A Hidden Treasure - Unit Plan

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan de Unidad
Autor de la Unidad Full Name School name School Location "ther aspects o# the school Descripcin Ttulo Delkis Lucila Delgado Gmez Esc. Leopoldina Field Dolega, Chiriqu , !anama Full !rimar$ school. %el. &&'()*+*

A hidden treasure
Resumen Learning a language requires mastering the #our main language skills, reading, -riting, speaking and listening. .ith this in mind, it is possi/le to learn ho- to read and -rite in English through literature, /ecause it pro0ides not onl$ a /asis #or -riting, /ut also the conte1t o# a real -orld. 2n addition, it promotes a theme to de0elop their oral communication skills /$ appl$ing 0arious strategies. 3o-e0er, the primar$ school students at Leopoldina Field Elementar$ School are not used to read in English, there#ore the$ #ind di##icult to use the 0oca/ular$ and structures co0ered in the reading to appl$ them later in their o-n productions. 2n the classroom conte1t, a teacher must use di##erent strategies to engage students in reading and #ind it entertaining, a real or imaginar$ -orld -hich represents a source #or learning a ne- language, as -ell as a conte1t #or students to acquire social 0alues and appropriate /eha0ior. %his pro4ect is designed to guide students in the use o# 2C%s through reading and colla/orati0e -ork, de0elop other linguistic and communicati0e skills, and achie0e a meaning#ul learning in #a0or o# the practice o# the English language. %he methodolog$ is /ased on sho-ing a stor$ on 0ideo, directing them to use Stor$4umper to de0elop a /ig /ook -ith the summar$ o# the stor$, and guiding them to create a small script o# the stor$ to per#orm a role(pla$. %he teacher -ill then record a 0ideo a/out these dramatizations to /e uploaded in his5her /log. Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s English 67rea 8. Literature9, Spanish 67rea :. 7preciacin $ creacin literaria9, 7rts 6;rea <. 7rtes !l=sticas $ ;rea >. %eatro9 Ao y nivel :? grade, elementar$ school
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Tiempo aproximado necesario ' sessions, :) minutes each one. undamentos de la unidad !ontenidos !oncepts Literature Short stories Fa/les 7nal$sis Dramatization #$%etivos de aprendi&a%e !roduces oral and -ritten language related to literature /$ listening to and reading di##erent sources. Summarizes a stor$ using technolog$. Dramatizes a tale using appropriate structures and speaking language. "rocedures 7ns-ers questions a/out the gi0en #a/le. 2denti#ies the main e0ents in the stor$. Summarizes the stor$ using transitional -ords. Creates a /ig /ook a/out the tale. .rites a short script o# the stor$. Dramatizes a tale. Attitudes Sho-s respect #or di##erent literar$ e1pressions. !articipates acti0el$ in cooperati0e -orks and role(pla$s. !romotes -ith enthusiasm the reading ha/it and the use o# technolog$ #or o-n success.

Grammar in conte1t .h(questions !ast tense %ransitional -ords

'ndicadores de logro E1plains -ith details the characteristics o# a tale. @nderstands a tale /ased on ke$ questions. Ela/orates paragraphs using grammatical structures in past tense to summarize a short stor$. Dramatizes short pla$s o# studied te1ts. "reguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad "regunta esencial 3o- do people communicate among themA

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

"reguntas de unidad

3o- can reading help us speak EnglishA .hat are #a/lesA .h$ are the$ important in literatureA 3o- can -e summarize a stor$A 3o- do -e pla$ up a taleA

"reguntas de contenido

"lan de evaluacin !ronograma de actividades (e)ore $eginning the pro%ect E1plorator$ questions B.L chart

During the pro%ect 2n#ormal o/ser0ations !rogress reports Colla/oration checklists

A)ter the pro%ect Gu/ric #or the /ig /ook Gu/ric #or the role(pla$ B.L chart

Resumen de evaluaciones Assessments E1plorator$ questions B.L chart "rocess and goal Students ans-er e1plorator$ questions a/out the content the$ -ill see during the unit. Students are gi0en a B.L chart to 0eri#$ their pre0ious kno-ledge and set learning goals #or the unit. 7t the end o# the 2n#ormal o/ser0ations unit, the$ -ill complete the CLearnD column in the same chart. Notes #rom o/ser0ations support teaching ad4ustments and pro0ide e0idence #or #inal assessments. %he$ are used throughout the unit during group and indi0idual -ork time. 2n this case, students summarize the #a/le to create a /ig /ook and prepare a script to role(pla$ the #a/le. !rogress reports help students to document progress or e1plain something ne- in their understanding. 7 stor$/oard -ill /e used to assess studentsE progress during the planning and de0elopment stages o# the /ig /ook and the role(pla$. Students assess ho- -ell the$ -orked as a group using this checklist -ith requirements #or each process. %his -ill /e used as a team sel#(assessment method.
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina

!rogress reports

Colla/oration checklist

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Gu/ric #or the /ig /ook Gu/ric #or the role(pla$

%his ru/ric allo-s teachers to assess the /ig /ook the$ did in the card/oard or the one in the stor$4umper application /ased on di##erent criteria. %his ru/ric allo-s students to check their progress, and teachers to assess the studentsE per#ormance in the role(pla$ using speci#ic criteria.

Detalles de la Unidad *a$ilidades previas Students should ha0e /een introduced to the simple past tense #orms in order to understand the stor$. %he ke$ 0oca/ular$ -ill /e pro0ided /e#ore starting reading, and the$ must ha0e some idea on ho- to summarize a stor$. Horeo0er, students must ha0e /asic skills on /ro-sing the -e/. "rocedimientos %he acti0ities to de0elop throughout the unit are di0ided /$ class sessions, Session <. <. Students check indi0iduall$ a list o# ke$ -ords #ound in the stor$ pro0ided /$ the teacher, as -ell as a list o# transitional -ords to -rite the stor$ on the /ig /ook. %he$ ha0e to look up unkno-n -ords in the dictionar$. >. %he teacher starts a class discussion a/out -hat the pro4ect is a/out and the steps to #ollo-. Students should ask and ans-er questions to make in#ormation clear. F. %he teacher makes teams to organize the colla/orati0e -ork. Session > <. %he teacher gi0es a B.L chart to each student in class and e1plain them this is a diagnostic e0aluation to check their pre0ious kno-ledge a/out #a/les. Students ha0e to -rite indi0iduall$ under the B and . columns. 2. Students listen and -atch a slides presentation a/out the concepts o# literature and #a/les, and ho- the$ help people impro0e other language skills. F. Students -atch a 0ideo a/out the #a/le using the multimedia pro4ector, and #or #urther reading the$ ma$ 0isit this site http,55---.longlongtimeago.com5lltaI#a/lesIlionmouse.html at home, -hich also has the -ritten 0ersion o# the #a/le. %hose students -ho donEt ha0e 2nternet access -ill recei0e a printed 0ersion o# the #a/le. Session F
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

<. Students read and anal$ze a te1t a/out ho- to -rite a summar$ -hile the teacher e1plains it. 7t this point, students should ask and ans-er questions to check understanding. >. Students -ork colla/orati0el$ in teams to -rite a summar$ o# the main e0ents in the #a/le, -hich should /e illustrated. "ne mem/er o# the team checks #or unkno-n -ords, another identi#ies main e0ents. 7 third student -rites the summar$ and a #ourth looks #or pictures to illustrate e0ents. %he #i#th student checks grammar in the sentences. Session : <. Students read at home a tutorial a/out Stor$4umper application online or -atch the 0ideo a/out it the teacher pre0iousl$ pro0ided. Colla/orati0el$ again, the$ create a /ig /ook a/out the stor$ or use card/oard, markers and pictures to create a /ig /ook in the classroom. "ne mem/er o# the team -rites in the computer, another dictates main e0ents. 7 third student chooses the pictures to illustrate e0ents. %he #ourth student checks o0erall accomplishment o# the task. 7 #i#th student sends the link o# their stor$/ook to the teacher /$ e(mail. 2# the$ ha0e no computer to -ork on, the$ take the same roles to create the /ig /ook manuall$. Session * <. Students are assigned to -ork in teams -ith speci#ic roles to -rite a stor$ script /ased on the #a/le alread$ read. %he$ recei0e a stor$ script as a model. "ne student looks #or unkno-n -ords in EnglishJ another identi#ies and -rites the characters in the stor$. 7 third student -rites the lines the characters sa$ in the stor$. 7 #ourth student creates the masks #or the characters and a #i#th student organizes the scene. %he$ all ha0e to decide on the roles #or each student and practice the pla$. Students ma$ check the pronunciation o# di##icult -ords at ---.ho-4sa$.com Sessions ' <. Students role(pla$ the #a/le in class to /e recorded on a 0ideo /$ a mem/er o# another group. >. 7s a #inal acti0it$, students summarize their kno-ledge using the B.L, -hich usuall$ ser0es also as a #eed/ack. Adecuaciones curriculares

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

+tudent ,ith special needs

Gepeat instructions orall$ and in -ritten #orm. Check understanding /$ asking questions. Gi0e e1tra time to de0elop acti0ities. 7sk #or help to the specialist teacher on dealing -ith special needs students to adequate material #or them. 7ssign these special students to help creating the /ig /ook and the

masks. Host students are at the /eginning le0el on the language acquisition, /ut in the case that, a#ter e1plaining and gi0ing instructions in English the$ donEt understand, the$ -ill, -o English spea.ers Gecei0e e1tra in#ormation in Spanish, as -ell as some links to re0ie- the use o# appropriate 0oca/ular$ and pronunciation. Ke grouped -ith students on higher pro#icienc$ le0els to ha0e /alanced teams. Talented students E1press ideas and ask #or clari#ication in their mother tongue. 7ssign them tasks that require more pro/lem(sol0ing skills. 7sk them to help other teams de0elop their acti0ities i# the$ #inish #irst.

Focus on creati0e aspects. Recursos necesarios para el desarrollo de la unidad Technology / *ard,are 6needed equipment9 !hoto camera Compact disk Computer6s9 Digital camera DLD pla$er !rinter !ro4ection s$stem Scanner

LCG Lideo tape recorder Hultimedia pro4ector "ther

2nternet access %ele0ision Technology / +o)t,are 6needed9 Data/ase5Spreadsheet 2mage Editor Graphic organizers e(mail !rogram .e/ Kro-ser Hultimedia

.e/ page de0elopment .ord processor "ther 6stor$4umper9

Enc$clopedia on CD(G"H "rinted !rinted 0ersion o# the CLion and the mouseD #a/le, transitional -ords list, material +upplies te1t a/out ho- to -rite a summar$, script model. Card/oard, markers, /ig pictures #rom magazines, ne-spaper or 2nternet, construction paper and colors to make masks, dictionar$.

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Kernal, 7ugusto 6>)<F9 %utorial Stor$4umper :EGK. Getrie0ed "cto/er <*, >)<F #rom http,55---.$outu/e.com5-atchA0M>HoS(NNqOEs Kushe$, G and Hoser, P 6>))+9. !autas para padres. Estrategias C7FQ. Gesumir el te1to, e0entos principales. Getrie0ed "cto/er <', >)<F #rom http,55---.thedail$ca#e.com5<<.R>)SummarizeR>)te1t,R>)main R>)e0ents.pd#

Canal %LC 6>)<>9. Cmo hacer mascaras di0ertidas. Getrie0ed "cto/er <*, >)<F #rom http,55---.$outu/e.com5-atchA0Mm-$"/g:uh.g Cho-dhur$, Gohini 6>)<)9. %he lion and the mouse 67dapted #rom 7esop9. Getrie0ed "cto/er <:, >)<F #rom http,55---.longlongtimeago.com5lltaI#a/lesIlionmouse.html

'nternet Resources

Delgado, Delkis 6>)<F9. Literature and Fa/les. Getrie0ed "cto/er <&, >)<F #rom http,55---.slideshare.net5DELB2SS5literature(#a/les !hanlean 6>)<>9. 7esops Fa/les Lion and House Bids. Getrie0ed "cto/er <&, >)<F #rom http,55---.$outu/e.com5-atchA0MksP'Gmo>SSS Gallardo, Candida 6>))89. Fa/les. Getrie0ed "cto/er <', >)<F #rom http,55---.slideshare.net5candigallardo5#a/lesA#romIsearchM& Goig, Gosa/el. %utorial. DC7DE!(@7. Getrie0ed "cto/er <', >)<F #rom https,55tutorialesedutic.-ikispaces.com5#ile5detail5%@%"G27L R>)S%"GSP@H!EG.doc1

%he chair. Script #rom B2DS2NC" "nline Scholar Source. Getrie0ed "cto/er <', >)<F #rom http,55---.kidsinco.com5>))+5)*5the(chair5 %ransition -ords and phrases. Geading rockets. Getrie0ed "cto/er <', >)<F #rom http,55---.readingrockets.org5content5pd#s5transition R>)-ords.pd#

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