Iit Bombay (Sjmsom) Iit Delhi Dms (Department of Management Studies), Iit Delhi Iit Kanpur Iit Kharagpur Vgsom Iit Madras Iit Roorkee

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The Joint Management Entrance Test (JMET) is the first step in the process of seeking admission to the 2-Year

full time Post-Graduate Degree Programs in Management offered by the Ts ! "c# $urrently "c %angalore& T %ombay ("'M"oM)& T Delhi (DM" (Department of Management "tudies)& T Delhi)& T (anpur& T (haragpur ()G"oM)& T Madras and T *oorkee are offering such Programs in Management# The Ts and "c use the results of 'M+T to short-list the candidates for subse,uent part of the selection process# 'M+T is only a ,ualifying e-amination to seek admission# t is not mandatory that all candidates .ho are declared as ,ualified .ill be called for Group Discussion / nter0ie. etc# $alling the candidates for such later process of selection is the prerogati0e of the admitting nstitute# The e-am is an aptitude test conducted by each one of the T1s in a rotation policy# The e-am tests the candidate1s kno.ledge of mathematics& data interpretation& logical reasoning and +nglish usage# The test is conducted annually in the month of December& and comprises ,uestions in multiple choice format# 2rom 2334 on.ards sectional cut-offs ha0e been introduced# $andidates clearing all the 5 sectional cut-offs recei0e an 6ll ndia *ank (6 *)# The GD/P calls are gi0en out on basis of a candidates 6 * and o0erall profile .hich includes past academics& e-tra-curriculars and .ork e-perience# 'M+T 2337 The ,uestion paper consisted of four sections and 823 ,uestions# +ach correct ans.er carried one mark each and each .rong ans.er attracted a penalty of 3#29 marks# The duration of the e-am .as : hours& Time ; 83;33 to 8:;33 hours# The four sections include and the number of ,uestions are; Section number 8 2 : 5 Name of Section <ogical *easoning =uantitati0e 6bility Data nterpretation Number of questions :3 :3 :3

)erbal $ommunication :3

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