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News from

Interim Mayor Todd Gloria

City of San Diego
For immediate release: November 8, 2013 Contact: Katie Keach, 619-235-5268

Citys Payment to SDCERS to Increase by Approximately $12 Million Interim Mayor Gloria Comments on the Impacts of Todays Vote
SAN DIEGO, CA (November 8, 2013) Interim Mayor Todd Gloria today commented on the decision of the Board of the San Diego City Employees Retirement System (SDCERS) to approve a new discount rate of 7.25%. The Citys payment to SDCERS will increase by approximately $12 million. While the decision reduces risk for SDCERS, I would have preferred having those funds for needed neighborhood services, said Interim Mayor Gloria. I will factor this reality into the Five-Year Financial Outlook, which I will release on November 14. The rate change increases the Citys Annual Required Contribution by about $14 million. After factoring in inflation and savings from the five year labor contracts, the net impact will be an increased payment by the City of approximately $12 million. ###

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