Approved Advertisement-PGTP-2014

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KINPOE (KARACHI) AND CHASCENT (MIANWALI) A progressive public sector organization offers an excellent training opportunity for engineers in one year Post
Graduate Training Program (PGTP) in Nuclear Technolog at Karach! In"#!#u#e o$ Po%er Eng!neer!ng (KINPOE), Karach! and CHASN&PP Cen#re o$ Nuclear Tra!n!ng (CHASCENT)' M!an%al! simultaneously. The program will include three semesters of class room teaching, lab work and on the !ob training. Passing in all three semesters is re"uired for successful completion of training. #n completion of training, the graduates will likely be absorbed in the organization. Admission in PGTP will be on merit, based on performance in written test and interview. The course is expected to begin in A(r!l' )*+,.


ELIGIBILIT.All Pakistani $ationals fulfilling the criteria can apply. %andidates having &' (&.)c. engineering degree in any of the following disciplines with first class academic career *at least +,- marks.. /owever one 0nd division is allowed except in the final degree. 1n case of semester system, minimum %GPA 0.2 on 3 point scale or e"uivalent in the final degree is re"uired. 4. %hemical 2. %ivil 0. 'lectrical *Power. +. 6etallurgy( 6aterial 5. 'lectronics 3. 6echanical

The graduate degree must be recognized by Pakistan 'ngineering %ouncil. %andidates expecting completion of their degree re"uirements by A(r!l' )*+, may also apply. Age limit/ )0 ear" as on Oc#o1er )2' )*+27epartmental candidates have to apply through proper channel.


3INANCIAL STIPEND AND 3ACILITIES D&RING ST&DIES A stipend of 8s. 02,,,,( per month. 9ree bachelors hostel accommodation for ou#"#a#!on #ra!nee", sub!ect to availability. 9ree 1ndoor medical treatment and pick : drop transport facility.


CAREER A3TER COMPLETION O3 TRAINING Appointment as ;unior 'ngineer in )P) < *8s. 0,2,, 40,, 332,,., with two advance increments and admissible allowances as per rules. 'ligibility for promotion to )enior 'ngineer after four years of service. )elected Trainees will pledge a bond to serve the organization for a period of five years after completion of their training. 1n case, the trainee opts not to !oin, he will have to pay back the incurred expenditure as calculated by the organization. #n successful completion of training, most of the graduates are likely to be posted in =arachi.

#nly the candidates who fulfill prescribed eligibility criteria may apply. %andidature of those who do not fulfill the re"uirements and apply for any of above positions, may be cancelled at any stage during the process of selection or subse"uently and no claim whatsoever will be acceptable during and after selection. This office does not accept any liability for late delivery or loss of any letter. >ou are advised to keep checking our website for update information.


HOW TO APPL. Application Form and Admit Card may be downloaded from =1$P#' website %%%-5!n(oe-e6u-(5Application 9orm and Admit %ard duly completed along with two self addressed envelopes affixed with postal stamps of 8s. 0,( each and a &ank 7raft(Pay #rder of 8s. 4,,,( in favor of KINPOE' KAN&PP' Karach! as application processing fee *non refundable. must reach the following address not later than Oc#o1er )2' )*+2. The bank draft may be obtained preferably from any branch of the $ational &ank of Pakistan and payable at $&P, =A$?PP &ranch =arachi *%ode ,420.. Addresses of the test centers will be sent with the Admit %ard and can also be seen at =1$P#' website. Please keep visiting =1$P#' website for any change or additional information regarding this program.

Su18!""!on Dea6l!ne Oc#o1er )2' )*+2' (We6ne"6a ) A68!""!on Te"# Dece81er *:' )*+2 (Sun6a )
. @ritten Tests and interviews are expected to start in ma!or cities of Pakistan in ;une 0,,<

Hea6' 7o!n# A68!""!on Cell

Karach! In"#!#u#e o$ Po%er Eng!neer!ng (KINPOE)' KAN&PP P-O- Bo9 2+:2' Ha%5"1a Roa6' Para6!"e Po!n# Karach!

Ph/ *)+;<<)*0*+*

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