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Sharifa McLeod |Grade 95 |English Literature| People Paper Continued from Front page Man persons &ere in dis'elief.

(ne man said# ))Me does not *no& &hat *ind of reason +ichard a,e to ta*e up gun and shoot his self# me did thought that once ou rich ou can-t not a,e tings 'oddering ou.. | Saturda !ugust "# $%%9

Mrs. Coleman |Profile Feature

Featured Profile/ +ichard Cor Richard Princeton Cor

&as 'orn to Mr. and Mrs. +ichard Cor on $" 0o,em'er "91%. 2e attended St. 3heresa Preparator School and passed his Common Entrance e4amination. 2e attended 2illel 2igh School. 2e studied medicine and mass communication at the (4ford 5ni,ersit . +ichard &as last emplo ed to !ndre&s Memorial 2ospital and People Paper in St. !ndre&. +ichard &as
People Paper &ishes to e4press condolences to the famil and friends of +ichard Cor .

Matric* Poul had 'een sentenced to $5 ears 'ehind 'ars for manslaughter# $ ear for the possession of mari6uana and "5 ears for possession of a large 7uantit of cocaine. 3he sentences &ill run concurrent. Matric* faces a minimum time in prison of $5 ears8 ho&e,er time can 'e &ithdra&n for good 'eha,ior.

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