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Office notice

: 05.05.12 Haitans Properties Ltd. 158 (3rd Floor), L Date a e !irc"s, #ola$a%an, D&an'ondi ( D&a a.

)"$: Holida* of +"dd&a P"rni'a

)ir, ,&is is to infor' *o" t&at, O"r office -ill $e closed on t&at Dae: 0..05.12 ()"n Da*) $eca"se of +"dd&a P"rni'a and o"r office -ill $e re(open on t&at date: 0/.05.12 (0onda*).

,&an s For

#ar"na Pal. 1cco"nts officer !.! 1ll ot&er e'plo*ees

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