, libertate in omenie si fericire !aradisiaca. Trei ne.oi controlea'a toate lucrurile= (nceputul in 4area !rofun'ime, starea de haos, desa.arsire cereasca. Trei sunt caile sufletului= @m, 8ibertate, 8umina. Trei sunt obstacolele=

8ipsa stradaniei pentru a obtine in.atatura? ;on atasamentul fata de 3umne'eu? tasamentul fata de rau. /i in om se manifesta trei. Trei sunt 1egii puterilor din interior. Trei sunt camerele secretelor, &asite si totusi nedescoperite in corpul omului. sculta acum despre cel ce s"a eliberat, 8iber e din stransoarea .ietii sa mearga spre 8umina. Cunoscand i'.orul primordial, lumi i se .or deschide. 3a, nici maca r!ortile din rulu nu"i .or fi inchise. i gri2a insa, omule ce .rei sa intri in !aradis. 3aca .ei fi nedemn de acest lucru ar fi mai bine sa ca'i in foc. fla ca cei curati trec prin flacara pura. 8a fiecare rotatie a cerurilor ei se imbaia'a in fantanile 8uminii. sculta omule acest secret= Cu mult timp in urma, am locuit in Bechea tlantida. colo in Templu, am sorbit din (ntelepciune, Ce curgea ca dintr"o fantana de 8umina. 8ocuitorul mi"a oferit cheia pentru a accede la 8umina din 4area lume. m stat in fata Celui /fant ce sedea in mi2locul florii de foc. scuns era de fulgere intunecate, caci altfel /ufletul meu ar fi fost spulberat de &lorie. 3e la picioarele Tronului sau precum diamantul

/e rostogoleau patru rauri de foc din scaunelul pentru picioare, /e rostogoleau prin canalele norilor spre lumea @mului. !lin era locul cu /pirite Ceresti. 4inune a minunilor era palatul (nstelat. 3easupra cerului, precum un curcubeu de )oc si 1a'e de 8umina, $rau formate spiritele. Cantau gloriile Celui sfant. poi din mi2locul )ocului se au'i o .oce= !ri.este &loria Cau'ei primordiale. m acea 8umina, ce era mai presus de orice intuneric, 1eflectata in propria"mi fiinta. m a2uns, asa cum se cu.enea, la 3umen'eul 3umne'eilor, /piritul"/oare, /u.eranul sferelor /oarelui. $+ista unul, chiar !rimul, Ce nu are inceput, Ce nu are sfarsit? Care a creat toate lucrurile, Care gu.ernea'a totul, Care e bun, Care e drept, Care iluminea'a, Care spri2ina. tunci dinspre tron, aparu o mare stralucire,

(ncon2urandu"mi si ridicandu"mi sufletul prin puterea ei. Cu repe'iciune m"am miscat apoi prin spatiile Ceresti, 4i s"a aratat secretul secretelor, 4i s"a aratat inima /ecreta a cosmosului. )ost"am purtat spre taramul din rulu, 2ungand in fata 4aestrilor din Caminele lor. 3eschis"au ei <sa pentru ca eu sa pot arunca o pri.ire la haosul primordial. /"anfiorat sufletul meu la .ederea ororii, si s"a intors din oceanul de intuneric. poi am inteles menirea barierelor, am inteles e+istenta 4aestrilor din rulu. 3oar ei cu echilibrul lor (nfinit puteau sta in calea haosului. 3oar ei puteau pa'i creatia lui 3umne'eu. poi trecut"am de cercul celor opt. Ba'ut"am toate sufletele care au in.ins intunericul. m .a'ut splendoarea 8uminii in care locuiau. Tan2it"am sa am si eu un loc in acel cerc dar tan2it"am si dupa calea pe care am ales"o, tunci cand am a2uns in /alile din menti si mi"am ales menirea. Trecut"am apoi din /alile din rulu spre spatiul pamantesc unde se afla corpul meu. 4"am ridicat din pamantul in care ma odihneam. m stat in fata 8ocuitorului. m confirmat ca .oi renunta la 3reptul meu !ana cand imi .oi incheia sarcina pe !amant,

!ana cand $poca intunericului .a fi de domeniul trecutului. sculta omule, cu.intele pe care ti le incredinte'. (n ele .ei descoperi $senta Bietii. (nainte de a ma intoarce in /alile din menti, trebuie sa te /ecretul secretelor Cum si tu te poti ridica spre 8umina. !astrea'a"le si pa'este"le, scunde"le in simboluri, stfel incat profanul sa rada si sa renunte. (n orice 'ona, da forma secretelor. )a calea sa fie dificil de parcurs. stfel cei slabi si nehotarati .or fi respinsi. stfel secretele .or fi ascunse si pa'ite, !astrate pana cand roata se .a intoarce. !rin epoci intunecate, asteptand si .eghind, spiritul meu .a ramane in taramul ascuns. Cand cine.a .a trece toate incercarile din e+terior, Cheama"ma cu a2utorul cheii pe care o detii. tunci eu, (nitiatorul, .oi raspunde, si .oi .eni din /alile Ceilor din menti. tunci il .oi primi pe cel initiat si ii .oi de'.alui cu.inte pline de putere. sculta si ia aminte la ce"ti spun= /a nu"mi aduci pe nimeni lipsit de intelepciune, Cu inima impura sau care nu are un scop bine definit.

ltfel iti .oi lua inapoi puterea de a ma chema din locul unde ma odihnesc. cum mergi si cheama"ti fratii Ca sa pot astfel impartasi intelepciunea care sa"ti lumine'e Calea cand eu nu .oi mai fi aici. Bino in camera de sub templul meu. ;u manca timp de trei 'ile. colo iti .oi oferi esenta intelepciunii astfel incat cu putere sa stralucesti intre oameni. colo iti .oi impartasi secretele astfel incat si tu sa te ridici catre Ceruri @m"Ceu in ca si in esenta sa fii. !leaca acum si lasa"ma sa"i chem pe cei pe care ii stii dar totusi nu ii cunosti.

T B8(T *, /ecretul /ecretelor

/ecret of /ecrets ;ow ye assemble, my children, waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets which shall gi.e ye power to unfold the &od"man, gi.e ye the way to $ternal life. !lainly shall ( speak of the 1nveiled $ysteries. ;o dark sayings shall ( gi.e unto thee. @pen thine ears now, my children. %ear and obey the words that ( gi.e. )irst ( shall speak of the fetters of darkness which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the $arth. 3arkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the source of all. 3arkness is disorder. *JJ

8ight is @rder. 3arkness transmuted is light of the 8ight. This, my children, your purpose in being? transmutation of darkness to light. %ear ye now of the mystery of nature, the relations of life to the $arth where it dwells. #now ye, ye are threefold in nature, physical, astral and mental in one. Three are the qualities of each of the natures? nine in all, as abo.e, so below. (n the physical are these channels, the blood which in .ortical motion, reacting on the heart to continue its beating. $agnetism which through the ner.e paths, carrier of energies to all cells and tissues. kasa which flows through channels, subtle yet physical, completing the channels. $ach of the three attuned with each other, each affecting the life of the body. )orm they the skeletal framework through which the subtle ether flows. (n their mastery lies the Secret of Life in the body. 1elinquished only by will of the adept, when his purpose in is done. Three are the natures of the stral, mediator is between abo.e and below? not of the physical, not of the /piritual, but able to mo.e abo.e and below. Three are the natures of $ind, carrier it of the ,ill of the Great "ne. rbitrator of !ause and /ffect in thy life. Thus is formed the threefold being, directed from abo.e by the power of four. bo.e and beyond man>s threefold nature lies the realm of the Spiritual Self. )our is it in qualities, shining in each of the planes of e+istence, but thirteen in one, the mystical number. Based on the qualities of man are the +rothers= each shall direct the unfoldment of being, each shall channels be of the Great "ne. @n $arth, man is in bondage, bound by space and time to the earth plane. $ncircling each planet, a wa.e of .ibration, *JK

binds him to his plane of unfoldment. 5et within man is the 9ey to releasement, within man may freedom be found. 0hen ye ha.e released the self from the body, rise to the outermost bounds of your earth"plane. /peak ye the word 3or"$"8il"8a. Then for a time your 8ight will be lifted, free may ye pass the barriers of space. )or a time of half of the sun 7si+ hours9, free may ye pass the barriers of earth"plane, see and know those who are beyond thee. 5ea, to the highest worlds may ye pass. /ee your own possible heights of unfoldment, know all earthly futures of /oul. Bound are ye in your body, but by the power ye may be free. This is the Secret whereby bondage shall be replaced by freedom for thee. !alm let thy mind be. t rest be thy body2 !onscious only of freedom from flesh. !enter thy being on the goal of thy longing. Think over and over that thou wouldst be free. Think of this word La*1m*'*L*Ganoover and over in thy mind let it sound. )rift with the sound to the place of thy longing. Free from the bondage of flesh by thy will. %ear ye while ( gi.e the greatest of secrets= how ye may enter the Halls of menti, enter the place of the immortals as ( did, stand before the Lords in their places. Lie ye down in rest of thy body. !alm thy mind so no thought disturbs thee. &ure must ye be in mind and in purpose, else only failure will come unto thee. .ision menti as ' have told in my Tablets. Long with fullness of heart to be there. Stand before the Lords in thy mind=s eye. &ronounce the words of power ' give >mentally?# $ekut*/l*Shab*/l Hale*Sur*+en*/l*:abrut :in*/frim*5uar*/l. (ela- thy mind and thy body. Then be sure your soul will be called. ;ow gi.e ( the 9ey to Shamballa, the place where my +rothers li.e in the darkness= *J:

)arkness but filled with Light of the Sun @)arkness of /arth, but Light of the Spirit, guides for ye when my day is done. Leave thou thy body as ' have taught thee. &ass to the barriers of the deep, hidden place. Stand before the gates and their guardians. !ommand thy entrance by these words2 ' am the Light. 'n me is no darkness. Free am ' of the bondage of night. "pen thou the way of the Twelve and the "ne, so ' may pass to the realm of wisdom. ,hen they refuse thee, as surely they will, command them to open by these words of power2 ' am the Light. For me are no barriers. "pen, ' command, by the Secret of Secrets /dom*/l* him*Sabbert*:ur dom. Then if thy words ha.e been Truth of the highest, open for thee the barriers will fall. ;ow, ( lea.e thee, my children. 3own, yet up, to the Halls shall ( go. 0in ye the way to me, my children. Truly my brothers shall ye become. Thus finish ( my writings. 9eys let them be to those who come after. But only to those who seek my wisdom, for only for these am ' the 9ey and the ,ay.

dunati".a acum, copiii mei, /i ascultati /ecretul /ecretelor Care .a .a da puterea de a descoperi omul"Ceu din .oi Care .a .a oferi calea spre .iata Besnica. 3eschis .orbi".oi despre /ecretele 3e'.aluite. ;u .a .oi oferi .orbe cu mai multe intelesuri. scultati cu atentie acum, copiii mei. scultati si urmati cu.intele pe care .i le ofer. 4ai intai .oi .orbi despre lanturile intunericului

Care .a leaga de sfera !amantului. (ntunericul si lumina sunt de acelasi fel, difera doar in aparenta. Caci amandoua din sursa primordiala. (ntunericul inseamna de'ordine. 8umina inseamna @rdine. (ntunericul transformat e lumina 8uminii. cesta este, copiii mei, scopul .ostru ca fiinte= Transformarea intunericului in lumina. scultati acum secretele naturii, 1elatiile pe care le stabileste .iata cu !amantul unde locuieste. flati ca in stare normala sunteti tripartiti, )i'ic, astral si mental la un loc. Trei sunt calitatile fiecarei stari? ;oua cu totul, precum sus asa si 2os. (n partea fi'ica sunt aceste canale, sangele care se misca sub forma de .arte2, @bligand inima sa bata continuu. 4agnetismul care se deplasea'a prin ner.i !oarta energiile catre toate celulele si tesuturile. kasa ce curge prin canale, subtila dar totusi fi'ica, completea'a canalele. )iecare din cele trei stari este in acord cu celelalte )iecare in parte influentand .iata corpului. $le formea'a cadrul scheletal prin care curge eterul subtil. le stapani inseamna sa detii /ecretul Bietii din corp.

Corp care poate fi parasit doar prin .ointa detinatorului tunci cand scopul sau in .iata a fost atins. Trei sunt starile stralului, 4i2locitor intre sus si 2os? ;u tine de fi'ic, nu tine de /piritual, 3ar capabil sa se deplase'e in sus si in 2os. Trei sunt starile 4intii, !urtatoare a Bointei Celui 4aret. 6udecator al Cau'ei si $fectului in .iata ta. stfel este alcatuita fiinta tripartita Condusa de sus de catre puterea lui patru. 3easupra si dincolo de starea tripartita a omului /e afla taramul /inelui /piritual. !atru sunt starile lui /tralucind in fiecare plan de e+istenta, 3ar treispre'ece cu totul, ;umarul mistic. !e ba'a calitatilor omului sunt )ratii= )iecare diri2ea'a de'.oltarea fiintei, )iecare e un canal al Celui 4aret. !e !amant omul este scla., legat de spatiul si timpul planului pamantesc. (ncon2urand fiecare planeta, o unda .ibratorie, il leaga de planul sau de e+istenta.

Cu toate acestea in interiorul sau se afla cheia eliberarii, (n el poate fi descoperita libertatea. 3upa ce ti"ai eliberat sinele din corp, 1idica"te spre cele mai indepartate margini ale planului tau pamantesc. 1osteste cu.antul 3or"$"8il"8a. poi, pentru o .reme, 8umina ta .a fi ridicata, liber .ei fi ca sa treci de barierele spatiului. Timp de 2umatate de soare 76 ore9, liber .ei putea trece de barierele planului pamantesc, Bei putea .edea si afla pe cei ce se afla dincolo de tine. (ntr" spre lumi superioare .ei putea trece. 3escopera"ti propriile posibilitati de de'.oltare, fla toate .ietile .iitoare ale /ufletului pe !amant. (ncatusat esti in corpul tau dar prin putere poti fi liber. cesta este /ecretul prin care scla.ia .a fi inlocuita de libertatea ta. 8inisteste"ti mintea. 1ela+ea'a"ti corpul= Constienti'ea'a doar eliberarea din carne. Centrea'a"ti fiinta catre scopul spre care tan2esti. &andeste tot timpul ca .ei fi liber. &andeste acest cu.ant 8a"<m"("8"& /i permite"i sa"ti rasune in minte. 8asa"te purtat de sunet spre locul unde tan2esti sa a2ungi. $liberea'a"te din incatusarea carnii dupa propria .ointa.

scultati cel mai mare dintre secrete= Cum puteti intra in /alile din menti, (n locul unde sunt cei nemuritori, asa cum am facut si eu, si sa stati in fata 4aestrilor. (ntindeti".a corpul la ori'ontala. Calmati".a mintea astfel incat nici un gand sa nu .a deran2e'e. !uri trebuie sa fiti in minte cat si in scop caci altfel .eti da gres. duceti in minte imaginea /alilor din menti asa cum am descris"o in Tablitele mele. 3oriti".a din tot sufletul sa fiti acolo. Bi'uali'ati".a stand in fata 4aestrilor. !ronuntati, mental, urmatoarele cu.inte pline de putere= 4ekut"$l"/hab"$l %ale"/ur"Ben"$l"Cabrut Cin"$frim"Luar"$l. 1ela+ati".a mintea si corpul. poi fiti siguri ca sufletul .ostru .a fi chemat. cum .a .oi da Cheia spre /hamballa, locul unde )ratii mei locuiesc in intuneric= 3ar un intuneric plin cu 8umina /oarelui, (ntunericul !amantului dar 8umina a /piritului, calau'e pentru .oi dupa ce eu .oi pleca. se'ati".a corpul asa cum ."am in.atat. (ndreptati".a spre barierele locului ascuns si indepartat. /tati in fata portilor si a pa'nicilor lor. 1idicati barierele pronuntand aceste cu.inte= $u sunt 8umina. (ntuneric nu e deloc in mine.

$liberat sunt din scla.ia noptii. 3eschideti"mi calea celor 3oispre'ece si <nu, ca sa pot trece catre taramul intelepciunii. (ar cand .a .or refu'a, caci cu siguranta .a .or refu'a, !orunciti"le sa .a deschida calea rostind cu.intele= $u sunt 8umina. !entru mine nu e+ista bariere. 3eschideti, .a poruncesc, prin /ecretul /ecretelor $dom"$l" him"/abbert"Cur dom. tunci, daca ale .oastre cu.inte au fost numai si numai de.arul, Barierele .or cadea in fata .oastra. cum .a las, copiii mei. (n 2os, si totusi in sus, spre /alile din menti .oi merge. /traduiti".a sa gasiti calea catre mine, copiii mei /i cu ade.arat fratii mei .eti de.eni. stfel imi inchei scrierile. Chei fie ele pentru cei ce .or .eni dupa mine. 3ar doar pentru cei ce cauta intelepciunea mea, Caci doar pentru acestia mi"s Cheia si Calea. Toate drepturile aupra traducerii sunt re'er.ate P Robertino Bezman 2003


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