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Running head: NAME OF PAPER

Name of Paper Students name Rio Salado College

Research Methods oseph !o"erna# M$A$ Spring %&11 Abstract

NAME OF PAPER Onl' include this section in the midterm and final$ (his part is not re)uired for assignments$


Name of Paper (imes Ne+ Roman is the traditional font for APA format and use a si,e 1%$ (he +hole paper is dou"le spaced# and dont add a space "et+een paragraphs$ - ha.e found it con.enient to change 'our default settings in /ord$ - ma0e (imes Ne+ Roman and 1% point font as m' default under the Font settings$ 1nder the Paragraph settings set dou"le space as the default and chec0 the "o2 to not add a space "et+een paragraphs$ - 0no+ this can "e .er' pic0' and frustrating# "ut if 'ou plan on continuing ta0ing ps'cholog' courses in higher education then the earlier 'ou learn APA the easier it +ill "e$ For the la" assignments this is most li0el' the onl' section 'ou +ill ha.e unless it is appropriate for the follo+ing sections to "e included$ For the midterm and the final then the follo+ing sections are re)uired$ Method Results Discussion

NAME OF PAPER Reference(s) Author# A$# A$ 4'ear5$ (itle of the article$ Title of the Journal, Volume number4-ssue num"er5# Pages$ Author# A$# A$# 6 Author# 7$ 7$ 4'ear5$ (itle of the article$ Title of the Journal, Volume number4-ssue num"er5# Pages$ Author# A$# A$# Author# 7$ 7$# 6 Author# C$ C$ 4'ear5$ (itle of the article$ Title of the Journal, Volume number4-ssue num"er5# Pages$

(he references are in alpha"etical order of the author$ /hen the same author is used for multiple sources# then sort "' 'ear$

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