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Date: 14th November 2013 Mrs Diba Shahida Banu House-112, Road-15, Dhanmondi Dha a-1205 Dear Sir,

!han s "or bein# a suit in our $ro%e&t R'D S(N) *t is our immense $+easure "or ,our interest on our studio a$artment &om$+e- at o+ato+i, .o-/s Ba0ar) 1or ,our ind in"ormation that 2e have a+read, started our &onstru&tion 2or &om$+eted u$ to 11th "+oor) !hou#ht"u++, detai+ $+annin# and &are"u+ desi#n has been im$+emented u$on the $ro%e&t to suit the desire metro$o+itan +i"est,+e) * thin ,ou no2 the mar et rate o" a++ shorts o" &onstru&tion materia+s are risin# due to nationa+ bud#et in severa+ time) *n su&h &ondition as $er &onta&t made bet2een ,ou and our &om$an, is in need to e-$edite im$ossib+e the 2or &om$+ete it in time and to hand over to ,ou du++, it re3uires $rom$t "inan&ia+ su$$ort "rom our honorab+e a$artment o2ners) !hat/s "or 2e 2i++ hi#h+, re3uest ,ou to $a, ,our s&hedu+e insta++ment and due 4*" an,5 2ithin "irst 2ee o" ever, month) 1or "urther in"ormation, $+ease do not hesitate to &a++ us) 6e 2ou+d a$$re&iate ,our #ra&e"u+ &ommuni&ation 2ith our head o""i&e) 6e e-$e&t ,our hard "u++ &o-o$eration and serve ,ou best) !han s 2ith re#ards 7our "aith"u+

Haitan/s 8ro$erties 9imited

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