Short Story Rubric

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Name: _______________________________________

Short Story Project

3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D)

Hour: ___________

4 (A)
*No obvious grammatical errors. *No mechanical errors (punctuation, capitalization) *Properly used dialogue

0 (F)

Mechanics / Grammar, Dialogue

*No obvious grammatical errors. *1-2 mechanical errors (punctuation, capitalization) *Properly used dialogue

*Grammatical errors *No obvious grammatical interfere with the meaning of *Grammatical errors errors. the story 1-2 times interfere with the meaning of *3-4 mechanical errors *5-6 mechanical errors the story 3 or more times (punctuation, (punctuation, *7+ mechanical errors capitalization) capitalization) (punctuation, *Dialogue: Quotations used, *Dialogue: Quotations used, capitalization) but missing either new line or but no new line or *No Dialogue attempted indentation indentation

*All 5 stages of plot are present: Plot Development Exposition (Characters, *1 stage of plot is missing or *2 stages of plot are missing *3 stages of plot are missing and Sequence of Setting and Conflict), Rising incomplete or incomplete or incomplete Events Action, Climax, Falling Action and Resolution *Does not change point of view during the story. *Detailed and vivid physical Characterization description of characters. and Point of View *Reader can understand the personality and thoughts of the main character(s). Foreshadow / *Flashback AND foreshadow Flashback, included in the story. Character Speech *All 4 methods of / Thoughts & characterization used Actions *Specific Method(s) Noted *Point of View is unclear in parts of the story. *Physical description of characters. *Readers are familiar with the personality of the character(s) *Flashback AND foreshadow included in the story. *3 methods of characterization used *Specific Method(s) unknown *Point of View is unclear in majority of the story. *Brief physical description of the character(s) *Readers know minimal information about the character(s)

*4-5 stages of plot are missing or incomplete

*Point of View is unclear throughout entire story *Unclear description of the character(s)

*Changed Point of View During the story. *No Physical description of characters *Readers may be confused about character traits

*Flashback OR foreshadow *Obvious attempt to include included in the story (but not flashback / foreshadow, but both) *2 incorrectly done methods of characterization *1 method of used characterization used

*No flashback / foreshadow *No methods of characterization used

*Quiz is incomplete (only 6Quiz (Implicit and *Quiz includes 7 explicit, and 9 questions done), or does Explicit Questions) 3 implicit questions not include the right number of implicit / explicit questions *On time rough draft *On time final draft *On time rough draft *Used class time effectively *On time final draft every day and did not have *Used class time effectively to rush any part of the writing on most days process (may have worked on it at home)

*Quiz is incomplete (only 3-5 questions done)

*Quiz is incomplete (only 1-2 questions done)

*No attempt at creating a quiz

The Writing Process and Time Management

*On time rough draft *On time final draft *Used class time effectively on most days

*Either rough draft or final draft were late *Did not use class time effectively

*Late rough draft *Late final draft *Did not participate during scheduled class time for project

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