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Les mots en gras sont ceux lenregistrement.

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What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ? (a Charter),

It is an official document a

Universal declaration adopted by the UN (United

Nations) General Assembly. It consists of 3 articles which state (indiquer/declarer) the !asic rights and

fundamental freedoms to which all human !eings (tres humains) are entitled ) simply because theyre human.

avoir droit

Who wrote it ?

It was written

by many nations

under the su"ervision of #leanor Roosevelt (U A) .

Who si!ned it ?

It was si!ned by all nations.

Where and when did they si!n it ?

"he Declaration

was signed (ado"ted) at #alais de $haillot in #aris on Decem!er $ % $&'(, % years after the )econd



Where is it?

It is at the United Nations in &ew 'or(


What is it done with it ? fundamental

It is a document which for ever,one. It to


human rights

is to ma(e sure that (s assurer que ) ever,one and are respected.

Human rights a""l,

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