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Kthe Kollwitz was a German painter, printmaker, and sculptor.

She was an expressionist artist, and the tragedy of war influenced some of her work. Some of her art work was also inspired by the less fortunate, the way she expressed this was by drawing, etching, lithography, and woodcut, and she embraced the victims of poverty, hunger, and war.

I found that most of her drawings look very similar; they have very similar facial features and expressions they all have extreme emotions, mostly sadness.

Women were banned from going to government-run art Schools so places like the Zeichnen und Malschule des Vereins der Kunstlerinnen were set up especially for female artists. Kathe Kollwitz attended this school from 1884 to 1886 and studied under the Swizz artist Karl Stauffer-Bern who introduced her to the work of Max Klinger; this inspired her to be the great artist she was.

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