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N " # SIMPLE PAST $ REGULAR a) Read the paragraph. The %&& ERBS

Last Wednesday we (decide) to visit the zoo. We ( arrive) the next morning after we ( breakfast), (cash) in our passes and (enter). We (walk) toward the first exhibits. I (look) up at a giraffe as it (stare) back at me. I (step) nervously to the next area. (laze) in the shade while the others (nap). ne of the lions ( gaze) at me as he ne of my friends first (knock) then (bang) on the

tempered glass in front of the monkey!s cage. "hey ( howl) and (scream) at us as we (hurry) to another exhibit where we (stop) and (gawk) at plumed birds. #fter we (rest), we (head) for the petting zoo where we (pet) wooly sheep who only (glance) at us but the goats (butt) each other and (nip) our clothes when we (venture) too near their (close) pen. Later, our (tire) group (nudge) their way through the crowded paths and exited the ( turnstile) gate. (jerk) and (sway) as we (doze) during the relaxed ride home.
b) Rewrite the paragraph before and put the verbs in the past.

ur car (bump),

c) Place the meaning of the verbs. REGULAR VER ! "E#$"E% ARR$VE% REA')A!(% #A!*% E+(ER% &AL' L,,'% !(ARE% !(EP% GA-E% LA-E% +AP% '+,#'% A+G% *,&L% !#REA.% *URR0% !(,P% GA&'% RE!(% *EA"% PE(% GLA+#E% U((% +$P% VE+(URE% #L,!E% ($RE% +U"GE% (UR+!($LE% U.P% /ER'% !&A0% ",-E%

d) Answer these 2uestions. 1) &hat did we decide3 last &ednesda45 6) &hen did we arrive to the -oo5 7) &hat did $ loo85 &hen5 9) &here did $ step5 And *ow did $ feel5 :) &hat happened to one of m4 friends5 ;) &ho ga<ed at me5 =) &here was the tempered glass5 >) &hat happened with our car5 ?) &hat did we do during the ride home5 1@) &ho nipped our clothes5 And &h45 e) &rite all the answers in negative form. 1) 6) 7) 9) :) ;) =) >) ?) 1@)

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