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SUNY CORTLAND MOTOR DEVELOPMENT LAB Spring 2012 Dr. Davis Locomotor Lab Two Name: ________________Kyle J.

. Shea________________ Date: ____3/10/12__________ Lab Group Day and #: ____Thursday____

Tasks A. To observe the interaction between Cortland students and CHAMP students. B. Locomotor Skills Assessment TGMD 2 Worksheet. TASK A OBSERVATION/REFLECTION Observe the interaction between CHAMP students and Cortland students. 1. Observe the CHAMP student(s) as they participate in the activities. Describe the variability of the movement patterns you observed. Be sure to note differences in age, gender, or ability as it pertains to their ability to demonstrate the motor skills. Please focus on locomotor skills (Run, Gallop, Hop) from rudimentary to specialized (initial to mature) movement patterns. Explain WHY you think some students move better than others. During Champ there are an incredible amount of varying abilities between children, and not all of them have to do with age or gender. According to Gallahue and Donnnelly (G & D) the initial stage should finish around age two and the mature age is from 6-7. After that we have the specialized movement phase. Each child seems to be in their own section of these stages. In the Text book it says that running should be at a mature run by five years old and that their speed should increase as well. I have noticed some younger children who do not run at a mature level but are older than five years old. Take XXXX, from the week camp, he is 12 years old but still has a tough time when it comes to showing the fundamentals of running. On the other hand you have children at CHAMP like xxxx who show the mature running patterns at the age of 10 or 11. With galloping (G&D) states that the children should be mature by the age of 6. But I have noticed that a lot of children have trouble with galloping. Such as xxxxxx who is 12. He is not the best when it comes to galloping. He shows the elementary steps judging by the text book where he isnt looking like it is smooth but the steps are there. Hopping is a different story; it is a lot more steps so the children tend to be more spread out. The mature children such as xxxxx are heading towards specialized using the chart on page 39. He has been maturing at a fast rate and is coming close to a specialized movement phase. I dont believe that gender has a lot to do with it at this age because I see some girls who are more athletic than boys older than them. I think that some children move better than others because of past experiences. We learn physical locomotor skills by doing them, not learning them in a classroom. I am a strong believer that a child needs to move to learn.

2. Describe the effective teaching strategies that you observed. What were they? How were they used? What was the effect? Were there any strategies that were more effective than others? If so, why? One thing that I noticed that Janice does is organizing the learning environment. According to G & D, this important process is to assume responsibility of making sure the play area is clear and free of dangers. If an activity involves the side lines she makes sure to move the nets out of the way to keep the children safe. I also saw how she made sure to explain the boundaries in every single round to make sure that the children knew where they could and couldnt run. This was extremely effective and every round she would bring the children in and tell them the boundaries. The children knew where they could or could not run. This is one of the more effective strategies I have seen, bringing them in, in-between rounds to help them understand what is going on. The last strategy I saw that was super effective is telling the students exactly what is expected of them. Janice is perfect when it comes to this strategy, she has it down. She brings them in and the minute someone does something wrong she goes over her expectations of the students. These kids really seem to understand what is going on and the whole class understands what they need to do to have more play time. This is possibly the most effective strategy I have ever seen.

Pledge: On my honor, I have not given or received aid on this assignment. X __________________________________ Student Signature


TGMD-2: Test for Gross Motor Development- Second Edition- Revised: Observe minimum of 2 students doing the following locomotor skills. Assess their abilities using the TGMD 2 performance criteria as outlined below. Be sure to only check off the criteria if it was observed. Name of Students (first names only):___Owen_____/__Cayden_____Grades:__5___/__4___Ages: __12___/___9Genders: _M___/__F___ Skill 1. Run Materials Use a clear space Directions During a game or activity, watch a student run. They may not run as fast as they can or for a long period of time due to space but do your best. 4. 2. Gallop Use a clear space During a game or activity, watch a student gallop. Tell the student to gallop leading with one foot and then the other. 1. Performance Criteria Brief period where both feet are off the ground. 2. 3. Arms in opposition to legs, elbow bent. Child 1 X Child 2 X X X

Foot placement near or on a line (not flat footed).

Nonsupport leg bent approximately 90 degrees (close to buttocks). X X X X X

1. A step forward with the lead foot followed by a step with the trailing foot to a position adjacent to or behind the lead foot. 2. Brief period where both feet are off the ground. 3. Arms bent and lifted to waist level. 4. Able to lead with the right and left foot.

3. Hop

Use a clear space

During a game or activity, watch a student hop. Ask the student to hop first on one foot and then on the other foot.

1. Foot for nonsupport leg is bent and carried in back of the body. 2. Nonsupport leg swings in pendular fashion to produce force. 3. Arms bent at elbows and swing forward on take off. 4. Able to hop on the right and left foot.


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