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Wireless - any kind of connection that doesn't need wires to exist (Bluetooth, Internet and such) Bluetooth - the

name is not important, what is important is that it connects cellphones, computers, headsets, using a radio frequency !"#$ca%le$dial up - kinds of Internet access "martphone - a cellphone with Internet connection and with the a%ility to open apps pps - application programs that ha&e a specific purpose 'mail - electronic mail, an e&olution of the normal letter, usually called (snail mail( nowadays )ote%ook $ laptop - a porta%le computer *ariations - net%ook+ a note%ook that didn't ha&e a hard dri&e, originally, -hen it changed to a smaller and more porta%le computer, .ltra%ook - a laptop with an ssd hard dri&e "sd$hd - hard dri&es work &ia magnetism, ssds use flash memory /lash memory - a faster and smaller way to store data, /lash dri&e - the famous (pen dri&es( -ethering - a way of sharing Internet from your smartphone to other smartphones$computers

Internet 0$0 intranet Internet is what connects you to the famous world wide We%, whereas the intranet is exclusi&e for those who need access to it, (work related, usually)

1ey%oard, mouse, 23., monitor (screen) "creen sa&er, operating system, files,,,

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