Ubject Iscussion Ction: Call To Order-Michelle Lane, President Public Comment and Announcement

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Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of Wednesday, August 7, 2013 1:00 p.m.

. City Center 5 Star Conference Center - 500 12th Street Present: Michelle Lane, Sara May, Martin Ward, Jesse Nelson, Ke Norman, Anagha Clifford, David Weltin, Karissa Obeso, Keira Williams

Excused Absence: Bill Doak, Joe Gallardo, Drew McGowan, Aliza Gallo Staff: Steve Snider/District Manager, Andrew Jones/District Services Coordinator, Victoria Decker/Office Manager, Fiona Simms/Administrative Assistant Nancy Amaral/Gallen.Neilly & Associates Kim Bardakian

PR Consultants: Guests:

Discussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors

Call to order- Michelle Lane, President Public comment and announcement

Michelle Lane called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. and introductions were made. Karissa announced that CBRE is selling their City Center properties and updated the board on the status of the sales. Jesse announced that Umami Burger has opened at Center 21. Kim mentioned that the new Visit Oakland office and visitors center is open in Jack London and the ribbon cutting ceremony will be held on September 12th. She also reported that Visit Oakland has a new mobile visitors center branded by Oaklandish that will be attending events and festivals all over the East Bay. Tori reported that Michael McGuire has informed staff that he is stepping down from the board and would like the CCIG board seat to pass to Damian Fink. The minutes of May 01, 2013 meeting were presented for review.


Approval of the minutes of May 01, 2013

Keira moved and Ke seconded the motion to approve the minutes of May 01, 2013 as presented. The motion was


388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 Phone 510.238.1122 Fax 510.452.4530 info@downtownoakland.org www.downtownoakland.org

approved unanimously. Financial report - Inclusion of assessment increase in annual report Tori explained that our total income YTD is $976,257.90, less the remaining reserve of $43,813.83 leaves total cash available of $928,257.90. DISI expenses to date total $30,866.57 SOBO expenses to date total $347,704.34, and ORG expenses to date total $129,103.59. Our total cash remaining is $420,583.40. Tori reported that our annual report is due to the City of Oakland by September 1st and must include a proposed 2014 budget and any request for an assessment increase, if one is desired. Tori presented a draft 2014 budget for review as well as a 2015 budget comparison spreadsheet to illustrate the potential loss in services if income were to remain unchanged. It was explained that the Organization Committee has reviewed the issue and has recommended that the DOA pursue a 5% assessment increase. There was much discussion about the effects of an assessment increase on service levels and on the property owners. It was noted that we have only increased the assessment once before. Spread out over the full 7 years of assessment collection, we have increased the assessment an approximate average of 1.4% per year. Andrew reported that the 1st site of the CCTV program has been installed at 1330 Broadway. He discussed the status of the other sites as well as the general operation and use of the system. He noted that so far there has been positive response from OPD. Andrew announced that the Latham Square soft opening is scheduled for August 16th. He explained the pilot program and that the CBDs are working with the City of Oakland and popuphood to curate vendors and events for the space. On behalf of the City of Oakland, Keira thanked the DOA and staff for the help and support. Staff mentioned that De Lauers has agreed to limit their hours of operation to 4:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. with the condition that the property owner installs a security gate. The city does not want a security gate because of its effect on the streetscape. Andrew noted that he has seen the owners of De Lauers putting in more effort, removing old posters and are actively maintaining the front of their space. Steve reported that the DISI committee sponsored the Art & Soul festival which was overall a successful event. He also reported that staff will be sending out the Annual Report along with a stakeholder survey. Steve noted that the focus of DISI for the rest of the year will be branding, programming, and promoting Latham Square as well as Plaid Friday and a holiday Martin moved and Michelle seconded the motion to approve the financial report. The motion was approved unanimously. Martin moved and David seconded the motion to request an assessment increase of 5% to be implemented in the 2014-2015 tax year. The motion was approved unanimously.

SOBO Updates Andrew Jones

No action taken.

DISI Updates Steve Snider - Gallen.Neilly & Associates report

No action taken.

shopping campaign. Nancy highlighted the press releases that were recently sent out and the PR around Latham Square. She also mentioned that they have received several calls regarding the Trayvon Martin case, to which they responded No comment. She mentioned that they have developed an online calendar that will track annual events and editorial deadlines. She updated the Board about the PR Task force and the IDA award submission. She noted that they are planning on hosting a PR Task Force meeting in September which will be followed by a New Businesses in the District press release. Staff presented the Graphic Identity program to the Board. He reported that this program will inform the website, new banners, business cards and stationary. The DISI committee has reviewed the program and has recommended that the board approve the program. Was noted that this identity program will not affect the Ambassador uniforms. This identity program is designed to streamline joint district branding, messaging, and communications. Kim noted that Visit Oakland is in the process of rebranding Oakland as a destination. The board reviewed the purpose statements and gave their feedback. Since all suggested edits were minor and grammar related, staff suggested that the board email their edits to the CBD office.

Adoption of Graphic Identity Program

Keira moved and Anagha seconded the motion to adopt the graphic identity program. The motion was approved unanimously.

Approval of committee purpose statements a. Organization committee b. SOBO committee c. DISI committee

Status of Frank Ogawa Plaza safety proposal

Other Next Meeting Adjournment

Andrew explained that the City of Oakland approached the districts and requested that we submit a proposal for the expansion of the safety Ambassador program into Frank Ogawa Plaza. Board presidents and staff have submitted a proposal for a 3 month trial that includes three additional safety ambassadors who would patrol the plaza from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. under the current Ambassador management, funded by the city. The proposal also includes specific requirements related to cooperation with the Oakland police department. It was noted that the Ambassadors would patrol outdoors only, and would not be providing security services to the buildings. There was discussion of the legalities of the program. Kim announced that September 9th is the beginning of Oakland Raiders Week. October 2, 2013 Nominations meeting The meeting was adjourned at 2:36 p.m.

Keira moved and Sara seconded the motion to approve the committee purpose statements with minor grammatical edits. The motion was approved unanimously. No action taken.

Minutes taken by: Fiona Simms, Administrative Assistant

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