Abnormal CTG MX

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Abnormal CTG Mx

Prepared & Presented by Shahril

Brief Hx
A client Pn Faezah Mat Nasir, a 25 yo Malay lady who works as a Pen Peg Pembantu Tadbir, currently at 38w+3d POA, G1P0 She is sure of her LNMP 30/09/10. She did her 1st scan at 12w and EDD is at 07/07/11. She has been admitted 26/06/11 with the complain of contraction since the morning of admission, contraction 2:10 minutes, 20s

Brief Hx Cont.
Uneventful ANC Besides that she also didnt suffer any chronic disease such as HPT, DM asthma Past Obstetric Hx Nil since she is primigravida Currently client is well, comfortably lying on her left lateral side, VS stable, afebrile Os opening: 4cm

Baseline FHR: 120 bpm Baseline variability: presence Acceleration: presence Deceleration: presence (type 1) Contraction: 4 in 10 minutes Impression: persistent deceleration type 1 Os opening: 4cm


Baseline FHR: 170 bpm Baseline variability: presence Acceleration: absence Deceleration: presence Contraction: absence Impression: unprovoked deceleration Os opening: 3cm


Baseline FHR: 140 bpm Baseline variability: presence Acceleration: presence Deceleration: presence (type 1) Contraction: 4 in 10 minutes Impression: worsening deceleration Os opening: 5cm


Baseline FHR: 130 bpm Baseline variability: presence Acceleration: presence Deceleration: absence Contraction: 1 in 10 minutes Impression: reassuring CTG Os opening: 2cm POA: 40w+3d


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