Introductory Letter

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Cassidy Peplinskie

4802 Old Mill Rd., Toronto ON 647-444-5512

November 6, 2013 Hans Kreder 2075 Bayview Ave Toronto, ON M4N 3M5

Dear Dr. Kreder,

Hello, my name is Cassidy Peplinskie, I am a Registered Massage Therapist and I have recently moved my practice into the area. I am looking to make acquaintance and establish a professional relationship with a few quality health care practitioners nearby for referral purposes. Having a network of knowledgable and trustworthy practitioners is benecial to all involved, even extended so far as to have the opportunity to share advice and feedback when necessary. I am a graduate of the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, and I have taken great pleasure in treating and establishing relationships with my patients for two years. I have just recently acquired a facility in which to manage my own practice, and I am very excited to have my own clinic join the network of Health Care businesses in this area. As a Registered Massage Therapist, I have established a Philosophy of Care for my own use, stating that I am dedicated to upholding the fundamental values of my profession. These values include understanding and empathy; two abilities that allow me to create an intimate therapeutic relationship with my patients that emphasizes their care and involvement in treatment. I also strive to do everything in my power to promote healthy living and to inform my patients on how to take care of themselves, this includes ensuring that I also live a healthy lifestyle so as to create a good example for my patients to follow. The last aspect in my Philosophy of Care is knowledge. Without a full and in-depth knowledge of the human body and all its systems and functions, I would not be able to effectively treat those who seek aid. To ensure that I have a current and comprehensive knowledge base available to me, I am always participating in continuing education opportunities and seeking out new and innovative ideas and theories on the workings and treatment of the human body. In my clinic, I am familiar with many different modalities of care that are within my professions Scope of Practice, including Joint Mobilizations; the passive and therapist assisted movements of various joints to facilitate range of motion, Lymph Drainage

techniques; the return of lymph uid into circulation and decongesting of areas of inammation, Myofascial Release; techniques involving manual manipulation of fascia and connective tissue to release adhesions and promote movement and glide, Remedial Exercise; for the purpose of patient home care and rehabilitation of affected muscles, and Trigger Point therapy; the release of isolated points of contractile tissue that has become stuck in a contraction, leading to pain and decreased movement. These modalities, and many more, allow me to treat a large range of conditions and to help many patients in the alleviation of pain and re-establishment of movement. My personal work space and the atmosphere I strive to maintain within my clinic is aimed towards open, friendly interaction with both patients and other health care professionals. I welcome any new patients and treat all with respect, understanding, and compassion. I will always do everything in my power to treat any condition presented to me, but I also realize that there are times when I will need to refer out to a more specialized practitioner. My policy of welcome of course applies to fellow health care practitioners as well, and I look forward to coming to know those in the area. I am at my practice located at 4802 Old Mill Rd from 8:00 until 6:30 Monday to Friday, as well as Saturdays from 9:00 until 5:30. My email is, and you may reach me with my home phone number 647-444-5512. I look forward to meeting with you. Sincerely, Cassidy Peplinskie (RMT)

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