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The potential is constant throughout a given region of space .is the electric field is zero or non zero in this region?

Electric field E and potential difference are related by equation, E =- v/ r When the potential is taken as constant which means v= constant then the potential difference becomes zero v= so, E = /r ! E= This relation tells that electric field is zero in a region of where the potential is constant

#uppose that $ou follo% an electric field line due to a positive point charge .do electric field and the potential increases or decreases?

elation for the electric field and and electric potential are E= 1/&'(! x)/r" and v=1/&'(!x)/r this gives for same charge

E * 1/ r" +* 1/ r When we follow electric field line due to positive charge, distance from positive charge increases which cases to decrease electric field and potential" Q#,: -o% can $ou identif$ that %hich plate of a capacitor is positivel$ charged? Ans#,: When a freely suspended positively charged gold leaf of electroscope is brought near to one of the plates of capacitor the divergence to gold leaf shows that the plate of the capacitor is positively charged otherwise negatively charged"" Q#&:
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-


.escri/e the force or forces on a positive point charge %hen placed /et%een parallel plates0 1a2 3ith si4ilar and e)ual charges. 1/2 3ith opposite and e)ual charges. Ans#&: The electric force $ on a charge q due to eclectic field E is given by 5= )E %&' When a positive point charge is placed between parallel plates with similar and equal charges" (t will e)perience no electric force because electric field between the plates is zero" 5=)E 5=)1 2 = ! 5= %*' When a positive point charge is placed between the plates of the +apacitor it will e)perience electric force , 5=)E #

,ue to electric field set up from positive to negative" Q#6: Electric lines of forces never cross each other. 3h$? Ans#6: -o, two electric lines of forces never cross each other because .E/ only one direction at a given point "if two lines cross each other then there will be more directions at a point which is impossible" Q#7: 8f appoint charge ) of 4ass 4 is released in a non unifor4 electric field %ith field lines pointing in the sa4e direction0 %ill it 4a9e a rectilinear 4otion? Ans#7: 0otion along a straight line is called rectilinear motion when a charge .q/ of mass .m/ is released in a non uniform electric field" (t will not move in a straight line and adopts irregular path due to variable electric field" Q#::
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-


8s E necessaril$ zero inside a charged ru//er /alloon if /alloon is spherical? Assu4e that charge is distri/uted unifor4l$ over the surface? Ans#:: 2es E is necessarily zero inside a charged rubber balloon if balloon is spherical and enclosed no charge but chage is distributed uniformly over its surface" &ccording to 3auss4s law"

;e =)/(!= / ( = 5 ;e = <<<<<<<<1 $rom definition, ;e = E.A<<<<<<<<" 6utting equation # in eq 1 = E.A A # so, E= Q#=: 8s it true that >auss?s la% states that the total nu4/er of lines of forces crossing an$ closed surface in the out%ard direction is proportional to the net positive charge enclosed %ithin surface? Ans#=: 2es, it is true that total no of lines of forces crossing any closed surface in outward direction proportional to the net positive charge according with surface in the outward direction proportional to the net positive charge enclosed with in the surface " &ccording to 3auss4s law, ;e =)/(! = constant @ ) 5 ;e * ) here ) = net positive charge" ;e =no of electric lines of force 7ence no of electric lines of forces are proportional to net positive charge Q#A: .o electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of lo% potential? Ans#A: Electrons tend to go to a region of high potential because high potential is more positive than the lower potential as the charge on electron is negative"

Prepared By 7690026

Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics





QBE#T8CD# AD. AD#3EE#:< Q#1: A potential difference is applied across the ends of a copper %ire .%hat is the effect of drift velocit$ 112 8ncreasing the potential difference. 1"2 .ecreasing the length and the te4perature of the %ire. Ans#1 The uniform velocity that the free electrons acquire opposite to the electric field of battery is called the drift velocity" %#' the increase of potential difference makes the electric field strong which cases to increase the drift velocity "&s given 9d = (:n&e where (= ;9: so, 9d = ;9: n&e %1' The decrease in length and temperature of the wire which causes to increase the drift velocity of the free electron in the wire" Q#": .o /ends in %ire effects its electrical resistance? Ans#" We know that =< =:& with bends in a wire , its length %=' and area of cross section %&' remains the same "hence bends in a wire do not affect the electrical resistance % ' of the wire " Q#&: 3h$ does the resistance of a conductor rise %ith te4perature? Ans#& esistance is the measure of opposition due to collision of free electrons with the atoms of the conductor" &s temperature of the conductor rises the irrational amplitude of the atoms of the conductor increases and hence the probability of collisions of free electrons with them increases "at high temperature, the atoms offer a bigger target area to free electrons to collide with them and resistance of conducer increases"

Prepared By 7690026

Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-


3hat are the difficulties in testing %hether the fila4ent of lighting /ul/ o/e$s oh4 la%? Ans#6 &t the beginning, when bulb is turned ?- its filament is at low low temperature and it obeys ?hm4s law" ( @ 9 =ater on when current rises to its ma)imum value "the ma)imum power 6=(1 dissipated across the filament which increases resistance but current increases at lower rate and does not obey ohm4s law Q#7: 8s the fila4ent resistance lo%er or higher in a 6 30 "" + light /ul/ than in 1 30 "" + /ul/? Ans#7 esistance of #st bulb= #=A esistance of 1nd bulb = 1=A 6ower of first bulb =6#=B!! Watts 6ower of 1nd bulb=61=#!! Watts 9oltage =9=11! volts *y applying the formula, 6=91: ! =91:6 $or#stbulb = #=91:6# %11!'1:B!! = >C>!!:B!! = DE"CF nd 1 $or 1 bulb = 1=9 :61 %11!'1:B!! = >C>!!:#!! = >C>F Q#:: .escri/e a circuit %hich %ill give a continuousl$ var$ing potential? Ans#: 6otentiometer is an instrument which gives continuously varying potential" (ts circuit diagram is given as" When the sliding contact + is moved from & to * 0r varies from

Prepared By 7690026

Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics




? to and potential varies from ? to E the current following through is given /$ F 8=E/E GGGG12 The potential drops across HrI is given /$ +=8r as 8=E/E so +=E/E x r += r/E E GGGGGG"2 This gives us continuously varying potential Q#=: E@plain %h$ the ter4inal potential difference of a /atter$ decreases %hen a current dra%n fro4 it is increased? Ans#= The terminal potential difference is given by : +t= E J8r GGG12 The emf E of cell is constant "This relation shows that when current ( through is increases, the product (r increases which cases to decrease the the terminal potential difference 9t" Q#A: 3hat is the %heat stone /ridge? -o% can it /e used to deter4ine an un9no%n resistance? Ans#A &n electrical circuit devised by 6rofessor +harles Wheatstone used to determine unknown resistance is called wheat stone bridge. (t consists of four resistances #, 1, 8, and >"+onnected in the form of mesh &*+,&" & battery of emf E is connected between points & and + through a switch G "a sensitive galvanometer is of resistance g is connected between points * and ," (ts equation is , E1/E" = E,/E& GGG.12 5igure

.eter4ination of un9no%n resistance:

To determine unknown resistance in the arm containing > % > = ) Then known value of #, 1" &nd 8are so adHusted that galvanometer no deflection "then from equation no i
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-




Chapter #14
Q#1 A plan conducting loop is located in a unifor4 4agnetic field that is directed along the @<a@is .for %hat orientation of the loop is the flu@ a 4a@i4u4?. 5or %hat orientation is the flu@ a 4ini4u4? Ans#1: When plane of loop is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field the flu) will be ma)imum Ie = E&cos! = E& %ma)'

5igure :
When plane of loop is placed parallel to the magnetic field, the flu) will be minimum as, Ie = E&cosD! = ! %min' 5igure

Q#" A current in a conductor produces a 4agnetic field0 %hich can /e calculated using A4pere?s la%. #ince current is defined as the rat of flo% of charges0 %hat can $ou conclude a/out the 4agnetic field due to stationar$ charges? 3hat a/out 4oving charges? Ans#"J 0agnetic field due to stationary charges is zero" 0oving charges produce magnetic field around them" &ccording to faraday law * = K!(:1'r for stationary charges, (=! so, *= ! $or moving charges * = K!(:1'r ( not negative" Then * also not negative Q#, .escri/e the 4agnetic field inside a solenoid carr$ing a stead$ current 8I if 1a2 the length is solenoid is dou/led /ut the nu4/er of turns re4ains the sa4e and 1/2the nu4/er of turns dou/led /ut the length re4ains sa4e Ans#,:. The magnetic field due to solenoid is given by, * = K! n ( &s n = - := so"* = K! %-:=' (
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-


Kase #1: (f the length is double and - remains the same" * = K! %-:1=' ( = #:1 K! %-:=' ( = #:1 * Which means magnetic field reduce to half Kase #": (f the number of turns %-' is double and = remains the same" * = K! %1-:=' ( = 1 K! %-:=' ( = 1 * Which means magnetic field increases to two times" Q#& At a given instant the proton 4oves in the @ direction in a region %here there is 4agnetic field in the negative z direction. 3hat is direction of the 4agnetic force? 3ill the proton continue to 4ove the positive @ direction? E@plain Ans# &: (f proton moves along the positive ) Ma)is in a region of magnetic field is along negative z Ma)is "the magnetic force is given by "7" rule, $b = q%v ) *' , this force%$b' is along the positive 2- a)is and it will be start to move in circular path in )y plane around z Ma)is and it will not continue to move in the positive ) M direction"

Q#6 T%o charged particles are proLected into a region %here there is a 4agnetic field perpendicular to their velocities. 8f the charges are reflected in opposite directions0 %hat can $ou sa$ a/out the4? Ans#6: Two charge particles are proHected in a magnetic field perpendicular to their velocities if they are deflected in opposite directions while moving in the magnetic field then two particles are oppositely charged" &s we know that in magnetic field particles are deflected so they are oppositely charged "Go, one particle is positively charged %proton' and other is negatively charged %electron' Q#7
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-


#uppose that a charge ) is 4oving in a unifor4 4agnetic field %ith a velocit$ v. 3h$ is there no %or9 done /$ the 4agnetic force that acts on the charge )? <Ans#7: & charge q is moving in uniform magnetic field *, with a velocity 9 in a +ircular path due to magnetic force" The angle between magnetic force and velocity will be D!! "work done is given by, W = $"d = $d cos D!! =! %as cos of D!! is zero'" D!o Go no work is being done" NOL

8f a charged particle 4oves in a straight line through so4e region of space0 can $ou sa$ that the 4agnetic field in the region is zero? Ans#:: -o, when a particle moves in straight line in the direction of magnetic field" M " q o v The force acting on charge will be zero as angle is ! ! charge q and magnetic field is parallel so, $= qv*sin!! = qv*%!' = ! Therefore we can not say magnetic field in this zero" NOC 3h$ does the picture on T+ screen /eco4e distorted %hen a 4agnet is /rought near the screen? &nsOJC &s the picture is formed on the T9 screen with the help of beam of electrons , when a magnetic is brought is near the T9 screen ,the beam of electron is deflected due the magnetic force which is given by, $= ev*sinP! "on the each electron" Q#A 8s it possi/le to orient a current loop in a unifor4 4agnetic field such that the loop %ill tend to rotate? E@plain. Ans#A The torque acting on a current carrying loop in the uniform magnetic field is given by,
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-



Q%torque '=-(&*cos@ ,Where @ is the angle between * and plane of loop "if @= D!! then cos of D!!= ! so torque will be zero here this shows that if plane of loop is oriented at D! ! with * "Then loop will not tend to rotate, as Q=!"" Q#1 -o% can a current loop /e used to deter4ine the presence of a 4agnetic field in a given region of space? Ans#1 : When current carrying loop is placed in the presence of a magnetic field with its plane makes an angle @ with * "The torque acting on it will be Q%torque '=-(*&cos@ if current loop deflects , filed is present other wise not"

Q#11 -o% can $ou use a 4agnetic field to separate isotopes of che4ical ele4ent? Ans#11: When isotopes of chemical element are proHected in a magnetic field at right angle" Then magnetic force, $b= ev*sinD! = ev* 6rovide centripetal force, $c = m 91:r *ev = m 91:r r = mv:*e (sotopes have same charge, but due to different masses they adopt different paths due to which fall at different places and are separated" Q 1": 3hat should /e the orientation of a current carr$ing coil in a 4agnetic field so that tor)ue acting upon the coil 1a24a@i4u4 1/2 4ini4u4 Ans#1": When the current carrying wire placed in the uniform magnetic field" The torque acting on it is given by, N1tor)ue 2=D8MAcos* Where @ is the angle between magnetic field %*' and plane of the coil %a' when plane of the coil is oriented parallel to to * "then *= and cos = 1 so0 N1tor)ue 2=D8MA112 = D8AM14a@2 Torque will be ma)imum
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-



%b' When plane of coil is oriented at right angle to * then angle will be D! so, *=A and cos A = N1tor)ue 2=D8MA1 2 = at this the torque will be minimum" Q#1, A loop of %ire is suspended /et%een the poles of a 4agnet %ith its plane parallel to the pole faces. 3hat happens if a direct current is put through the coil? 3hat happens if an alternating current is used instead? Ans#1,J Torque on loop wire is given by, Q%torque '=-(*&cos * When the loop of wire is suspended between the poles of a magnet with its plane parallel to pole faces then * =A and cos A = then we get the result N1tor)ue 2=D8MAcosA = if direct current or alternating current is passed through the coil "these current have no effect on the loop Q#1& 3h$ the resistance of an a44eter should /e ver$ lo%? Ans#1&: &mmeter is always connected in series the magnitude of current decreases through through the circuit with the presence of ammeter "to measure 8 E ma)imum current the resistance of ammeter should be very small as compared to the resistance of circuit" Ans#16: 3h$ the volt4eter should have a ver$ high resistance? Ans#16: 9oltmeter is always connected in parallel with two points where potential is to be measured" The potential across the points decreases with presences of voltmeter because it draws some current ( of the circuit to reduce the current through voltmeter, the resistance of voltmeter should be large as compared to the resistance of circuit"

Prepared By 7690026

Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics





& 8E E

Q#1 .oes the induced e4f in a circuit depend upon the resistance of the circuit? .oes the induced e4f depend upon the resistance of the circuit? Ans# #' &ccording to $aradays law emf is given by ( =-- ;I:; t This relation shows that emf induced in coil depend upon the rate of change of magnetic flu) and does not depends on the resistance of the coil" 1' While in case of ohm law induced current flowing through coil depends upon the resistance , of the coil (= ( : Q#" A s)uare loop of %ire is 4oving through a unifor4 4agnetic field. The nor4al to the loop is oriented parallel to the 4agnetic field. 8s e4f induced in the loop? >ive a reason for $our ans%er? Ans#" " " M


( = 9*=sinP! (f the vector area is parallel to * then according to faradays law the time rate of change of flu) becomes zero" ;I:; t=! for -=# ( =-- ;I:; t = -#) !=! 7ence there is no emf produced in a loop Q#,

Prepared By 7690026

Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics





A light 4etallic ring is released fro4 a/ove into a vertical /ar 4agnet. +ie%ed for a/ove0 does the current flo% cloc9%ise or anticloc9%ise in the ring? Ans#, &ccording to lens4s law the direction of induced current will oppose the motion of ring towards the bar magnet for this purpose, the induced current should flow in the clock wise direction the ring" Q#& 3hat is the direction of the current through resistor E in fig.? %hen s%itch # is 1a2 closed 1/2 opened Ans#& a2 &s the switch is closed, according to lens4s law, the direction of current induced in will be in anti clockwise direction" /2 & switch G is opened according to lens4s law the direction of current induced in will be in the clock wise direction Q#6 .oes the induced e4f al%a$s act to decrease the 4agnetic flu@ through a circuit? Ans#6 -o, induced emf does not always act to decrease the magnetic flu) through the circuit according to lens4s law ,when bar magnet with - pole is moved towards a loop flu) decreases and when it taken away from a loop flu) increases which case emf induced" Q#7 3hen the s%itch in the circuit is closed a current is esta/lished in the coil and the 4etal ring Lu4ps up%ard 1fig.2 %h$? .escri/e %hat %ould happen to the ring if the /atter$ polarit$ %ere reversed? Ans#7 When switch G is closed, the changing flu) of coil causes to induce current in the metal ring which produces flu) opposite to that of coil and ring is replaced and Humps upward" Game thing will be happen if polarity of the battery is reversed" Q#: The fig. sho%s a coil of %ire in the @$ plane %ith a 4agnetic field directed along the $ J a@is.
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-



Around %hich of the three coordinate a@es the coil should /e rotated in order to generate an e4f and a current in the coil? Ans#: The coil must be rotated about about )-a)is to get change of magnetic flu) and an induced current through it" The emf induced in the coil is given by ( =-O&*sinP! " only in this case emf is induced" (f the coil rotated about z-a)is then no change of magnetic flu) takes place" (f coil rotated through y-a)is then the flu) through it will be zero"b:c plane of the coil is at all times parallel to the lines of magnetic field -o% %ould $ou position a flat loop of %ire in a changing 4agnetic field so that there is no e4f induced in the loop? Ans#= (nduced emf is given by, ( =-O&*sinP! -=# so, ( =O&*sinP! &s flate loop of wire is parallel to changing magnetic field then P=!! ( =O&*sin!! = ! this shows that no flu) change through it and hence no emf is induced" Q#A 8n a certain region the earth?s 4agnetic field verticall$ do%n .%hen a plane files due to north0 %hich %ingtip is positivel$ charged? Ans#A The magnetic force on a moving electric charge is given by, $ = -e %9 R *'" This relation shows that $ acting at right angle to v and * where 9 is towards north * is vertically downward, by applying right hand rule the electron moves towards left direction of $ is directed towards west" w # Q#1 #ho% that ( and ;e/t have sa4e units? Ans#1 ( = W:q as unit of work is Houle and charge is coulomb so, ( = S:+ = S+-# = volt a'
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-



7ence the unit of ( is volt" Tnit of ;I:; t is ---------b' ;I = *;& = -&-#m-# m1 ; t = sec Then b ' becomes , ;I:; t = -&-#m-# m1:s ;I:; t = - m:& s &s - m =S, & s = coulomb = + ;I:; t = S:+ = volt Q#11 3hen an electric 4otor0 such as an electrical drill0 is /eing used0 does it also act as a generator? if so %hat is conse)uences of this? Ans#11 When an electrical motor is running, its armature is rotating in a magnetic field" a torque acts on the armature and at the same time magnetic flu) is changing through is changing which produced an induced emf "the induced emf opposes the rotation of armature "this means that motor also act as generator when it is running "when motor rotate without load it will rotate quite easy,then large back emf is induced "but in case of when motor is over loaded the induced back emf in the coil produces high current which cause to burn the motor out " Q#1" Kan a ..K 4otor /e turned into a ..K generator? 3hat changes are re)uired to /e done? Ans#1" 2es, ,"+ motor and ,"+ generator are same in construction but the difference is that ,"+ is mechanically driven instrument while ,"+ motor is electrically driven" (f voltage is supplied by connecting a battery to slip ring of ,"+ generator, then ,"+ generator acts as ,"+ motor" When current passes through armature of motor a torque is produced which rotates the armature by converting electrical energy into mechanical energy "Thus a ,"+ motor can be converted into ,"+ generator" There are two changes occurs to convert ,"+ motor into ,"+ generator #' The magnetic field must be applied by permanent magnet and not by electromagnet" 1' &n arrangement to rotate the coil armature should be provided"
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-



Q#1, 8s it possi/le to change /oth area of the loop and the 4agnetic field passing through the field and still not have an induced e4f in the loop? Ans#1, 2es, it is possible in the magnetic flu) takes due to the change in the area of the loop and magnetic fieldU no emf will be induced in the loop" 0agnetic field is given by" ;I = * " & =*;cosP if the vector area ;& is parallel to magnetic field *" P = !! so, ;I =*;&cos!! cos!! =# ;I =*;& if b * and & are constant then , ;I =! V =--;I:;t V =-- x !: ;t =! 7ence no induce emf in the loop will be produced Q#1& Kan an electric 4otor /e used to driven an electric generator %ith the out put fro4 the generator /eing used to operate the 4otor? Ans#1& -o, it is impossible "(f it is possible it will be self operating system without getting energy "which is against the law of conservation of energy" 0oreover the efficiency is always less than #!!W" 7ence a combination of motor and generator can never produce more energy out than its energy" Q#16 A suspended 4agnet is oscillating freel$ in a horizontal plane. The oscillations are strongl$ da4ped %hen a 4etal plate is placed under the 4agnet. E@plain %h$ this occurs? Ans#16 The oscillating magnet produces change of magnetic flu) close to it . The metal plate below it e)perience a the change of magnetic flu) "&s a result eddy current produced inside the metal "according to lens4s law , Eddy currents oppose the cause which produces it" Therefore, the oscillations of magnet are strongly damped" Q#17 5our un4ar9ed %ires e4erge fro4 a transfor4er. 3hat steps %ould $ou ta9e to deter4ine the turn?s ratio?
Prepared By 7690026 Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics Contact# 0344-7846394,0323-



Ans#17 $our wires coming out of transformer are the ends of two coils %pXs' of transformer and each coil has negligible resistance" The coils are separated as primary and secondary" &n alternating voltage of known value vp to the primary coil the output voltage across the secondary coil" The turn ratio of the coil is determined as, 9s:9p =-s:-p Q#1: a2 Kan a step up transfor4er increases the po%er level? /2 8n a transfor4er0 there is no transfer of charge fro4 the pri4ar$ to secondar$ .-o% is then the po%er transferred? Ans#1: a' -o, a step up transformer can not increase the power level" The power of out put is always less than input" (n ideal case input is equal to the out put" b' Two coils of transformer are magnetically linked, the change of flu) through one coil is linked with the other coil and thus emf is produced" Q#1= When the primary of a transformer is connected to a"c mains the current in it0 a2 is ver$ s4all if the secondar$ circuit is open 0/ut0 /2 8ncreases %hen the secondar$ circuit is closed .e@plain these facts. Ans#1= a' (f the secondary circuit is open, then out power will be zero "because out put power always les than input power "therefore very small value of current is being drawn by a primary coil of transformer a"c main" b' When the secondary circuit is closed, the out power will be increase therefore the transformer will draw a large current from the a"c mains to increase the primary power"

Prepared By 7690026

Asif Rasheed BS(Hons) Physics



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