Lesson 1

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Lesson 1.

Lets talk Polish Counting: 1- Jeden 2- Dwa 3- Trzy 4- Cztery 5- Pi 6- Sze 7- Siedem 8- Osiem 9- Dziewi 10- Dziesi 11- Jedenacie 12- Dwanacie 20- Dwadziecia 30- Trzydzieci 40- Czterdzieci 50- Pidziesit 60- Szedziesit 70- Siedemdziesit 80- Osiemdziesit 90- Dziewidziesit 100- Sto

In Polish, to create name of a figure, we have to add to prime numbers ending nacie(when we want to make numbers from 11 till 19). For 20 through 99, counting is almost just like in English: the ten word (twenty, thirty, forty, etc.) followed by the ones word. For example: 51- Pidziesit jeden 87- Osiemdziesit siedem

Fruits in Polish: * Pineapple- Ananas * Watermelon- Arbuz * Lemon- Cytryna * Pear- Gruszka * Apple- Jabko * Raspberry- Malina * Apricot- Morela * Orange- Pomaracza * Strawberry- Truskawka * Banana- Banan Good luck!
If you dont know how to pronounce numbers look here and listen to its pronunciation.

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